WMI LOGGING ----------- I. To start logging a. for Mup.sys and Dfs.sys use the tracelog program. for example: tracelog -start <SessionName> -f <logFile> -guid <control guid file> -level <level> -flags <flags> the flags need to be given in decimal form, not hex. You can start multiple logger session at one time or you can log multiple components at once by including multiple contols guids in the control guid file. b. for dfssvc.exe dfssvc logging is contoled by registry settings To enable logging in this component set the following keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Tracing\DFS Service\ Active=1 Level = <level> ControlFlags = <flags> LogFileName = <logFile> II. Stop logging Before looking at the logs, you should stop the log session. tracelog -stop <SessionName> III. Dumping the logs use tracedmp (soemtimes found as tracefmt) tracedmp -f <logFile> -guid <mof file> -o <outputfile> IV. Finding the files for logging a. The logging utilities (tracedmp, tracelog, etc) are part of idw or can be found in \\scratch\scratch\drewsam\Logging (copy all files from this directory for logging.) b. The control guid and mof files can be found in the mup, dfs\driver, dfssvc, and dfsm\server diectories. They are mupwpp.mof, dfswpp.mof, svcwpp.mof, dfsmwpp.mof, mupctrl.guid, dfsctrl.guid, svcctrl.guid Dfsm and Dfssvc are controled by one guid. These files are also updated in \\scratch\scratch\drewsam\Logging from time to time. Make sure you have the most up to date files. V. Flags The flags used in mup, dfs, and dfssvc are: DEFAULT 0x0001 TRACE_IRP 0x0004 (not used in dfsvc) ALL_ERROR 0x2000 ERROR 0x4000 TRACE_IRP - logs that will help track the path of an IRP. ERROR - logs of errors that occured. These are only actually logged if there was an error. ALL_ERROR - all error logs, regardless of whether there was an error or not VI. Level HIGH 0x1 - only the most important logs NORM 0x2 LOW 0x4 - all logs VII. Troubleshooting a. Problems with logging pointers on ia64. There were many iterations of problems with WMI logging on ia64. Check that in the mof file all pointers are type ItemPtr and that the format string uses %n!p! and not %n!08x! b. A good source to contact with problems is either DrewSam (originally put logging in DFS and MUP) or IanServ (the guy we got logging from). ADDING NEW LOGS --------------- I. Add logs to source files Simply add new logs using the logging macros (DFS_TRACE_HIGH, MUP_TRACE_HIGH, etc) to the source code. II. Run wpp01.exe From the directory with the modified source run \nt\base\fs\mup\wml\wpp01.exe This will generate two files: XXXwpp.h, and newXXXwpp.mof III. Append the mof files Append the contentes of newXXXwpp.mof to the end of XXXwpp.mof IV. Copy the MSG_ID's Copy the lines from XXXwpp.h of the form "#define MSG_ID_*" into XXXwml.h remove the old MSG_ID defines form XXXwml.h V. Copy the traceguid Replace the first trace guid in XXXwml.c with the new trace guid in XXXwpp.h NOTE: do not replace the control guid!!! VI. Build The code should now build fine.