@echo off if defined _echo echo on if defined verbose echo on setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS REM ********************************************************************* REM Script: ExecuteCmd.cmd REM Purpose: Primative script to be used in the cmd environment to REM execute commands with logging and error checking. REM Requires: The following vars must be set in the environment: REM %logfile%, %tmpfile%, %errfile% REM ********************************************************************* REM Do not use setlocal/endlocal: REM for ex., if the command itself is "pushd", REM a "popd" will be executed automatically at the end. set cmd=%1 REM Remove the quotes set cmd=%cmd:~1,-1% if "%cmd%" == "" ( call errmsg.cmd "internal error: no parameters for ExecuteCmd %1." set cmd=cmd_bak& goto errend ) REM Run the command. call logmsg.cmd "Running %cmd%." %cmd% if not "%errorlevel%" == "0" ( call errmsg.cmd "%cmd% failed (%errorlevel%)." goto errend ) goto end :errend endlocal set /a errors=errors+1 seterror.exe 1 goto :EOF :end endlocal seterror.exe 0 goto :EOF