2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

398 lines
8.7 KiB

#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* machine-dependent definitions */
/* the following definitions are for the Tahoe */
/* they might have to be changed for other machines */
/* MAXCHAR is the largest unsigned character value */
/* MAXSHORT is the largest value of a C short */
/* MINSHORT is the most negative value of a C short */
/* MAXTABLE is the maximum table size */
/* BITS_PER_WORD is the number of bits in a C unsigned */
/* WORDSIZE computes the number of words needed to */
/* store n bits */
/* BIT returns the value of the n-th bit starting */
/* from r (0-indexed) */
/* SETBIT sets the n-th bit starting from r */
#define MAXCHAR 255
#define MAXSHORT 32767
#define MINSHORT -32768
#define MAXTABLE 32500
#define BITS_PER_WORD 32
#define BIT(r, n) ((((r)[(n)>>5])>>((n)&31))&1)
#define SETBIT(r, n) ((r)[(n)>>5]|=((unsigned)1<<((n)&31)))
/* character names */
#define NUL '\0' /* the null character */
#define NEWLINE '\n' /* line feed */
#define SP ' ' /* space */
#define BS '\b' /* backspace */
#define HT '\t' /* horizontal tab */
#define VT '\013' /* vertical tab */
#define CR '\r' /* carriage return */
#define FF '\f' /* form feed */
#define QUOTE '\'' /* single quote */
#define DOUBLE_QUOTE '\"' /* double quote */
#define BACKSLASH '\\' /* backslash */
/* defines for constructing filenames */
#define CODE_SUFFIX ".code.c"
#define DEFINES_SUFFIX ".tab.h"
#define OUTPUT_SUFFIX ".tab.c"
#define VERBOSE_SUFFIX ".output"
/* keyword codes */
#define TOKEN 0
#define LEFT 1
#define RIGHT 2
#define NONASSOC 3
#define MARK 4
#define TEXT 5
#define TYPE 6
#define START 7
#define UNION 8
#define IDENT 9
/* symbol classes */
#define UNKNOWN 0
#define TERM 1
#define NONTERM 2
/* the undefined value */
#define UNDEFINED (-1)
/* action codes */
#define SHIFT 1
#define REDUCE 2
/* character macros */
#define IS_IDENT(c) (isalnum(c) || (c) == '_' || (c) == '.' || (c) == '$')
#define IS_OCTAL(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '7')
#define NUMERIC_VALUE(c) ((c) - '0')
/* symbol macros */
#define ISTOKEN(s) ((s) < start_symbol)
#define ISVAR(s) ((s) >= start_symbol)
/* storage allocation macros */
#define CALLOC(k,n) (calloc((unsigned)(k),(unsigned)(n)))
#define FREE(x) (free((char*)(x)))
#define MALLOC(n) (malloc((unsigned)(n)))
#define NEW(t) ((t*)allocate(sizeof(t)))
#define NEW2(n,t) ((t*)allocate((unsigned)((n)*sizeof(t))))
#define REALLOC(p,n) (realloc((char*)(p),(unsigned)(n)))
/* the structure of a symbol table entry */
typedef struct bucket bucket;
struct bucket
struct bucket *link;
struct bucket *next;
char *name;
char *tag;
short value;
short index;
short prec;
char class;
char assoc;
/* the structure of the LR(0) state machine */
typedef struct core core;
struct core
struct core *next;
struct core *link;
short number;
short accessing_symbol;
short nitems;
short items[1];
/* the structure used to record shifts */
typedef struct shifts shifts;
struct shifts
struct shifts *next;
short number;
short nshifts;
short shift[1];
/* the structure used to store reductions */
typedef struct reductions reductions;
struct reductions
struct reductions *next;
short number;
short nreds;
short rules[1];
/* the structure used to represent parser actions */
typedef struct action action;
struct action
struct action *next;
short symbol;
short number;
short prec;
char action_code;
char assoc;
char suppressed;
/* global variables */
extern char dflag;
extern char lflag;
extern char rflag;
extern char tflag;
extern char vflag;
extern char *symbol_prefix;
extern char *myname;
extern char *cptr;
extern char *line;
extern int lineno;
extern int outline;
extern char *banner[];
extern char *tables[];
#if defined (TRIPLISH)
extern char *includefiles[];
#if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
extern char *header1[];
extern char *header2[];
extern char *header3[];
#if defined (TRIPLISH)
extern char *header4[];
extern char *header[];
extern char *body[];
extern char *trailer[];
#if defined (TRIPLISH)
extern char *TriplishBody[];
extern char *TriplishTrailer[];
extern char *action_file_name;
extern char *code_file_name;
extern char *defines_file_name;
extern char *input_file_name;
extern char *output_file_name;
extern char *text_file_name;
extern char *union_file_name;
extern char *verbose_file_name;
extern FILE *action_file;
extern FILE *code_file;
extern FILE *defines_file;
extern FILE *input_file;
extern FILE *output_file;
extern FILE *text_file;
extern FILE *union_file;
extern FILE *verbose_file;
extern int nitems;
extern int nrules;
extern int nsyms;
extern int ntokens;
extern int nvars;
extern int ntags;
extern char unionized;
extern char line_format[];
extern int start_symbol;
extern char **symbol_name;
extern short *symbol_value;
extern short *symbol_prec;
extern char *symbol_assoc;
extern short *ritem;
extern short *rlhs;
extern short *rrhs;
extern short *rprec;
extern char *rassoc;
extern short **derives;
extern char *nullable;
extern bucket *first_symbol;
extern bucket *last_symbol;
extern int nstates;
extern core *first_state;
extern shifts *first_shift;
extern reductions *first_reduction;
extern short *accessing_symbol;
extern core **state_table;
extern shifts **shift_table;
extern reductions **reduction_table;
extern unsigned *LA;
extern short *LAruleno;
extern short *lookaheads;
extern short *goto_map;
extern short *from_state;
extern short *to_state;
extern action **parser;
extern int SRtotal;
extern int RRtotal;
extern short *SRconflicts;
extern short *RRconflicts;
extern short *defred;
extern short *rules_used;
extern short nunused;
extern short final_state;
/* global functions */
extern char *allocate();
extern bucket *lookup();
extern bucket *make_bucket();
/* system variables */
extern int errno;
/* system functions */
#if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <io.h>
#define mktemp _mktemp
#define unlink _unlink
extern void free();
extern char *calloc();
extern char *malloc();
extern char *realloc();
extern char *strcpy();
#endif // KYLEP_CHANGE
#if defined(KYLEP_CHANGE)
extern char *baseclass;
extern char *ctorargs;
/* BYACC prototypes, with type safety */
void reflexive_transitive_closure( unsigned * R, int n );
void set_first_derives();
void closure( short * nucleus, int n );
void finalize_closure();
/* From main.c */
int done( int k );
/* From error.c */
void no_space();
void fatal( char * msg );
void open_error( char * filename );
void unterminated_comment( int c_lineno, char * c_line, char * c_cptr );
void unterminated_string( int s_lineno, char * s_line, char * s_cptr );
void unterminated_text( int t_lineno, char * t_line, char * t_cptr );
void unterminated_union( int u_lineno, char * u_line, char * u_cptr );
void syntax_error( int st_lineno, char * st_line, char * st_cptr );
void unexpected_EOF();
void over_unionized( char * u_cptr );
void illegal_character( char * c_cptr );
void used_reserved( char * s );
void illegal_tag( int t_lineno, char * t_line, char * t_cptr );
void tokenized_start( char * s );
void retyped_warning( char * s );
void reprec_warning( char * s );
void revalued_warning( char * s );
void terminal_start( char * s );
void restarted_warning();
void no_grammar();
void terminal_lhs( int s_lineno );
void default_action_warning();
void dollar_warning( int a_lineno, int i );
void dollar_error( int a_lineno, char * a_line, char * a_cptr );
void untyped_lhs();
void unknown_rhs( int i );
void untyped_rhs( int i, char * s );
void unterminated_action( int a_lineno, char * a_line, char * a_cptr );
void prec_redeclared();
void undefined_goal( char * s );
void undefined_symbol_warning( char * s );
/* From reader.c */
void reader();
/* From lr0.c */
void lr0();
/* From lalr.c */
void lalr();
/* From mkpar.c */
void make_parser();
void free_parser();
/* From verbose.c */
void verbose();
/* From output.c */
void output();
/* From skeleton.c */
void write_section( char * section[], FILE * f );
/* From symtab.c */
void create_symbol_table();
void free_symbol_table();
void free_symbols();
#if defined (TRIPLISH)
enum eParser