/************************************************* * notify.c * * * * Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Inc. * * * *************************************************/ #include #include #include "imeattr.h" #include "imedefs.h" /**********************************************************************/ /* GenerateMessage() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL GenerateMessage( HIMC hIMC, LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC, LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP) { if (!hIMC) { return; } else if (!lpIMC) { return; } else if (!lpImcP) { return; } else if (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg & MSG_IN_IMETOASCIIEX) { return; } else { } lpIMC->dwNumMsgBuf += TranslateImeMessage(NULL, lpIMC, lpImcP); lpImcP->fdwImeMsg &= (MSG_STATIC_STATE); lpImcP->fdwGcsFlag = 0; ImmGenerateMessage(hIMC); return; } /**********************************************************************/ /* SetString() */ /* Return Value: */ /* TRUE - successful, FALSE - failure */ /**********************************************************************/ BOOL PASCAL SetString( HIMC hIMC, LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC, LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr, LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP, LPTSTR lpszRead, DWORD dwReadLen) { LPGUIDELINE lpGuideLine; DWORD i; // convert from byte count to the string length dwReadLen = dwReadLen / sizeof(TCHAR); if (dwReadLen > lpImeL->nMaxKey * sizeof(WCHAR) / sizeof(TCHAR)) { return (FALSE); } InitCompStr(lpCompStr); ClearCand(lpIMC); /* lpGuideLine = (LPGUIDELINE)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hGuideLine); if (lpGuideLine) { InitGuideLine(lpGuideLine); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hGuideLine); } */ // compoition/reading attribute lpCompStr->dwCompReadAttrLen = dwReadLen; lpCompStr->dwCompAttrLen = lpCompStr->dwCompReadAttrLen; // The IME has converted these chars for (i = 0; i < dwReadLen; i++) { *((LPBYTE)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwCompReadAttrOffset + i) = ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED; } // composition/reading clause, 1 clause only lpCompStr->dwCompReadClauseLen = 2 * sizeof(DWORD); lpCompStr->dwCompClauseLen = lpCompStr->dwCompReadClauseLen; *(LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwCompReadClauseOffset + sizeof(DWORD)) = dwReadLen; lpCompStr->dwCompReadStrLen = dwReadLen; lpCompStr->dwCompStrLen = lpCompStr->dwCompReadStrLen; CopyMemory((LPBYTE)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwCompReadStrOffset, lpszRead, dwReadLen * sizeof(TCHAR) + sizeof(TCHAR)); // dlta start from 0; lpCompStr->dwDeltaStart = 0; // cursor is next to composition string lpCompStr->dwCursorPos = lpCompStr->dwCompStrLen; lpCompStr->dwResultReadClauseLen = 0; lpCompStr->dwResultReadStrLen = 0; lpCompStr->dwResultClauseLen = 0; lpCompStr->dwResultStrLen = 0; // set private input context lpImcP->iImeState = CST_INPUT; if (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg & MSG_ALREADY_OPEN) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg = (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg | MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE) & ~(MSG_OPEN_CANDIDATE|MSG_CHANGE_CANDIDATE); } if (!(lpImcP->fdwImeMsg & MSG_ALREADY_START)) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg = (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg | MSG_START_COMPOSITION) & ~(MSG_END_COMPOSITION); } lpImcP->fdwImeMsg |= MSG_COMPOSITION; lpImcP->dwCompChar = (DWORD)lpImeL->wSeq2CompTbl[ lpImcP->bSeq[lpCompStr->dwCompReadStrLen / 2 - 1]]; lpImcP->fdwGcsFlag = GCS_COMPREAD|GCS_COMP| GCS_DELTASTART|GCS_CURSORPOS; lpImcP->fdwImeMsg |= MSG_GUIDELINE; if (lpIMC->fdwConversion & IME_CMODE_EUDC) { if (lpCompStr->dwCompReadStrLen >= sizeof(WORD) * lpImeL->nMaxKey) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg |= MSG_COMPOSITION; lpImcP->fdwGcsFlag |= GCS_RESULTREAD|GCS_RESULTSTR; } } else { if (dwReadLen < sizeof(WCHAR) / sizeof(TCHAR) * lpImeL->nMaxKey) { } } GenerateMessage(hIMC, lpIMC, lpImcP); return (TRUE); } /**********************************************************************/ /* CompCancel() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL CompCancel( HIMC hIMC, LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC) { LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP; if (!lpIMC->hPrivate) { return; } lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if (!lpImcP) { return; } lpImcP->fdwGcsFlag = 0; if (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg & (MSG_ALREADY_START|MSG_START_COMPOSITION)) { LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr; lpCompStr = (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); CompEscapeKey(lpIMC, lpCompStr, lpImcP); if (lpCompStr) { ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); } } else { ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); return; } GenerateMessage(hIMC, lpIMC, lpImcP); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); return; } /**********************************************************************/ /* ImeSetCompositionString() */ /* Return Value: */ /* TRUE - successful, FALSE - failure */ /**********************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI ImeSetCompositionString( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpComp, DWORD dwCompLen, LPVOID lpRead, DWORD dwReadLen) { LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr; LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP; BOOL fRet; TCHAR szReading[16]; if (!hIMC) { return (FALSE); } // composition string must == reading string // reading is more important if (!dwReadLen) { dwReadLen = dwCompLen; } // composition string must == reading string // reading is more important if (!lpRead) { lpRead = lpComp; } if (!dwReadLen) { lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return (FALSE); } CompCancel(hIMC, lpIMC); ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC); return (TRUE); } else if (!lpRead) { return (FALSE); } else if (dwReadLen >= sizeof(szReading)) { return (FALSE); } else if (!dwCompLen) { } else if (!lpComp) { } else if (dwReadLen != dwCompLen) { return (FALSE); } else if (lpRead == lpComp) { } else if (!lstrcmp(lpRead, lpComp)) { // composition string must == reading string } else { // composition string != reading string return (FALSE); } if (dwIndex != SCS_SETSTR) { return (FALSE); } lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return (FALSE); } fRet = FALSE; if ((lpIMC->fdwConversion & (IME_CMODE_NATIVE|IME_CMODE_SYMBOL)) != IME_CMODE_NATIVE) { goto ImeSetCompStrUnlockIMC; } lpCompStr = (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (!lpCompStr) { goto ImeSetCompStrUnlockIMC; } lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if (!lpImcP) { goto ImeSetCompStrUnlockCompStr; } if (*(LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpRead + dwReadLen) != '\0') { CopyMemory(szReading, (LPBYTE)lpRead, dwReadLen); lpRead = szReading; *(LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpRead + dwReadLen) = '\0'; } fRet = SetString( hIMC, lpIMC, lpCompStr, lpImcP, lpRead, dwReadLen); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); ImeSetCompStrUnlockCompStr: ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); ImeSetCompStrUnlockIMC: ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC); return (fRet); } /**********************************************************************/ /* GenerateImeMessage() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL GenerateImeMessage( HIMC hIMC, LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC, DWORD fdwImeMsg) { LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP; lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if (!lpImcP) { return; } lpImcP->fdwImeMsg |= fdwImeMsg; if (fdwImeMsg & MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg &= ~(MSG_OPEN_CANDIDATE|MSG_CHANGE_CANDIDATE); } else if (fdwImeMsg & (MSG_OPEN_CANDIDATE|MSG_CHANGE_CANDIDATE)) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg &= ~(MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE); } else { } if (fdwImeMsg & MSG_END_COMPOSITION) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg &= ~(MSG_START_COMPOSITION); } else if (fdwImeMsg & MSG_START_COMPOSITION) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg &= ~(MSG_END_COMPOSITION); } else { } GenerateMessage(hIMC, lpIMC, lpImcP); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); return; } /**********************************************************************/ /* CompComplete() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL CompComplete( HIMC hIMC, LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC) { LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP; lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if (!lpImcP) { return; } if (lpImcP->iImeState == CST_INIT) { // can not do any thing CompCancel(hIMC, lpIMC); } else if (lpImcP->iImeState == CST_CHOOSE) { LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr; LPCANDIDATEINFO lpCandInfo; lpCompStr = (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); lpCandInfo = (LPCANDIDATEINFO)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hCandInfo); if (lpCandInfo) { LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList; lpCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST)((LPBYTE)lpCandInfo + lpCandInfo->dwOffset[0]); SelectOneCand( hIMC, lpIMC, lpCompStr, lpImcP, lpCandList); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCandInfo); GenerateMessage(hIMC, lpIMC, lpImcP); } if (lpCompStr) ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); } else if ((lpIMC->fdwConversion & (IME_CMODE_NATIVE| IME_CMODE_EUDC|IME_CMODE_SYMBOL)) != IME_CMODE_NATIVE) { CompCancel(hIMC, lpIMC); } else if (lpImcP->iImeState == CST_INPUT) { LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr; LPGUIDELINE lpGuideLine; LPCANDIDATEINFO lpCandInfo; lpCompStr = (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); lpGuideLine = (LPGUIDELINE)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hGuideLine); CompWord( ' ', hIMC, lpIMC, lpCompStr, lpGuideLine, lpImcP); if (lpImcP->iImeState == CST_INPUT) { CompCancel(hIMC, lpIMC); } else if (lpImcP->iImeState != CST_CHOOSE) { } else if (lpCandInfo = (LPCANDIDATEINFO)ImmLockIMCC( lpIMC->hCandInfo)) { LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList; lpCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST)((LPBYTE)lpCandInfo + lpCandInfo->dwOffset[0]); SelectOneCand( hIMC, lpIMC, lpCompStr, lpImcP, lpCandList); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCandInfo); } else { } if (lpCompStr) ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (lpGuideLine) ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hGuideLine); // don't phrase predition under this case if (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg & MSG_ALREADY_OPEN) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg = (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg | MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE) & ~(MSG_OPEN_CANDIDATE|MSG_CHANGE_CANDIDATE); } else { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg &= ~(MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE|MSG_OPEN_CANDIDATE); } GenerateMessage(hIMC, lpIMC, lpImcP); } else { CompCancel(hIMC, lpIMC); } ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); return; } /**********************************************************************/ /* NotifyIME() / UniNotifyIME() */ /* Return Value: */ /* TRUE - successful, FALSE - failure */ /**********************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI NotifyIME( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwAction, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwValue) { LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; BOOL fRet; fRet = FALSE; if (!hIMC) { return (fRet); } switch (dwAction) { case NI_CONTEXTUPDATED: switch (dwValue) { case IMC_SETCONVERSIONMODE: case IMC_SETSENTENCEMODE: case IMC_SETOPENSTATUS: break; // need to handle it case IMC_SETCANDIDATEPOS: case IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT: case IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW: return (TRUE); // not important to the IME default: return (fRet); // not supported } break; case NI_COMPOSITIONSTR: switch (dwIndex) { case CPS_COMPLETE: break; // need to handle it case CPS_CONVERT: // all composition string can not be convert case CPS_REVERT: // any more, it maybe work for some // intelligent phonetic IMEs return (fRet); case CPS_CANCEL: break; // need to handle it default: return (fRet); // not supported } break; // need to handle it default: return (fRet); // not supported } lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return (fRet); } fRet = TRUE; switch (dwAction) { case NI_COMPOSITIONSTR: switch (dwIndex) { case CPS_CANCEL: CompCancel(hIMC, lpIMC); break; case CPS_COMPLETE: CompComplete( hIMC, lpIMC); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC); return (fRet); }