// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation // // Implementation of IConfigureYourServer::IsDhcpConfigured // // 20 Apr 2000 sburns // 06 Feb 2001 jeffjon Copied from CYS HTA sources for use with CYS win32 sources #include "pch.h" // make sure the DLLs for all these APIs are present with base install. // if not, then need to wrap usage in load-lib calls // // DhcpLeaseIpAddress DHCPCSVC ok // DhcpReleaseIpAddressLease DHCPCSVC ok // DhcpDsInitDS DSAUTH ok // DhcpAddServerDS DSAUTH ok // DhcpDsCleanupDS DSAUTH ok // DhcpGetAllOptions DHCPSAPI ok // DhcpRpcFreeMemory DHCPSAPI ok // DhcpEnumSubnets DHCPSAPI ok // DhcpEnumMscopes DHCPSAPI ok String GetIpAddress() { LOG_FUNCTION(GetIpAddress); String result; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BYTE* buf = 0; do { // first, determine the size of the table ULONG tableSize = 0; DWORD err = ::GetIpAddrTable(0, &tableSize, FALSE); if (err != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { LOG(L"GetIpAddrTable for table size failed"); LOG_HRESULT(Win32ToHresult(err)); break; } // allocate space for the table. buf = new BYTE[tableSize + 1]; memset(buf, 0, tableSize + 1); PMIB_IPADDRTABLE table = reinterpret_cast(buf); LOG(L"Calling GetIpAddrTable"); hr = Win32ToHresult( ::GetIpAddrTable( table, &tableSize, FALSE)); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT2(hr, L"GetIpAddrTable failed"); LOG(String::format(L"dwNumEntries: %1!d!", table->dwNumEntries)); for (int i = 0; i < table->dwNumEntries; ++i) { DWORD addr = table->table[i].dwAddr; LOG(String::format(L"entry %1!d!", i)); LOG(String::format( L"dwAddr %1!X! (%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!.%5!d!)", addr, ((BYTE*)&addr)[0], ((BYTE*)&addr)[1], ((BYTE*)&addr)[2], ((BYTE*)&addr)[3])); // skip loopback, etc. if ( INADDR_ANY == addr || INADDR_BROADCAST == addr || INADDR_LOOPBACK == addr || 0x0100007f == addr ) { LOG(L"is loopback/broadcast -- skipping"); continue; } // Exclude MCAST addresses (class D). if ( IN_CLASSA(htonl(addr)) || IN_CLASSB(htonl(addr)) || IN_CLASSC(htonl(addr)) ) { LOG(L"is class A/B/C"); result = String::format( L"%1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!", ((BYTE*)&addr)[0], ((BYTE*)&addr)[1], ((BYTE*)&addr)[2], ((BYTE*)&addr)[3]); break; } LOG(L"not class A/B/C -- skipping"); } } while (0); delete[] buf; LOG(result); LOG_HRESULT(hr); return result; } bool AreDhcpOptionsPresent(const String& ipAddress) { LOG_FUNCTION2(AreDhcpOptionsPresent, ipAddress); ASSERT(!ipAddress.empty()); bool result = false; LPDHCP_ALL_OPTIONS options = 0; do { DWORD err = ::DhcpGetAllOptions( const_cast(ipAddress.c_str()), 0, &options); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG(String::format(L"DhcpGetAllOptions failed with 0x%1!08X!", err)); break; } if (options) { // options are set, so some dhcp configuration was done. result = true; break; } } while (0); if (options) { ::DhcpRpcFreeMemory(options); } LOG_BOOL(result); return result; } bool AreDhcpSubnetsPresent(const String& ipAddress) { LOG_FUNCTION2(AreDhcpSubnetsPresent, ipAddress); ASSERT(!ipAddress.empty()); bool result = false; LPDHCP_IP_ARRAY subnets = 0; do { DHCP_RESUME_HANDLE resume = 0; DWORD unused1 = 0; DWORD unused2 = 0; DWORD err = ::DhcpEnumSubnets( ipAddress.c_str(), &resume, ~(static_cast(0)), &subnets, &unused1, &unused2); if (err == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { // no subnets. break; } if (err != NO_ERROR and err != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { LOG(String::format(L"DhcpEnumSubnets failed with 0x%1!08X!", err)); break; } ASSERT(subnets); result = true; // the resume handle is simply discarded... } while (0); if (subnets) { ::DhcpRpcFreeMemory(subnets); } LOG_BOOL(result); return result; } bool AreDhcpMscopesPresent(const String& ipAddress) { LOG_FUNCTION2(AreDhcpMscopesPresent, ipAddress); ASSERT(!ipAddress.empty()); bool result = false; LPDHCP_MSCOPE_TABLE mscopes = 0; do { DHCP_RESUME_HANDLE resume = 0; DWORD unused1 = 0; DWORD unused2 = 0; DWORD err = ::DhcpEnumMScopes( ipAddress.c_str(), &resume, ~(static_cast(0)), &mscopes, &unused1, &unused2); if (err == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { // no mscopes. break; } if (err != NO_ERROR and err != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { LOG(String::format(L"DhcpEnumMscopes failed with 0x%1!08X!", err)); break; } ASSERT(mscopes); result = true; // the resume handle is simply discarded... } while (0); if (mscopes) { ::DhcpRpcFreeMemory(mscopes); } LOG_BOOL(result); return result; } bool IsDhcpConfigured() { LOG_FUNCTION(IsDhcpConfigured); bool result = false; do { // if any of the following return any results, then we consider dhcp to // have been configured. // // DhcpGetAllOptions retrieves the options configured. // DhcpEnumSubnets retrieves the list of subnets configured. // DhcpEnumMscopes retrieves the list of mscopes configured. String ipAddress = GetIpAddress(); if (ipAddress.empty()) { LOG(L"no ip address"); break; } if (AreDhcpOptionsPresent(ipAddress)) { LOG(L"dchp options found"); result = true; break; } // no options found. go on to next test if (AreDhcpSubnetsPresent(ipAddress)) { LOG(L"dchp subnets found"); result = true; break; } // no subnets found. go on. if (AreDhcpMscopesPresent(ipAddress)) { LOG(L"dchp mscopes found"); result = true; break; } } while (0); LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }