
390 lines
15 KiB

// WWheel.h - HTML Help Word Wheel support
// Covers both KeywordLinks and AssociativeLinks
#ifndef __WWHEEL_H__
#define __WWHEEL_H__
#include <windows.h>
// InfoTech headers
#include "itww.h"
#include "itdb.h"
#include "itrs.h"
#include "itpropl.h"
#include "itcc.h"
#include "fs.h"
// make Don's stuff work
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef HHCTRL
#include "parserhh.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "collect.h"
#include "hhtypes.h"
#include "toc.h"
#include "system.h"
// Centaur defines
#ifndef ITWW_CBKEY_MAX //defined in itww.h
#define ITWW_CBKEY_MAX 1024
#ifndef ITWW_CBREC_MAX // itww.h does not define this
#define ITWW_CBREC_MAX 8
// global defines
#define HHWW_FONT 0x1 // bit 0
#define HHWW_SEEALSO 0x2 // bit 1
#define HHWW_UID_OVERFLOW 0x4 // bit 2
#define HHWW_PLACEHOLDER 0x8 // bit 3
#define HHWW_KEYWORDLINKS 0x1 // bit 0
#define HHWW_ASSOCIATIVELINKS 0x2 // bit 2
#define HHWW_ERROR ((DWORD)-1)
#define HHWW_MAX_LEVELS 255
// the format of our sort key object is as follows:
// + Null terminated MBCS string
// + HHKEYINFO structure
// + trailing UIDs (DWORD) or the SeeAlso string
// TODO: If we overflow the buffer then the UIDs are stored in the
// occurence data and the SeeAlso string stored as a property
// (STDPROP_USERPROP_BASE+1). For now we truncate overflow data.
// Our sort key information struct
#pragma pack(push, 2)
typedef struct _hhkeyinfo
WORD wFlags; // indicates what data is stored with this keyword
WORD wLevel;
DWORD dwLevelOffset;
DWORD dwFont;
DWORD dwCount; // number of UIDs that follow this structure in the sortkey
#pragma pack(pop)
// forward references
class CExTitle;
class CExCollection;
class CWordWheel;
class CTitleDatabase;
// class CTitleMapEntry
class CTitleMapEntry SI_COUNT(CTitleMapEntry) {
inline CTitleMapEntry() { m_pTitle = NULL; m_pWordWheel = NULL; m_pDatabase = NULL; m_pKeywordLinks = NULL; m_pAssociativeLinks = NULL; m_pszShortName = NULL; m_dwIndex = HHWW_ERROR; m_dwId = 0; }
inline ~CTitleMapEntry() { if( m_pszShortName ) delete [] (CHAR*) m_pszShortName; }
inline DWORD GetId() { return m_dwId; }
inline DWORD SetId( DWORD dwId ) { m_dwId = dwId; return m_dwId; }
inline CExTitle* GetTitle() { return m_pTitle; }
inline CExTitle* SetTitle( CExTitle* pTitle ) { m_pTitle = pTitle; return m_pTitle; }
inline CTitleDatabase* GetDatabase() { return m_pDatabase; }
inline CTitleDatabase* SetDatabase( CTitleDatabase* pDatabase ) { m_pDatabase = pDatabase; return m_pDatabase; }
inline CWordWheel* GetWordWheel() { return m_pWordWheel; }
inline CWordWheel* SetWordWheel( CWordWheel* pWordWheel ) { m_pWordWheel = pWordWheel; return m_pWordWheel; }
inline CWordWheel* GetKeywordLinks() { return m_pKeywordLinks; }
inline CWordWheel* SetKeywordLinks( CWordWheel* pKeywordLinks ) { m_pKeywordLinks = pKeywordLinks; return m_pKeywordLinks; }
inline CWordWheel* GetAssociativeLinks() { return m_pAssociativeLinks; }
inline CWordWheel* SetAssociativeLinks( CWordWheel* pAssociativeLinks ) { m_pAssociativeLinks = pAssociativeLinks; return m_pAssociativeLinks; }
inline DWORD GetIndex() { return m_dwIndex; }
inline DWORD SetIndex( DWORD dwIndex ) { m_dwIndex = dwIndex; return m_dwIndex; }
inline const CHAR* SetShortName( const CHAR* pszShortName )
{ //HH BUG 2807 --- See CheckWordWheels for more info.
if (pszShortName)
int iLen = (int)strlen( pszShortName );
if( iLen ) {
m_pszShortName = new char[iLen+1];
strcpy( (CHAR*) m_pszShortName, pszShortName );
return m_pszShortName;
inline const CHAR* GetShortName() { if( m_pTitle ) return m_pTitle->GetInfo2()->GetShortName(); return m_pszShortName; }
inline FILETIME GetFileTime() { if( m_pTitle ) return m_pTitle->GetInfo2()->GetFileTime(); return m_FileTime; }
inline FILETIME SetFileTime( FILETIME FileTime ) { m_FileTime = FileTime; return m_FileTime; }
inline LCID GetLanguage() { if( m_pTitle ) return m_pTitle->GetInfo2()->GetLanguage(); return m_lcid; }
inline LCID SetLanguage( LCID lcid ) { m_lcid = lcid; return m_lcid; }
DWORD m_dwId;
DWORD m_dwIndex;
CExTitle* m_pTitle;
CTitleDatabase* m_pDatabase;
CWordWheel* m_pWordWheel;
CWordWheel* m_pKeywordLinks;
CWordWheel* m_pAssociativeLinks;
const CHAR* m_pszShortName;
FILETIME m_FileTime;
LCID m_lcid;
// class CTitleMap
class CTitleMap SI_COUNT(CTitleMap) {
inline CTitleMap() { _CTitleMap(); m_bInit = TRUE; }
inline CTitleMap( const CHAR* pszDatabase ) { _CTitleMap(); m_pszDatabase = pszDatabase; }
inline ~CTitleMap() { Free(); }
BOOL Initialize();
BOOL Free();
inline DWORD GetCount() { Init(); return m_dwCount; }
inline DWORD SetCount( DWORD dwCount ) { Free(); m_dwCount = dwCount; if( m_dwCount ) m_pEntries = new CTitleMapEntry[dwCount]; else m_pEntries = NULL; return m_dwCount; }
inline CExTitle* GetTitle( DWORD dwIndex ) { Init(); if( dwIndex < m_dwCount ) return ((CTitleMapEntry*)(m_pEntries+dwIndex))->GetTitle(); else return NULL; }
inline CExTitle* SetTitle( DWORD dwIndex, CExTitle* pTitle ) { ((CTitleMapEntry*)(m_pEntries+dwIndex))->SetTitle(pTitle); return pTitle; }
inline CTitleMapEntry* GetAt( DWORD dwIndex ) { Init(); if( (m_dwCount != HHWW_ERROR) && (dwIndex < m_dwCount) ) return m_pEntries+dwIndex; else return NULL; }
inline const CHAR* GetDatabase() { return m_pszDatabase; }
inline void Sort( int (FASTCALL *compare)(const void*, const void*)) { Init(); QSort( m_pEntries, m_dwCount, sizeof(CTitleMapEntry), compare ); }
BOOL m_bInit;
const CHAR* m_pszDatabase;
DWORD m_dwCount;
CTitleMapEntry* m_pEntries;
inline void _CTitleMap() { m_pszDatabase = NULL; m_bInit = FALSE; m_dwCount = HHWW_ERROR; m_pEntries = NULL; }
inline BOOL Init() { if( !m_bInit ) Initialize(); return m_bInit; }
// class CTitleDatabase declaration (Shared Centaur object)
class CTitleDatabase SI_COUNT(CTitleDatabase) {
CTitleDatabase( CExCollection* pCollection );
CTitleDatabase( CExTitle* pTitle );
CTitleDatabase( const CHAR* pszDatabase );
CTitleDatabase( const WCHAR* pwszDatabase );
BOOL Initialize(CHAR *pszFileName = NULL);
BOOL Free();
inline CExCollection* GetCollection() { return m_pCollection; }
inline CExTitle* GetTitle() { return m_pTitle; }
inline BOOL IsCollection() { Init(); return m_bCollection; }
inline IITDatabase* GetDatabase() { Init(); return m_pDatabase; }
inline CTitleMap* GetTitleMap() { Init(); return m_pTitleMap; }
inline CWordWheel* GetKeywordLinks() { Init(); return m_pKeywordLinks; }
inline CWordWheel* GetAssociativeLinks() { Init(); return m_pAssociativeLinks; }
BOOL MergeWordWheels();
BOOL CheckWordWheels();
BOOL BuildWordWheels();
inline const CHAR* GetPathname() { Init(); return m_pszDatabase; }
inline BOOL SetAnimation( BOOL bState) { m_bAnimation = bState; return m_bAnimation;}
BOOL m_bInit;
const WCHAR* m_pwszDatabase;
const CHAR* m_pszDatabase;
CHAR m_szFullPath[_MAX_PATH];
CExCollection* m_pCollection;
CExTitle* m_pTitle;
IITDatabase* m_pDatabase;
BOOL m_bCollection;
CTitleMap* m_pTitleMap;
CWordWheel* m_pKeywordLinks;
CWordWheel* m_pAssociativeLinks;
BOOL m_bAnimation; // TRUE to display animation during wordwheel build
void _CTitleDatabase();
inline BOOL Init() { if( !m_bInit ) Initialize(); return m_bInit; }
// class CResultsEntry
class CResultsEntry SI_COUNT(CResultsEntry) {
inline CResultsEntry() {}
inline ~CResultsEntry() {}
inline DWORD GetURLId() { return m_dwURLId; }
inline DWORD SetURLId( DWORD dwURLId ) { m_dwURLId = dwURLId; return m_dwURLId; }
inline CExTitle* GetTitle() { return m_pTitle; }
inline CExTitle* SetTitle( CExTitle* pTitle ) { m_pTitle = pTitle; return m_pTitle; }
CExTitle* m_pTitle;
// class CResults declaration
class CResults SI_COUNT(CResults) {
inline CResults() { m_dwIndex = HHWW_ERROR; m_pEntries = NULL; }
inline ~CResults() { Free(); }
inline DWORD GetIndex() { return m_dwIndex; }
inline DWORD SetIndex( DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwSize )
m_dwIndex = dwIndex;
m_dwSize = dwSize;
if( m_dwSize )
m_pEntries = new CResultsEntry[dwSize];
m_pEntries = NULL;
return m_dwIndex;
inline DWORD GetCount() { return m_dwSize; }
inline CResultsEntry* GetAt( DWORD dwIndex ) { if(dwIndex < m_dwSize) return m_pEntries+dwIndex; else return NULL; }
DWORD m_dwIndex;
DWORD m_dwSize;
CResultsEntry* m_pEntries;
inline BOOL Free() { if( m_pEntries ) { delete [] m_pEntries; m_pEntries = NULL; } return TRUE; }
// class CWordWheelEntry declaration
class CWordWheelEntry SI_COUNT(CWordWheelEntry) {
inline CWordWheelEntry() { m_dwIndex = HHWW_ERROR; }
inline ~CWordWheelEntry() {}
DWORD m_dwIndex;
DWORD m_dwLevel;
DWORD m_dwLevelOffset;
DWORD m_dwFlags;
DWORD m_dwFont;
// class CWordWheel declaration
class CWordWheel SI_COUNT(CWordWheel) {
CWordWheel( CTitleDatabase* pDatabase, const WCHAR* pwszWordWheel, DWORD dwTitleId = 0 );
CWordWheel( CTitleDatabase* pDatabase, const CHAR* pszWordWheel, DWORD dwTitleId = 0 );
DWORD AddRef();
DWORD Release();
BOOL Initialize();
BOOL Free();
DWORD GetCount();
DWORD GetIndex( const WCHAR* pwszKeyword, BOOL bFragment = TRUE, DWORD* pdwIndexLast = NULL );
DWORD GetIndex( const CHAR* pszKeyword, BOOL bFragment = TRUE, DWORD* pdwIndexLast = NULL );
BOOL GetString( DWORD dwKeyword, WCHAR* pwszBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer = (DWORD)-1, BOOL bFull = FALSE, BOOL bCacheAll = FALSE );
BOOL GetString( DWORD dwKeyword, CHAR* pszBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer = (DWORD)-1, BOOL bFull = FALSE, BOOL bCacheAll = FALSE );
DWORD GetLevel( DWORD dwKeyword );
DWORD GetLevelOffset( DWORD dwKeyword );
BOOL GetSeeAlso( DWORD dwKeyword, WCHAR* pwszBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer = (DWORD)-1 );
BOOL GetSeeAlso( DWORD dwKeyword, CHAR* pszBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer = (DWORD)-1 );
BOOL IsPlaceHolder( DWORD dwKeyword );
DWORD GetHitCount( DWORD dwKeyword );
DWORD GetHit( DWORD dwKeyword, DWORD dwHit, CExTitle** ppTitle = NULL );
inline BOOL GetSorterInstance( DWORD* pdwSorterInstance ) { if( Init() ) { m_pWordWheel->GetSorterInstance(pdwSorterInstance); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
inline BOOL GetLocaleInfo( DWORD* pdwCodePageId, LCID* plcid ) { if( Init() ) { m_pWordWheel->GetLocaleInfo(pdwCodePageId, plcid); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
inline CTitleDatabase* GetDatabase() { Init(); return m_pDatabase; }
inline IITWordWheel* GetWordWheel() { Init(); return m_pWordWheel; }
BOOL GetIndexData( DWORD dwKeyword, BOOL bCacheAll = FALSE );
DWORD m_dwRefCount;
const WCHAR* m_pwszWordWheel;
const WCHAR* m_pwszWordWheelIn;
const CHAR* m_pszWordWheelIn;
BOOL m_bInit;
IITWordWheel* m_pWordWheel;
CTitleDatabase* m_pDatabase;
CWordWheelEntry m_CachedEntry;
CResults m_CachedResults;
DWORD m_dwCount;
DWORD m_dwTitleId;
void _CWordWheel();
inline BOOL Init() { if( !m_bInit ) Initialize(); return m_bInit; }
BOOL GetIndexHitData( DWORD dwKeyword );
inline BOOL GetIndexHitData( const VOID* pcvKeywordObject, DWORD cbSize, HHKEYINFO* pInfo, DWORD dwKeyword );
// class CWordWheelCompiler declaration
class CWordWheelCompiler SI_COUNT(CWordWheelCompiler) {
CWordWheelCompiler( const CHAR* pszDatabase, const WCHAR* pwszKeywordLinks, const WCHAR* pwszAssociativeLinks, LCID lcid = ((DWORD)-1));
IITBuildCollect* m_pBuildCollectKeywordLinks;
IITBuildCollect* m_pBuildCollectAssociativeLinks;
IITPropList* m_pPropList;
HRESULT Initialize();
HRESULT Build();
inline BOOL SetAnimation( BOOL bState ) { m_bAnimation = bState; return m_bAnimation;}
BOOL m_bInit;
const CHAR* m_pszDatabase;
const WCHAR* m_pwszKeywordLinks;
const WCHAR* m_pwszAssociativeLinks;
LCID m_lcid;
CHAR m_szDatabase[MAX_PATH];
CFileSystem* m_pFileSystem;
IITDatabase* m_pDatabase;
IPersistStorage* m_pPersistStorageDatabase;
IStorage* m_pStorageKeywordLinks;
IStorage* m_pStorageAssociativeLinks;
IPersistStorage* m_pPersistStorageKeywordLinks;
IPersistStorage* m_pPersistStorageAssociativeLinks;
BOOL m_bAnimation;
void _CWordWheelCompiler();
inline BOOL Init() { if( !m_bInit ) Initialize(); return m_bInit; }
#endif // __WWHEEL_H__