IrDA Component Description The Infrared Data Association (IrDA) is an international organization that creates and promotes interoperable, low-cost, infrared data interconnection standards that support a point-to-point user model. The Microsoft implementation of IrDA defines a protocol suite that supports transmission of data between two devices over short-range, point-to-point infrared link at speeds between 9.6 Kilobits per second (Kbps) and 16 Megabits per second (Mbps).

IrDA hardware is included in many portable devices, such as notebook computers, personal digital assistants, cameras, and cellular phones. Users can easily add IrDA hardware to a desktop computer by attaching an IrDA adapter to a serial or USB port, or by adding a card and an IrDA adapter. The simplicity, proven interoperability, and low cost of IrDA hardware are key factors in its widespread acceptance.

IrDA Functionality and Benefits

IrDA is an effective non-cable solution. It is nearly impossible to mismatch connectors and wiring with IrDA. Speed and configuration parameters are transparently negotiated at connect time and a common set is used for the connection. IrDA at 16 Mbps is compatible with IrDA at 9.6 Kbps. Additionally, the IrDA connector is completely sealed, inexpensive, and available from multiple vendors.

IrDA and WinSock provide a common user space application programming interface (API). The combination of IrDA and WinSock presents the application programmer with a powerful yet simple Win32 user space API that exposes multiple, error-free data streams. Serial and parallel ports are the only other point-to-point technologies that have a commonly-available user space API. IrDA defines rich functionality that does not exist with serial and parallel cables, and it borrows from the very successful client/server connection and programming model defined by the TCP/IP family of protocols and the WinSock APIs.

IrDA’s open protocols support non-Windows devices. WinSock exposes the IrDA tiny transport protocol (TinyTP) protocol to the application writer. A non-Windows device that implements the TinyTP protocol can easily exchange data with Windows applications.

IrDA is uniquely suited for adhoc point-to-point networking because the core IrDA services are similar to those exposed by the popular TCP protocol. Applications running on two computers can easily open multiple reliable connections to send and receive data. As with TCP, client applications connect to a server application by specifying a device address, such as a TCP host, and an application address, such as a TCP port. Thus, the combination of IrDA and WinSock supports easy-to-use, zero configuration, adhoc point-to-point networking.

Component Configuration

There are no configuration requirements for this component.

Special Notes

The following table shows the user profiles that IrDA implementation in Windows XP supports.

User profile Description
Printing (IrLPT protocol) Enables printing directly from IrDA devices to IrDA printers.
File transfer (IrOBEX protocol) Enables easy file transfer between IrDA devices.
Image transfer (IrTran-P protocol) Enables point-and-shoot one-step image transfer between digital cameras and Windows devices.
Dial-up networking (IrCOMM protocol) Enables dial-up Internet access through IR-enabled cellular phones.
Local area network (LAN) access and peer-to-peer networking (IrNET protocol) Enables network access through IR access points or through a direct network connection between two Windows devices.

For More Information

For more information on IrDA, see this Microsoft Web site.

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