2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

848 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BOGUS! This should support ITextDocument or something
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "oleacc_p.h"
#include "default.h"
#include "classmap.h"
#include "ctors.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "edit.h"
BOOL GetRichEditText( HWND hwnd, LPWSTR pWStr, int cchWStrMax );
BOOL GetObjectText( IUnknown * punk, LPWSTR * ppWStr, int * pcchWStrMax );
HRESULT InvokeMethod( IDispatch * pDisp, LPCWSTR pName, VARIANT * pvarResult, int cArgs, ... );
HRESULT GetProperty( IDispatch * pDisp, LPCWSTR pName, VARIANT * pvarResult );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateEditClient()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CreateEditClient(HWND hwnd, long idChildCur, REFIID riid, void** ppvEdit)
CEdit * pedit;
pedit = new CEdit(hwnd, idChildCur);
if (!pedit)
hr = pedit->QueryInterface(riid, ppvEdit);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
delete pedit;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEdit::CEdit()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CEdit::CEdit(HWND hwnd, long idChildCur)
: CClient( CLASS_EditClient )
Initialize(hwnd, idChildCur);
m_fUseLabel = TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEdit::get_accName()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CEdit::get_accName(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszName)
// Validate parameters
if (! ValidateChild(&varChild))
// Is this edit in a combo or an IP control? If so, use the parent's
// name (which it gets from its label) as our own.
// Using CompareWindowClasses is safer than checking the ES_COMBOBOX style bit,
// since that bit is not used when the edit is in a combo in a comboex32.
// was: if (GetWindowLong(m_hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & ES_COMBOBOX)
HWND hwndParent = MyGetAncestor(m_hwnd, GA_PARENT);
const CLASS_ENUM ceClass = GetWindowClass( hwndParent );
if( hwndParent && ( CLASS_ComboClient == ceClass || CLASS_IPAddressClient == ceClass ) )
IAccessible* pacc = NULL;
HRESULT hr = AccessibleObjectFromWindow( hwndParent,
OBJID_CLIENT, IID_IAccessible, (void**)&pacc );
if( ! SUCCEEDED( hr ) || ! pacc )
return S_FALSE;
varChild.vt = VT_I4;
varChild.lVal = CHILDID_SELF;
hr = pacc->get_accName(varChild, pszName);
return hr;
return(CClient::get_accName(varChild, pszName));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEdit::get_accValue()
// Gets the text contents.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CEdit::get_accValue(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszValue)
// Validate parameters
if (! ValidateChild(&varChild))
// if this is a password edit control, return a NULL pointer
DWORD dwPasswordChar = Edit_GetPasswordChar( m_hwnd );
if( dwPasswordChar != '\0' )
// Try getting text (plus object text) using the RichEdit/TOM
// technique...
WCHAR szText[ 4096 ];
if( GetRichEditText( m_hwnd, szText, ARRAYSIZE( szText ) ) )
*pszValue = SysAllocString( szText );
return S_OK;
LPTSTR lpszValue = GetTextString(m_hwnd, TRUE);
if (!lpszValue)
return S_FALSE;
*pszValue = TCharSysAllocString(lpszValue);
if (! *pszValue)
return S_OK;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEdit::get_accRole()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CEdit::get_accRole(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pvarRole)
// Validate
if (! ValidateChild(&varChild))
pvarRole->vt = VT_I4;
pvarRole->lVal = ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEdit::get_accState()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CEdit::get_accState(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT* pvarState)
// Get default client state
HRESULT hr = CClient::get_accState(varChild, pvarState);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
return hr;
// Add on extra styles for edit field
Assert(pvarState->vt == VT_I4);
LONG lStyle = GetWindowLong(m_hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
if (lStyle & ES_READONLY)
DWORD dwPasswordChar = Edit_GetPasswordChar( m_hwnd );
if( dwPasswordChar != '\0' )
return S_OK;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEdit::get_accKeyboardShortcut()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CEdit::get_accKeyboardShortcut(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszShortcut)
// Validate parameters
if (! ValidateChild(&varChild))
// If in a combo or IP control, use its shortcut key...
HWND hwndParent = MyGetAncestor(m_hwnd, GA_PARENT);
const CLASS_ENUM ceClass = GetWindowClass( hwndParent );
if( hwndParent && ( CLASS_ComboClient == ceClass || CLASS_IPAddressClient == ceClass ) )
IAccessible* pacc = NULL;
HRESULT hr = AccessibleObjectFromWindow( hwndParent,
OBJID_CLIENT, IID_IAccessible, (void**)&pacc );
if( ! SUCCEEDED( hr ) || ! pacc )
return S_FALSE;
varChild.vt = VT_I4;
varChild.lVal = CHILDID_SELF;
hr = pacc->get_accKeyboardShortcut(varChild, pszShortcut);
return hr;
return(CClient::get_accKeyboardShortcut(varChild, pszShortcut));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEdit::put_accValue()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CEdit::put_accValue(VARIANT varChild, BSTR szValue)
// Validate parameters
if (! ValidateChild(&varChild))
LPTSTR lpszValue;
#ifdef UNICODE
// If unicode, use the BSTR directly...
lpszValue = szValue;
// If not UNICODE, allocate a temp string and convert to multibyte...
// We may be dealing with DBCS chars - assume worst case where every character is
// two bytes...
UINT cchValue = SysStringLen(szValue) * 2;
lpszValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cchValue+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
if (!lpszValue)
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szValue, -1, lpszValue, cchValue+1, NULL,
SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)lpszValue);
#ifndef UNICODE
// If non-unicode, free the temp string we allocated above
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CEdit::get_accDescription()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CEdit::get_accDescription(VARIANT varChild, BSTR* pszDescription)
// Validate parameters
if (! ValidateChild(&varChild))
// Is this an IP control? Add a description to specify whitch part it is
HWND hwndParent = MyGetAncestor(m_hwnd, GA_PARENT);
if( hwndParent && CLASS_IPAddressClient == GetWindowClass( hwndParent ) )
HWND hwndChild = ::GetWindow( hwndParent, GW_CHILD );
for ( int i = 4; i > 0 && hwndChild; i-- )
if ( hwndChild == m_hwnd )
TCHAR szIP[32], szPart[32];
if ( !LoadString(hinstResDll, STR_DESC_IP_PART, szPart, ARRAYSIZE(szPart) - 1 ) )
return E_FAIL;
wsprintf( szIP, szPart, i );
*pszDescription = TCharSysAllocString( szIP );
hwndChild = ::GetWindow( hwndChild, GW_HWNDNEXT );
return S_OK;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StrAddW
// Helper function to append a string to another.
// Ensures that it does not overrun target buffer.
// ppStr is ptr to buffer ptr where string is to be appended. On exit, the
// pointer-to-buffer is updated to point to one past the end of the newly
// appended text (ie. at the terminating NUL character).
// pchLeft is a ptr to a count of the available characters in the
// destination buffer. On exit, this is updated to reflect the amount
// of characters available after the string has been appended.
// There are two versions of StrAddW - one takes a string pointer and a
// length (in WCHARS), the other just takes a string pointer, and assumes
// that the string is NUL-terminated.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void StrAddW( LPWSTR * ppStr, int * pchLeft, LPCWSTR pStrAdd, int cchAddLen )
// Make sure there's at least 1 char space (for NUL)
if( *pchLeft <= 0 )
// Get min of target string, space left...
if( cchAddLen > *pchLeft - 1 )
cchAddLen = *pchLeft - 1;
// This copies up to but not including the NUL char in the terget string...
memcpy( *ppStr, pStrAdd, cchAddLen * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
// Advance pointer, devrement space remaining count...
*ppStr += cchAddLen;
*pchLeft -= cchAddLen;
// Add terminating NUL...
**ppStr = '\0';
void StrAddW( LPWSTR * ppStr, int * pchLeft, LPCWSTR pStrAdd )
StrAddW( ppStr, pchLeft, pStrAdd, lstrlenW( pStrAdd ) );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetRichEditText
// Gets full text - including text from objects - from a rich edit control.
// hwnd is handle to the richedit control.
// pWStr and cchWStrMax are the destination buffer and available space (in
// WCHARs, includes space for terminating NUL).
// Returns TRUE if text could be retrieved.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL GetRichEditText( HWND hwnd, LPWSTR pWStr, int cchWStrMax )
// Get a pointer to the TOM automation object...
IDispatch * pdispDoc = NULL;
HRESULT hr = AccessibleObjectFromWindow( hwnd, OBJID_NATIVEOM, IID_IDispatch, (void **) & pdispDoc );
if( hr != S_OK || pdispDoc == NULL )
TraceErrorHR( hr, TEXT("GetRichEditText: AccessibleObjectFromWindow failed") );
return FALSE;
// Get a range representing the entire doc...
// This gets an empty range at the start of the doc. We later Expand it to entire doc...
VARIANT varRange;
hr = InvokeMethod( pdispDoc, L"Range", & varRange, 2,
VT_I4, 0,
VT_I4, 0 );
if( hr != S_OK )
TraceErrorHR( hr, TEXT("GetRichEditText: Range method failed") );
else if( varRange.vt != VT_DISPATCH || varRange.pdispVal == NULL )
VariantClear( & varRange );
TraceError( TEXT("GetRichEditText: Range method failed returned non-disp, or NULL-disp") );
IDispatch * pdispRange = varRange.pdispVal;
// Set range to entire story...
VARIANT varDelta;
hr = InvokeMethod( pdispRange, L"Expand", & varDelta, 1, VT_I4, 6 /*tomStory*/ );
if( hr != S_OK )
TraceErrorHR( hr, TEXT("GetRichEditText: Range::GetStoryLength failed or returned non-VT_I4") );
// Get all text from the range...
VARIANT varText;
hr = GetProperty( pdispRange, L"Text", & varText );
if( hr != S_OK || varText.vt != VT_BSTR || varText.bstrVal == NULL )
TraceError( TEXT("GetRichEditText: Text property failed / is non-BSTR / is NULL") );
// At this stage, we've got the text. We may not be able to expand
// the objects, but we can at least use a '?' for those that don't
// support the object->text technique.
fGot = TRUE;
// Scan through the text - copy regular text to the output buffer,
// also look for the object replacement char (0xFFFC), and attempt
// to get the corresponding object and its text, and copy to
// buffer.
LPCWSTR pScan = varText.bstrVal;
for( ; ; )
// Rember start of this block of plain text...
LPCWSTR pStart = pScan;
// Look for end of string, or object replacement char...
while( *pScan != '\0' && *pScan != 0xFFFC )
// Copy plain text so far to output buffer...
StrAddW( & pWStr, & cchWStrMax, pStart, (int)(pScan - pStart) );
// If this is the end of the string, bail out of loop...
if( *pScan == '\0' )
// Found an object replacement char - set a range to this
// position, then use it to get the object...
// Set range to point to the obj repl char...
hr = InvokeMethod( pdispRange, L"SetRange", NULL, 2,
VT_I4, pScan - varText.bstrVal,
VT_I4, pScan - varText.bstrVal );
// Skip over the object replacement char...
// If we have problems getting the object's text, use a
// '?' character instead.
if( hr != S_OK )
StrAddW( & pWStr, & cchWStrMax, L"?" );
TraceErrorHR( hr, TEXT("GetRichEditText: SetRange failed") );
// Try to get the object...
VARIANT varObject;
hr = InvokeMethod( pdispRange, L"GetEmbeddedObject", & varObject, 0 );
if( hr != S_OK || varObject.vt != VT_UNKNOWN || varObject.punkVal == NULL )
StrAddW( & pWStr, & cchWStrMax, L"?" );
TraceError( TEXT("GetRichEditText: GetEmbeddedObject failed or returned NULL") );
// Got the object - now get its text...
if( ! GetObjectText( varObject.pdispVal, & pWStr, & cchWStrMax ) )
StrAddW( & pWStr, & cchWStrMax, L"?" );
// end of for(;;) loop, start over to look for next object replacement char.
return fGot;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetObjectText
// Attempts to get text from an object, by asking for a IDataObject
// and querying for text clipboard format.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL GetObjectText( IUnknown * punk, LPWSTR * ppWStr, int * pcchWStrMax )
// Try IAccessible first...
IAccessible * pAcc = NULL;
HRESULT hr = punk->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessible, (void **) & pAcc );
if( hr == S_OK && pAcc != NULL )
VARIANT varChild;
varChild.vt = VT_EMPTY;
varChild.lVal = CHILDID_SELF;
BSTR bstrName = NULL;
hr = pAcc->get_accName( varChild, & bstrName );
if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && bstrName )
StrAddW( ppWStr, pcchWStrMax, bstrName );
SysFreeString( bstrName );
return TRUE;
// Didn't get IAccessible (or didn't get a name from it).
// Try the IDataObject technique instead...
IDataObject * pdataobj = NULL;
IOleObject * poleobj = NULL;
// Try IOleObject::GetClipboardData (which returns an IDataObject) first...
hr = punk->QueryInterface( IID_IOleObject, (void **) & poleobj );
if( hr == S_OK )
hr = poleobj->GetClipboardData( 0, & pdataobj );
// If that didn't work (either the QI or the GetClipboardData), try
// to QI for IDataObject instead...
if( FAILED( hr ) )
hr = punk->QueryInterface( IID_IDataObject, (void **)&pdataobj );
if( hr != S_OK )
return FALSE;
// Got the IDataObject. Now query it for text formats. Try Unicode first...
BOOL fGotUnicode = TRUE;
med.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL;
med.pUnkForRelease = NULL;
med.hGlobal = NULL;
fetc.cfFormat = CF_UNICODETEXT;
fetc.ptd = NULL;
fetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT;
fetc.lindex = -1;
fetc.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL;
hr = pdataobj->GetData( & fetc, & med );
if( hr != S_OK || med.hGlobal == NULL )
// If we didn't get Unicode, try for ANSI instead...
fetc.cfFormat = CF_TEXT;
fGotUnicode = FALSE;
hr = pdataobj->GetData( & fetc, & med );
// Did we get anything?
if( hr != S_OK || med.hGlobal == NULL )
return FALSE;
// Got the text data. Lock the handle...
void * pv = GlobalLock( med.hGlobal );
// Copy the text (convert to Unicode if it's ANSI)...
if( fGotUnicode )
StrAddW( ppWStr, pcchWStrMax, (LPWSTR) pv );
// Don't call MultiByteToWideChar if len is == 0, because then it will
// return length required, not length copied.
if( *pcchWStrMax > 0 )
int len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPSTR) pv, -1, *ppWStr, *pcchWStrMax );
// len includes terminating NUL, which we don't want to count...
if( len > 0 )
if( len > *pcchWStrMax )
len = *pcchWStrMax;
*ppWStr += len;
*pcchWStrMax += len;
// Unlock resources and return...
GlobalUnlock( med.hGlobal );
ReleaseStgMedium( & med );
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InvokeMethod
// Helper for IDispatch::Invoke. Assumes exactly one [out,retval] param.
// Currently only accepts VT_I4 args.
// pDisp is IDispatch to call method on, pName is Unicode name of method.
// pvarResult is set to the [out,retval] param.
// cArgs is number of arguments, is followed by type-value pairs - eg.
// Eg. This calls SetRange( 3, 4 )...
// InvokeMethod( pdisp, L"SetRange", NULL, 2, VT_I4, 3, VT_I4, 4 );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT InvokeMethod( IDispatch * pDisp, LPCWSTR pName, VARIANT * pvarResult, int cArgs, ... )
// Get dispid for this method name...
DISPID dispid;
HRESULT hr = pDisp->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, const_cast< LPWSTR * >( & pName ), 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, & dispid );
if( hr != S_OK )
return hr;
// Fill in the arguments...
VARIANT * pvarArgs = new VARIANT [ cArgs ];
if( ! pvarArgs )
va_list arglist;
va_start( arglist, cArgs );
for( int i = 0 ; i < cArgs ; i++ )
int type = va_arg( arglist, int );
switch( type )
case VT_I4:
pvarArgs[ i ].vt = VT_I4;
pvarArgs[ i ].lVal = va_arg( arglist, DWORD );
TraceError( TEXT("InvokeMethod passed non-VT_I4 argument.") );
// Since other args are just VT_I4, we don't need to VariantClear them.
delete [ ] pvarArgs;
va_end( arglist );
va_end( arglist );
if( pvarResult )
pvarResult->vt = VT_EMPTY;
// Make the call to Invoke...
DISPPARAMS dispparams;
dispparams.rgvarg = pvarArgs;
dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs = NULL;
dispparams.cArgs = cArgs;
dispparams.cNamedArgs = 0;
& dispparams, pvarResult, NULL, NULL );
// Cleanup. (Not much needed - VT_I4's dont need to be VariantClear'd.)
delete [ ] pvarArgs;
return hr;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetProperty
// Helper for IDispatch::Invoke. Returns a property.
// pDisp is IDispatch to call method on, pName is Unicode name of property.
// pvarResult is set to value of property.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT GetProperty( IDispatch * pDisp, LPCWSTR pName, VARIANT * pvarResult )
// Get dispid for this method name...
DISPID dispid;
HRESULT hr = pDisp->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, const_cast< LPWSTR * >( & pName ), 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, & dispid );
if( hr != S_OK )
return hr;
pvarResult->vt = VT_EMPTY;
// Make the call to Invoke...
DISPPARAMS dispparams;
dispparams.cArgs = 0;
dispparams.cNamedArgs = 0;
dispparams.rgvarg = NULL;
dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs = NULL;
& dispparams, pvarResult, NULL, NULL );
return hr;