/*                                                                      */
/* RCPP - Resource Compiler Pre-Processor for NT system                 */
/*                                                                      */
/* P0KEYS.C - Keycode stuff                                             */
/*                                                                      */
/* 06-Dec-90 w-BrianM  Update for NT from PM SDK RCPP                   */
/*                                                                      */

#include "rc.h"

/*  table for preprocessor id's                                         */
WCHAR   * Pkeyw_Table[] = {
#include "pkeyw.key"
char    Pkeyw_Index[] = {
#include        "pkeyw.ind"
struct  s_pkinfo        {
    token_t     s_info;
} Pkeyw_Info[] = {
#include        "pkeyw.inf"

/*  is_pkeyword : finds the token for the id if it's a preprocessor keyword.*/
/*  P0_NOTOKEN if not found.                                            */
    WCHAR *id
    REG WCHAR   **start;
    REG WCHAR   **stop;
    PUCHAR      pi;

    if( (*id) < L'_') {
    **  the indx table tells us the start of
    **  the words which begin with the first char if the id.
    **  the 'stop' is the index of the word which does not have the
    **  give char as it's first.
    **  we can start checking after the first char since, we *know* that
    **  they match (hence the additions 'id++' and (*start) + 1
    pi = (PUCHAR) &Pkeyw_Index[((*id) - L'_')];
    for(start = &Pkeyw_Table[*pi++], stop = &Pkeyw_Table[*pi], id++;
        start != stop;
        ) {
        if(wcscmp(*start, id) == 0) {
            return(Pkeyw_Info[(start - &Pkeyw_Table[0])].s_info);