2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

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// SortClass.cpp: implementation of the CSortClass class.
// IA64
// Basically we need to convert all SetItemData and GetItemData to SetItemDataPtr
// and GetItemDataPtr since we can not store a pointer as a long or DWORD since it
// loses its high order bits.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "hmlistview.h"
#include "SortClass.h"
#include "HMListViewCtl.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Construction/Destruction
int CSortClass::m_nSortClassInstances=0; // IA64
CPtrArray CSortClass::m_arrpSortClasses; // IA64
// CSortClass::CSortClass(CListCtrl * _pWnd, const int _iCol) // IA64
CSortClass::CSortClass(CHMList * _pWnd, const int _iCol)
ASSERT(_pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CHMList))); // IA64
m_nThisSortInstance = m_nSortClassInstances++;
m_arrpSortClasses.SetAtGrow(m_nThisSortInstance,this); // IA64
m_iCol = _iCol;
m_pWnd = _pWnd;
INT_PTR max = m_pWnd->GetItemCount();
DWORD_PTR dw; // IA64
CString txt;
for (int t = 0; t < max; t++)
// We will need to store the item ptr in a custom mapped array. Must be sure to
// delete these items in the list control's OnDeleteItem handler.
// IA64
dw = m_pWnd->GetItemData(t);
txt = m_pWnd->GetItemText(t, m_iCol);
// m_pWnd->SetItemData(t, (DWORD) new CSortItem(dw,txt)); // IA64
m_pWnd->SetItemDataPtr(t,(void*) new CSortItem(dw,txt)); // IA64
// IA64
int max = m_pWnd->GetItemCount();
CSortItem * pItem;
for (int t = 0; t < max; t++)
//pItem = (CSortItem *) m_pWnd->GetItemData(t); // IA64
pItem = (CSortItem *) m_pWnd->GetItemDataPtr(t); // IA64
m_pWnd->SetItemData(t, pItem->dw);
delete pItem;
void CSortClass::Sort(const bool bAsc)
// IA64 : Since we can not pass a ptr to the SortFunc, we need to pass it our
// place holder reference in the static list of CSortClass ptrs.
// IA64
if (bAsc)
//m_pWnd->SortItems(CompareAsc, (DWORD)this);
m_pWnd->SortItems(CompareAsc, (DWORD)m_nThisSortInstance); // IA64
//m_pWnd->SortItems(CompareDes, (DWORD)this);
m_pWnd->SortItems(CompareDes, (DWORD)m_nThisSortInstance); // IA64
// IA64
// IA64 : This also needs to be converted since lParam1 and lParam2 will
// not contain pointers, they will contain the mapping to the pointers.
int CALLBACK CSortClass::CompareAsc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort)
CSortItem * i1 = (CSortItem *) lParam1;
CSortItem * i2 = (CSortItem *) lParam2;
ASSERT(i1 && i2);
//CSortClass* pSC = (CSortClass*)lParamSort; // IA64
ASSERT(lParamSort <= m_arrpSortClasses.GetSize()); // IA64
CSortClass* pSC = (CSortClass*)m_arrpSortClasses[lParamSort]; // IA64
CHMListViewCtrl* pCtl = (CHMListViewCtrl*)pSC->m_pWnd->GetParent();
if( ! pCtl->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CHMListViewCtrl)) )
return -1;
long lResult = -2L;
return lResult == -2L ? i1->txt.CompareNoCase(i2->txt) : lResult;
int CALLBACK CSortClass::CompareDes(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort)
CSortItem * i1 = (CSortItem *) lParam1;
CSortItem * i2 = (CSortItem *) lParam2;
ASSERT(i1 && i2);
//CSortClass* pSC = (CSortClass*)lParamSort; // IA64
ASSERT(lParamSort <= m_arrpSortClasses.GetSize()); // IA64
CSortClass* pSC = (CSortClass*)m_arrpSortClasses[lParamSort]; // IA64
CHMListViewCtrl* pCtl = (CHMListViewCtrl*)pSC->m_pWnd->GetParent();
if( ! pCtl->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CHMListViewCtrl)) )
return -1;
long lResult = -2L;
return lResult == -2L ? i2->txt.CompareNoCase(i1->txt) : lResult;
CSortClass::CSortItem::CSortItem(const DWORD_PTR _dw, const CString &_txt) // IA64
dw = _dw;
txt = _txt;