
1471 lines
44 KiB

// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1999.
// File: VMap.cxx
// Contents: Virtual <--> physical path map.
// Classes: CVMap
// History: 05-Feb-96 KyleP Created
// Notes: Automatic and manual roots have the following relationship.
// 1. If a root is purely manual (e.g. not in Gibraltar), then
// addition is only by the user, and deletion really deletes
// the root. A placeholder is not maintained in the vroot
// list.
// 2. If a root is purely automatic, then it is always used,
// and is added and removed in complete sync with Gibraltar.
// 3. If a root was manual and was automatically added, the 'in-use'
// state from pure-manual mode is maintained.
// 4. If a root was automatic and was manually added, it is
// always set to 'in-use'.
// 5. If a root was both manual and automatic and automaticlly
// deleted the deletion occurs. Period.
// 6. If a root was both manual and automatic and manually deleted,
// the root is kept as an out-of-use placeholder.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <rcstxact.hxx>
#include <rcstrmit.hxx>
#include <vmap.hxx>
#include <funypath.hxx>
// Member: CVMapDesc::Init, public
// Synopsis: Initialize virtual root descriptor
// Arguments: [pVRoot] -- Virtual root
// [ccVRoot] -- Size in chars of [pwcVRoot]
// [pPRoot] -- Physical root
// [ccPRoot] -- Size in chars of [pwcPRoot]
// [idParent] -- Link to parent
// [fAutomatic] -- TRUE for root tied to IIS
// [eType] -- VRoot type
// [fIsIndexed] -- TRUE if the item should be indexed (used)
// [fNonIndexedVDir] -- TRUE if a non-indexed virtual directory
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Created
// 24 Nov 99 KLam Don't pre-reference zero length strings.
void CVMapDesc::Init( WCHAR const * pVRoot,
ULONG ccVRoot,
WCHAR const * pPRoot,
ULONG ccPRoot,
ULONG idParent,
BOOL fAutomatic,
CiVRootTypeEnum eType,
BOOL fIsIndexed,
BOOL fNonIndexedVDir )
Win4Assert( ccVRoot < MAX_PATH );
Win4Assert( ccPRoot < MAX_PATH );
RtlCopyMemory( _wcVScope, pVRoot, ccVRoot * sizeof(WCHAR ) );
RtlCopyMemory( _wcPScope, pPRoot, ccPRoot * sizeof(WCHAR ) );
_ccVScope = ccVRoot;
_ccPScope = ccPRoot;
if ( (0 == _ccVScope) || (_wcVScope[_ccVScope - 1] != L'\\') )
_wcVScope[_ccVScope++] = L'\\';
if ( (0 == _ccPScope) || (_wcPScope[_ccPScope - 1] != L'\\') )
_wcPScope[_ccPScope++] = L'\\';
// null-terminate these for readability
_wcVScope[ _ccVScope ] = 0;
_wcPScope[ _ccPScope ] = 0;
_idParent = idParent;
if ( fAutomatic )
_Type = PCatalog::AutomaticRoot;
_Type = PCatalog::ManualRoot;
if ( fIsIndexed )
_Type |= PCatalog::UsedRoot;
if ( fNonIndexedVDir )
_Type |= PCatalog::NonIndexedVDir;
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( fNonIndexedVDir )
Win4Assert( !fIsIndexed );
#endif // CIDBG == 1
if ( NNTPVRoot == eType )
_Type |= PCatalog::NNTPRoot;
else if ( IMAPVRoot == eType )
_Type |= PCatalog::IMAPRoot;
} //Init
// Member: CVMapDesc::IsVirtualMatch, public
// Synopsis: Virtual scope test
// Arguments: [pVPath] -- Virtual path
// [ccVPath] -- Size in chars of [pVPath]
// Returns: TRUE if [pVPath] is an exact match (sans slash)
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Created
// 24 Nov 99 KLam Don't pre-reference zero length strings.
BOOL CVMapDesc::IsVirtualMatch( WCHAR const * pVPath, unsigned ccVPath ) const
// Adjust for possible lack of terminating backslash.
unsigned ccComp;
if ( (0 == ccVPath) || (pVPath[ccVPath-1] != L'\\') )
ccComp = _ccVScope - 1;
ccComp = _ccVScope;
// Compare strings.
if ( ccComp == ccVPath )
return RtlEqualMemory( _wcVScope, pVPath, ccVPath * sizeof(WCHAR) );
return FALSE;
// Member: CVMapDesc::IsPhysicalMatch, public
// Synopsis: Physical scope test
// Arguments: [pPPath] -- Virtual path
// [ccPPath] -- Size in chars of [pPPath]
// Returns: TRUE if [pPPath] is an exact match (sans slash)
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Created
// 24 Nov 99 KLam Don't pre-reference zero length strings.
BOOL CVMapDesc::IsPhysicalMatch( WCHAR const * pPPath, unsigned ccPPath ) const
// Adjust for possible lack of terminating backslash.
unsigned ccComp;
if ( (0 == ccPPath) || (pPPath[ccPPath-1] != L'\\') )
ccComp = _ccPScope - 1;
ccComp = _ccPScope;
// Compare strings.
if ( ccComp == ccPPath )
return RtlEqualMemory( _wcPScope, pPPath, ccPPath * sizeof(WCHAR) );
return FALSE;
// Member: CVMap::CVMap, public
// Synopsis: Null ctor for 2-phase initialization
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Created
void CVMap::Empty()
delete _xrsoMap.Acquire();
// Member: CVMap::Init, public
// Synopsis: 2nd half of 2-phase initialization
// Arguments: [pobj] -- Recoverable storage for descriptors
// Returns: TRUE if map was shut down cleanly
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Created
BOOL CVMap::Init( PRcovStorageObj * pobj )
_xrsoMap.Set( pobj );
// Initialize array.
CRcovStorageHdr & hdr = _xrsoMap->GetHeader();
struct CRcovUserHdr data;
hdr.GetUserHdr( hdr.GetPrimary(), data );
RtlCopyMemory( &_fDirty, &data._abHdr, sizeof(_fDirty) );
// Load records into memory.
CRcovStrmReadTrans xact( _xrsoMap.GetReference() );
CRcovStrmReadIter iter( xact, sizeof( CVMapDesc ) );
unsigned i = 0;
while ( !iter.AtEnd() )
iter.GetRec( &_aMap[i] );
if (_aMap.Count() != hdr.GetCount( hdr.GetPrimary() ) )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR,
"_aMap.Count() == %d, hdr.GetCount(...) = %d\n",
_aMap.Count(), hdr.GetCount( hdr.GetPrimary() ) ));
Win4Assert( _aMap.Count() == hdr.GetCount( hdr.GetPrimary() ) );
return !_fDirty;
} //Init
// Member: CVMap::RecomputeNonIndexedInfo, private
// Synopsis: Rebuilds _aExcludeParent when vroot info changes
// History: 1-Apr-97 dlee Created
void CVMap::RecomputeNonIndexedInfo()
// blow away existing info and create it all again
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
_aExcludeParent[i] = INVALID_VMAP_INDEX;
// look for non-indexed vdirs, and note the vroot that matches
// both virtual and physical paths.
for ( i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
if ( !_aMap[i].IsFree() &&
_aMap[i].IsNonIndexedVDir() )
unsigned int ccBestMatch = 0;
for ( unsigned r = 0; r < _aMap.Count(); r++ )
// if 'i' is in both virtual and physical paths of 'r',
// make 'r' the exclude parent of 'i'.
if ( i != r &&
!_aMap[r].IsFree() &&
!_aMap[r].IsNonIndexedVDir() )
// -1 since we don't need to match on the '\' at the end
if ( _aMap[r].IsInPhysicalScope( _aMap[i].PhysicalPath(),
_aMap[i].PhysicalLength() - 1 ) )
if ( ( _aMap[r].VirtualLength() < _aMap[i].VirtualLength() ) &&
( _aMap[r].IsVirtualMatch( _aMap[i].VirtualPath(),
_aMap[r].VirtualLength() ) ) )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "nivd %ws found match %ws, old cc %d\n",
ccBestMatch ));
if ( _aMap[r].VirtualLength() > ccBestMatch )
_aExcludeParent[i] = r;
ccBestMatch = _aMap[r].VirtualLength();
} //RecomputeNonIndexedInfo
// Member: CVMap::DumpVMap, private
// Synopsis: Dumps the current state of the vmap table
// History: 1-Apr-97 dlee Created
void CVMap::DumpVMap()
#if CIDBG == 1
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE,
"vmap 0x%x, isfree %d parent 0x%x\n",
i, _aMap[i].IsFree(), _aMap[i].Parent() ));
if ( !_aMap[i].IsFree() )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE,
" expar: 0x%x, nonivdir %d, inuse %d, manual %d, auto %d, nntp %d, imap %d, vpath '%ws', ppath '%ws'\n",
_aMap[i].PhysicalPath() ));
#endif // CIDBG
} //DumpVMap
// Member: CVMap::Add, public
// Synopsis: Add new virtual/physical mapping
// Arguments: [vroot] -- New virtual root
// [root] -- Place in physical hierarchy
// [fAutomatic] -- TRUE for root tied to Gibraltar
// [idNew] -- Id of new root returned here
// [eType] -- vroot type
// [fVRoot] -- TRUE if a vroot, not a vdir
// [fIsIndexed] -- TRUE if it should be indexed, FALSE otherwise
// Returns: TRUE if scope was added or changed
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Created
BOOL CVMap::Add( WCHAR const * vroot,
WCHAR const * root,
BOOL fAutomatic,
ULONG & idNew,
CiVRootTypeEnum eType,
BOOL fVRoot,
BOOL fIsIndexed )
Win4Assert( eType == W3VRoot ||
eType == NNTPVRoot ||
eType == IMAPVRoot );
Win4Assert( !fIsIndexed || fVRoot );
CLock lock(_mutex);
unsigned ccVRoot = wcslen(vroot);
unsigned ccPRoot = wcslen(root);
Win4Assert( ccVRoot < MAX_PATH );
Win4Assert( ccPRoot < MAX_PATH );
ULONG ccParent = 0;
BOOL fWasAutomatic = FALSE;
BOOL fWasManual = FALSE;
BOOL fPRootChanged = TRUE;
BOOL fWasNonIndexedVDir = FALSE;
// Find virtual parent.
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
// Is the new entry already in the list?
if ( !_aMap[i].IsFree() )
// Should we even consider this entry?
if ( (W3VRoot == eType) && !_aMap[i].IsW3() )
if ( (NNTPVRoot == eType) && !_aMap[i].IsNNTP() )
if ( (IMAPVRoot == eType) && !_aMap[i].IsIMAP() )
if ( _aMap[i].IsVirtualMatch( vroot, ccVRoot ) )
// Collect stats:
fWasInUse = _aMap[i].IsInUse();
fWasAutomatic = _aMap[i].IsAutomatic();
fWasManual = _aMap[i].IsManual();
fWasNonIndexedVDir = _aMap[i].IsNonIndexedVDir();
fPRootChanged = !_aMap[i].IsPhysicalMatch( root, ccPRoot );
idOldParent = _aMap[i].Parent();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE,
"vroot '%ws', fWasInUse %d, fIsIndexed %d, fWasNonIndexedVDir %d\n",
vroot, fWasInUse, fIsIndexed, fWasNonIndexedVDir ));
// If there is no change, we can return w/o doing anything.
if ( ( ( fWasInUse && fIsIndexed ) || ( !fWasInUse && !fIsIndexed ) ) &&
( (fWasNonIndexedVDir && !fVRoot) || (!fWasNonIndexedVDir && fVRoot) ) &&
( (fAutomatic && fWasAutomatic) || (!fAutomatic && fWasManual) ) &&
!fPRootChanged )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "no change for '%ws'\n", vroot ));
return FALSE;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "modified vroot entry for '%ws'\n", vroot ));
idNew = i;
// Is this a longer physical path match?
unsigned ccMatch = _aMap[i].PhysicalMatchLen( root );
if ( ccMatch > ccParent && ccMatch <= ccPRoot )
ccParent = ccMatch;
idParent = i;
idNew = i;
// Add new root.
CRcovStorageHdr & hdr = _xrsoMap->GetHeader();
CRcovStrmWriteTrans xact( _xrsoMap.GetReference() );
CRcovStrmWriteIter iter( xact, sizeof(CVMapDesc) );
Win4Assert( _aMap.Count() == hdr.GetCount( hdr.GetPrimary() ) );
// This may be a new record.
BOOL fAppend;
if ( idNew == INVALID_VMAP_INDEX )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "new vroot entry for '%ws'\n", vroot ));
idNew = _aMap.Count();
fAppend = TRUE;
fAppend = FALSE;
_aMap[idNew].Init( vroot,
!fVRoot );
// This may have been an upgrade (not a new root), so add back previous state.
if ( fWasAutomatic )
if ( fWasManual )
// Write out changes.
if ( fAppend )
iter.AppendRec( &_aMap[idNew] );
iter.SetRec( &_aMap[idNew], idNew );
// Look for roots that used to point at parent. They may need to be changed.
// Only bother if root was not previously in use.
Win4Assert( !_fDirty );
_fDirty = (fWasInUse != _aMap[idNew].IsInUse() || fPRootChanged);
// Put this root in the hierarchy.
if ( _fDirty && fVRoot )
for ( i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
if ( _aMap[i].IsFree() || !_aMap[i].IsInUse() )
// If physical root changed, then we need to adjust a lot of parent pointers.
// Stage one is equivalent to removing the old root.
if ( fPRootChanged && _aMap[i].Parent() == idNew )
Win4Assert( i != idNew );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "VRoot %d has new parent %d\n", i, idNew ));
_aMap[i].SetParent( idOldParent );
iter.SetRec( &_aMap[i], i );
if ( _aMap[i].Parent() != idParent )
if ( i == idNew )
// Is this a longer physical path match?
unsigned ccMatch = _aMap[i].PhysicalMatchLen( root );
if ( ccMatch >= ccPRoot )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "VRoot %d has new parent %d\n", i, idNew ));
_aMap[i].SetParent( idNew );
iter.SetRec( &_aMap[i], i );
// Finish transaction
struct CRcovUserHdr data;
RtlCopyMemory( &data._abHdr, &_fDirty, sizeof(_fDirty) );
hdr.SetUserHdr( hdr.GetBackup(), data );
hdr.SetCount( hdr.GetBackup(), _aMap.Count() );
return _fDirty;
} //Add
// Member: CVMap::Remove, public
// Synopsis: Remove virtual/physical mapping
// Arguments: [vroot] -- New virtual root
// [fOnlyIfAutomatic] -- If TRUE, then a manual root will not
// be removed
// [idOld] -- Id which was removed
// [idNew] -- Id which replaces [idOld] (farther up physical path)
// [eType] -- VRoot type
// [fVRoot] -- TRUE if a vroot, FALSE if a vdir
// Returns: TRUE if scope was removed
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Created
BOOL CVMap::Remove( WCHAR const * vroot,
BOOL fOnlyIfAutomatic,
ULONG & idOld,
ULONG & idNew,
CiVRootTypeEnum eType,
BOOL fVRoot )
Win4Assert( eType == W3VRoot ||
eType == NNTPVRoot ||
eType == IMAPVRoot );
CLock lock(_mutex);
unsigned ccVRoot = wcslen(vroot);
// Find id of root.
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
BOOL fSameType = ( ( ( W3VRoot == eType ) && _aMap[i].IsW3() ) ||
( ( NNTPVRoot == eType ) && _aMap[i].IsNNTP() ) ||
( ( IMAPVRoot == eType ) && _aMap[i].IsIMAP() ) );
if ( !_aMap[i].IsFree() &&
fSameType &&
_aMap[i].IsVirtualMatch( vroot, ccVRoot ) )
idOld = i;
if ( idOld == INVALID_VMAP_INDEX )
return FALSE;
BOOL fWasInUse = _aMap[idOld].IsInUse();
// Turn off either automatic bit or manual bit.
if ( fOnlyIfAutomatic )
// When a root is deleted by Gibraltar, it is *really* deleted.
// If this is an automatic root, then put the
// root under manual control (to keep it deleted),
// otherwise clear the manual flag to free up the entry.
if ( _aMap[idOld].IsAutomatic() )
idNew = _aMap[i].Parent();
// Make persistent changes
CRcovStorageHdr & hdr = _xrsoMap->GetHeader();
CRcovStrmWriteTrans xact( _xrsoMap.GetReference() );
CRcovStrmWriteIter iter( xact, sizeof(CVMapDesc) );
if ( !_aMap[idOld].IsAutomatic() && !_aMap[idOld].IsManual() )
iter.SetRec( &_aMap[idOld], idOld );
// Look for roots that used to point here. They will need to be changed.
// Change *only* if we really decided we're not tracking this root.
// Only bother if we really stopped using the root.
# if CIDBG == 1
if( _aMap[idOld].IsFree() )
Win4Assert( !_aMap[idOld].IsInUse() );
# endif
if ( !_aMap[idOld].IsInUse() && fWasInUse )
for ( i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
if ( _aMap[i].IsFree() )
if ( _aMap[i].Parent() == idOld )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "VRoot %d has new parent %d\n", i, idNew ));
_aMap[i].SetParent( idNew );
iter.SetRec( &_aMap[i], i );
// Finish transaction
Win4Assert( !_fDirty );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "fVRoot, isinuse %d, wasinuse %d\n",
_aMap[idOld].IsInUse(), fWasInUse ));
_fDirty = (!fVRoot || !_aMap[idOld].IsInUse() && fWasInUse);
struct CRcovUserHdr data;
RtlCopyMemory( &data._abHdr, &_fDirty, sizeof(_fDirty) );
hdr.SetUserHdr( hdr.GetBackup(), data );
hdr.SetCount( hdr.GetBackup(), _aMap.Count() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "vmap::remove fDirty: %d\n", _fDirty ));
return _fDirty;
} //Remove
// Member: CVMap::MarkClean, public
// Synopsis: Used to indicate all modifications based on path
// addition/removal are complete.
// History: 14-Feb-96 KyleP Added header
void CVMap::MarkClean()
CLock lock(_mutex);
CRcovStorageHdr & hdr = _xrsoMap->GetHeader();
CRcovStrmAppendTrans xact( _xrsoMap.GetReference() );
_fDirty = FALSE;
struct CRcovUserHdr data;
RtlCopyMemory( &data._abHdr, &_fDirty, sizeof(_fDirty) );
hdr.SetUserHdr( hdr.GetBackup(), data );
hdr.SetCount( hdr.GetBackup(), _aMap.Count() );
} //MarkClean
// Member: CVMap::PhysicalPathToId, private
// Synopsis: Given a physical path, find the virtual root that should
// be associated with it.
// Arguments: [path] -- Physical path
// [fNonIndexedVDirs] -- If TRUE, returns 0xffffffff or a
// non-indexed vdir. If FALSE, returns
// an indexed vroot or 0xffffffff.
// Returns: Id of virtual root
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Added header
ULONG CVMap::PhysicalPathToId(
WCHAR const * path,
BOOL fNonIndexedVDirs )
// Find virtual parent.
unsigned ccPath = wcslen(path);
ULONG ccParent = 0;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
if ( _aMap[i].IsFree() ||
( !fNonIndexedVDirs && !_aMap[i].IsInUse() ) ||
( fNonIndexedVDirs && !_aMap[i].IsNonIndexedVDir() ) )
if ( !fNonIndexedVDirs )
BOOL fIgnore = FALSE;
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < _aExcludeParent.Count(); x++ )
// If 'i' is a parent that should be excluded because the
// file is in a non-indexed vdir of vroot 'i', ignore it.
if ( i == _aExcludeParent[x] )
Win4Assert( _aMap[x].IsNonIndexedVDir() );
if ( _aMap[x].IsInPhysicalScope( path, ccPath ) )
fIgnore = TRUE;
if ( fIgnore )
// Is this a longer physical path match?
unsigned ccMatch = _aMap[i].PhysicalMatchLen( path );
if ( ccMatch > ccParent && ccMatch < ccPath )
ccParent = ccMatch;
idParent = i;
else if ( ccMatch > 0 && ccMatch == ccParent )
// Consider the case of multiple virtual roots pointing to the
// same place in the physical heirarchy:
// v0
// \
// \
// v1 -> v2 -> v3
// Files under v1/v2/v3 must be tagged with id v1, or we will
// not recognize v1 as a valid virtual root for the file. So
// if we happened to find v2 or v3 first, we need to swap
// roots if we can get to the old best match from the new best
// match by traversing parent links.
for ( unsigned id = _aMap[i].Parent();
id = _aMap[id].Parent() )
// Have we traversed up the tree?
if ( _aMap[id].PhysicalLength() < ccParent )
// Did we find the previous parent?
if ( id == idParent )
if ( id == idParent )
idParent = i;
return idParent;
} //PhysicalPathToId
// Member: CVMap::PhysicalPathToId, public
// Synopsis: Given a physical path, find the virtual root that should
// be associated with it.
// Arguments: [path] -- Physical path
// Returns: Id of virtual root
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Added header
ULONG CVMap::PhysicalPathToId( WCHAR const * path )
CLock lock(_mutex);
// first try an indexed vroot, but settle for a non-indexed-vdir
ULONG id = PhysicalPathToId( path, FALSE );
id = PhysicalPathToId( path, TRUE );
return id;
} //PhysicalPathToId
// Member: CVMap::VirtualToPhysicalRoot, public
// Synopsis: Given a virtual path, returns corresponding physical root.
// Unlike the iterative version of this method, this version
// requires an exact match on virtual root.
// Arguments: [pwcVRoot] -- Virtual root
// [ccVRoot] -- Size in chars of [pwcVRoot]
// [lcaseFunnyPRoot] -- Physical root
// [ccPRoot] -- returns actual count of chars in [lcaseFunnyPRoot]
// Returns: TRUE if match was found.
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Created
// 15 Mar 96 AlanW Fixed bugs in enumeration which missed
// some roots and erroneously added others.
BOOL CVMap::VirtualToPhysicalRoot( WCHAR const * pwcVRoot,
unsigned ccVRoot,
CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot,
unsigned & ccPRoot )
// Find id of root.
unsigned iBmk = INVALID_VMAP_INDEX;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
if ( !_aMap[i].IsFree() &&
_aMap[i].IsVirtualMatch( pwcVRoot, ccVRoot ) )
iBmk = i;
return FALSE;
// Copy out physical root.
ccPRoot = _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalLength() - 1;
// Special case root.
if ( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath()[1] == L':' )
if ( ccPRoot == 2 )
unsigned cSlash = 0;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ccPRoot && cSlash < 4; i++ )
if ( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath()[i] == L'\\' )
if ( cSlash < 4 )
Win4Assert( cSlash == 3 );
lcaseFunnyPRoot.SetPath( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath(), ccPRoot );
return TRUE;
} //VirtualToPhysicalRoot
// Member: CVMap::VirtualToPhysicalRoot, public
// Synopsis: Given a virtual path, returns a virtual root under that
// virtual path, and the corresponding physical root. Will
// not return overlapping virtual roots.
// There may be multiple virtual roots that match the virtual
// path passed in, so this should be called in a loop until
// FALSE is returned. The [iBmk] should be zero for the first
// call in the iteration.
// Arguments: [pwcVPath] -- Virtual path
// [ccVPath] -- Size in chars of [pwcVPath]
// [xwcsVRoot] -- Virtual root
// [ccVRoot] -- returns count of chars in [xwcsVRoot]
// [lcaseFunnyPRoot] -- Physical root
// [ccPRoot] -- Size in actual chars of [lcaseFunnyPRoot]
// [iBmk] -- Bookmark for iteration.
// Returns: TRUE if match was found.
// History: 11-Feb-96 KyleP Created
// 15 Mar 96 AlanW Fixed bugs in enumeration which missed
// some roots and erroneously added others.
// 24 Nov 99 KLam Don't pre-reference zero length strings.
BOOL CVMap::VirtualToPhysicalRoot( WCHAR const * pwcVPath,
unsigned ccVPath,
XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcsVRoot,
unsigned & ccVRoot,
CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot,
unsigned & ccPRoot,
unsigned & iBmk )
CLock lock(_mutex);
// Path must be terminated with a backslash, or the path can be of
// 0 characters.
XGrowable<WCHAR> xwcTemp;
if ( (0 != ccVPath) && (pwcVPath[ccVPath-1] != L'\\') )
xwcTemp.SetSize( ccVPath + 1 );
RtlCopyMemory( xwcTemp.Get(), pwcVPath, ccVPath * sizeof(WCHAR) );
xwcTemp[ccVPath] = L'\\';
pwcVPath = xwcTemp.Get();
CScopeMatch Match( pwcVPath, ccVPath );
for ( ; iBmk < _aMap.Count(); iBmk++ )
if ( _aMap[iBmk].IsFree() || !_aMap[iBmk].IsInUse() )
// Possible match?
if ( Match.IsInScope( _aMap[iBmk].VirtualPath(),
_aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength() ) )
// The virtual root is a match. If there is a parent of
// this virtual root in the physical name space, ignore this
// one in favor of the other one, farther up the tree (as long
// as the parent root is also a scope match).
for ( unsigned idParent = _aMap[ iBmk ].Parent();
idParent = _aMap[idParent].Parent() )
if ( Match.IsInScope( _aMap[idParent].VirtualPath(),
_aMap[idParent].VirtualLength() ) )
// Did we get all the way to the top of chain without
// finding another match?
if ( idParent == INVALID_VMAP_INDEX )
if ( Match.IsPrefix( _aMap[iBmk].VirtualPath(),
_aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength() ) )
// The virtual root is a prefix of the path. Return it only
// if there is not some other vroot that is a better match.
BOOL fBetterMatch = FALSE;
for ( unsigned iRoot = 0;
!fBetterMatch && iRoot < _aMap.Count();
iRoot++ )
if ( iRoot == iBmk ||
_aMap[iRoot].IsFree() )
if ( _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength() < _aMap[iRoot].VirtualLength() &&
Match.IsPrefix( _aMap[iRoot].VirtualPath(),
_aMap[iRoot].VirtualLength() ) )
fBetterMatch = TRUE;
// Was there no better match? If so, return this root.
if ( ! fBetterMatch )
if ( iBmk < _aMap.Count() )
if ( ccVPath > _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength() )
ccVRoot = ccVPath;
xwcsVRoot.SetBuf( pwcVPath, ccVPath );
unsigned ccExtra = ccVPath - _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength();
ccPRoot = _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalLength() + ccExtra;
lcaseFunnyPRoot.SetPath( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath(), _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalLength() );
lcaseFunnyPRoot.AppendPath( pwcVPath + _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength(), ccExtra );
ccVRoot = _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength();
xwcsVRoot.SetBuf( _aMap[iBmk].VirtualPath(), ccVRoot * sizeof(WCHAR) );
lcaseFunnyPRoot.SetPath( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath(), ccPRoot = _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalLength() );
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} //VirtualToPhysicalRoot
// Member: CVMap::VirtualToAllPhysicalRoots, public
// Synopsis: Like VirtualToPhysicalRoot, except returns all matches
// (rather than just the highest parent which matches)
// and also returns non-indexed matches. Returns type
// in ulType so caller can decide what to do with
// non-indexed matches.
// Arguments: [pwcVPath] -- Virtual path
// [ccVPath] -- Size in chars of [pwcVPath]
// [xwcsVRoot] -- Virtual root
// [ccVRoot] -- returns count of chars in [pwcVRoot]
// [lcaseFunnyPRoot] -- Physical root
// [ccPRoot] -- returns count of actual chars in [lcaseFunnyPRoot]
// [ulType] -- Match type
// [iBmk] -- Bookmark for iteration.
// Returns: TRUE if match was found.
// History: 01-Sep-97 Emilyb Created
BOOL CVMap::VirtualToAllPhysicalRoots( WCHAR const * pwcVPath,
unsigned ccVPath,
XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcsVRoot,
unsigned & ccVRoot,
CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot,
unsigned & ccPRoot,
ULONG & ulType,
unsigned & iBmk )
CLock lock(_mutex);
// Path must be terminated with a backslash, or the path can be of
// 0 characters.
XGrowable<WCHAR> xwcTemp;
if ( ( 0 != ccVPath ) && ( pwcVPath[ccVPath-1] != L'\\' ) )
xwcTemp.SetSize( ccVPath + 1 );
RtlCopyMemory( xwcTemp.Get(), pwcVPath, ccVPath * sizeof(WCHAR) );
xwcTemp[ccVPath] = L'\\';
pwcVPath = xwcTemp.Get();
CScopeMatch Match( pwcVPath, ccVPath );
for ( ; iBmk < _aMap.Count(); iBmk++ )
if ( _aMap[iBmk].IsFree() )
// Possible match?
if ( Match.IsInScope( _aMap[iBmk].VirtualPath(),
_aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength() ) )
if ( Match.IsPrefix( _aMap[iBmk].VirtualPath(),
_aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength() ) )
// The virtual root is a prefix of the path. Return it only
// if there is not some other vroot that is a better match.
BOOL fBetterMatch = FALSE;
for ( unsigned iRoot = 0;
!fBetterMatch && iRoot < _aMap.Count();
iRoot++ )
if ( iRoot == iBmk ||
_aMap[iRoot].IsFree() )
if ( _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength() < _aMap[iRoot].VirtualLength() &&
Match.IsPrefix( _aMap[iRoot].VirtualPath(),
_aMap[iRoot].VirtualLength() ) )
fBetterMatch = TRUE;
// Was there no better match? If so, return this root.
if ( ! fBetterMatch )
if ( iBmk < _aMap.Count() )
if ( ccVPath > _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength() )
ccVRoot = ccVPath;
xwcsVRoot.SetBuf( pwcVPath, ccVPath );
unsigned ccExtra = ccVPath - _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength();
ccPRoot = _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalLength() + ccExtra;
lcaseFunnyPRoot.SetPath( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath(), _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalLength() );
lcaseFunnyPRoot.AppendPath( pwcVPath + _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength(), ccExtra );
ccVRoot = _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength();
xwcsVRoot.SetBuf( _aMap[iBmk].VirtualPath(), ccVRoot );
lcaseFunnyPRoot.SetPath( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath(), ccPRoot = _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalLength() );
ulType = _aMap[iBmk].RootType();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} //VirtualToAllPhysicalRoots
// Member: CVMap::EnumerateRoot, public
// Synopsis: Enumerate all virtual paths
// Arguments: [xwcVRoot] -- Virtual root
// [ccVRoot] -- returns count of chars in [xwcVRoot]
// [lcaseFunnyPRoot] -- Physical root as funny path
// [ccPRoot] -- returns count of actual chars in [lcaseFunnyPRoot]
// [iBmk] -- Bookmark for iteration.
// Returns: Type of root (Manual or Automatic)
// History: 15-Feb-96 KyleP Created
ULONG CVMap::EnumerateRoot( XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcVRoot,
unsigned & ccVRoot,
CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot,
unsigned & ccPRoot,
unsigned & iBmk )
CLock lock(_mutex);
for ( ; iBmk < _aMap.Count(); iBmk++ )
if ( !_aMap[iBmk].IsFree() )
if ( iBmk < _aMap.Count() )
ccVRoot = _aMap[iBmk].VirtualLength() - 1;
// Special case root.
if ( 0 == ccVRoot )
xwcVRoot.SetSize( ccVRoot + 1 );
xwcVRoot.SetBuf( _aMap[iBmk].VirtualPath(), ccVRoot );
xwcVRoot[ccVRoot] = 0;
ccPRoot = _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalLength() - 1;
// Special case root.
if ( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath()[1] == L':' )
if ( ccPRoot == 2 )
unsigned cSlash = 0;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ccPRoot && cSlash < 4; i++ )
if ( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath()[i] == L'\\' )
if ( cSlash < 4 )
Win4Assert( cSlash == 3 );
lcaseFunnyPRoot.SetPath( _aMap[iBmk].PhysicalPath(), ccPRoot );
ULONG eType = _aMap[iBmk].RootType();
return eType;
return (ULONG) PCatalog::EndRoot;
} //EnumerateRoot
// Member: CVMap::DoesPhysicalRootExist, public
// Synopsis: Determines whether a physical root is in the table
// Arguments: [pwcPRoot] -- Physical root to find
// Returns: TRUE if the physical root exists in the table
// History: 16-Oct-96 dlee Created
BOOL CVMap::DoesPhysicalRootExist(
WCHAR const * pwcPRoot )
unsigned cwcPRoot = wcslen( pwcPRoot );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aMap.Count(); i++ )
if ( !_aMap[i].IsFree() &&
!_aMap[i].IsNonIndexedVDir() &&
_aMap[i].IsPhysicalMatch( pwcPRoot, cwcPRoot ) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} //DoesPhysicalRootExist