2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

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<TITLE>Bitmap Surfaces in Trident</TITLE>
<P><IMG width=150 height=150 align=middle
src=http://forms3/graphics/ClubTrid.gif><FONT size=7><FONT
size=+3><STRONG>Bitmap Surfaces in Trident<BR>
</STRONG></FONT></FONT><STRONG>Date Last Updated: </STRONG><BR>
<STRONG>Author:</STRONG> Michael Winser<BR>
<STRONG>Status:</STRONG> Draft<BR>
<STRONG>Version:</STRONG> 0.3
<H1>Table of Contents</H1>
<H1><U>Common interface for all bitmap surfaces</U></H1>
<P>Bitmap surfaces are used in Trident in a variety of forms: DIBs, DIB
sections, HBITMAPs and DCs. Although GDI handles each of these in a slightly
different manner, they are all essentially the same thing: an array of bits
called a bitmap. The goal is to define a common set of interfaces that
encapsulates all existing uses of bitmaps in Trident as well as providing for
future use of bitmaps from DirectDraw.
<P>A bitmap will be represented by an IBitmapSurface object. This object may
also be QI'd for IGdiSurface and IDDSurface. These interfaces provide a way to
get at the the GDI and DirectDraw objects associated with a particular surface.
<FONT color=black>Bitmaps surface are generally created by bitmap surface
factories. The main interface for this is IBitmapSurfaceFactory. This object may
also be QI'd for IGdiSurfaceFactory and IDDSurfaceFactory. </FONT>
<P>Direct access to bitmap bits will result in new features and performance
improvements. For example, while transparent blts can be accomplished via GDI,
they typically require three passes and an intermediate mask. With direct access
to the surface bits, the blt can be done in a single pass with no mask. Alpha
channel bitmaps are an example of functionality not currently supported by GDI
that is almost trivial given direct access to the surface bits.
<P>The IBitmapSurface interface has uses beyond its immediate use in Trident.
This is particularly apparent with the use of an IBounds object instead of a
simple RECT for coordinate information. By using an interface pointer instead of
a structure it becomes possible to QI the object for extra bounds information
such as time. This is particularly important when this information must
&quot;pass through&quot; a component that doesn't know about or check for the
new bounds information.
<H1>Centralized allocation and creation of off-screen surfaces</H1>
<P>Trident currently has two off-screen DC classes and allocates DIBs in several
places. By centralizing all surface allocation, it will be possible to more
efficiently allocate and free surfaces, especially ephemeral surfaces used only
during paint.
<P>A central surface factory will enable a per-process or per-thread cache of
discardable surfaces. Not only will this cache be used by internal Trident
components, it will be available to external controls. This means that smart
controls can participate in the application level cache intead of competing with
the main application for working set.
<P>There are several factory interfaces that will be provided via
IServiceProvider. IBitmapSurfaceFactory is the preferred way to create arbitrary
surfaces, IGdiSurfaceFactory is used to create surfaces compatible with an HDC.
<P>While the initial implementation of the allocator will probably just use
CreateDIBSection, a central allocator makes it very easy to add support for
DirectDraw later on.<U>
<H1>Allow controls to get at surface bits</H1>
<P>The primary drawing interface for controls is still IViewObject::Draw. In
order to allow controls to get at the destination surface bits, the
IGdiSurfaceFactory interface has a GetSurfaceFromDC function. This solution was
prefered over adding yet another control interface for which the container would
have to check. The control would typically get the IGdiSurfaceFactory interface
pointer once (at creation) and then map the DC to a surface when asked to paint.
<H1><U>Support DirectX hardware acceleration</U></H1>
<P>DirectX provides driver level access to the graphics hardware. DirectDraw
provides frame buffer and bltter access and Direct3D provides 3d rendering. Some
of the benefits of DirectDraw include hardware transparent blt, page flipping,
vertical retrace timing, tear free blts. While DirectDraw uses COM, it is
unfortunately not aggregateable. Furthermore, several DirectDraw operations will
grab the Win16 mutex. The IBitmapSurface implemention in Trident will therefore
delegate to DirectDraw as necessary.
<P>However, controls can and should be able to use DirectDraw when it is
available. The IDDSurface interface (QI'd from an IBitmapSurface object) allows
the caller to get the underlying IDirectDraw and IDirectDrawSurface objects. Not
only does this allow controls direct access, it also allows them to coordinate
this with other DirectX support such as Direct3D.
<P><FONT color=black>An IBounds interface is used to describe and compare the
size of an object. The initial IBounds interface describes pixel bounds only but
the concept can be extended to support other dimensions (e.g. time, frames,
metric size). These other dimensions are obtained by QI'ing the IBounds object
for new interface (e.g. ITimeBounds, IFrameBounds, IMetricBounds).</FONT>
<P><FONT color=black>This extensibility is why an interface is used instead of a
simple structure. Components can be written to know about only the dimensions
they need to accomplish a task and still work with more complex objects. For
example, a transparent blt function might be declared as </FONT>
<PRE><FONT color=black size=-1>HRESULT TransparentBlt(IBitmapSurface *pSurfaceSrc, IBounds *pBoundsSrc,
IBitmapSurface *pSurfaceDst, IBounds *pBoundsDst);</FONT></PRE>
<P><FONT color=black>The function obviously needs to know about the pixel
coordinates of the operation but has no interest or knowledge of time. It simply
calls LockBits on the surface parameters and does it's work. And yet, if the
surface parameters are multi-framed surfaces, they could QI for IFrameBounds or
ITimeBounds on the bounds parameter in order to determine which sub-surface to
actually lock.
<P><FONT color=blue>Some thought was given to making IBounds a dimensionless
interface and then requiring components to QI for something like IPixelBounds
that would return rectangles in pixel coordinates. While we may define a base
interface IGenericBounds in the future, there is little point in doing so for a
set of interfaces where pixels are the common denominator. The extra QI wouldn't
be very expensive but can easily be avoided.</FONT>
interface IBounds : IUnknown
HRESULT Clone(IBounds **ppBounds);
HRESULT GetRect(int *pLeft, int *pTop, int *pRight, int *pBottom);
HRESULT SetRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
HRESULT IBounds<FONT color=black>::CopyFromBounds(</FONT>IBounds *pBounds);
<FONT color=black>HRESULT IsEqual(IBounds *pBounds);
</FONT>HRESULT IntersectBounds(IBounds *pBoundsSrc, IBounds **ppBoundsResult);
HRESULT UnionBounds(IBounds *pBoundsSrc, IBounds **ppBoundsResult);
<H3>HRESULT IBounds::Clone(IBounds **ppBounds) </H3>
<LI>[out] IBounds **ppBounds - The returned clone.</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<LI>E_POINTER - The address in <FONT color=black>ppBounds</FONT> is not
<LI>E_OUTOFMEMORY - The clone could not be allocated</LI>
<P>Makes a copy of the bounds object. By using this function instead of
explicitly copying information, the caller ensures that all other information
(time, metric size, etc.) is also copied.
<H3>HRESULT IBounds::CopyFromBounds(IBounds *pBounds) </H3>
<LI>[in] IBounds *pBounds - The source object</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<LI>E_POINTER - The address in pBounds in not valid</LI>
<LI>E_BOUNDS_READONLY - The bounds object cannot be changed</LI>
<P>The bounds objects takes on the values of all <I>common</I> dimensions from
the source object in pBounds. This is not a copy. This does not add new
dimensions to the object.
<FONT color=blue>
<P><FONT color=black>The benefit of this function is that the bounds object may
know of dimensions that the caller does not. For instance, two bounds objects
may both contain time information. Even if the caller is unaware of this
dimension, this function ensures that all common dimensions are copied. <FONT
color=blue>While this is better than having the caller simply copy the rectangle
information, callers should be aware that source dimensions not present in the
destination will not be copied.</FONT></FONT>
<H3><FONT color=black>HRESULT IsEqual(IBounds *pBounds, BOOL
<P><FONT color=black>Parameters: </FONT>
<LI><FONT color=black>[in] IBounds *pBounds - the bounds object
against which the object is compared</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT color=black>[in] BOOL fMustMatchAllDimensions - determines
how the comparison is performed</FONT></LI>
<P><FONT color=black>Return values: </FONT>
<LI><FONT color=black><FONT color=blue>S_OK</FONT></FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT color=black>S_FALSE</FONT></LI>
<P><FONT color=black>Description: </FONT>
<P><FONT color=black>Compares the bounds object to the parameter pBounds. The
object will compare itself to pBounds on all its dimensions. If
fMustMatchAllDimensions is TRUE then pBounds the the object will QI pBounds for
all of it's dimensions. If pBounds does not support a dimension, the function
will return S_FALSE. When fMustMatchAllDimensions is FALSE then only the common
dimensions are compared.
<P><FONT color=blue>Should we call this CompareBounds to make it a bit more
clear that this isn't a true test of equality. Perhaps we should have
CompareBounds as described above and IsEqual (possibly as a helper function)
that does the compare in both directions.
<PRE>pBounds1-&gt;CompareBounds(pBounds2) == S_OK &amp;&amp; pBounds2-&gt;CompareBounds(pBounds1) == S_OK)</PRE>
<H3>HRESULT GetRect(int *pLeft, int *pTop, int *pRight, int *pBottom) </H3>
<LI>[out] int *pLeft - The address to receive the left side of the
<LI>[out] int *pTop - The address to receive the top side of the
<LI>[out] int *pRight - The address to receive the right side of the
<LI>[out] int *pBottom - The address to receive the bottom side of the
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<LI>E_POINTER - One of the addresses in pLeft, pRight pTop or pBottom is
not valid</LI>
<P>Gets the rectangular bounds of the object.
<H3>HRESULT SetRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) </H3>
<LI>[in] int left - The address to receive the left side of the
<LI>[in] int top - The address to receive the top side of the rect</LI>
<LI>[in] int right - The address to receive the right side of the
<LI>[in] int bottom - The address to receive the bottom side of the
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<LI>E_BOUNDS_READONLY - The bounds of the object cannot be changed.</LI>
<P>Sets the rectangular bounds of the object.
<H3>HRESULT IntersectBounds(IBounds *pBoundsSrc, IBounds **ppBoundsResult);
<LI>[in] IBounds *pBoundsSrc - the source bounds object</LI>
<LI>[out] IBounds **ppBoundsResult - The address to receive the result
bounds object</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - The bounds object intersects the source bounds object.</LI>
<LI>S_FALSE - The bounds object does not intersect the source bounds
<LI>E_POINTER - ppBoundsResult is not a valid address</LI>
<P>The source bounds object is checked for intersection on all the dimensions of
the bounds object. The result is returned in ppBoundsResult. <FONT
color=blue>The semantics of this function are identical to those of the
IntersectRect call in the Win32 API.</FONT>
<H3>HRESULT UnionBounds(IBounds *pBoundsSrc, IBounds **ppBoundsResult); </H3>
<LI>[in] IBounds *pBoundsSrc - the source bounds object</LI>
<LI>[out] IBounds **ppBoundsResult - The address to receive the result
bounds object</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - The union is not empty</LI>
<LI>S_FALSE - The union is empty</LI>
<LI>E_POINTER - ppBoundsResult is not a valid address</LI>
<P>The source bounds object unioned on all the dimensions of the bounds object.
The result is returned in ppBoundsResult. <FONT color=blue>The semantics of this
function are identical to those of the IntersectRect call in the Win32
<H2>IBitmapSurface </H2>
<P>The IBitmapSurface encapsulate a bitmap. Through this interface, callers can
get at the underlying image bits. Bitmaps come in all widths, heights, and most
importantly formats. Instead of describing the various attributes of a bitmap
format in a structure, each bitmap format is uniquely identified by a GUID.
<PRE>typedef GUID BFID;</PRE>
<P>The BFID embodies, bit depth, color space, how the bits are arranged in
memory. Essentially everything about a format except the width, height and pitch
of the bitmap. This will allow components to recognize formats with impunity, it
isn't possible to forget to check some aspect of the description structure.
Because BFIDs are GUIDs, ISVs can define their own formats with no danger of
collision with other formats. The following formats will be defined:<!-- The following table has been generated by the Internet Assistant Wizard for Microsoft Excel. You can find this add-in on "" --><!-- ------------------------- --><!-- START OF CONVERTED OUTPUT --><!-- ------------------------- -->
<TABLE border>
<TD align=center vAlign=middle bgColor=#333>
<TD colSpan=3 align=center vAlign=middle bgColor=#333>BITMAPINFOHEADER
<TD align=right vAlign=bottom bgColor=#333>
<TD align=center vAlign=middle bgColor=#333>Format name
<TD align=left vAlign=bottom bgColor=#333>biPlanes
<TD align=left vAlign=bottom bgColor=#333>biBitCount
<TD align=left vAlign=bottom bgColor=#333>biCompression
<TD align=left vAlign=bottom bgColor=#333>Pixel format
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=left>BI_RGB
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>8
<TD align=left>
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left>BFID_RGB_1
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=left>BI_RGB
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left>BFID_RGB_4
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>4
<TD align=left>BI_RGB
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left>BFID_RGB_8
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>8
<TD align=left>BI_RGB
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left>BFID_RGB_555
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>16
<TD align=left>BI_RGB
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left>
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>16
<TD align=left>BI_RGB
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left>BFID_RGB_665
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>16
<TD align=left>BI_RGB
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left>BFID_RGB_24
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>24
<TD align=left>BI_RGB
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left>BFID_RGB_32
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>32
<TD align=left>BI_GB
<TD align=left>same as DIB
<TR vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left>BFID_RGB_A_32
<TD align=right>1
<TD align=right>32
<TD align=right>
<TD align=right>
</TABLE><!-- ------------------------- --><!-- END OF CONVERTED OUTPUT --><!-- ------------------------- -->
<P>For most of the above formats, the layout and meaning of the bits corresponds
to a standard format in Windows DIBs. Nonetheless, each format will be fully
described in a separate document. Not all of these formats will be implemented
in Trident.
interface IBitmapSurface : IUnknown
HRESULT Clone(IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface);
HRESULT GetFlags(DWORD *pdwFlags);
HRESULT GetFactory(IBitmapSurfaceFactory **ppBitmapSurfaceFactory);
HRESULT GetBounds(IBounds **ppBounds);
HRESULT GetPitch(int *pPitch);
HRESULT LockBits(IBounds *pBounds, DWORD dwLockFlags, void **ppBits);
HRESULT UnlockBits(IBounds *pBounds, void *pBits);
HRESULT Clone(IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface);
<LI>[out] IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface - Address to receive the
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<LI>E_POINTER - ppBitmapSurface is not a valid pointer</LI>
<LI>E_OUTOFMEMORY - The clone could not be allocated</LI>
<P>Creates a clone of the bitmap surface. This includes any extra information
that may be available through other interfaces (e.g. color profile).
<H3>HRESULT GetFormat(BFID *pBFID); </H3>
<LI>[out] BFID *pBFID - Address to receive the bitmap format ID</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<LI>E_POINTER - pBFID is not a valid pointer</LI>
<P>Returns the format ID of the bitmap surface.
<H3>HRESULT GetFactory(IBitmapSurfaceFactory **ppBitmapSurfaceFactory); </H3>
<LI>IBitmapSurfaceFactory **ppBitmapSurfaceFactory - Address to receive
the factory interface pointer</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<P>Returns a pointer to the surface factory.
<H3><FONT color=blue>HRESULT GetFlags(DWORD *pdwFlags)</FONT></H3>
<P><FONT color=blue>Parameters:</FONT>
<LI><FONT color=blue>[in] DWORD *pdwFlags - the address to receive the
surface flags</FONT></LI>
<P><FONT color=blue>Return values:</FONT>
<LI><FONT color=blue>S_OK - Success</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT color=blue>E_POINTER</FONT></LI>
<P><FONT color=blue>Description:</FONT>
<P><FONT color=blue>Returns flags that describe some attributes of the surface.
These flags are the same set passed into CreateBitmapSurface but not necessarily
the same value.</FONT>
<P><FONT color=green>Is this really needed? We need to identify scenarios in
which this is actually used. I can't help but feel that this could be eliminated
if the semantics of the flags was more precisely defined in CreateBitmapSurface.
Are these flags hints or requirements? If I don't specify discardable, does that
mean that the surface will never be discardable?
<P>The only flag that I can't infer from QI'ing for another interface is
SURFACE_DISCARDABLE. I've been thinking that we may want some kind of cache
control interface which may be just the ticket.
<P>In all likelyhood these questions will be resolved during development. Some
flux should be expected.
<H3>HRESULT GetBounds(IBounds **ppBounds); </H3>
<LI>IBounds **ppBounds - Address to receive the bounds object</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Returns a pointer to the bounds object for this surface. <FONT
color=blue>This is a tearoff interface. The returned IBounds object has a
lifetime that is independent of the bitmap surface. The top left corner of the
rectangle of this bounds object is always left == 0 and top == 0.
<H3><FONT color=black>HRESULT GetPitch(int *pPitch); </FONT></H3>
<LI>[out] int *pPitch - Address to receive the pitch of the surface</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>The pitch is the amount to add to the address of pixel (x,y) to address pixel
(x, y + 1)
<H3>HRESULT LockBits(IBounds *pBounds, DWORD dwLockFlags, void **ppBits); </H3>
<LI>[in] IBounds *pBounds - The bounds to be locked</LI>
<LI>[out] void **ppBits - The address to receive the pointer to the
<P>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<LI>S_SURFACE_DISCARDED - the surface bits have been discarded</LI>
<LI>E_SURFACE_DISCARDED - the surface bits have been discarded</LI>
<P>LockBits is used to get a pointer to the actual bitmap bits. It is assumed
that the caller has checked the BFID and can actually interpret the format. All
calls to LockBits must be matched with an equivalent call to UnlockBits. <FONT
color=black><FONT color=red><FONT color=black>If pBounds is NULL then the entire
surface is locked.
<P><FONT color=blue>Although LockBits must be matched with UnlockBits, these
calls do not AddRef the object. The lifetime of the object is independent of the
lock count. This means that if an object is released while locked, the caller
may still have a pointer to the bits. That pointer is invalid and must not be
<P>The flags in dwLockFlags are independent bits and are defined as
<P><FONT color=blue>SURFACE_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE means that the caller wants exclusive
access to the bounds specified. There can only be one exclusive lock on a given
part of the bitmap. The granularity with which this is enforced is
implementation dependent. For some implementations, it will apply to the entire
object. Some implementations will track bounds rects more precisely and allow
multiple non overlapping exclusive locks.
<P>SURFACE_LOCK_ALLOW_DISCARD means that the caller doesn't care if the surface
was discarded, the implementation can provide new bits and should return
S_SURFACE_DISCARDED. If this flag is not specified and the surface was
discarded, no surface pointer will be returned and E_SURFACE_DISCARDED will be
<H3>HRESULT UnlockBits(IBounds *pBounds, void *pBits); </H3>
<LI>[in] IBounds *pBounds - The bounds to be unlocked</LI>
<LI>[in] void *pBits - The pointer previously returned by LockBits</LI>
<P>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<LI>E_POINTER - pBits is not a valid pointer</LI>
<LI>E_NOTMYPOINTER - pBits does not match the bounds object or wasn't
one returned by this surface.</LI>
<P>UnlockBits unlocks the bits. The pointer in pBits must be considered invalid
after this call. <FONT color=red><FONT color=black>The pBounds, pBits pair must
be exactly the same pointers that were passed to the matching LockBits call.
This allows the implementation to use the pBounds, pBits pair as a unique cookie
identifying a particular lock. </FONT>
<P><FONT color=black>As with LockBits, pBounds == NULL is the entire surface.
<P><FONT color=black>UnlockBits may also be called without a matching LockBits,
if and only if pBits is NULL. This is a hint to the implementation that the bits
may be discarded (see IBitmapSurfaceFactory::CreateSurface). </FONT>
<H2>IGdiSurface </H2>
interface IGdiSurface
HRESULT ReleaseDC(HDC hdc);
<H3>HRESULT GetDC(HDC *pHDC, DWORD dwLockFlags); </H3>
<LI>[out] HDC *pHDC - A pointer to receive the HDC.</LI>
<LI>[in] DWORD dwLockFlags - Lock flags, see LockBits for details</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<LI>E_SURFACE_NO_DC - There is no GDI DC associated with this
<P>Gets or creates an HDC onto the bitmap surface. The lock flags have the same
semantics as the IBitmapSurface::LockBits call. All calls to GetDC must be
matched by a call to IGdiSurface::ReleaseDC.
<H3>HRESULT ReleaseDC(HDC hdc); </H3>
<LI>[in] HDC hdc - the HDC returned by GetDC</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>E_SURFACE_NOT_MY_DC - HDC doesn't match the one returned by
<H2>IDDSurface </H2>
interface IDDSurface
HRESULT GetDirectDraw(IDirectDraw **ppDirectDraw);
HRESULT GetDirectDrawSurface(IDirectDrawSurface **ppDirectDrawSurface);
HRESULT ReleaseDirectDrawSurface(IDirectDrawSurface **ppDirectDrawSurface);
<H3>HRESULT GetDirectDraw(IDirectDraw **ppDirectDraw); </H3>
<LI>[out] IDirectDraw **ppDirectDraw</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Returns the Direct Draw object used to create the surface. <FONT
color=black>The interface pointer returned has a COM identity and lifetime of
it's own. </FONT>
<H3>HRESULT GetDirectDrawSurface(IDirectDrawSurface **ppDirectDrawSurface);
<LI>[out] IDirectDrawSurface **ppDirectDrawSurface</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Returns the Direct Draw surface used to create the surface. <FONT
color=black>The interface pointer returned has a COM identity and lifetime of
it's own. <FONT color=blue>However, the caller will be sharing the
IDirectDrawSurface interface with the IDDSurface object. For this reason, the
caller should not use AddRef and Release on the obtained object. Instead,
ReleaseDirectDrawSurface should be called.
<P><EM>Note, we may remove this requirement should it proove to be totally
unecessary but we're leaving it in for now.</EM>
<H3>HRESULT ReleaseDirectDrawSurface(IDirectDrawSurface *pDirectDrawSurface);
<LI>[in] IDirectDrawSurface *pDirectDrawSurface</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P><FONT color=blue>Releases the IDirectDrawSurface object. Callers must use
this instead of simply Releasing the object.</FONT>
<H2>IBitmapSurfaceFactory </H2>
interface IBitmapSurfaceFactory
HRESULT CreateBitmapSurface(int width, int height, BFID *pBFID, DWORD dwHintFlags, IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface);
HRESULT GetSupportedFormatsCount(unsigned *pcFormats);
HRESULT GetSupportedFormats(unsigned cFormats, BFID *pBFIDs);
<H3>HRESULT CreateBitmapSurface(int width, int height, BFID *pBFID, DWORD <FONT
color=blue>dwFlags,</FONT> IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface); </H3>
<LI>[in] int width - the width in pixels of the bitmap to be created
<FONT color=blue>(must be &gt; 0)</FONT></LI>
<LI>[in] int height - the height in pixels of the bitmap to be created
<FONT color=blue>(must be &gt; 0)</FONT></LI>
<LI>[in] BFID *pBFID - the format of the bitmap to be created</LI>
<LI>[in] DWORD <FONT color=blue>dwFlags </FONT>- Hints about the
expected use for the surface.</LI>
<LI>[out] IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface - the address to receive the
IBitmapSurface created</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Creates a bitmap surface.<FONT color=blue> The dwFlags parameter is a hint to
the implementation as to the desired use of the surface. The possible values for
dwFlags are: </FONT>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT color=black>SURFACE_GRAPHICS - the caller will
want an OS dependent drawing object on the surface </FONT>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT color=black>SURFACE_HARDWARE - the caller would
like the surface to be allocated in video hardware memory </FONT>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT color=black>&nbsp;
<LI><FONT color=black>
<BLOCKQUOTE>SURFACE_DISCARDABLE - the surface is cache and can be
discarded when unlocked
implementation to fail if the hint flags cannot be supported.</FONT>
</UL><FONT color=black>
<P><FONT color=blue>If SURFACE_ATTRIBUTES_REQUIRED is specified and the
implementation cannot fulfill the requested hints (notably SURFACE_GRAPHICS and
SURFACE_HARDWARE), E_SURFACE_UNKNOWN_FORMAT will be returned. This is to allow
components that require hardware access to either get it or fail early
<LI><FONT color=black>
<H3><FONT color=black>HRESULT GetNumberSupportedFormats(unsigned
<P><FONT color=black>Parameters: </FONT>
<LI><FONT color=black>[out] unsigned *pcFormats - address in to
which the total number of supported formats is returned.</FONT></LI>
<P><FONT color=black>Return values: </FONT>
<LI><FONT color=black>S_OK</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT color=black>E_POINTER</FONT></LI>
<P><FONT color=black>Description: </FONT>
<P><FONT color=black>Returns the number of bitmap formats supported by this
factory. While this number cannot change for a given IBitmapSurfaceFactory
instance, it can change from instance to instance of the
IBitmapSurfaceFactories, even from the same implementation. </FONT>
<H3><FONT color=black>HRESULT GetSupportedFormats(unsigned cFormats, BFID
*pBFIDs); </FONT></H3>
<FONT color=black>Parameters: </FONT>
<LI><FONT color=black>[in] unsigned cFormats</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT color=black>[out] BFID *pBFIDs - an array to be filled with
<P><FONT color=black>Return values: </FONT>
<LI><FONT color=black>S_OK - Success</FONT></LI>
</UL><FONT color=black>Description: </FONT>
<P><FONT color=black>Returns an array of BFIDs that the factory supports </FONT>
<H2><FONT color=black>I</FONT>GdiBitmapSurfaceFactory </H2>
interface IGdiBitmapSurfaceFactory
HRESULT CreateCompatibleBitmapSurface(HDC hdc, DWORD dwHintFlags, IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface)
HRESULT GetFormatFromDC(HDC hdc, BFID *pBFID);
HRESULT GetSurfaceFromDC(HDC hdc, IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface);
<H3>HRESULT CreateCompatibleBitmapSurface(HDC hdc, <FONT color=blue>int width,
int height, </FONT>DWORD dwHintFlags, IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface) </H3>
<LI>[in] HDC hdc</LI>
<LI><FONT color=blue>[in] int width - the width of the bitmap surface
(must be &gt; 0)</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT color=blue>[in] int height - the height of the bitmap surface
(must be &gt; 0)</FONT></LI>
<LI>[in] DWORD dwHintFlags - same as for
<LI>[out] IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>S_OK - Success</LI>
<P>This is more or less equivalent to CreateCompatibleDC and CreateDIBSection.
<FONT color=blue>Like IBitmapSurfaceFactory::CreateBitmapSurface, the width and
height must be &gt; 0.</FONT>
<H3>HRESULT GetFormatFromDC(HDC hdc, BFID *pBFID) </H3>
<LI>[in] HDC hdc</LI>
<LI>[out] BFID *pBFID</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Returns the format of a compatible surface for this HDC. <FONT color=black>If
the HDC does not have an surface format (e.g. a postscript printer),
<H3>HRESULT GetSurfaceFromDC(HDC hdc, IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface) </H3>
<LI>[in] HDC hdc</LI>
<LI>[out] IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>E_SURFACE_NOSURFACE - This DC does not have an associated
<P>This function is used to find the surface associated with an HDC. When the DC
is a screen DC, the surface can only be returned if DirectDraw is available.
<FONT color=black>The surface object returned may change from call to call. This
is because the surface object may be dynamically created (especially with
DirectDraw) at the time of the call. </FONT>
<H2>IDDSurfaceFactory </H2>
<PRE>interface IDDSurfaceFactory
HRESULT CreateBitmapSurface(IDirectDrawSurface *pDDSurface, IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface)
HRESULT GetFormatFromDDSurface(IDirectDrawSurface *pDDSurface, BFID *pBFID);
HRESULT GetSurfaceFromDD(IDirectDrawSurface *pDDSurface, IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface)
<H3>HRESULT CreateBitmapSurface(IDirectDrawSurface *pDDSurface, IBitmapSurface
**ppBitmapSurface) </H3>
<LI>[in] IDirectDrawSurface *pDDSurface</LI>
<LI>[out] IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI>Whatever DirectDraw might return</LI>
<P>Creates a BitmapSurface from a DirectDraw surface. <FONT color=blue>This
interface is used by components that have acquired a DirectDraw surface through
other means and wish to wrap it as an IBitmapSurface. </FONT><FONT
color=red><FONT color=black>The IDirectDrawSurface object will be AddRef'd, to
be released only when the created IBitmapSurface object is itself destroyed.
This function will return E_SURFACE_UNKNOWN_FORMAT if the format
IDirectDrawSurface is not supported by the surface factory</FONT>.</FONT>
<H3>HRESULT GetFormatFromDDSurface(IDirectDrawSurface *pDDSurface, BFID *pBFID);
<LI>[in] IDirectDrawSurface *pDDSurface</LI>
<LI>[out] BFID *pBFID</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Returns the format of the Direct Draw surface
<H3>HRESULT GetSurfaceFromDD(IDirectDrawSurface *pDDSurface, IBitmapSurface
**ppBitmapSurface) </H3>
<LI>[in] IDirectDrawSurface *pDDSurface</LI>
<LI>[out] IBitmapSurface **ppBitmapSurface</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Returns the IBitmapSurface object associated with a Direct Draw surface.
<FONT color=blue>Much like the GetSurfaceFromDC call of IGdiSurface, this
function attempts to find the associated IBitmapSurface object for a given
IDirectDrawSurface. If the IDirectDrawSurface object was not created by the
IDDSurfaceFactory implementation, E_SURFACE_NOSURFACE will be returned.</FONT>
<H2>IRGBColorTable </H2>
<P><FONT size=+0><FONT color=blue><FONT color=red><FONT color=black>A color
table is used when the bitmap format is indexed. In this case, the pixel data
does not contain the actual RGB values of the pixel. Instead it contains an
index into an color table. When supported, this interface is available via QI
from an IBitmapSurface. The following formats should always implement
<P><FONT color=black>The transparent color index is used to indicate what is
also known as a chromakey. Although the exact interpretation of this color
depends on the appliation, this color should be skipped over during blts and
ignored when dithering. </FONT>
<P><FONT color=black>A special color index COLOR_NO_TRANSPARENT (0xffffffff) is
used to indicate no colors indices are <FONT color=black>transparent</FONT>.
<PRE>interface IRGBColorTable
HRESULT GetCount(unsigned *pCount);
HRESULT SetCount(unsigned count);
HRESULT GetColors(unsigned iFirst, unsigned count, RGBQUAD *pColors);
HRESULT SetColors(unsigned iFirst, unsigned count, RGBQUAD *pColors);
HRESULT GetTransparentIndex(unsigned *pIndex);
HRESULT SetTransparentIndex(unsigned index);
<H3>HRESULT GetCount(unsigned *pCount); </H3>
<LI>[out] unsigned *pCount - the address in which to return the number
of colors</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<LI><FONT color=blue>E_POINTER</FONT></LI>
<P>Returns the number of colors in the color table.
<H3><FONT color=blue>HRESULT SetCount(unsigned count);</FONT></H3>
<P><FONT color=blue>Parameters:</FONT>
<LI><FONT color=blue>[in] unsigned count - the new size of the color
<P><FONT color=blue>Return values:</FONT>
<LI><FONT color=blue>S_OK</FONT></LI>
<P><FONT color=blue>Description:</FONT>
<P><FONT color=blue>This function changes the size of the color table. Callers
should not that this call does not change the image bits in any way. Notably, it
is quite possible to set the count such that pixels in the bitmap refer to
invalid colors. The interpretation of those pixels is implementation dependent
and could cause some implementations to crash.</FONT>
<H3>HRESULT GetColors(unsigned iFirst, unsigned count, RGBQUAD *pColors); </H3>
<LI>[in] unsigned iFirst</LI>
<LI>[in] unsigned count</LI>
<LI>[out] RGBQUAD *pColors</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P><FONT color=black>Copies the RGBQUAD of the color table into the array. If
iFirst + count exceeds the size of the color table, no colors are copied and
E_FAIL is returned. This is specifically to prevent callers from assuming that
color tables are the usual size (256). </FONT>
<H3>HRESULT SetColors(unsigned iFirst, unsigned count, RGBQUAD *pColors); </H3>
<LI>[in] unsigned iFirst</LI>
<LI>[in] unsigned count</LI>
<LI>[in] RGBQUAD *pColors</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Sets the color table from an array of RGBQUADs. This will never change the
underlying object's bits. <FONT color=blue>If iFirst + count exceeds the size of
the color table, E_FAIL is returned an no colors are copied. </FONT>
<H3>HRESULT GetTransparentIndex(unsigned *pIndex); </H3>
<LI>[out] unsigned *pIndex</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Returns the index of the transparent color. If there are no transparent color
indices, *pIndex will contain the special value: COLOR_NO_TRANSPARENT.
<H3>HRESULT SetTransparentIndex(unsigned index); </H3>
<LI>[in] unsigned index</LI>
</UL>Return values:
<P>Sets the index of the transparent color. Use COLOR_NO_TRANSPARENT to indicate
that there is no transparent index.
<H1>Open Issues</H1>
<H2>Automation compatiblity.</H2>
<P>Most of the above interfaces are mostly automation compatible. While it is
not expected that high level automation clients (like VB) will actually
manipulate bitmap surface bits, it is quite reasonable to assume they will be
used to coordinate between multiple lower level components that do in fact
access the bits.
<H2>DirectDraw controls</H2>
<P><FONT color=blue>Some controls require DirectDraw or other DirectX
capabilities in order to work. Unfortunately, DirectX functionality is parcelled
up into tiny caps flags that make it almost impossible for the container to
determine if the control can be used or not. Nonetheless, we hope to define (or
see defined) some broad component categories that define common areas of
DirectX. This will help the container determine how to create surfaces for a
given control.
<H2><EM>Pitch or Stride?</EM></H2>
<P>Should we rename GetPitch to GetStride for naming compatibility with
DirectDraw? Obviously this is a cosmetic and documentation issue only.
<H2><EM>Cache control</EM></H2>
<P>This document has only touched on the possibility of caching and discardable
surfaces. The actual implementation and behaviour of the cache will be described
in a separate document. That document must also describe how caching decisions
are made and controlled.
<H2><EM>Color tables and transparency</EM></H2>
<P>We need to define the exact semantics of the various IRGBColorTable members.
Is the transparent color index considered to be one of the color table? Can the
color table actually be resized or are we simply changing the number of colors
<H1>Not Addressed</H1>
<H2><FONT color=blue>Palettes</FONT></H2>
<P><FONT color=blue>Although palettes and color tables are closely related, this
document does not address any palette issues. This includes output to a
palettized device or palette animation.
<P>Although not needed for Trident, it is not unreasonable to imagine an
interface called IDIBSurfaceFactory that looks something like this:
<PRE>interface IDIBSurfaceFactory
HRESULT CreateBitmapSurface(BITMAPINFO *pbmi, void *pbits);
<P>The BITMAPINO would contain the bitmapinfoheader and the color table. If
pbits is NULL the surface would be allocated, if not then pbits itself would be
used as the surface.
<H1>Compatibility Issues</H1>
<P>This contains the compatibility issues with Front Page, Internet Explorer and
anything else we need to document.
<H1>User Ed and PSS Issues</H1>
<P>This section discusses things that are flags for User Ed or PSS e.g. user can
remove bullet formatting by using outdent (not intuitive) etc. Not every spec
will have items in this section.
<P>PaulWu will fill in this section. Note any potential localization issues you
think of when writing the spec.
<H1>What's New</H1>
<H3>Version 0.2</H3>
<P>Added a few clarifications based on feedback from BrendanD and WHsu.
<H3>Version 0.3</H3>
<P>Many changes from mmpowwow feedback:
<LI>Explained why IBounds isn't a generic interface and clarified
it's usage</LI>
<LI>Clarified the semantics of Intersect/UnionBounds and IsEqual,
suggested CompareBounds as an alternative name</LI>
<LI>Added GetFlags call to IBitmapSurface, still not sure if this is
needed or even a good idea</LI>
<LI>Clarified that GetBounds returns a tearoff interface that is
independent of the surface object</LI>
<LI>Added SURFACE_ATTRIBUTES_REQUIRED flag to the dwFlags parameter
of CreateBitmapSurface</LI>
<LI>Added SetCount to IRGBColorTable interface</LI>
<LI>The unsigned width and height on CreateBitmapSurface were
changed to int for compatibility with rectangle coordinates
<DD>Tearing is a display artifact caused when a blt operation traverses
the same memory as the scan line output to the display. The visual
effect is that one half of the displayed image is &quot;pre-blt&quot;
the other half &quot;post-blt.&quot; This effect is most visible when
the blt moves through memory in the opposite direction of the scan line.
<FONT color=blue>This is a problem only when bltting directly to the
display surface. It does not affect memory to memory blts that do not
involve the primary display surface.</FONT></DD>