//*************************************************************************** // // PQDE.CPP // // Module: HEALTHMON SERVER AGENT // // Purpose: CPolledQueryDataCollector class to do WMI instance collection. // // Copyright (c)1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // //*************************************************************************** #include "pqde.h" #include "system.h" extern CSystem* g_pSystem; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CPolledQueryDataCollector::CPolledQueryDataCollector() { MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CPolledQueryDataCollector...", 4); m_szQuery = NULL; m_deType = HM_PQDE; m_pEnumObjs = NULL; MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CPolledQueryDataCollector...", 4); } CPolledQueryDataCollector::~CPolledQueryDataCollector() { MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** ~CPolledQueryDataCollector...", 4); if (m_szQuery) delete [] m_szQuery; EnumDone(); MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** ~CPolledQueryDataCollector...", 4); } // // Load a single DataCollector, and everything under it. // HRESULT CPolledQueryDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF(IWbemClassObject* pObj, CDataGroup *pParentDG, LPTSTR pszParentObjPath, BOOL bModifyPass/*FALSE*/) { HRESULT hRetRes = S_OK; int i, iSize; CThreshold* pThreshold; MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CPolledQueryDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF...", 4); iSize = m_thresholdList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize ; i++) { MY_ASSERT(im_bValidLoad == FALSE) return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; // return S_OK; } if (m_szQuery) { delete [] m_szQuery; m_szQuery = NULL; } m_lNumInstancesCollected = 0; // // Call the base class to load the common properties. Then do the specific ones. // hRetRes = CDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF(pObj, pParentDG, pszParentObjPath, bModifyPass); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) return hRetRes; // Get the GUID property hRetRes = GetStrProperty(pObj, L"Query", &m_szQuery); MY_HRESASSERT(hRetRes); if (hRetRes!=S_OK) goto error; MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CPolledQueryDataCollector::LoadInstanceFromMOF...", 4); return S_OK; error: MY_ASSERT(FALSE); m_bValidLoad = FALSE; Cleanup(FALSE); return hRetRes; } BOOL CPolledQueryDataCollector::CollectInstance(void) { HRESULT hRes; BSTR Language; BSTR Query; IWbemClassObject *pObj = NULL; BOOL bRetValue = TRUE; SAFEARRAY *psaNames = NULL; BSTR PropName = NULL; int i, j, iSize, jSize; PNSTRUCT *ppn; INSTSTRUCT *pinst; INSTSTRUCT inst; CThreshold *pThreshold; IRSSTRUCT *pirs; ACTUALINSTSTRUCT *pActualInst; MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CPolledQueryDataCollector::CollectInstance...", 1); m_lNumInstancesCollected = 0; if (m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { m_ulErrorCode = HMRES_BADWMI; GetLatestAgentError(HMRES_BADWMI, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); return FALSE; } // // We get an instance at a time, so we can set all to not needed first, // then go through them, do StoreValues... and delete what is not needed. // // // Mark each instance, so we can tell if we still need them. // iSize = m_pnList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize ; i++) { MY_ASSERT(iinstList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize ; j++) { MY_ASSERT(jinstList.size()); pinst = &ppn->instList[j]; pinst->bNeeded = FALSE; } } // Also for all thresholds under this DataCollector iSize = m_thresholdList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(im_irsList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize; j++) { MY_ASSERT(jm_irsList.size()); pirs = &pThreshold->m_irsList[j]; pirs->bNeeded = FALSE; } } iSize = m_actualInstList.size(); for (i=0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(ibNeeded = FALSE; } // // Submit the query, then get all the instances // Language = SysAllocString(L"WQL"); Query = SysAllocString(m_szQuery); // Issue query m_pEnumObjs = NULL; hRes = m_pIWbemServices->ExecQuery(Language, Query, WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY|WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, m_pContext, &m_pEnumObjs); SysFreeString(Query); SysFreeString(Language); if (hRes != S_OK) { m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); bRetValue = FALSE; MY_HRESASSERT(hRes); MY_OUTPUT2(L"PQDC Unexpected Error: 0x%08x\n",hRes,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"m_szGUID was=%s",m_szGUID,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"m_szQuery was=%s",m_szQuery,4); } else { m_bKeepCollectingSemiSync = TRUE; bRetValue = CollectInstanceSemiSync(); } MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CPolledQueryDataCollector::CollectInstance...", 1); return bRetValue; } BOOL CPolledQueryDataCollector::CollectInstanceSemiSync(void) { HRESULT hRes; IWbemClassObject *apObj[10]; INSTSTRUCT inst; SAFEARRAY *psaNames = NULL; BSTR PropName = NULL; ULONG uReturned = 0; MY_OUTPUT(L"ENTER ***** CPolledQueryDataCollector::CollectInstanceSemiSync...", 1); MY_ASSERT(m_pEnumObjs); // We never want to block here, so we set it for zero second timeout, // and have it return immediatly what it has available. // Get up to 10 instances at a time. hRes = m_pEnumObjs->Next(0, 10, apObj, &uReturned); if (hRes == WBEM_S_TIMEDOUT) { // Get what is there if (!ProcessObjects(uReturned, apObj)) { EnumDone(); return FALSE; } return FALSE; } else if (hRes == WBEM_S_FALSE) { // // Means that we are done. The number returned was less than asked for. // But we still process what we did recieve to finish it off. // Add in a fake instance for the number of instances returned. // if (!ProcessObjects(uReturned, apObj)) { EnumDone(); return FALSE; } else { // NOTE: No instances returned is not an error!!! m_ulErrorCode = 0; StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); //XXXWhy was this here??? m_lCurrState = HM_GOOD; return TRUE; } } else if (hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { // Means that we have an instance, The number returned was what was requested } else { MY_HRESASSERT(hRes); MY_OUTPUT2(L"PQDC Unexpected Error Next: 0x%08x\n",hRes,4); MY_OUTPUT2(L"m_szGUID was=%s",m_szGUID,4); m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_ENUMFAIL, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); return FALSE; } if (apObj[0] == NULL) { // // NULL in this case can actually happen. An example is where the // threshold is to see if the SQL Server service is running. If it // is not even on the machine, then we would get an error looking // for its instance. // m_ulErrorCode = hRes; GetLatestWMIError(HMRES_OBJECTNOTFOUND, hRes, m_szErrorDescription); StoreStandardProperties(); EnumDone(); } else { MY_ASSERT(uReturned>=1); if (!ProcessObjects(uReturned, apObj)) { EnumDone(); return FALSE; } } MY_OUTPUT(L"EXIT ***** CPolledQueryDataCollector::CollectInstanceSemiSync...", 1); return FALSE; } BOOL CPolledQueryDataCollector::ProcessObjects(ULONG uReturned, IWbemClassObject **apObj) { HRESULT hRes; LPTSTR pszID; ULONG n; BOOL bRetValue = TRUE; for (n = 0; n < uReturned; n++) { if (g_pSystem->m_lNumInstancesAccepted Release(); apObj[n] = NULL; } return bRetValue; } BOOL CPolledQueryDataCollector::EnumDone(void) { IRSSTRUCT *pirs; IWbemClassObject *pObj = NULL; BOOL bRetValue = TRUE; PNSTRUCT *ppn; INSTSTRUCT inst; INSTSTRUCT *pinst; int i, j, iSize, jSize; CThreshold *pThreshold; SAFEARRAY *psaNames = NULL; BSTR PropName = NULL; INSTLIST::iterator iaPINST; IRSLIST::iterator iaPIRS; ACTUALINSTLIST::iterator iaPAI; ACTUALINSTSTRUCT *pActualInst; CleanupSemiSync(); //XXXAdd similar code to get rid of what is not needed in the m_instList //XXXOnce again take common code and place it in the base class!VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVv // // Now loop through and get rid of instances that are no longer around // iSize = m_pnList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(iinstList.begin(); jSize = ppn->instList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize && iaPINST ; j++) { pinst = iaPINST; if (pinst->bNeeded == FALSE) { if (pinst->szInstanceID) delete [] pinst->szInstanceID; if (pinst->szCurrValue) delete [] pinst->szCurrValue; pinst->szCurrValue = NULL; iaPINST = ppn->instList.erase(iaPINST); } else { iaPINST++; } } } // Also for all thresholds under this DataCollector iSize = m_thresholdList.size(); for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { MY_ASSERT(im_irsList.begin(); jSize = pThreshold->m_irsList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize && iaPIRS ; j++) { pirs = iaPIRS; if (pirs->bNeeded == FALSE) { if (pirs->szInstanceID) delete [] pirs->szInstanceID; iaPIRS = pThreshold->m_irsList.erase(iaPIRS); } else { iaPIRS++; } } } iaPAI = m_actualInstList.begin(); jSize = m_actualInstList.size(); for (j = 0; j < jSize && iaPAI; j++) { pActualInst = iaPAI; if (pActualInst->bNeeded == FALSE) { if (pActualInst->szInstanceID) { delete [] pActualInst->szInstanceID; } if (pActualInst->pInst) { pActualInst->pInst->Release(); pActualInst->pInst = NULL; } iaPAI = m_actualInstList.erase(iaPAI); } else { iaPAI++; } } //XXXOnce again take common code and place it in the base class!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ return TRUE; } BOOL CPolledQueryDataCollector::CleanupSemiSync(void) { if (m_pEnumObjs) { m_pEnumObjs->Release(); m_pEnumObjs = NULL; } m_bKeepCollectingSemiSync = FALSE; m_lCollectionTimeOutCount = 0; return TRUE; }