/*++ Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: alloc.c Abstract: WMI data structure allocation routines Author: 16-Jan-1997 AlanWar Revision History: --*/ #include "wmiump.h" // // This defines the number of DataSources allocated in each DataSource chunk #if DBG #define DSCHUNKSIZE 4 #else #define DSCHUNKSIZE 64 #endif C_ASSERT ( (FIELD_OFFSET (WMI_BUFFER_HEADER, GlobalEntry) % MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ALIGNMENT) == 0 ); C_ASSERT ( (FIELD_OFFSET (WMI_BUFFER_HEADER, SlistEntry) % MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ALIGNMENT) == 0 ); void WmipDSCleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ); CHUNKINFO DSChunkInfo = { { NULL, NULL }, sizeof(DATASOURCE), DSCHUNKSIZE, WmipDSCleanup, FLAG_ENTRY_REMOVE_LIST, DS_SIGNATURE }; LIST_ENTRY DSHead; // Head of registerd data source list PLIST_ENTRY DSHeadPtr; // // This defines the number of GuidEntrys allocated in each GuidEntry chunk #if DBG #define GECHUNKSIZE 4 #else #define GECHUNKSIZE 512 #endif CHUNKINFO GEChunkInfo = { { NULL, NULL }, sizeof(GUIDENTRY), GECHUNKSIZE, NULL, FLAG_ENTRY_REMOVE_LIST, GE_SIGNATURE }; LIST_ENTRY GEHead; // Head of registerd guid list PLIST_ENTRY GEHeadPtr; // // This defines the number of InstanceSets allocated in each InstanceSet chunk #if DBG #define ISCHUNKSIZE 4 #else #define ISCHUNKSIZE 2048 #endif void WmipISCleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ); CHUNKINFO ISChunkInfo = { { NULL, NULL }, sizeof(INSTANCESET), ISCHUNKSIZE, WmipISCleanup, 0, IS_SIGNATURE }; // // This defines the number of DataConsumers allocated in each DCENTRY chunk #if DBG #define DCCHUNKSIZE 1 #else #define DCCHUNKSIZE 16 #endif void WmipDCCleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ); CHUNKINFO DCChunkInfo = { { NULL, NULL }, sizeof(DCENTRY), DCCHUNKSIZE, WmipDCCleanup, FLAG_ENTRY_REMOVE_LIST, DC_SIGNATURE }; LIST_ENTRY DCHead; // Head of registered data consumer PLIST_ENTRY DCHeadPtr; // // This defines the number of Notifications allocated in each // NOTIFICATIONENTRY chunk #if DBG #define NECHUNKSIZE 1 #else #define NECHUNKSIZE 64 #endif void WmipNECleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ); CHUNKINFO NEChunkInfo = { { NULL, NULL }, sizeof(NOTIFICATIONENTRY), NECHUNKSIZE, WmipNECleanup, FLAG_ENTRY_REMOVE_LIST, NE_SIGNATURE }; LIST_ENTRY NEHead; // Head of enabled notifications list PLIST_ENTRY NEHeadPtr; #if DBG #define MRCHUNKSIZE 2 #else #define MRCHUNKSIZE 16 #endif void WmipMRCleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ); CHUNKINFO MRChunkInfo = { { NULL, NULL }, sizeof(MOFRESOURCE), MRCHUNKSIZE, WmipMRCleanup, FLAG_ENTRY_REMOVE_LIST, MR_SIGNATURE }; LIST_ENTRY MRHead; // Head of Mof Resource list PLIST_ENTRY MRHeadPtr; LIST_ENTRY GMHead; // Head of Guid Map List PLIST_ENTRY GMHeadPtr; ULONG GlobalUniqueValue; #ifndef MEMPHIS RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION SMCritSect; #else HANDLE SMMutex; #endif PBDATASOURCE WmipAllocDataSource( void ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocates a Data Source structure Arguments: Return Value: pointer to data source structure or NULL if one cannot be allocated --*/ { PBDATASOURCE DataSource; DataSource = (PBDATASOURCE)WmipAllocEntry(&DSChunkInfo); if (DataSource != NULL) { InitializeListHead(&DataSource->ISHead); DataSource->MofResourceCount = AVGMOFRESOURCECOUNT; DataSource->MofResources = DataSource->StaticMofResources; memset(DataSource->MofResources, 0, AVGMOFRESOURCECOUNT * sizeof(PMOFRESOURCE)); } return(DataSource); } void WmipDSCleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ) /*++ Routine Description: Cleans up data source structure and any other structures or handles associated with it. Arguments: Data source structure to free Return Value: --*/ { PBDATASOURCE DataSource = (PBDATASOURCE)Entry; PBINSTANCESET InstanceSet; PLIST_ENTRY InstanceSetList; PMOFRESOURCE MofResource; ULONG i; WmipAssert(DataSource != NULL); WmipAssert(DataSource->Flags & FLAG_ENTRY_INVALID); WmipEnterSMCritSection(); InstanceSetList = DataSource->ISHead.Flink; while (InstanceSetList != &DataSource->ISHead) { InstanceSet = CONTAINING_RECORD(InstanceSetList, INSTANCESET, DSISList); if (InstanceSet->GuidISList.Flink != NULL) { RemoveEntryList(&InstanceSet->GuidISList); InstanceSet->DataSource = NULL; InstanceSet->GuidEntry->ISCount--; } if ((InstanceSet->GuidEntry != NULL) && (! (InstanceSet->Flags & IS_NEWLY_REGISTERED))) { if (IsEqualGUID(&InstanceSet->GuidEntry->Guid, &WmipBinaryMofGuid)) { WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); WmipGenerateBinaryMofNotification(InstanceSet, &GUID_MOF_RESOURCE_REMOVED_NOTIFICATION); WmipEnterSMCritSection(); } WmipUnreferenceGE(InstanceSet->GuidEntry); } InstanceSet->GuidEntry = NULL; InstanceSetList = InstanceSetList->Flink; WmipUnreferenceIS(InstanceSet); } WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); for (i = 0; i < DataSource->MofResourceCount; i++) { if (DataSource->MofResources[i] != NULL) { WmipUnreferenceMR(DataSource->MofResources[i]); } } if (DataSource->MofResources != DataSource->StaticMofResources) { WmipFree(DataSource->MofResources); } if (DataSource->RegistryPath != NULL) { WmipFree(DataSource->RegistryPath); } if (DataSource->BindingString != NULL) { WmipFree(DataSource->BindingString); } if (DataSource->RpcBindingHandle != 0) { RpcBindingFree((handle_t *)&DataSource->RpcBindingHandle); } } void WmipDCCleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ) /*++ Routine Description: Cleans up data consumer structure and any other structures or handles associated with it. Arguments: Data source structure to free Return Value: --*/ { PDCENTRY DataConsumer = (PDCENTRY)Entry; WmipAssert(DataConsumer != NULL); WmipAssert(DataConsumer->Flags & FLAG_ENTRY_INVALID); WmipAssert(DataConsumer->Flags & DC_FLAG_RUNDOWN); WmipAssert(DataConsumer->EventData == NULL); if (DataConsumer->RpcBindingHandle != 0) { RpcBindingFree((handle_t *)&DataConsumer->RpcBindingHandle); } #if DBG if (DataConsumer->BindingString != NULL) { WmipFree(DataConsumer->BindingString); } #endif WmipDebugPrint(("WMI: DC %x has just been freed\n", DataConsumer)); } PBGUIDENTRY WmipAllocGuidEntry( void ) { PBGUIDENTRY GuidEntry; GuidEntry = (PBGUIDENTRY)WmipAllocEntry(&GEChunkInfo); if (GuidEntry != NULL) { InitializeListHead(&GuidEntry->ISHead); } return(GuidEntry); } void WmipISCleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ) { PBINSTANCESET InstanceSet = (PBINSTANCESET)Entry; WmipAssert(InstanceSet != NULL); WmipAssert(InstanceSet->Flags & FLAG_ENTRY_INVALID); if (InstanceSet->IsBaseName != NULL) { WmipFree(InstanceSet->IsBaseName); } } void WmipNECleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ) { PNOTIFICATIONENTRY NotificationEntry = (PNOTIFICATIONENTRY)Entry; #if DBG int i; PDCREF DcRef; #endif WmipAssert(NotificationEntry != NULL); WmipAssert(NotificationEntry->EventRefCount == 0); WmipAssert(NotificationEntry->CollectRefCount == 0); WmipAssert(NotificationEntry->Flags & FLAG_ENTRY_INVALID); WmipAssert(NotificationEntry->CollectInProgress == NULL); #if DBG // // Make sure nothing is left enabled in what we are freeing for (i = 0; i < DCREFPERNOTIFICATION; i++) { DcRef = &NotificationEntry->DcRef[i]; WmipAssert(DcRef->EventRefCount == 0); WmipAssert(DcRef->CollectRefCount == 0); WmipAssert(DcRef->DcEntry == NULL); WmipAssert((DcRef->Flags & (DCREF_FLAG_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED | DCREF_FLAG_COLLECTION_ENABLED)) == 0); } #endif // // If there are any continuation records then free them as well NotificationEntry = NotificationEntry->Continuation; if (NotificationEntry != NULL) { WmipUnreferenceNE(NotificationEntry); } } void WmipMRCleanup( PCHUNKINFO ChunkInfo, PENTRYHEADER Entry ) { PMOFRESOURCE MofResource = (PMOFRESOURCE)Entry; if ((MofResource->MofImagePath != NULL) && (MofResource->MofResourceName != NULL)) { WmipGenerateMofResourceNotification(MofResource->MofImagePath, MofResource->MofResourceName, &GUID_MOF_RESOURCE_REMOVED_NOTIFICATION); } if (MofResource->MofImagePath != NULL) { WmipFree(MofResource->MofImagePath); } if (MofResource->MofResourceName != NULL) { WmipFree(MofResource->MofResourceName); } } PBGUIDENTRY WmipFindGEByGuid( LPGUID Guid, BOOLEAN MakeTopOfList ) /*++ Routine Description: Searches guid list for first occurence of guid. Guid's refcount is incremented if found. Arguments: Guid is pointer to guid that is to be found MakeTopOfList is TRUE then if NE is found it is placed at the top of the NE list Return Value: pointer to guid entry pointer or NULL if not found --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY GuidEntryList; PBGUIDENTRY GuidEntry; WmipEnterSMCritSection(); GuidEntryList = GEHeadPtr->Flink; while (GuidEntryList != GEHeadPtr) { GuidEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(GuidEntryList, GUIDENTRY, MainGEList); if (IsEqualGUID(Guid, &GuidEntry->Guid)) { WmipReferenceGE(GuidEntry); if (MakeTopOfList) { RemoveEntryList(GuidEntryList); InsertHeadList(GEHeadPtr, GuidEntryList); } WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); WmipAssert(GuidEntry->Signature == GE_SIGNATURE); return(GuidEntry); } GuidEntryList = GuidEntryList->Flink; } WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); return(NULL); } PBDATASOURCE WmipFindDSByProviderId( ULONG_PTR ProviderId ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine finds a DataSource on the provider id passed. DataSource's ref count is incremented if found Arguments: ProviderId is the data source provider id Return Value: DataSource pointer or NULL if no data source was found --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY DataSourceList; PBDATASOURCE DataSource; WmipEnterSMCritSection(); DataSourceList = DSHeadPtr->Flink; while (DataSourceList != DSHeadPtr) { DataSource = CONTAINING_RECORD(DataSourceList, DATASOURCE, MainDSList); if (DataSource->ProviderId == ProviderId) { WmipReferenceDS(DataSource); WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); WmipAssert(DataSource->Signature == DS_SIGNATURE); return(DataSource); } DataSourceList = DataSourceList->Flink; } WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); return(NULL); } PBINSTANCESET WmipFindISByGuid( PBDATASOURCE DataSource, GUID UNALIGNED *Guid ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine will find an instance set within a data source list for a specific guid. Note that any instance sets that have been replaceed (have IS_REPLACED_BY_REFERENCE) are ignored and not returned. The InstanceSet that is found has its reference count increased. Arguments: DataSource is the data source whose instance set list is searched Guid is a pointer to a guid which defines which instance set list to find Return Value: InstanceSet pointer or NULL if not found --*/ { PBINSTANCESET InstanceSet; PLIST_ENTRY InstanceSetList; WmipEnterSMCritSection(); InstanceSetList = DataSource->ISHead.Flink; while (InstanceSetList != &DataSource->ISHead) { InstanceSet = CONTAINING_RECORD(InstanceSetList, INSTANCESET, DSISList); if (IsEqualGUID(&InstanceSet->GuidEntry->Guid, Guid)) { WmipReferenceIS(InstanceSet); WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); WmipAssert(InstanceSet->Signature == IS_SIGNATURE); return(InstanceSet); } InstanceSetList = InstanceSetList->Flink; } WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); return(NULL); } PNOTIFICATIONENTRY WmipFindNEByGuid( GUID UNALIGNED *Guid, BOOLEAN MakeTopOfList ) /*++ Routine Description: Searches notifications list for first occurence of guid. The Notification entry found has its reference count incremented. Arguments: Guid is pointer to guid that is to be found MakeTopOfList is TRUE then if NE is found it is placed at the top of the NE list Return Value: pointer to guid entry pointer or NULL if not found --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY NotificationEntryList; PNOTIFICATIONENTRY NotificationEntry; WmipEnterSMCritSection(); NotificationEntryList = NEHeadPtr->Flink; while (NotificationEntryList != NEHeadPtr) { NotificationEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NotificationEntryList, NOTIFICATIONENTRY, MainNotificationList); if (IsEqualGUID(Guid, &NotificationEntry->Guid)) { WmipReferenceNE(NotificationEntry); if (MakeTopOfList) { RemoveEntryList(NotificationEntryList); InsertHeadList(NEHeadPtr, NotificationEntryList); } WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); WmipAssert(NotificationEntry->Signature == NE_SIGNATURE); return(NotificationEntry); } NotificationEntryList = NotificationEntryList->Flink; } WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); return(NULL); } PDCREF WmipFindExistingAndFreeDCRefInNE( PNOTIFICATIONENTRY NotificationEntry, PDCENTRY DataConsumer, PDCREF *FreeDcRef ) /*++ Routine Description: Searches a notifications entry for the DCRef for a specific Data consumer. Also returns a free DCRef. If there are no more free DCRef then a continuation Notification Entry is allocated. Note that *FreeDcRef may return NULL when the return value is not NULL This routine assumes that the NotificationEntry specific or the global critical section has been taken. Arguments: NotificationEntry is the notification entry to search through DataConsumer is the data consumer being searched for *FreeDcRef returns a free DCRef if the specific DcRef is not found. Return Value: pointer to DCRef related to DataConsumeer or NULL --*/ { PDCREF DcRef; ULONG i; PNOTIFICATIONENTRY NotificationEntryNext, Continuation; WmipAssert(NotificationEntry != NULL); WmipAssert(FreeDcRef != NULL); *FreeDcRef = NULL; NotificationEntryNext = NotificationEntry; while (NotificationEntryNext != NULL) { NotificationEntry = NotificationEntryNext; for (i = 0; i < DCREFPERNOTIFICATION; i++) { DcRef = &NotificationEntry->DcRef[i]; if ((*FreeDcRef == NULL) && (DcRef->DcEntry == NULL)) { *FreeDcRef = DcRef; } else if (DcRef->DcEntry == DataConsumer) { return(DcRef); } } NotificationEntryNext = NotificationEntry->Continuation; } if (*FreeDcRef == NULL) { // // DataConsumer is not specified in any DcRef and there are not // more free DcRefs. Allocate more of them Continuation = WmipAllocNotificationEntry(); if (Continuation != NULL) { memcpy(&Continuation->Guid, &NotificationEntry->Guid, sizeof(GUID)); *FreeDcRef = &Continuation->DcRef[0]; NotificationEntry->Continuation = Continuation; } } return(NULL); } PDCREF WmipFindDCRefInNE( PNOTIFICATIONENTRY NotificationEntry, PDCENTRY DataConsumer ) /*++ Routine Description: Searches a notifications entry for the DCRef for a specific Data consumer. This routine assumes that the NotificationEntry specific or the global critical section has been taken. Arguments: NotificationEntry is the notification entry to search through DataConsumer is the data consumer being searched for Return Value: pointer to DCRef related to DataConsumeer or NULL --*/ { PDCREF DcRef; ULONG i; WmipAssert(NotificationEntry != NULL); while (NotificationEntry != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < DCREFPERNOTIFICATION; i++) { DcRef = &NotificationEntry->DcRef[i]; if (DcRef->DcEntry == DataConsumer) { return(DcRef); } } NotificationEntry = NotificationEntry->Continuation; } return(NULL); } PMOFRESOURCE WmipFindMRByNames( LPCWSTR ImagePath, LPCWSTR MofResourceName ) /*++ Routine Description: Searches mof resource list for a MR that has the same image path and resource name. If ine is found a reference count is added to it. Arguments: ImagePath points at a string that has the full path to the image file that contains the MOF resource MofResourceName points at a string that has the name of the MOF resource Return Value: pointer to mof resource or NULL if not found --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY MofResourceList; PMOFRESOURCE MofResource; WmipEnterSMCritSection(); MofResourceList = MRHeadPtr->Flink; while (MofResourceList != MRHeadPtr) { MofResource = CONTAINING_RECORD(MofResourceList, MOFRESOURCE, MainMRList); if ((wcscmp(MofResource->MofImagePath, ImagePath) == 0) && (wcscmp(MofResource->MofResourceName, MofResourceName) == 0)) { WmipReferenceMR(MofResource); WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); WmipAssert(MofResource->Signature == MR_SIGNATURE); return(MofResource); } MofResourceList = MofResourceList->Flink; } WmipLeaveSMCritSection(); return(NULL); } BOOLEAN WmipIsNumber( LPCWSTR String ) { while (*String != UNICODE_NULL) { if ((*String < L'0') || (*String > L'9')) { return(FALSE); } String++; } return(TRUE); } PBINSTANCESET WmipFindISinGEbyName( PBGUIDENTRY GuidEntry, PWCHAR InstanceName, PULONG InstanceIndex ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine finds the instance set containing the instance name passed within the GuidEntry passed. If found it will also return the index of the instance name within the instance set. The instance set found has its ref count incremented. Arguments: GuidEntry contains the instance sets to look through InstanceName is the instance name to look for *InstanceIndex return instance index within set Return Value: Instance set containing instance name or NULL of instance name not found --*/ { PBINSTANCESET InstanceSet; PLIST_ENTRY InstanceSetList; ULONG BaseNameLen; PWCHAR InstanceNamePtr; ULONG InstanceNameIndex; ULONG InstanceSetFirstIndex, InstanceSetLastIndex; ULONG i; InstanceSetList = GuidEntry->ISHead.Flink; while (InstanceSetList != &GuidEntry->ISHead) { InstanceSet = CONTAINING_RECORD(InstanceSetList, INSTANCESET, GuidISList); if (InstanceSet->Flags & IS_INSTANCE_BASENAME) { BaseNameLen = wcslen(InstanceSet->IsBaseName->BaseName); if (wcsncmp(InstanceName, InstanceSet->IsBaseName->BaseName, BaseNameLen) == 0) { InstanceNamePtr = InstanceName + BaseNameLen; InstanceNameIndex = _wtoi(InstanceNamePtr); InstanceSetFirstIndex = InstanceSet->IsBaseName->BaseIndex; InstanceSetLastIndex = InstanceSetFirstIndex + InstanceSet->Count; if (( (InstanceNameIndex >= InstanceSetFirstIndex) && (InstanceNameIndex < InstanceSetLastIndex)) && ((InstanceNameIndex != 0) || WmipIsNumber(InstanceNamePtr))) { InstanceSet = CONTAINING_RECORD(InstanceSetList, INSTANCESET, GuidISList); *InstanceIndex = InstanceNameIndex - InstanceSetFirstIndex; WmipReferenceIS(InstanceSet); WmipAssert(InstanceSet->Signature == IS_SIGNATURE); return(InstanceSet); } } } else if (InstanceSet->Flags & IS_INSTANCE_STATICNAMES) { for (i = 0; i < InstanceSet->Count; i++) { if (wcscmp(InstanceName, InstanceSet->IsStaticNames->StaticNamePtr[i]) == 0) { InstanceSet = CONTAINING_RECORD(InstanceSetList, INSTANCESET, GuidISList); *InstanceIndex = i; WmipReferenceIS(InstanceSet); WmipAssert(InstanceSet->Signature == IS_SIGNATURE); return(InstanceSet); } } } InstanceSetList = InstanceSetList->Flink; } return(NULL); } BOOLEAN WmipRealloc( PVOID *Buffer, ULONG CurrentSize, ULONG NewSize, BOOLEAN FreeOriginalBuffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Reallocate a buffer to a larger size while preserving data Arguments: Buffer on entry has the buffer to be reallocated, on exit has the new buffer CurrentSize is the current size of the buffer NewSize has the new size desired Return Value: TRUE if realloc was successful --*/ { PVOID NewBuffer; WmipAssert(NewSize > CurrentSize); NewBuffer = WmipAlloc(NewSize); if (NewBuffer != NULL) { memset(NewBuffer, 0, NewSize); memcpy(NewBuffer, *Buffer, CurrentSize); if (FreeOriginalBuffer) { WmipFree(*Buffer); } *Buffer = NewBuffer; return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }