2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000 - 2000
// File: typeinfo.h
#pragma once
#include "classreg.h"
| The classes in this file are to provide extra cleanup functionality.
| Node Manager hosts variety of com objects - some which are solely for MMC;
| some for MMC's Object Model, but also some objects which lifetime is
| controlled by snapins. If any of the interfaces is hold - Node Manager will
| remain locked in memory until the very end, thus - far beyond the call to
| OleUninitialize. Some objects have ole automation objects cached -
| particularly IDispatchImpl and IProvidClassInfoImpl implemented by ATL caches
| ITypeInfo interfaces. These caches need to be released before OleUninitialize
| even if Node Manager is locked.
| To solve this problem we use derived template:
| INodeManagerProvideClassInfoImpl, which inherits all functionality from ATL,
| plus registers every class once to COleCacheCleanupManager, which will receive
| the control from CONUI and cleanup the cache.
| To implement described functionality those templates construct static object
| of class CMMCTypeInfoHolderWrapper, giving the reference to static member
| caching ITypeInfo. CMMCTypeInfoHolderWrapper will register itself as observer
| for COleCacheCleanupManager events and will cleanup the cache in response to
| events requesting it.
| [clenup also included into CMMCIDispatchImpl - bas for ObjectModel objects]
* CLASS: COleCacheCleanupObserver
* PURPOSE: defines observer interface for OLE cleanup events
class COleCacheCleanupObserver : public CObserverBase
virtual SC ScOnReleaseCachedOleObjects() = 0;
* CLASS: COleCacheCleanupManager
* PURPOSE: this class is responsible for cleaning up the OLE object cached
* by node manager. It registers all cleanup clients and, when
* received the control from CONUI, will dispatch the events to all
* registered observers
class COleCacheCleanupManager : public CEventSource<COleCacheCleanupObserver>
static COleCacheCleanupManager& GetSingletonObject();
static void AddOleObserver(COleCacheCleanupObserver * pObserver);
static SC ScReleaseCachedOleObjects();
* CLASS: CMMCTypeInfoHolderWrapper
* PURPOSE: this class wraps type info included into given to constructor
* allowing it to be cleared when requested
* NOTE: there is not lifetime management involved in this implementation,
* user is responsible to make given reference outliving the object
* of this class.
class CMMCTypeInfoHolderWrapper : public COleCacheCleanupObserver
CComTypeInfoHolder& m_rInfoHolder;
CMMCTypeInfoHolderWrapper(CComTypeInfoHolder& rInfoHolder);
virtual SC ScOnReleaseCachedOleObjects();
* CLASS: INodeManagerProvideClassInfoImpl
* PURPOSE: this class is to be used in place of IProvideClassInfo2Impl
* for all com object created on NodeManager side.
* It ensures ITypeInfo will be released on request from CONUI
template <const CLSID* pcoclsid, const IID* psrcid, const GUID* plibid = &CComModule::m_libid,
WORD wMajor = 1, WORD wMinor = 0, class tihclass = CComTypeInfoHolder>
class ATL_NO_VTABLE INodeManagerProvideClassInfoImpl :
public IProvideClassInfo2Impl<pcoclsid, psrcid, plibid, wMajor, wMinor, tihclass>
static CMMCTypeInfoHolderWrapper wrapper(GetInfoHolder());
// the porpose of this static function is to ensure _tih is a static variable,
// since static wrapper will hold on its address - it must be always valid
static CComTypeInfoHolder& GetInfoHolder() { return _tih; }
* CLASS: CMMCComCacheCleanup
* PURPOSE: implements IComCacheCleanup on cocreatable class to provide access
* from CONUI side
class CMMCComCacheCleanup :
public CComObjectRoot,
public IComCacheCleanup,
public CComCoClass<CMMCComCacheCleanup, &CLSID_ComCacheCleanup>
g_szMmcndmgrDll, // implementing DLL
CLSID_ComCacheCleanup, // CLSID
_T("ComCacheCleanup 1.0 Object"), // class name
_T("NODEMGR.ComCacheCleanup.1"), // ProgID
_T("NODEMGR.ComCacheCleanup")) // version-independent ProgID
#endif // !defined(TYPEINFO_H_INCLUDED)