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<title>Compuware EcoTOOLS</title>

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    <td bgcolor="999999" width="600"><img src="images/cpwrhome.gif"
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    <td width="68" bgcolor="#CCCC99" valign="top"><br>
    <td width="22" valign="top"><img src="images/divider.gif" alt="divider.gif (853 bytes)"
    WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="9"><p>&nbsp;</p>
    <td width="509" valign="top" style="font-family: arial"><b><font FACE="Palatino" SIZE="4"><br>
    </font><font face="Arial" size="6">Compuware</font><font face="Arial" size="5"> </font><font
    face="Arial" size="6">EcoTOOLS</font><font SIZE="4" face="Arial"><br>
    <em>Managing enterprise health and availability <br>
    for Windows NT</em></font></b><font FACE="Palatino" SIZE="2"><p></font><font SIZE="2"><font
    face="Arial">EcoTOOLS manages health and availability in rapidly expanding NT enterprise
    environments. It monitors, manages and reports on key availability and performance
    metrics, helping to ensure the health and availability of your Windows NT applications are
    maintained at optimal levels.</font></p>
    <p><font face="Arial">The information presented here provides an introduction to EcoTOOLS
    and its powerful service level management capabilities. For specific information on the
    benefits provided by EcoTOOLS, please select any of the following topics:</font><ul>
      <li><a href="#Immediate out-of-the-box value"><font face="Arial">Immediate out-of-the-box
      <li><a href="#Unmatched data monitoring"><font face="Arial">Unmatched data monitoring </font></a></li>
      <li><a href="#Comprehensive event management"><font face="Arial">Comprehensive event
      <li><a href="#Service level reporting &lt;screen shot 3&gt;"><font face="Arial">Service
        level reporting </font></a></li>
      <li><a href="#NT enterprise environment design"><font face="Arial">Enterprise environment
      <li><a href="#EcoTOOLS reports and application templates"><font face="Arial">EcoTOOLS
        reports and application templates</font></a></li>
    <b><p><font face="Arial">EcoSYSTEMS</font></b></p>
    <p><font face="Arial">EcoTOOLS is an integral part of EcoSYSTEMS, Compuware's suite for
    enterprise application service level management. The EcoSYSTEMS suite consists of EcoTOOLS
    for improving application availability through better application management at multiple
    levels of databases, application servers, operating systems and networks; EcoSCOPE for
    optimizing application performance; and EcoSNAP for rapid recovery from application
    <p><font face="Arial">For more information on EcoTOOLS, or any EcoSYSTEMS products, please
    contact us either by <a href="#Phone">phone</a> or on the web at: <a
    <b><p><a name="Immediate out-of-the-box value"><font face="Arial">Immediate out-of-the-box
    <p><font face="Arial">An investment in health and availability management is critical by
    its nature. Management software must demonstrate immediate value.<b> </b>EcoTOOLS does
    just that. By requiring no scripting whatsoever, EcoTOOLS simplifies the planning and
    deployment process. Even determining <i>what</i> to monitor is made easy using application
    <p><font face="Arial">Take a look at some of the built-in value that EcoTOOLS provides:</font><ul>
      <li><p align="left"><font face="Arial"><i>Predefined application templates</i> contain
        business logic to monitor health, availability and performance of the Windows NT server
        and critical applications.</font></p>
      <li><p align="left"><font face="Arial"><i>Customizable packaged reports </i>use gathered
        information to summarize application availability and performance, and provide service
        level documentation.</font></p>
      <li><p align="left"><font face="Arial"><i>Automatic server and application discovery </i>saves
        time by eliminating extensive configuration and setup.</font></p>
      <li><p align="left"><i><font face="Arial">The Graphical Policy Builder</font></i> </font></p>
        <table border="0" width="100%">
            <td width="43%"><a href="images/taskLG.jpg"><font SIZE="2"><img src="images/taskSM.jpg"
            border="0" alt="The Graphical Policy Builder" WIDTH="188" HEIGHT="125"></font></a></td>
            <td width="57%"><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">please click the image <br>
            to the left to see a <br>
            larger version</font></td>
        <p align="left"><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">allows you to build and customize management
        tasks with business rules that reflect your business service level management policies <i>without
        <font SIZE="2"></li>
      <li><p align="left"><font face="Arial"><i>A Native Windows NT user interface </i>with
        wizards guides you through key operations, reducing learning curves and training overhead.</font></p>
    <b><p><a name="Unmatched data monitoring"><font face="Arial">Unmatched data monitoring</font></a></b></p>
    <p><font face="Arial">If you can&#146;t effectively monitor your NT servers and
    applications, you will not be able to manage them. EcoTOOLS provides greater depth by not
    only taking advantage of built-in Windows NT management facilities, including the Windows
    NT performance registry, but also by monitoring application and service data that simply
    are not available from other sources. </font><ul>
      <li><font face="Arial">By monitoring <i>Microsoft Performance Registry Counters, </i>EcoTOOLS
        automatically manages any application that writes performance data or counters to the
        registry. </font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Extended system data </i>provides information about Windows NT
        service status, CPU utilization, printer status, memory utilization, file system
        utilization, and other key availability metrics that <i>are not available</i> through the
      <li><font SIZE="2" face="Arial"><i>Extensive NT Log File analysis </i>helps<i> </i>ensure
        that critical messages from your NT event, security and application logs are captured and
        forwarded to a central location.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Application Log File analysis </i>lets you monitor virtually any
        application that writes to its own logs.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Extended Microsoft Exchange support </i>provides Exchange-specific
        information not currently available, including user-specific information from the Exchange
        database as well as information about -- and corrective actions for -- Message Transfer
        Agent analysis.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Extended Lotus Notes support </i>goes beyond the information
        available in the NT Registry to provide additional support for replication, tracking
        message delivery, checking Domino server status, and tracking database size.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Novell NetWare support </i>directly monitors NetWare servers,
        allowing you to set thresholds, apply service level policies, and graph data for important
        metrics such as CPU utilization, available memory, printer status, number of users logged
        on, and more.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Extended Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) support </i>for
        tracking your own internal customers, providing numerous statistics for reporting on items
        such as total hits per domain and web page.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Extended SQL Server support </i>includes templates and reports
        specifically enhanced for MS SQL Server 7.0, as well as the ability to monitor and view
        specific SQL statements.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Extended Oracle agents </i>provide metrics that may be used in
        conjunction with Oracle Registry counters to monitor the health and availability of Oracle
        databases, including tablespace, fragmentation and status of the individual databases</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Extended SAP agents </i>provide metrics for checking the
        availability of SAP instances and other SAP system metrics, as well as allowing access to
        metrics from the local MIB of the SAP instance.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Real-time, near-time, and historical data </i>facilitate timely
        notifications, accurate trending and historical analysis of critical availability data.</font></li>
    <b><p><a name="Comprehensive event management"><font face="Arial">Comprehensive event
    <p><font face="Arial">As the number of Windows NT servers grows, managing event logs and
    ensuring that critical events are addressed quickly becomes increasingly difficult. At the
    same time, user expectations for availability are also increasing. To meet service level
    expectations, IT staffs need to first aggregate events; next consolidate events into a
    central repository; and finally centralize event management. EcoTOOLS<i> </i>provides
    comprehensive and centralized event management that frees your IT staff to perform other
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Rule-based event filtering</i> gives IT organizations the ability
        to ensure that only relevant events are raised.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Event escalation</i> within the IT organization can be specified
        using a hierarchy of rules.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Real-time event notification</i> alerts IT staff to events as they
        occur, rather than after the fact, which allows IT to respond more quickly.</font></li>
      <li><p align="left"><em><font face="Arial">Visual alarms</font></em></p>
        <table border="0" width="100%">
            <td width="50%"><a href="images/toolsLG.jpg"><img src="images/toolsSM.jpg" border="0"
            alt="Visual Alarms" WIDTH="235" HEIGHT="175"></a></td>
            <td width="50%"><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">please click the image <br>
            to the left to see a <br>
            larger version</font></td>
        <p align="left"><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">displayed on the NT or web console allow IT
        staff to see at a glance where problems may be surfacing.</font></p>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Paging facilities</i> enable servers and applications to run
        unattended, and still receive attention from when critical events occur. </font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>E-mail </i>provides event notification as well as an audit trail
        of events.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Corrective actions </i>enable automatic response to critical
        events at machine speeds, rather than human speeds. </font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Monitoring and restarting services </i>using the extended system
        data and corrective actions allows applications to be restarted quickly, which reduces
    <b><p><a name="Service level reporting &lt;screen shot 3&gt;"><font face="Arial">Service
    level reporting</font></a></b></p>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
        <td width="29%"><a href="images/msexLG.jpg"><img src="images/msexSM.jpg" border="0"
        alt="Service level reporting" WIDTH="130" HEIGHT="196"></a></td>
        <td width="71%"><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">please click the image <br>
        to the left to see a <br>
        larger version</font></td>
    <p><font face="Arial">Effective reporting is essential for meeting service level
    expectations. Reports facilitate planning and trend analysis. They also form the basis for
    conversations about how well service levels are being met. EcoTOOLS provides the following
    comprehensive set of customizable reports:</font><ul>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>High-level and detailed views </i>of reports are available for
        summarizing management information as well as for detailed analysis and trouble-shooting.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Availability reports</i> for Windows NT servers and applications
        describe the availability history to show at a glance where problem areas may exist.
        Reports are prepackaged for key Microsoft BackOffice applications, Lotus, Oracle, SAP and
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Performance reports </i>relate information about performance
        metrics that can be related to the health of applications and servers. </font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Configuration reports</i> document the logic that has been
        captured in business policies and rules. These are helpful to IT staff in recalling
        implemented policies and planning for changes.</font></li>
    <b><p><font face="Arial">E<a name="NT enterprise environment design">nterprise environment
    <p><font face="Arial">To meet the demands of expanding enterprise environments, EcoTOOLS
    employs a three-tier architecture that allows managed servers and control components to
    operate independently, and to survive and recover from network and system outages.
    Additionally, EcoTOOLS has been developed with flexibility to handle your enterprise
      <li><p align="left"></font><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">EcoTOOLS&#146; <i>three-tier
        architecture</i></font><font SIZE="2"></p>
        <table border="0" width="100%">
            <td width="46%"><a href="images/servers2.jpg"><img src="images/servers.jpg" width="197"
            height="135" border="0" alt="EcoTOOLS' three-tier architecture"></a></td>
            <td width="54%"><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">please click the image <br>
            to the left to see a <br>
            larger version</font></td>
        <p align="left"></font><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">facilitates recovery from outages by
        allowing managed servers to operate in a disconnected mode, continuing to collect data.
        When events occur, the managed server will reconnect and forward event information.</font><font
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Native Windows NT capabilities </i>are fully exploited in
        EcoTOOLS, not only in the user interface, but also in the underlying technology, taking
        advantage of native Windows technologies such as SQL Server and COM. This results in
        efficient operation in your Windows NT environment.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>UNIX monitoring</i> <i>capabilities</i> are integrated into
        EcoTOOLS, allowing an administrator to discover tasks, control the operation of those
        tasks on the UNIX servers, and receive and acknowledge events from UNIX servers. </font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial">A <i>Web Browser console</i> allows IT staff to navigate the
        enterprise intranet, viewing events and data and acknowledging critical events without
        returning to the Windows NT console. </font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial">A <i>robust datastore</i> forms the foundation for storing data and
        persisting events from the NT servers. Use of a standard commercial datastore greatly
        enhances the scalability and robustness of the product. It also permits the generation of
        custom reports in unique cases where standard reports cannot meet enterprise-specific
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>Highly scaled </i>environments demand tools that scale easily and
        seamlessly. EcoTOOLS scales to manage up to 200 servers with a single control server,
        based on data collection requirements.</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial"><i>SNMP Trap forwarding and receipt </i>allows you to send traps
        directly to multiple destinations, including frameworks, providing meaningful application
        availability and performance information. In addition, the SNMP trap receive capability
        facilitates integration of other management tools for a centralized view of events.</font></li>
    <b><p><a name="EcoTOOLS reports and application templates"><font face="Arial">EcoTOOLS
    reports and application templates</font></a></b></p>
    <p><font face="Arial">Business Policy Configuration<br>
    Lotus Notes User Statistics<br>
    Lotus Notes Availability<br>
    Lotus Notes Performance<br>
    Microsoft Exchange User Statistics<br>
    Microsoft Exchange Availability<br>
    Microsoft Exchange Performance<br>
    Microsoft Internet Information Server User Statistics<br>
    Microsoft Internet Information Server Availability<br>
    Microsoft Internet Information Server Performance<br>
    Microsoft SQL Server Availability<br>
    Microsoft SQL Server Performance<br>
    Oracle Availability<br>
    Oracle Performance<br>
    SAP R/3 Availability<br>
    SAP R/3 Performance<br>
    Windows NT Availability<br>
    Windows NT Performance<br>
    EcoSNAP Events<br>
    NetWare Availability<br>
    NetWare Performance<br>
    EcoTOOLS Events and Acknowledgements</font></p>
    <p><font face="Arial">Note: for a comprehensive list of templates and reports, please
    contact your sales or customer service representative, as these components are being
    updated regularly.</font></p>
    <b><p><font face="Arial">Getting More Information</font></b></p>
    <p><font face="Arial">For additional information regarding EcoTOOLS and how it will make
    use of WMI/WEBM facilities, please consult the following Web site: </font></p>
    <p></font><a href=""><small></small></a><font
    <p><font face="Arial">At this location, you will find the following information:</font><ul>
      <li><font face="Arial">How EcoTOOLS for Windows NT exploits the WMI/WBEM facility <br>
      <li><font face="Arial">The benefits of being able to provide and consume WMI/WBEM
        information <br>
      <li><font face="Arial">Updated examples/samples of WMI agents <br>
      <li><font face="Arial">Updated MMC snap-in used to consume WMI information </font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial">Managing Service Levels using EcoTOOLS for Windows NT</font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial">Information about EcoTOOLS for Windows NT product capabilities </font></li>
      <li><font face="Arial">Product information on other EcoSYSTEMS products that integrate to
        manage service levels</font></li>
    <p><strong><font face="Arial">What's included in this CD</font></strong></p>
    </font><small><font face="Arial"><p>This CD-ROM includes an introduction to Compuware
    EcoTOOLS support for Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM). EcoTOOLS provides
    instrumentation to enhance&nbsp; WBEM for supporting the Windows 2000 (Build 2000 and
    above) and Windows NT 4.0 environments. When used with the EcoTOOLS Microsoft Management
    Console Snap-in included in this CD, you'll get an interactive view of some system
    statistics </font></small></p>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
        <td width="41%"><a href="images/ETstatBG.gif"><img src="images/ETstatSM.jpg" width="194"
        height="161" border="0" alt="System Statistics"></a></td>
        <td width="59%"><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">please click the image <br>
        to the left to see a <br>
        larger version</font></td>
    <p><font SIZE="2" face="Arial"><font SIZE="2">(physical memory usage, swap space usage,
    and CPU utilization) and the</font> top processes </font></p>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
        <td width="42%"><a href="images/ETtoppBG.gif"><img src="images/ETtoppSM.jpg" width="194"
        height="161" border="0" alt="Top Processes"></a></td>
        <td width="58%"><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">please click the image <br>
        to the left to see a <br>
        larger version</font></td>
    <p><font SIZE="2" face="Arial">for your machine. </font></p>
    <p><small><font face="Arial"><strong>What are EcoTOOLS WBEM instruments?</strong></font></small></p>
    <p><small><font face="Arial">EcoTOOLS has defined some instruments to monitor the select
    data about your computer system. Included are two &quot;instruments&quot; (data measuring
    tools) that let you gather this information. One, the &quot;System statistics&quot;
    instrument, measures the current physical memory utilization, swap space utilization, and
    CPU utilization of your system. The &quot;Top processes&quot; instrument lets you view
    which processes are either using the most memory, are using the most CPU time, or are
    currently having the most page faults.</font></small></p>
    <p><small><strong><font face="Arial">How to install? </font></strong></small></p>
    <p><small><font face="Arial">To install the EcoTOOLS&nbsp; WBEM instruments and the
    Snap-in, insert the Microsoft Windows 2000 CD-ROM in the CD drive, then run the <b>setup.exe</b>
    program located in the <b>Compuware</b> directory (For example,
    D:\valueadd\mgmt\agents\cmpuware\setup.exe). </font></small></p>
    <p><small><font face="Arial"><strong>How to view the EcoTOOLS WBEM instruments through MMC
    <p><small><font face="Arial">The best way use the EcoTOOLS WBEM instruments is to run the
    Microsoft Management Console Snap-in. The EcoTOOLS MMC Snap-in gives you an interactive
    view of some <a href="images/ETstatBG.gif">system statistics</a> (physical memory usage,
    swap space usage, and CPU utilization) and the <a href="images/ETtoppBG.gif">top processes</a>
    for your machine.&nbsp; Once the EcoTOOLS&nbsp;installation is complete, the Snap-in can
    be loaded from an MMC console by following these steps.</font></small> <ol>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">Type <b>mmc</b> in any &quot;Command Prompt&quot; window or
        &quot;Run&quot; window to start the MMC console.</font></small> </li>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">Select &quot;Add/Remove Snap-in&quot; from the Console menu.</font></small>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">In the new window that appears, click on Add.</font></small> </li>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">Select &quot;EcoTOOLS Instrument Viewer&quot; from the list
        that appears and click on OK.</font></small> </li>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">A window appears which lets you configure the snap-in. Use the
        arrows in the top pane to select the frequency to gather data. The bottom pane lets you
        configure the initial settings for gathering data about processes. Select whether you want
        to sort the processes by how much physical memory they are using, by their current CPU
        usage, and by their recent page faulting activity. This lower pane also lets you select
        how many processes to monitor. Click on Finish when you are doing configuring the snap-in.</font></small>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">Now you are back to the Add/Remove Snap-in pane. Click on OK
        to finish the addition of the EcoTOOLS snap-in.</font></small> </li>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">You can now use the snap-in. Click on the + sign next to the
        EcoTOOLS Instrument Viewer in the left pane. You will see the two available instruments:
        System Statistics and Top Processes.</font></small> </li>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">Using the right mouse button, click on the instrument you want
        to run. In the menu that appears, select Start. The data for that instrument will start to
        appear in the right hand pane at the frequency you selected. It may take a moment for the
        initial data to be gathered.</font></small> </li>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">To stop the instrument, use the right mouse button to click on
        the instrument name and select Stop.</font></small> </li>
      <li><small><font face="Arial">To change the setting for an instrument, for example to change
        the data collection frequency, use the menu from the right-mouse button to select
        Properties. From there you can change the parameters.<br>
    <font SIZE="2" face="Arial"><p><a name="Phone"><strong>For more information</strong></a></p>
    <p>Please visit the Compuware EcoSYSTEMS web site at <a
    or contact our corporate headquarters and ask to speak with an EcoSYSTEMS representative.</p>
    <p ALIGN="CENTER"></font><img src="images/cpwrlogo.jpg" alt="cpwrlogo.jpg (7329 bytes)"
    WIDTH="195" HEIGHT="108"><font SIZE="2"><br>
    <font SIZE="2"><font face="Arial">31440 Northwestern Highway<br>
    Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334-2564<br>
    (800) 521-9353</font></p>
    </font><font SIZE="1"><p ALIGN="CENTER"><font face="Arial">Compuware, EcoSCOPE, EcoSNAP,
    EcoSYSTEMS and EcoTOOLS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Compuware Corporation.
    All other company or product names are trademarks of their respective owners.</font></p>
    <p ALIGN="CENTER"><font face="Arial"><3E> 1999 Compuware Corporation</font></font></font></td>
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    <a href="../campbell/ecotoolsNT.htm" EcoTOOLS UNIX</option><!-- Bullet divider b/w columns -->
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