#pragma warning(3:4092) // sizeof returns 'unsigned long' #pragma warning(4:4121) // structure is sensitive to alignment #pragma warning(3:4125) // decimal digit in octal sequence #pragma warning(3:4130) // logical operation on address of string constant #pragma warning(3:4132) // const object should be initialized #pragma warning(4:4206) // Source File is empty #pragma warning(4:4101) // Unreferenced local variable #pragma warning(4:4208) // delete[exp] - exp evaluated but ignored #pragma warning(3:4212) // function declaration used ellipsis #pragma warning(3:4242) // convertion possible loss of data #pragma warning(4:4267) // convertion from size_t to smaller type #pragma warning(4:4312) // conversion to type of greater size #pragma warning(error:4700) // Local used w/o being initialized //#pragma warning(3:4700) // Local used w/o being initialized #pragma warning(error:4259) // pure virtual function was not defined #pragma warning(error:4071) // no function prototype given #pragma warning(error:4072) // no function prototype given (fastcall) #pragma warning(error:4171) // no function prototype given (old style) #pragma warning(error:4013) // 'function' undefined - assuming extern returning int #pragma warning(error:4551) // Function call missing argument list #pragma warning(error:4806) // unsafe operation involving type 'bool' #pragma warning(4:4509) // use of SEH with destructor #pragma warning(4:4177) // pragma data_seg s/b at global scope #pragma warning(disable:4274) // #ident ignored #pragma warning(disable:4786) // identifier was truncated to 255 chararcers in debug information. #pragma warning(disable:4503) // decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated. #pragma warning(disable:4263) // Derived override doesn't match base - who cares... #pragma warning(disable:4264) // base function is hidden - again who cares. #pragma warning(disable:4710) // Function marked as inline - wasn't #pragma warning(disable:4917) // A GUID can only be associated with a class, interface or namespace #pragma warning(error:4552) // <<, >> ops used to no effect (probably missing an = sign) #pragma warning(error:4553) // == op used w/o effect (probably s/b an = sign) #if 0 #pragma warning(3:4100) // Unreferenced formal parameter #pragma warning(3:4701) // local may be used w/o init #pragma warning(3:4702) // Unreachable code #pragma warning(3:4705) // Statement has no effect #pragma warning(3:4706) // assignment w/i conditional expression #pragma warning(3:4709) // command operator w/o index expression #endif #ifndef __cplusplus #undef try #undef except #undef finally #undef leave #define try __try #define except __except #define finally __finally #define leave __leave #endif