2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

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// Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// oleacc_p
// Constants, Definitions, Types, and Classes private to the OLEACC
// implementation. This header file is part of the OLEACC project.
// OLEACC.H (included here) is machine-generated from OLEACC.IDL via
// the MIDL compiler.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define INC_OLE2
#pragma warning(disable:4201) // allows nameless structs and unions
#pragma warning(disable:4514) // don't care when unreferenced inline functions are removed
#pragma warning(disable:4706) // we are allowed to assign within a conditional
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#if (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0403) // on Win95 compile, we need stuff in winable.h and userole.h,
#include <winable.h> // but for NT build, this is included in winuserp.h
#include <userole.h> // TODO? Change win95 to be more like NT to keep in ssync
#else // more easily!
#include <winuserp.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "types6432.h"
#include "com_external.h" // this includes oleacc.h, since internal.idl includes oleacc.idl
#include "debug.h"
#include "w95trace.h" // eventually deprecate this in favor of debug.h
#include "strtable.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "accutil.h"
#include "classinfo.h"
// If this is being built as UNICODE, then assume that this build is NT-Only
// (eg. buildlab); so omit all 9x-specific code.
// (If some version of 9x ever supports Unicode, we may want to change how
// this gets defined.)
#ifdef UNICODE
// Constants
#define HEAP_SHARED 0x04000000 // Win95 only
#define HEAP_GLOBAL 0x80000000 // Win95 only
// Should we return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND explicitly instead of this?
// It's confusing because someone reading the code won't know that
// E_NOT_APPLICABLE is a local define, not a real code...
// Handy #define's
#define ARRAYSIZE(n) (sizeof(n)/sizeof(n[0]))
#define unused( param )
// TODO - replace this style with the proper version above.
#define UNUSED(param) (param)
// Variables
extern HINSTANCE hinstResDll; // instance of the resource library
#ifdef _X86_
extern HANDLE hheapShared; // handle to the shared heap (Windows '95 only)
extern BOOL fWindows95; // running on Windows '95?
#endif // _X86_
extern BOOL fCreateDefObjs; // running with new USER32?
// These all live in memchk.cpp
// SharedAlloc ZEROES OUT THE ALLOCATED MEMORY - we rely on this for class member initialization.
LPVOID SharedAlloc(UINT cbSize,HWND hwnd,HANDLE *pProcessHandle);
VOID SharedFree(LPVOID lpv,HANDLE hProcess);
BOOL SharedRead(LPVOID lpvSharedSource,LPVOID lpvDest,DWORD cbSize,HANDLE hProcess);
BOOL SharedWrite(LPVOID lpvSource,LPVOID lpvSharedDest,DWORD cbSize,HANDLE hProcess);
// Make sure this function gets called before using oleacc (can be called multiple times)
BOOL InitOleacc();
// Bit manipultation - a bit more readable than all those |'s and &'s and ~'s and <<'s...
// iBit is an index (0 for least significant bit, 1 for second bit, and so on), not a mask.
template <class T>
inline void SetBit( T * pval, int iBit )
*pval |= ( (T)1 << iBit );
template <class T>
inline void ClearBit( T * pval, int iBit )
*pval &= ~ ( (T)1 << iBit );
template <class T>
inline BOOL IsBitSet( T val, int iBit )
return val & ( (T)1 << iBit );
// Sizes...
// Some structs have grown between releases. Typically APIs from later
// releases will accept the previous smaller sizes; but the earlier
// APIs will not accept the new larger sizes.
// So, instead of using sizeof(...), we use this define. This takes
// as an additional argument the last used field in the struct, and
// evalueates to the size of the struct up to and including that field.
// We currently use this on an as-needed basis, instead of using it
// everywhere.
// Notable structs that got bigger:
// LVITEM - in comctlV6
// TTTOOLINFO - in comctlV6
// This is based on the CCSIZEOF_STRUCT macro in commctrl.h.
// It's similar to the classic 'offsetof' macro, but it also adds in the
// size of the last field.
#define SIZEOF_STRUCT(structname, member) (((int)((LPBYTE)(&((structname*)0)->member) - ((LPBYTE)((structname*)0)))) + sizeof(((structname*)0)->member))
#if !defined(_WIN64)
// Win64 only accepts the full-sized struct, not any earlier smaller versions.