2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

281 lines
10 KiB

// hhtypes.h
#ifndef _HHTYPES_H
#define _HHTYPES_H
#include <wininet.h>
typedef DWORD INODE;
// Manifest constants and Enums
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define NUM_IN_LOCATE_GROUP 4 // 100
// CHM_SIGNATURE is the master CHM signature value
// (or internal CHM file format version if you will)
// hhw: all code that needs to set the file format version
// of the CMH should use this number to "stamp" a value in the CHM
// it is okay to stamp the CHM in several place just as long as
// we all stamp the same number
// hhctrl: all code that is specific to an CHM file format
// version should check at runtime this value against your
// specific stamp in the CHM and make sure that it is an
// exact match otherwise don't bother reading the CHM and just
// do not perform the requested feature (dislay an warning if you wish)
// Note: currently when the user tries to load the title via the TOC
// if CHM_SIGNATURE is not an exact match then we display an appropriate
// message and prevent the title from loading. However, this doe not prevent
// the title from loading via another mechanism (such as F1 lookup jumps) unless
// that feature is coded to check this stamp (F1 lookups currently do).
#define FS_SIGNATURE 'M' << 24 | 'S' << 16 | 'F' << 7 | 'T'
#define CHM_SIGNATURE 0x0001
#define VERSION_SYSTEM 3 // system file version
// TOC Node Flags
#define TOC_HAS_CHILDREN 0x00000001
#define TOC_NEW_NODE 0x00000002
#define TOC_FOLDER 0x00000004
#define TOC_TOPIC_NODE 0x00000008
#define TOC_NOLOCATION 0x00000010
#define TOC_CHM_ROOT 0x00000020
#define TOC_SS_LEAF 0x00000040
#define TOC_MERGED_REF 0x00000080
#define TOC_HAS_UNTYPED 0x00000100
// Topic Table entry flags.
#define F_TOPIC_FRAGMENT 0x0001
#define F_TOPIC_HASIPOS 0x0002 // Used at COMPILE time only! Has no meaning at runtime.
#define F_TOPIC_MULTI_REF 0x0004 // Used at COMPILE time only! Has no meaning at runtime.
// flags used in the flag word of the url tree chunklets.
#define F_URLC_LEAF 0x01
#define F_URLC_LEAF_HTM 0x02
#define F_URLC_HAS_KIDS 0x04
#define F_URLC_IS_FRAGMENT 0x08
#define F_URLC_IS_TOC_ITEM 0x10
#define F_URLC_IGNORE_URL 0x20
#define F_URLC_KEEPER 0x80
// WARNING: Never, ever change the order of these enums or you break
// backwards compatibility
typedef enum {
TAG_DEFAULT_TOC, // needed if no window definitions
TAG_DEFAULT_INDEX, // needed if no window definitions
TAG_DEFAULT_HTML, // needed if no window definitions
TAG_DEFAULT_CAPTION, // needed if no window definitions
TAG_SHORT_NAME, // short name of title (ex. root filename)
TAG_COMPILER_VERSION, // specifies the version of the compiler used
TAG_TIME, // the time the file was compiled
TAG_INFOTYPE_COUNT, // Total number if infotypes found in .chm
TAG_IDXHEADER, // Much of this is duplicate, used to live in it's own subile.
TAG_EXT_TABS, // extensible tabs
TAG_DEFAULT_FONT, // font to use in all CHM-supplied UI
TAG_NEVER_PROMPT_ON_MERGE, // never prompt during index merge
typedef enum {
typedef enum
typedef enum {
// Structs
#pragma pack(push, 2)
typedef struct {
WORD tag;
WORD cbTag;
typedef struct {
LCID lcid;
BOOL fDBCS; // Don't use bitflags! Can't assume byte-order
BOOL fFTI; // full-text search enabled
BOOL fKeywordLinks;
BOOL fALinks;
FILETIME FileTime; // title uniqueness (should match .chi file)
BOOL fHasPreDefinedSS;
typedef struct {
DWORD idTopic;
DWORD offUrl; // actually, string table for now
typedef struct {
PCSTR pszProgId;
PCSTR pszTabName;
typedef struct
DWORD dwStringSubSetName;
DWORD dwStringITName;
typedef struct {
DWORD dwString;
#pragma pack(pop)
// Compiled sitemap goo.
typedef struct _tagSMI
DWORD dwOffsImageList;
DWORD dwCntImages;
DWORD dwfFolderImages;
COLORREF clrBackground;
COLORREF clrForeground;
DWORD dwOffsFont;
DWORD m_tvStyles;
DWORD m_exStyles;
DWORD dwOffsBackBitmap;
DWORD dwOffsFrameName;
DWORD dwOffsWindowName;
// Warning: If you add members to IDXHEADER they must be added before the dwOffsMergedTitle DWORD array and you
// MUST adjust the padding of the struct. Note that the structure is padded out to one page.
typedef struct _tagIdxHeader
DWORD dwSignature;
DWORD dwTimeStamp;
DWORD dwReqVersion;
DWORD cTopics;
DWORD dwFlags;
SMI smi; // (S)ite (M)ap (I)nfo.
DWORD dwCntIT; // Count of unique infotypes.
DWORD dwITWidth; // The width in DWORDS of each infotype bit field.
DWORD dwCntMergedTitles;
DWORD dwOffsMergedTitles; // Array of DWORDS which utilizes the padded area of this
BYTE pad[PAGE_SIZE - (sizeof(SMI) + (sizeof(DWORD) * 9))]; // struct. It must be the last defined item in the structure.
typedef struct _tagTOCIDX_HEADER
DWORD dwOffsRootNode; // Offset to the root node of the TOC.
DWORD dwOffsGrpTbl; // Offset to the beginning of the group table.
DWORD dwGrpCnt; // Count of groups.
DWORD dwOffsTopicArray; // Offset to beginning of topic array used to facilitate FTS and F1 lookup filtration based on runtime defined subsets.
typedef struct TOC_FolderNode
WORD wFontIdx; // Index into a font table used to specify a particular facename, style and weight.
WORD wGrpIdx; // Index into Group table. Facilitates runtime TOC subsetting.
DWORD dwFlags; // Flag bits used to assign attributes to the node.
DWORD dwOffsTopic; // Offset into the 0 to n linear topic array. if folder just offset to title
DWORD dwOffsParent; // Offset to parent node.
DWORD dwOffsNext; // Next sibling offset, needed only for non-leaves.
DWORD dwOffsChild; // Child offset.
DWORD dwIT_Idx; // !!<WARNING>!! This must remain the last member of this struct. Infotype index. Needed only on folders for TOC filtering.
typedef struct TOC_LeafNode
WORD wFontIdx; // Index into a font table used to specify a particular facename, style and weight.
WORD wGrpIdx; // Index into Group table. Facilitates runtime TOC subsetting.
DWORD dwFlags; // Flag bits used to assign attributes to the node.
DWORD dwOffsTopic; // Offset into the 0 to n linear topic array. if folder just offset to title
DWORD dwOffsParent; // Offset to parent node.
DWORD dwOffsNext; // Next sibling offset.
typedef struct _tag_TOC_Topic
DWORD dwOffsTOC_Node; // This is the "sync to information"
DWORD dwOffsTitle; // Offset to the title string.
DWORD dwOffsURL; // Offset to URL data for the topic.
WORD wFlags; // 16 flags should be enough.
WORD wIT_Idx; // InfoType index. !!<WARNING>!! This MUST be the last member of this struct!
} TOC_TOPIC, *PTOC_TOPIC; // Size == 16 bytes.
typedef struct _tag_url_entry
DWORD dwHash; // Hashed URL value.
DWORD dwTopicNumber; // Index into topic array table, needed for sync.
DWORD dwOffsURL; // Offset into URL string data. Secondary URLs will be specified via DWORD that
// preceedes the primary URL which will indicate an offset to the secondary URL
// in the URL_STRINGS subfile. If the preceeding DOWRD in the URL_STRINGS
// subfile is NULL, no secondary URL exists.
// URL String data storage (URL_STRINGS):
// This will be the repository for all URL string data for a given title. In addition, this subfile will also
// contain references to secondary URLs.
typedef struct _tag_url_strings
DWORD dwOffsSecondaryURL; // Offset to the secondary URL. If NULL, no secondary URL exists.
DWORD dwOffsFrameName; // Offset to the optional frame name URL is to be displayed in. If NULL, Defualt frame is used.
int iPosURL; // used at compile time only!
char szURL[4]; // Primary URL. NULL terminated string.
// An array of these lives right after the topic array in the GRPINF subfile. the dwOffsGrpTable
// will get you to the array of these.
// DANGER Will Robinson --> Note that this struct is 16 bytes in size. Since out page size
// is divisable by 16 there is no code needed to assure that these
// don't cross page boundrys. If you change the size of this struct
// then you'll need to take care of page alignement problems.
typedef struct _GroupTable
DWORD iNode; // offset into node tree.
DWORD dwID; // Group identifier.
DWORD dwOffsTopicArray; // Index into topic array. Indicates first topic of the group.
DWORD dwTopicCount; // Count of topics in the array.