
123 lines
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// PURPOSE: Interface of CAbstractECB class, which provides an abstraction from Win32's
// EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK. Using this abstract class allows us to have common code for
// the Online Troubleshooter (which actually uses an EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK) and the Local
// Troubleshooter (which needs to simulate similar capabilities).
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 01-04-99
// 1. EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK is extensively documented in the VC++ documentation
// 2. It is imaginable that some of these methods are needed only in the Online Troubleshooter
// and might be eliminated from this abstract class.
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.1 01-04-99 JM Original
// apgtsECB.h: interface for the CAbstractECB class.
#if !defined(AFX_APGTSECB_H__56CCF083_A40C_11D2_9646_00C04FC22ADD__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_APGTSECB_H__56CCF083_A40C_11D2_9646_00C04FC22ADD__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#include <windows.h>
#include <httpext.h>
class CAbstractECB
virtual ~CAbstractECB() {}
// Methods corresponding to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK data members. We must provide
// Get methods for all inputs from end user system and Set methods for all outputs to
// end user system. Classes which inherit from this may need Set methods for inputs
// or Get methods for outputs, as well. For example, the Local Troubleshooter will need
// to set the Method and Query String, since it does not actually receive these in
// DWORD cbSize IN, not currently used by TS. Would have to add a Get method if
// this is ever needed
// DWORD dwVersion IN, not currently used by TS. Would have to add a Get method if
// this is ever needed
// HCONN ConnID IN, only ever of concern within class COnlineECB
// DWORD dwHttpStatusCode OUT
virtual DWORD SetHttpStatusCode(DWORD dwHttpStatusCode)=0;
// CHAR lpszLogData[HSE_LOG_BUFFER_LEN] OUT, not currently used by TS. Would have
// to add a Set method if this is ever needed
// LPSTR lpszMethod IN
virtual LPSTR GetMethod() const =0;
// LPSTR lpszQueryString IN
virtual LPSTR GetQueryString() const =0;
// LPSTR lpszPathInfo IN, not currently used by TS. Would have to add a Get method if
// this is ever needed
// LPSTR lpszPathTranslated IN, not currently used by TS. Would have to add a Get method if
// this is ever needed
// DWORD cbTotalBytes IN, not currently used by TS. Would have to add a Get method if
// this is ever needed
// DWORD cbAvailable IN
virtual DWORD GetBytesAvailable() const =0;
// LPBYTE lpbData IN
virtual LPBYTE GetData() const =0;
// LPSTR lpszContentType IN
virtual LPSTR GetContentType() const =0;
// Methods corresponding to EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK methods
// Note that EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK uses pointers to functions, not actual function methods,
// but there doesn't seem to be any good reason for that.
virtual BOOL GetServerVariable
( /*HCONN hConn,*/ // EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK has an argument here, but for us it can
// always be determined from *this
LPCSTR lpszVariableName, // note, more const-ness than EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK
LPVOID lpvBuffer,
LPDWORD lpdwSize ) =0;
virtual BOOL WriteClient
( /*HCONN ConnID,*/ // EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK has an argument here, but for us it can
// always be determined from *this
LPCSTR Buffer, // EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::WriteClient uses LPVOID, but it should
// only be legit to pass SBCS text, so we're enforcing that.
// Also, we're adding const-ness.
LPDWORD lpdwBytes
/* ,DWORD dwReserved */ // EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK::WriteClient reserves one more arg.
) =0;
virtual BOOL ServerSupportFunction
( /*HCONN hConn,*/ // EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK has an argument here, but for us it can
// always be determined from *this
DWORD dwHSERRequest,
LPVOID lpvBuffer,
LPDWORD lpdwSize,
LPDWORD lpdwDataType ) =0;
// since we don't use this we haven't bothered implementing.
// BOOL ( WINAPI * ReadClient )
// ( HCONN ConnID,
// LPVOID lpvBuffer,
// LPDWORD lpdwSize );
#endif // !defined(AFX_APGTSECB_H__56CCF083_A40C_11D2_9646_00C04FC22ADD__INCLUDED_)