2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

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// Setup.iwf InstallWizard setup file
// This setup file is used by InstallWizard 3.0 setups. The setup author
// modifies this file to describe the application to be installed.
// Each key section of this setup file is described above the section. For
// more information about the syntax of setup files, see the comments the
// bottom of this file.
// MMC 1.1 Setup IWF, Drop 0.13
LicenseAgreement: mmceula.txt;
PrimaryApplication: mmc.chm;
CheckForShell32: no
// Configurations section
// Configurations represent different installation options that are given to
// the user during the configurations step. Configurations are made up of
// groups. Each group listed in a configuration will be enabled (a groups
// subgroups will not be enabled) if that configuration is applied.
// Format: <Configuration ID> {Group: <Group ID>; Group <Group ID>; ...}
// The configurations are referenced by ID (e.g. "WindowsConfiguration")
// in the MMC setup code. Do not change these IDs.
// Groups section
// Group are logical collections of files. They can contain both implicit and
// explicit files. Implicit files are loading during the setup from a directory
// on the source media. Explicit files are loaded from the Files section.
// Format: <Group ID> {Details: <Boolean>; Name: <String>; Description: <String>
// Subgroup: <Group ID>; Icon: <Enumeration>; Implicit:
// <Boolean>; Recurse: <Boolean>; SourceDisk: <Source Disk ID>;
// RelativeSourceDirectory: <String>; Destination:
// <Destination ID>; KeepSourceStructure: <Boolean>}
Description:Files needed for install and uninstall
Description:Files used for every installation
Description:Files used only for Windows 95 and 98
Description:Files used only for NT on Alpha or Intel platforms
// Files sections
// Each files section belongs to a group, so the section name must match a
// <Group ID>. Also, much of the file information can be read from the file
// during installation (e.g Size, SourceModifiedDate), and no not have to be
// specified here.
// Format: <Source Path> {SourceDisk: <Source Disk ID>; Destination:
// <Destination ID>; RenameToTo: <String>; Description: <String>;
// Size: <Integer>; Version: <String>; SourceModifiedDate: <Date/Time>;
// Hidden: <String>; System: <String>; Archive: <String>: ReadOnly:
// <String>; InstallCondition: <Enumeration>;
// RemoveCondition: <Enumeration>; SelfReging: <Boolean>;
// ReferenceCounting: <Boolean>; AddApplicationPath: <Boolean>}
// During uninstall, this file is removed by iwclean. It should be marked
// Remove:Never here because we don't want the setup to try to remove itself.
mmc.chm { Destination: Help; ReadOnly:- }
mmc.hlp { Destination: Help; ReadOnly:- }
webhelp.chm { Destination: Help; ReadOnly:- }
hhupd.exe { ReadOnly:-; Destination: Help; InstallCondition: Always }
hhsetup.dll { ReadOnly:-; Destination: System }
msvcrt.dll { ReadOnly:-; Destination: System }
msvcirt.dll { ReadOnly:-; Destination: System }
msvcp50.dll { ReadOnly:-; Destination: System }
w95mmc.exe { Destination: System; ReadOnly:-; RenameTo: mmc.exe }
w95mmcnd.dll { Destination: System; SelfReg: Yes; ReadOnly:-; RenameTo: mmcndmgr.dll }
w95cic.dll { Destination: System; SelfReg: Yes; ReadOnly:-; RenameTo: cic.dll }
w95atl.dll { Destination: System; SelfReg: Yes; ReadOnly:-; RenameTo: atl.dll }
w95shext.dll { Destination: System; ReadOnly:-; SelfReg: Yes; RenameTo: mmcshext.dll }
mfc42.dll { Destination: System; ReadOnly:-; SelfReg: Yes }
mmc.exe { Destination: System; ReadOnly:- }
mmcndmgr.dll { Destination: System; ReadOnly:-; SelfReg: Yes }
cic.dll { Destination: System; ReadOnly:-; SelfReg: Yes }
atl.dll { Destination: System; ReadOnly:-; SelfReg: Yes }
mmcshext.dll { Destination: System; ReadOnly:-; SelfReg: Yes }
mfc42u.dll { Destination: System; ReadOnly:-; SelfReg: Yes }
// Shortcuts section
// Shortcuts are the .LNK files that normally reside in the start menu directory.
// These shortcuts then appear when the user clicks the Start button on the
// task bar. Shortcuts are linked to a file and are installed and removed as
// that file is installed and removed.
// Format: <Source Path> {Destination: <Destination ID>; Caption: <String>;
// Arguments: <String>; IconIndex: <Integer>;
// InstallCondition: <Enumeration>;
// RemoveCondition: <Enumeration>}
// Destination section
// This section contains information about each destination where files and
// shortcuts will be installed on the end user's machine. There are three
// types of destinations: predefined destinations, special destination
// and specified destinations. Entries under this section must be not be
// predefined destinations.
// Predefined Destinations: None, Windows, System, Temp, ProgramFiles,
// StartMenu, Startup, StartMenuPrograms, Desktop,
// SendTo, CommonStartMenu, CommonStartMenuPrograms,
// Fonts, CommonFiles, Help
// Special Destination: FilePrimary, ShortcutPrimary - these are defined for you
// if not defined in this section
// Format: <Destination ID> {Subdirectory: <String>; Parent: <Destination ID>;
// InstallCondition: <Enumeration>;
// RemoveCondition: <Enumeration>}
Parent: System
// Source Disks section
// This section specifies the number of source disks that the setup uses.
// Source disks can be CDs, diskettes, or even hard drive locations. The
// <Source Disk ID> is always a number so that disks can be iterated.
// Format: <Source Disk ID> {Label: <String>; Description: <String>;
// IndicatorFile: <String>}
source disks
Label:First Disk;
Description:Main Disk
// About the setup file syntax:
// Directives: This file understands #include, #define, #undef, #ifdef, #else
// #endif
// Symbols: _DEBUG, DEBUG, _UNICODE, and UNICODE symbols will be automatically
// defined when this file is read by InstallWizard
// Comments: Inline comments (slash-slash) and Block comments (star-slash)
// can be used.
// Merging: Duplicate sections and entries are automatically merged into
// a single item (e.g. if you #include a file with a groups section
// and you have a groups section in this file, they will be merged
// into a single groups section).
// Quotation: Quotes can be used to create a string literal. Double-quotes
// in a string literal are replaced with a real quote.
// "This is a ""string"" literal" -> This is a "string" literal
// Whitespace: Tabs, returns, and spaces are ignored, except in values. This
// allows values such as description to not have to be quoted.
// Values: Values can be <Boolean>, <String>, <Integer>, <Integer64>, and
// <Enumeration>. Value types such as Boolean can be represented
// in many ways (Yes, No, Y, N, True, False, T, F etc.).
// NOTE: Please see the 'InstallWizard Setup File Format.doc' for specific
// section, entry, and tag requirements/features.
// Copyright (C), 1994-1998, Jetstream Software, Inc. All rights reserved.