2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

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// Windows NT Directory Service Property Pages
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2001
// File: trustwiz.h
// Contents: AD domain trust creation wizard classes and definition.
// Classes: CNewTrustWizard, CTrustWizPageBase, wizard pages classes.
// History: 04-Aug-00 EricB created
#include <list>
#include <stack>
#include "subclass.h"
#include "ftinfo.h"
// forward declarations:
class CCredMgr;
class CDsDomainTrustsPage;
class CNewTrustWizard;
class CTrustWizPageBase;
class CTrustWizCredPage;
// Class: CallMember and its derivatives
// Purpose: Allows a page to indicate what the next step of the creation
// process should be. It is an abstraction of the process of passing
// a function pointer.
class CallPolicyRead : public CallMember
CallPolicyRead(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz) : CallMember(pWiz) {};
~CallPolicyRead() {};
HRESULT Invoke(void);
class CallTrustExistCheck : public CallMember
CallTrustExistCheck(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz) : CallMember(pWiz) {};
~CallTrustExistCheck() {};
HRESULT Invoke(void);
// Class: CWizError
// Purpose: Gathers error information that will be displayed by the wizard
// error page.
class CWizError
CWizError() {};
~CWizError() {};
void SetErrorString1(LPCWSTR pwz) {_strError1 = pwz;};
void SetErrorString1(int nID) {_strError1.LoadString(g_hInstance, nID);};
void SetErrorString2(LPCWSTR pwz) {_strError2 = pwz;};
void SetErrorString2(int nID) {_strError2.LoadString(g_hInstance, nID);};
void SetErrorString2Hr(HRESULT hr, int nID = 0);
CStrW & GetErrorString1(void) {return _strError1;};
CStrW & GetErrorString2(void) {return _strError2;};
CStrW _strError1;
CStrW _strError2;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CWizError(const CWizError&);
const CWizError& operator=(const CWizError&);
// Class: CRemoteDomain
// Purpose: Obtains information about a trust partner domain.
class CRemoteDomain
HRESULT DiscoverDC(BOOL fPdcRequired = FALSE);
HRESULT OpenLsaPolicy(CCredMgr & CredMgr, BOOL fAllAccess = FALSE);
HRESULT ReadDomainInfo(void);
HRESULT IsForestRoot(bool * pfRoot);
void CloseLsaPolicy(void);
void SetUserEnteredName(LPCWSTR pwzDomain) {Clear(); _strUserEnteredName = pwzDomain;};
PCWSTR GetUserEnteredName(void) const {return _strUserEnteredName;};
BOOL SetSid(PSID pSid);
const PSID GetSid(void) const {return _pSid;};
PCWSTR GetDnsName(void) const {return _strDomainDnsName;};
PCWSTR GetFlatName(void) const {return _strDomainFlatName;};
PCWSTR GetForestName(void) const {return _strForestName;};
PCWSTR GetUncDcName(void) const {return _strUncDC;};
PCWSTR GetDcName(void) {return _strUncDC.GetBuffer(0) + 2;};
const LSA_HANDLE GetLsaPolicy(void) const {return _hPolicy;};
BOOL IsFound(void) {return !_fNotFound;};
BOOL IsForestRoot(void) {return _fIsForestRoot;};
BOOL IsUplevel(void) {return _fUplevel;};
void Clear(void);
CStrW _strUserEnteredName;
CStrW _strDomainFlatName;
CStrW _strDomainDnsName;
CStrW _strForestName;
CStrW _strUncDC;
BOOL _fNotFound;
BOOL _fIsForestRoot;
BOOL _fUplevel;
LSA_HANDLE _hPolicy;
PSID _pSid;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CRemoteDomain(const CRemoteDomain&);
const CRemoteDomain& operator=(const CRemoteDomain&);
// Class: CTrust
// Purpose: A trust is represented in the AD by a Trusted-Domain object.
// This class encapsulates the operations and properties of a
// pending or existing trust.
class CTrust
CTrust() : _dwType(0), _dwDirection(0), _dwNewDirection(0), _dwAttr(0),
_dwNewAttr(0), _fExists(FALSE), _fUpdatedFromNT4(FALSE),
_fExternal(FALSE) {};
~CTrust() {};
// methods
NTSTATUS Query(LSA_HANDLE hPolicy, CRemoteDomain & OtherDomain,
DWORD DoCreate(LSA_HANDLE hPolicy, CRemoteDomain & OtherDomain);
DWORD DoModify(LSA_HANDLE hPolicy, CRemoteDomain & OtherDomain);
DWORD ReadFTInfo(PCWSTR pwzLocalDC, PCWSTR pwzOtherDC,
CCredMgr & CredMgr, CWizError & WizErr, bool & fCredErr);
DWORD WriteFTInfo(PCWSTR pwzLocalDC);
CFTInfo & ReturnFTInfo(void) {return _FTInfo;};
CFTCollisionInfo & ReturnCollisionInfo(void) {return _CollisionInfo;};
BOOL AreThereCollisions(void);
void Clear(void);
// property access routines.
void SetTrustPW(LPCWSTR pwzPW) {_strTrustPW = pwzPW;};
PCWSTR GetTrustPW(void) const {return _strTrustPW;};
size_t GetTrustPWlen(void) {return _strTrustPW.GetLength();};
void SetTrustType(DWORD type) {_dwType = type;};
void SetTrustTypeUplevel(void) {_dwType = TRUST_TYPE_UPLEVEL;};
void SetTrustTypeDownlevel(void) {_dwType = TRUST_TYPE_DOWNLEVEL;};
void SetTrustTypeRealm(void) {_dwType = TRUST_TYPE_MIT;};
DWORD GetTrustType(void) {return _dwType;}
void SetTrustDirection(DWORD dir) {_dwDirection = dir;};
DWORD GetTrustDirection(void) {return _dwDirection;};
int GetTrustDirStrID(DWORD dwDir);
void SetNewTrustDirection(DWORD dir) {_dwNewDirection = dir;};
DWORD GetNewTrustDirection(void) {return _dwNewDirection;};
void SetTrustAttr(DWORD attr);
DWORD GetTrustAttr(void) {return _dwAttr;};
void SetNewTrustAttr(DWORD attr) {_dwNewAttr = attr;};
DWORD GetNewTrustAttr(void) {return _dwNewAttr;};
void SetTrustPartnerName(PCWSTR pwzName) {_strTrustPartnerName = pwzName;};
PCWSTR GetTrustpartnerName(void) const {return _strTrustPartnerName;};
void SetExists(void) {_fExists = TRUE;};
BOOL Exists(void) {return _fExists;};
void SetUpdated(void) {_fUpdatedFromNT4 = TRUE;};
BOOL IsUpdated(void) {return _fUpdatedFromNT4;};
void SetExternal(BOOL x) {_fExternal = x;};
BOOL IsExternal(void) {return _fExternal;};
void SetMakeXForest(void);
BOOL IsXForest(void);
CStrW _strTrustPartnerName;
CStrW _strTrustPW;
DWORD _dwType;
DWORD _dwDirection;
DWORD _dwNewDirection;
DWORD _dwAttr;
DWORD _dwNewAttr;
BOOL _fExists;
BOOL _fUpdatedFromNT4;
BOOL _fExternal;
CFTInfo _FTInfo;
CFTCollisionInfo _CollisionInfo;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrust(const CTrust&);
const CTrust& operator=(const CTrust&);
// Class: CVerifyTrust
// Purpose: Verifies a trust and stores the results.
class CVerifyTrust
CVerifyTrust() : _dwInboundResult(0), _dwOutboundResult(0),
_fInboundVerified(FALSE), _fOutboundVerified(FALSE) {};
~CVerifyTrust() {};
DWORD VerifyInbound(PCWSTR pwzRemoteDC, PCWSTR pwzLocalDomain) {return Verify(pwzRemoteDC, pwzLocalDomain, TRUE);};
DWORD VerifyOutbound(PCWSTR pwzLocalDC, PCWSTR pwzRemoteDomain) {return Verify(pwzLocalDC, pwzRemoteDomain, FALSE);};
DWORD GetInboundResult(void) {return _dwInboundResult;};
DWORD GetOutboundResult(void) {return _dwOutboundResult;};
PCWSTR GetInboundResultString(void) const {return _strInboundResult;};
PCWSTR GetOutboundResultString(void) const {return _strOutboundResult;};
BOOL IsInboundVerified(void) {return _fInboundVerified;};
BOOL IsOutboundVerified(void) {return _fOutboundVerified;};
BOOL IsVerified(void) {return _fInboundVerified || _fOutboundVerified;};
BOOL IsVerifiedOK(void) {return (NO_ERROR == _dwInboundResult) && (NO_ERROR == _dwOutboundResult);};
void ClearResults(void);
DWORD Verify(PCWSTR pwzDC, PCWSTR pwzDomain, BOOL fInbound);
void SetResult(DWORD dwRes, BOOL fInbound) {if (fInbound) _dwInboundResult = dwRes; else _dwOutboundResult = dwRes;};
void AppendResultString(PCWSTR pwzRes, BOOL fInbound) {if (fInbound) _strInboundResult += pwzRes; else _strOutboundResult += pwzRes;};
void SetInboundResult(DWORD dwRes) {_dwInboundResult = dwRes;};
void AppendInboundResultString(PCWSTR pwzRes) {_strInboundResult += pwzRes;};
void SetOutboundResult(DWORD dwRes) {_dwOutboundResult = dwRes;};
void AppendOutboundResultString(PCWSTR pwzRes) {_strOutboundResult += pwzRes;};
CStrW _strInboundResult;
DWORD _dwInboundResult;
CStrW _strOutboundResult;
DWORD _dwOutboundResult;
BOOL _fInboundVerified;
BOOL _fOutboundVerified;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CVerifyTrust(const CVerifyTrust&);
const CVerifyTrust& operator=(const CVerifyTrust&);
// Class: CNewTrustWizard
// Purpose: New trust creation wizard.
class CNewTrustWizard
CNewTrustWizard(CDsDomainTrustsPage * pTrustPage);
// Wizard page managment data structures and methods
HRESULT CreatePages(void);
HRESULT LaunchModalWiz(void);
typedef std::stack<unsigned> PAGESTACK;
typedef std::list<CTrustWizPageBase *> PAGELIST;
void SetNextPageID(CTrustWizPageBase * pPage, int iNextPageID);
BOOL IsBacktracking(void) {return _fBacktracking;};
BOOL HaveBacktracked(void) {return _fHaveBacktracked;};
void ClearBacktracked(void) {_fHaveBacktracked = false;};
void BackTrack(HWND hPage);
HFONT GetTitleFont(void) {return _hTitleFont;};
CDsDomainTrustsPage * TrustPage(void) {return _pTrustPage;};
CTrustWizPageBase * GetPage(unsigned uDlgResId);
void SetCreationResult(HRESULT hr) {_hr = hr;};
HRESULT GetCreationResult(void) {return _hr;};
void ShowStatus(CStrW & strMsg, bool fNewTrust = true);
void InitHelp(void);
bool OtherDomainIsForestRoot(void) {return _fIsForestRoot;};
// Methods that collect data. They return zero for success or the page ID of
// the creds page or the page ID of the error page.
int GetDomainInfo(void);
int TrustExistCheck(BOOL fPrompt = TRUE);
int OtherDomainForestRootCheck(void);
// Methods that implement the steps of trust creation/modification.
// These are executed in the order listed. They all return the page ID of
// the next wizard page to be shown.
int CollectInfo(void);
int ContinueCollectInfo(BOOL fPrompt = TRUE); // continues CollectInfo.
int CreateOrUpdateTrust(void);
int VerifyOutboundTrust(void);
int VerifyInboundTrust(void);
// Additonal methods passed to CCredMgr::_pNextFcn
int RetryCollectInfo(void);
int RetryContinueCollectInfo(void); // continues ContinueCollectInfo1 if creds were needed.
// Objects that hold state info.
CTrust Trust;
CRemoteDomain OtherDomain;
CWizError WizError;
CCredMgr CredMgr;
CVerifyTrust VerifyTrust;
BOOL AddPage(CTrustWizPageBase * pPage);
void MakeBigFont(void);
CDsDomainTrustsPage * _pTrustPage;
BOOL _fBacktracking;
BOOL _fHaveBacktracked;
HFONT _hTitleFont;
bool _fIsForestRoot;
HRESULT _hr; // Controls whether the trust list is refreshed.
// It should only be set if the new trust
// creation failed. If a failure occurs after
// a trust is created, don't set this because
// in that case we still want the trust list to
// be refreshed.
bool _fHelpInited;
DWORD _dwHelpCookie;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
const CNewTrustWizard& operator=(const CNewTrustWizard&);
// Class: CTrustWizPageBase
// Purpose: Common base class for wizard pages.
class CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizPageBase(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz,
UINT uTitleID,
UINT uSubTitleID,
BOOL fExteriorPage = FALSE);
virtual ~CTrustWizPageBase();
// Static WndProc to be passed to CreatePropertySheetPage.
static LRESULT CALLBACK StaticDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Instance specific window procedure
LRESULT PageProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
HWND GetPageHwnd(void) {return _hPage;};
UINT GetDlgResID(void) {return _uDlgID;};
CNewTrustWizard * Wiz(void) {return _pWiz;};
CRemoteDomain & OtherDomain(void) {return _pWiz->OtherDomain;};
CTrust & Trust(void) {return _pWiz->Trust;};
CWizError & WizErr(void) {return _pWiz->WizError;};
CCredMgr & CredMgr(void) {return _pWiz->CredMgr;};
CVerifyTrust & VerifyTrust() {return _pWiz->VerifyTrust;};
CDsDomainTrustsPage * TrustPage(void) {return _pWiz->TrustPage();};
virtual int Validate(void) = 0;
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam) = 0;
virtual LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) {return false;};
virtual void OnSetActive(void) = 0;
void OnWizBack(void);
void OnWizNext(void);
virtual void OnWizFinish(void) {};
virtual void OnWizReset(void) {};
virtual void OnDestroy(void) {};
void ShowHelp(PCWSTR pwzHelpFile);
HWND _hPage;
UINT _uTitleID;
UINT _uSubTitleID;
BOOL _fExteriorPage;
BOOL _fInInit;
DWORD _dwWizButtons;
CNewTrustWizard * _pWiz;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizPageBase(const CTrustWizPageBase &);
const CTrustWizPageBase & operator=(const CTrustWizPageBase &);
// Class: CTrustWizIntroPage
// Purpose: Intro page for trust creation wizard.
class CTrustWizIntroPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizIntroPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz) :
CTrustWizPageBase(pWiz, IDD_TRUSTWIZ_INTRO_PAGE, 0, 0, TRUE)
{TRACER(CTrustWizIntroPage, CTrustWizIntroPage);};
~CTrustWizIntroPage() {};
int Validate(void) {return IDD_TRUSTWIZ_NAME_PAGE;};
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
void OnSetActive(void) {PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(_hPage), PSWIZB_NEXT);};
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizIntroPage(const CTrustWizIntroPage&);
const CTrustWizIntroPage& operator=(const CTrustWizIntroPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizNamePage
// Purpose: Name and pw page for trust creation wizard.
class CTrustWizNamePage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizNamePage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizNamePage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
void OnSetActive(void);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizNamePage(const CTrustWizNamePage&);
const CTrustWizNamePage& operator=(const CTrustWizNamePage&);
// Class: CTrustWizPwMatchPage
// Purpose: Trust passwords entered don't match page for trust wizard.
class CTrustWizPwMatchPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizPwMatchPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizPwMatchPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
void OnSetActive(void);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizPwMatchPage(const CTrustWizPwMatchPage&);
const CTrustWizPwMatchPage& operator=(const CTrustWizPwMatchPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizCredPage
// Purpose: Credentials specification page for trust creation wizard.
class CTrustWizCredPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizCredPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizCredPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
void OnSetActive(void);
void SetText(void);
BOOL _fNewCall;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizCredPage(const CTrustWizCredPage&);
const CTrustWizCredPage& operator=(const CTrustWizCredPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizMitOrWinPage
// Purpose: Domain not found, query for Non-Windows trust or re-enter name
// wizard page.
class CTrustWizMitOrWinPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizMitOrWinPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizMitOrWinPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
void OnSetActive(void);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizMitOrWinPage(const CTrustWizMitOrWinPage&);
const CTrustWizMitOrWinPage& operator=(const CTrustWizMitOrWinPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizTransitivityPage
// Purpose: Realm transitivity page.
class CTrustWizTransitivityPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizTransitivityPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizTransitivityPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
void OnSetActive(void);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizTransitivityPage(const CTrustWizTransitivityPage&);
const CTrustWizTransitivityPage& operator=(const CTrustWizTransitivityPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizExternOrForestPage
// Purpose: External or Forest type trust wizard page.
class CTrustWizExternOrForestPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizExternOrForestPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizExternOrForestPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) {return false;};
void OnSetActive(void);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizExternOrForestPage(const CTrustWizExternOrForestPage&);
const CTrustWizExternOrForestPage& operator=(const CTrustWizExternOrForestPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizDirectionPage
// Purpose: Trust direction trust wizard page.
class CTrustWizDirectionPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizDirectionPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizDirectionPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) {return false;};
void OnSetActive(void);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizDirectionPage(const CTrustWizDirectionPage&);
const CTrustWizDirectionPage& operator=(const CTrustWizDirectionPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizBiDiPage
// Purpose: Ask to make a one way trust bidi trust wizard page.
class CTrustWizBiDiPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizBiDiPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizBiDiPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) {return false;};
void OnSetActive(void);
void SetSubtitle(void);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizBiDiPage(const CTrustWizBiDiPage&);
const CTrustWizBiDiPage& operator=(const CTrustWizBiDiPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizSelectionsPage
// Purpose: Show the settings that will be used for the trust.
class CTrustWizSelectionsPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizSelectionsPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizSelectionsPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
void OnSetActive(void);
void SetSelections(void);
MultiLineEditBoxThatForwardsEnterKey _multiLineEdit;
BOOL _fSelNeedsRemoving;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizSelectionsPage(const CTrustWizSelectionsPage&);
const CTrustWizSelectionsPage& operator=(const CTrustWizSelectionsPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizVerifyOutboundPage
// Purpose: Ask to confirm the new outbound trust.
class CTrustWizVerifyOutboundPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizVerifyOutboundPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizVerifyOutboundPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
void OnSetActive(void);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizVerifyOutboundPage(const CTrustWizVerifyOutboundPage&);
const CTrustWizVerifyOutboundPage& operator=(const CTrustWizVerifyOutboundPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizVerifyInboundPage
// Purpose: Ask to confirm the new inbound trust.
class CTrustWizVerifyInboundPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizVerifyInboundPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizVerifyInboundPage() {};
int Validate(void);
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
void OnSetActive(void);
BOOL _fNeedCreds;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizVerifyInboundPage(const CTrustWizVerifyInboundPage&);
const CTrustWizVerifyInboundPage& operator=(const CTrustWizVerifyInboundPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizStatusPage
// Purpose: Forest trust has been created and verified, show the status.
class CTrustWizStatusPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizStatusPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizStatusPage() {};
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
int Validate(void);
void OnSetActive(void);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
MultiLineEditBoxThatForwardsEnterKey _multiLineEdit;
BOOL _fSelNeedsRemoving;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizStatusPage(const CTrustWizStatusPage&);
const CTrustWizStatusPage& operator=(const CTrustWizStatusPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizSuffixesPage
// Purpose: Forest name suffixes page.
class CTrustWizSuffixesPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizSuffixesPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizSuffixesPage() {};
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
int Validate(void);
void OnSetActive(void);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizSuffixesPage(const CTrustWizSuffixesPage&);
const CTrustWizSuffixesPage& operator=(const CTrustWizSuffixesPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizDoneOKPage
// Purpose: Completion page when there are no errors.
class CTrustWizDoneOKPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizDoneOKPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizDoneOKPage() {};
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
int Validate(void) {return -1;};
void OnSetActive(void);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
MultiLineEditBoxThatForwardsEnterKey _multiLineEdit;
BOOL _fSelNeedsRemoving;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizDoneOKPage(const CTrustWizDoneOKPage&);
const CTrustWizDoneOKPage& operator=(const CTrustWizDoneOKPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizDoneVerErrPage
// Purpose: Completion page for when the verification fails.
class CTrustWizDoneVerErrPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizDoneVerErrPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizDoneVerErrPage() {};
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
int Validate(void) {return -1;};
void OnSetActive(void);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
MultiLineEditBoxThatForwardsEnterKey _multiLineEdit;
BOOL _fSelNeedsRemoving;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizDoneVerErrPage(const CTrustWizDoneVerErrPage&);
const CTrustWizDoneVerErrPage& operator=(const CTrustWizDoneVerErrPage&);
// Class: CTrustWizFailurePage
// Purpose: Failure page for trust creation wizard.
class CTrustWizFailurePage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizFailurePage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizFailurePage() {};
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
int Validate(void) {return -1;};
void OnSetActive(void);
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizFailurePage(const CTrustWizFailurePage&);
const CTrustWizFailurePage& operator=(const CTrustWizFailurePage&);
// Class: CTrustWizAlreadyExistsPage
// Purpose: Trust already exists page for trust creation wizard.
class CTrustWizAlreadyExistsPage : public CTrustWizPageBase
CTrustWizAlreadyExistsPage(CNewTrustWizard * pWiz);
~CTrustWizAlreadyExistsPage() {};
BOOL OnInitDialog(LPARAM lParam);
int Validate(void) {return -1;};
void OnSetActive(void);
LRESULT OnCommand(int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
MultiLineEditBoxThatForwardsEnterKey _multiLineEdit;
BOOL _fSelNeedsRemoving;
// not implemented to disallow copying.
CTrustWizAlreadyExistsPage(const CTrustWizAlreadyExistsPage&);
const CTrustWizAlreadyExistsPage& operator=(const CTrustWizAlreadyExistsPage&);