2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

127 lines
6.4 KiB

Dialog_ Control_ Event Argument Condition Ordering
s72 s50 s50 s255 S255 I2
ControlEvent Dialog_ Control_ Event Argument Condition
ActionDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
AdminInstallBrowse Cancel EndDialog Return 1 2
AdminInstallBrowse Cancel Reset 0 1 1
AdminInstallBrowse NewFolder DirectoryListNew 0 1
AdminInstallBrowse OK EndDialog Return 1 2
AdminInstallBrowse OK SetTargetPath TARGETDIR 1 1
AdminInstallBrowse Up DirectoryListUp 0 1
AdminInstallPoint Browse SpawnDialog AdminInstallBrowse 1
AdminInstallPoint Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
AdminInstallPoint Next NewDialog VerifyReadyAdmin 1 2
AdminInstallPoint Next SetTargetPath TARGETDIR 1 1
Browse Cancel EndDialog Return NOT BaseBrowse 2
Browse Cancel Reset 0 1 1
Browse Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel BaseBrowse 2
Browse NewFolder DirectoryListNew 0 1
Browse OK EndDialog Return 1 2
Browse OK SetTargetPath [_BrowseProperty] 1 1
Browse Up DirectoryListUp 0 1
Cancel No EndDialog Return 1
Cancel Yes EndDialog Exit 1
CCPDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
CCPDialog OK EndDialog Return 1
CCPFail OK EndDialog Exit 1
CustomCompleteDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
CustomCompleteDialog Next NewDialog SelectionDialog InstallMode = "Custom"
CustomCompleteDialog Next NewDialog VerifyReadyDialog InstallMode <> "Custom" 2
CustomCompleteDialog Next SetInstallLevel 1000 InstallMode = "Complete" 1
CustomCompleteDialog Next SetInstallLevel 3 InstallMode = "Typical" 1
CustomCompleteDialog Previous NewDialog PIDDialog 1
DiskCost OK EndDialog Return 1
ErrorDialog A EndDialog ErrorAbort 1
ErrorDialog C EndDialog ErrorCancel 1
ErrorDialog I EndDialog ErrorIgnore 1
ErrorDialog N EndDialog ErrorNo 1
ErrorDialog O EndDialog ErrorOk 1
ErrorDialog R EndDialog ErrorRetry 1
ErrorDialog Y EndDialog ErrorYes 1
ExitDialog OK EndDialog Return 1
FastMaintenanceDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
FastMaintenanceDialog InstallNow EndDialog Return OutOfDiskSpace <> 1
FastMaintenanceDialog InstallNow SpawnDialog OutOfDisk OutOfDiskSpace = 1
FatalError Continue [Suspend] "1" 1 1
FatalError Continue EndDialog Return 1 2
FatalError OK EndDialog Exit 1
FatalError Restore [Suspend] {} 1 1
FatalError Restore EndDialog Return 1 2
FilesInUse Exit EndDialog Exit 1
FilesInUse Ignore EndDialog Ignore 1
FilesInUse Retry EndDialog Retry 1
FirstInstallDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
FirstInstallDialog Next NewDialog IdentityDialog NOT RESUME
FirstInstallDialog Next NewDialog VerifyReadyDialog RESUME
FirstMaintenanceDialog AddRemove [InstallChoice] AR 1 1
FirstMaintenanceDialog AddRemove NewDialog SelectionDialog 1 2
FirstMaintenanceDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
FirstMaintenanceDialog Next NewDialog Reinstall InstallChoice = "RE"
FirstMaintenanceDialog Next NewDialog SelectionDialog InstallChoice = "AR"
FirstMaintenanceDialog Next NewDialog VerifyRemoveAll InstallChoice = "RA"
FirstMaintenanceDialog Reinstall EndDialog Return 1 3
FirstMaintenanceDialog Reinstall Reinstall ALL 1 2
FirstMaintenanceDialog Reinstall ReinstallMode [UIReinstallMode] 1 1
FirstMaintenanceDialog ReinstallMode SpawnDialog ReinstallMode 1
FirstMaintenanceDialog RemoveAll NewDialog VerifyRemoveAll 1 1
FirstRun Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
FirstRun Next NewDialog FirstRun2 ProductID 2
FirstRun Next ValidateProductID 0 1 1
FirstRun2 Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
FirstRun2 Next EndDialog Return 1
FirstRun2 Previous NewDialog FirstRun 1
IdentityDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
IdentityDialog Next NewDialog PIDDialog ProductID 2
IdentityDialog Next ValidateProductID 0 1 1
IdentityDialog Previous NewDialog FirstInstallDialog 1
OutOfDisk OK EndDialog Return 1
PIDDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
PIDDialog Next NewDialog CustomCompleteDialog NOT Preselected
PIDDialog Next NewDialog VerifyReadyDialog Preselected
PIDDialog Previous NewDialog IdentityDialog 1
PreActionDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
Reinstall Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
Reinstall Complete EndDialog Return 1 3
Reinstall Complete Reinstall ALL 1 2
Reinstall Complete ReinstallMode rfums 1 1
Reinstall Minimal EndDialog Return 1 3
Reinstall Minimal Reinstall ALL 1 2
Reinstall Minimal ReinstallMode rpm 1 1
Reinstall Normal EndDialog Return 1 3
Reinstall Normal Reinstall ALL 1 2
Reinstall Normal ReinstallMode reum 1 1
Reinstall Previous NewDialog FirstMaintenanceDialog 1
ReinstallMode Cancel EndDialog Return 1 2
ReinstallMode Cancel Reset 0 1 1
ReinstallMode OK [UIReinstallMode] [ReinstallRepair][ReinstallFilePresent][ReinstallFileOlderVersion][ReinstallFileDifferingVersion][ReinstallFileChecksum][ReinstallFileForceAll][ReinstallUserData][ReinstallMachineData][ReinstallShortcut] 1 1
ReinstallMode OK EndDialog Return 1 2
SelectionDialog Browse SelectionBrowse Browse 1
SelectionDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
SelectionDialog DiskCost SpawnDialog DiskCost 1
SelectionDialog Next NewDialog VerifyReadyDialog (OutOfDiskSpace <> 1)
SelectionDialog Next SpawnDialog OutOfDisk OutOfDiskSpace = 1
SelectionDialog Previous NewDialog CustomCompleteDialog NOT Installed
SelectionDialog Previous NewDialog FirstMaintenanceDialog Installed
SelectionDialog Reset Reset 0 1
UserExit Continue [Suspend] "1" 1 1
UserExit Continue EndDialog Exit 1 2
UserExit OK EndDialog Exit 1
UserExit Restore [Suspend] {} 1 1
UserExit Restore EndDialog Exit 1 2
VerifyReadyAdmin Back NewDialog AdminInstallPoint 1
VerifyReadyAdmin Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
VerifyReadyAdmin InstallNow EndDialog Return 1
VerifyReadyDialog Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
VerifyReadyDialog InstallNow EndDialog Return OutOfDiskSpace <> 1
VerifyReadyDialog InstallNow SpawnDialog OutOfDisk OutOfDiskSpace = 1
VerifyReadyDialog Previous NewDialog CustomCompleteDialog InstallMode <> "Custom" AND NOT Installed AND NOT RESUME AND NOT Preselected
VerifyReadyDialog Previous NewDialog FirstInstallDialog NOT Installed AND RESUME
VerifyReadyDialog Previous NewDialog PIDDialog NOT Installed AND NOT RESUME AND Preselected
VerifyReadyDialog Previous NewDialog SelectionDialog Installed
VerifyReadyDialog Previous NewDialog SelectionDialog InstallMode = "Custom" AND NOT Installed AND NOT RESUME AND NOT Preselected
VerifyRemoveAll Cancel SpawnDialog Cancel 1
VerifyRemoveAll Previous NewDialog FirstMaintenanceDialog 1
VerifyRemoveAll RemoveNow EndDialog Return OutOfDiskSpace <> 1 2
VerifyRemoveAll RemoveNow Remove ALL 1 1
VerifyRemoveAll RemoveNow SpawnDialog OutOfDisk OutOfDiskSpace = 1 2