2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

49 lines
1.9 KiB

#include "lsdefs.h"
#include "lsdevres.h"
#include "lspract.h"
#include "lspairac.h"
#include "lsexpan.h"
#include "lsbrk.h"
LSERR WINAPI LsSetDoc(PLSC, /* IN: ptr to line services context */
BOOL, /* IN: Intend to display? */
BOOL, /* IN: Ref & Pres Devices are equal?*/
const LSDEVRES*); /* IN: device resolutions */
LSERR WINAPI LsSetModWidthPairs(
PLSC, /* IN: ptr to line services context */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of mod pairs info units*/
const LSPAIRACT*, /* IN: Mod pairs info units array */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of Mod Width classes */
const BYTE*); /* IN: Mod width information(square):
indexes in the LSPAIRACT array */
LSERR WINAPI LsSetCompression(
PLSC, /* IN: ptr to line services context */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of compression priorities*/
DWORD, /* IN: Number of compression info units*/
const LSPRACT*, /* IN: Compession info units array */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of Mod Width classes */
const BYTE*); /* IN: Compression information:
indexes in the LSPRACT array */
LSERR WINAPI LsSetExpansion(
PLSC, /* IN: ptr to line services context */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of expansion info units*/
const LSEXPAN*, /* IN: Expansion info units array */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of Mod Width classes */
const BYTE*); /* IN: Expansion information(square):
indexes in the LSEXPAN array */
PLSC, /* IN: ptr to line services context */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of breaking info units*/
const LSBRK*, /* IN: Breaking info units array */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of breaking classes */
const BYTE*); /* IN: Breaking information(square):
indexes in the LSBRK array */
#endif /* !LSSETDOC_DEFINED */