2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

785 lines
25 KiB

#include "lscrsubl.h"
#include "lsidefs.h"
#include "lsc.h"
#include "lsfetch.h"
#include "getfmtst.h"
#include "setfmtst.h"
#include "fmtres.h"
#include "sublutil.h"
#include "break.h"
#include "prepdisp.h"
#include <limits.h>
#define DO_COMPRESSION fTrue
#define DO_EXPANSION fFalse
static LSERR ErrorInCurrentSubline(PLSC plsc, LSERR error)
Assert(GetCurrentSubline(plsc) != NULL);
DestroySublineCore(GetCurrentSubline(plsc),&plsc->lscbk, plsc->pols,
&plsc->lsiobjcontext, plsc->fDontReleaseRuns);
SetCurrentSubline(plsc, NULL);
return error;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S C R E A T E S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsCreateSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LS context
cpFirst - (IN) first cp of a subline
urColumnMax - (IN) width restriction for a subline
lstflow - (IN) text flow of a subline
fContiguos - (IN) if TRUE such line has the same coordinate system as main line
and is allowed to have tabs
LSERR WINAPI LsCreateSubline(PLSC plsc, LSCP cpFirst, long urColumnMax,
LSTFLOW lstflow, BOOL fContiguos)
if (!FIsLSC(plsc)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
if (!FFormattingAllowed(plsc) && !FBreakingAllowed(plsc)) return lserrCreateSublineDisabled;
if (GetCurrentSubline(plsc) != NULL) return lserrCreateSublineDisabled;
if (fContiguos) /* this flag is allowed only in formating time and only within fmt method */
if (!FFormattingAllowed(plsc)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
if (GetDnodeToFinish(plsc) == NULL) return lserrInvalidParameter;
if (!(SublineFromDnode(GetDnodeToFinish(plsc))->fContiguous))
fContiguos = fFalse;
if (urColumnMax > uLsInfiniteRM)
urColumnMax = uLsInfiniteRM;
return CreateSublineCore(plsc, cpFirst, urColumnMax, lstflow, fContiguos);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S F E T C H A P P E N D T O C U R R E N T S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsFetchAppendToCurrentSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LS context
lsdcp - (IN) increse cp before fetching
plsesc - (IN) escape characters
cEsc - (IN) # of escape characters
pfSuccessful- (OUT) Successful?---if not, finish
subline, destroy it and start anew
pfmtres - (OUT) result of last formatter
pcpLim - (OUT) where we stop fetching
pplsdnFirst - (OUT) first dnode that was created
pplsdnLast - (OUT) last dnode that was created
LSERR WINAPI LsFetchAppendToCurrentSubline(PLSC plsc, LSDCP lsdcp,
const LSESC* plsesc, DWORD cEsc,
BOOL *pfSuccessful, FMTRES* pfmtres,
LSCP* pcpLim, PLSDNODE* pplsdnFirst,
PLSDNODE* pplsdnLast)
LSERR lserr;
PLSSUBL plssubl;
long dur;
long urColumnMaxIncreased;
BOOL fDone = fFalse;
LSSTATE lsstateOld;
BOOL fFirstIteration = fTrue;
PLSDNODE plsdnFirstCurrent;
PLSDNODE plsdnLastCurrent;
if (!FIsLSC(plsc)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
plssubl = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
if (plssubl == NULL) return lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled;
/* client can use this function only in formatting or breaking time */
if (!FFormattingAllowed(plsc) && !FBreakingAllowed(plsc))
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
/* in formatting time it should be some dnode to finish */
if (FFormattingAllowed(plsc) && GetDnodeToFinish(plsc) == NULL)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
/* we don't allow to continue formatting if right margin is exceeded */
if (plssubl->fRightMarginExceeded)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
*pfSuccessful = fTrue;
/* we must to set state to formatting and later restore the old one */
lsstateOld = plssubl->plsc->lsstate;
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = LsStateFormatting;
/*Initialization; */
AdvanceCurrentCpLimSubl(plssubl, lsdcp);
*pplsdnLast = NULL;
urColumnMaxIncreased = RightMarginIncreasing(plsc, plssubl->urColumnMax);
while(!fDone) /* we continue fetching when we have
tab that are not allowed in our subline */
lserr = FetchAppendEscCore(plsc, urColumnMaxIncreased, plsesc, cEsc, pfmtres,
pcpLim, &plsdnFirstCurrent, &plsdnLastCurrent, &dur);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserr);
Assert((plsdnFirstCurrent == NULL) == (plsdnLastCurrent == NULL));
Assert((plsdnLastCurrent == NULL) || ((plsdnLastCurrent)->plsdnNext == NULL));
if (fFirstIteration)
*pplsdnFirst = plsdnFirstCurrent;
fFirstIteration = fFalse;
if (plsdnLastCurrent != NULL)
*pplsdnLast = plsdnLastCurrent;
if (*pfmtres == fmtrTab && !plssubl->fContiguous)
fDone = fFalse;
fDone = fTrue;
plsc->lsstate = lsstateOld;
if (*pfmtres == fmtrExceededMargin)
if (GetCurrentUrSubl(plssubl) <= plssubl->urColumnMax)
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
if (plsc->lMarginIncreaseCoefficient >= uLsInfiniteRM / 2 )
plsc->lMarginIncreaseCoefficient = uLsInfiniteRM;
plsc->lMarginIncreaseCoefficient *= 2; /* increase coefficient to be successful
next time */
return lserrNone;
plssubl->fRightMarginExceeded = fTrue;
Assert((*pplsdnFirst == NULL) == (*pplsdnLast == NULL));
Assert((*pplsdnLast == NULL) || ((*pplsdnLast)->plsdnNext == NULL));
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S F E T C H A P P E N D T O C U R R E N T S U B L I N E R E S U M E*/
%%Function: LsFetchAppendToCurrentSublineResume
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LS context
rgbreakrec - (IN) input array of break records
cbreakrec, (IN) number of records in input array
lsdcp - (IN) increse cp before fetching
plsesc - (IN) escape characters
cEsc - (IN) # of escape characters
pfSuccessful- (OUT) Successful?---if not, finish
subline, destroy it and start anew
pfmtres - (OUT) result of last formatter
pcpLim - (OUT) where we stop fetching
pplsdnFirst - (OUT) first dnode that was created
pplsdnLast - (OUT) last dnode that was created
LSERR WINAPI LsFetchAppendToCurrentSublineResume(PLSC plsc, const BREAKREC* rgbreakrec,
DWORD cbreakrec, LSDCP lsdcp, const LSESC* plsesc,
DWORD cEsc, BOOL *pfSuccessful,
FMTRES* pfmtres, LSCP* pcpLim, PLSDNODE* pplsdnFirst,
PLSDNODE* pplsdnLast)
LSERR lserr;
PLSSUBL plssubl;
long dur;
long urColumnMaxIncreased;
BOOL fDone = fFalse;
LSSTATE lsstateOld;
BOOL fFirstIteration = fTrue;
PLSDNODE plsdnFirstCurrent;
PLSDNODE plsdnLastCurrent;
if (!FIsLSC(plsc)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
plssubl = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
if (plssubl == NULL) return lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled;
/* client can use this function only in formatting or breaking time */
if (!FFormattingAllowed(plsc) && !FBreakingAllowed(plsc))
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
/* in formatting time it should be some dnode to finish */
if (FFormattingAllowed(plsc) && GetDnodeToFinish(plsc) == NULL)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
/* subline should be empty to use this function */
if (GetCurrentDnode(plsc) != NULL)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
/* we don't allow to continue formatting if right margin is exceeded */
if (plssubl->fRightMarginExceeded)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
*pfSuccessful = fTrue;
/* we must to set state to formatting and later restore the old one */
lsstateOld = plssubl->plsc->lsstate;
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = LsStateFormatting;
/*Initialization; */
AdvanceCurrentCpLimSubl(plssubl, lsdcp);
*pplsdnLast = NULL;
urColumnMaxIncreased = RightMarginIncreasing(plsc, plssubl->urColumnMax);
while(!fDone) /* we continue fetching when we have
tab that are not allowed in our subline */
if (fFirstIteration)
lserr = FetchAppendEscResumeCore(plsc, urColumnMaxIncreased, plsesc, cEsc, rgbreakrec,
cbreakrec,pfmtres, pcpLim, &plsdnFirstCurrent,
&plsdnLastCurrent, &dur);
lserr = FetchAppendEscCore(plsc, urColumnMaxIncreased, plsesc, cEsc, pfmtres,
pcpLim, &plsdnFirstCurrent, &plsdnLastCurrent, &dur);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserr);
Assert((plsdnFirstCurrent == NULL) == (plsdnLastCurrent == NULL));
Assert((plsdnLastCurrent == NULL) || ((plsdnLastCurrent)->plsdnNext == NULL));
if (fFirstIteration)
*pplsdnFirst = plsdnFirstCurrent;
fFirstIteration = fFalse;
if (plsdnLastCurrent != NULL)
*pplsdnLast = plsdnLastCurrent;
if (*pfmtres == fmtrTab && !plssubl->fContiguous)
fDone = fFalse;
fDone = fTrue;
plsc->lsstate = lsstateOld;
if (*pfmtres == fmtrExceededMargin)
if (GetCurrentUrSubl(plssubl) <= plssubl->urColumnMax)
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
if (plsc->lMarginIncreaseCoefficient >= uLsInfiniteRM / 2 )
plsc->lMarginIncreaseCoefficient = uLsInfiniteRM;
plsc->lMarginIncreaseCoefficient *= 2; /* increase coefficient to be successful
next time */
return lserrNone;
plssubl->fRightMarginExceeded = fTrue;
Assert((*pplsdnFirst == NULL) == (*pplsdnLast == NULL));
Assert((*pplsdnLast == NULL) || ((*pplsdnLast)->plsdnNext == NULL));
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S A P P E N D R U N T O C U R R E N T S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsAppendRunToCurrentSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LS context
plsfrun - (IN) given run
pfSuccessful- (OUT) Successful?---if not, finish
subline, destroy it and start anew
pfmtres - (OUT) result of last formatter
pcpLim - (OUT) where we stop fetching
pplsdn - (OUT) dnode created
LSERR WINAPI LsAppendRunToCurrentSubline(PLSC plsc, const LSFRUN* plsfrun, BOOL *pfSuccessful,
FMTRES* pfmtres, LSCP* pcpLim, PLSDNODE* pplsdn)
LSERR lserr;
PLSSUBL plssubl;
LSSTATE lsstateOld;
long urColumnMaxIncreased;
if (!FIsLSC(plsc)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
plssubl = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
if (plssubl == NULL) return lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled;
/* client can use this function only in formatting or breaking time */
if (!FFormattingAllowed(plsc) && !FBreakingAllowed(plsc))
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
/* in formatting time it should be some dnode to finish */
if (FFormattingAllowed(plsc) && GetDnodeToFinish(plsc) == NULL)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
/* we don't allow to continue formatting if right margin is exceeded */
if (plssubl->fRightMarginExceeded)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled);
*pfSuccessful = fTrue;
/* we must to set state to formatting and later restore the old one */
lsstateOld = plssubl->plsc->lsstate;
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = LsStateFormatting;
urColumnMaxIncreased = RightMarginIncreasing(plsc, plssubl->urColumnMax);
lserr = ProcessOneRun(plsc, urColumnMaxIncreased, plsfrun, NULL, 0, pfmtres);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
return ErrorInCurrentSubline(plsc, lserr);
plsc->lsstate = lsstateOld;
if (*pfmtres == fmtrExceededMargin)
if (GetCurrentUrSubl(plssubl) <= plssubl->urColumnMax)
*pfSuccessful = fFalse;
if (plsc->lMarginIncreaseCoefficient >= uLsInfiniteRM / 2 )
plsc->lMarginIncreaseCoefficient = uLsInfiniteRM;
plsc->lMarginIncreaseCoefficient *= 2; /* increase coefficient to be successful
next time */
return lserrNone;
plssubl->fRightMarginExceeded = fTrue;
/* prepare output */
*pplsdn = GetCurrentDnodeSubl(plssubl);
*pcpLim = GetCurrentCpLimSubl(plssubl);
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S R E S E T R M I N C U R R E N T S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsResetRMInCurrentSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LS context
urColumnMax - (IN) new value of right margin
LSERR WINAPI LsResetRMInCurrentSubline(PLSC plsc, long urColumnMax)
PLSSUBL plssubl;
if (!FIsLSC(plsc)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
plssubl = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
if (plssubl == NULL) return lserrCurrentSublineDoesNotExist;
/* we don't allow to change right margin if it is exceeded */
if (plssubl->fRightMarginExceeded) return lserrFormattingFunctionDisabled;
plssubl->urColumnMax = urColumnMax;
return lserrNone;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S F I N I S H C U R R E N T S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsFinishCurrentSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LS context
pplssubl - (OUT) subline context
LSERR WINAPI LsFinishCurrentSubline(PLSC plsc, PLSSUBL* pplssubl)
if (!FIsLSC(plsc)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
*pplssubl = GetCurrentSubline(plsc);
if (*pplssubl == NULL) return lserrCurrentSublineDoesNotExist;
return FinishSublineCore(*pplssubl);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S T R U N C A T E S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsTruncateSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plsc - (IN) LS context
urColumnMax - (IN) right margin
pcpTruncate - (OUT) truncation point
LSERR WINAPI LsTruncateSubline(PLSSUBL plssubl, long urColumnMax, LSCP* pcpTruncate)
LSERR lserr;
LSSTATE lsstateOld;
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
/* it's error if urColumnmMax is biger then lenght of subline */
if (urColumnMax >= GetCurrentUrSubl(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
/* we must to set state to breaking and later restore the old one */
lsstateOld = plssubl->plsc->lsstate;
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = LsStateBreaking;
lserr = TruncateSublineCore(plssubl, urColumnMax, pcpTruncate);
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = lsstateOld;
return lserr;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S F I N D P R E V B R E A K S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsFindPrevBreakSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
fFirstSubline - (IN) to apply rules for first character to the first character of
this subline
cpTruncate - (IN) truncation point
urColumnMax - (IN) right margin
pfSuccessful - (OUT) do we find break?
pcpBreak - (OUT) position of break
pobjdimSubline - (OUT) objdim from begining of the subline up to break
pbkpos - (OUT) Before/Inside/After
LSERR WINAPI LsFindPrevBreakSubline(PLSSUBL plssubl, BOOL fFirstSubline, LSCP cpTruncate,
long urColumnMax, BOOL* pfSuccessful, LSCP* pcpBreak,
POBJDIM pobjdimSubline, BRKPOS* pbkpos)
LSERR lserr;
LSSTATE lsstateOld;
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
/* we must to set state to breaking and later retore the old one */
lsstateOld = plssubl->plsc->lsstate;
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = LsStateBreaking;
lserr = FindPrevBreakSublineCore(plssubl, fFirstSubline, cpTruncate, urColumnMax,
pfSuccessful, pcpBreak, pobjdimSubline, pbkpos);
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = lsstateOld;
return lserr;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S F I N D N E X T B R E A K S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsFindNextBreakSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
fFirstSubline - (IN) to apply rules for first character to the first character of
this subline
cpTruncate - (IN) truncation point
urColumnMax - (IN) right margin
pfSuccessful - (OUT) do we find break?
pcpBreak - (OUT) position of break
pobjdimSubline - (OUT) objdim from begining of the subline up to break
pbkpos - (OUT) Before/Inside/After
LSERR WINAPI LsFindNextBreakSubline(PLSSUBL plssubl, BOOL fFirstSubline, LSCP cpTruncate,
long urColumnMax, BOOL* pfSuccessful, LSCP* pcpBreak,
POBJDIM pobjdimSubline, BRKPOS* pbkpos)
LSERR lserr;
LSSTATE lsstateOld;
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
/* we must to set state to breaking and later retore the old one */
lsstateOld = plssubl->plsc->lsstate;
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = LsStateBreaking;
lserr = FindNextBreakSublineCore(plssubl, fFirstSubline, cpTruncate, urColumnMax,
pfSuccessful, pcpBreak, pobjdimSubline, pbkpos);
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = lsstateOld;
return lserr;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S F O R C E B R E A K S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsForceBreakSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
fFirstSubline - (IN) to apply rules for first character to the first character of
this subline
cpTruncate - (IN) truncation point
urColumnMax - (IN) right margin
pcpBreak - (OUT) position of break
pobjdimSubline - (OUT) objdim from begining of the subline up to break
pbkpos - (OUT) Before/Inside/After
LSERR WINAPI LsForceBreakSubline(PLSSUBL plssubl, BOOL fFirstSubline, LSCP cpTruncate,
long urColumnMax, LSCP* pcpBreak,
POBJDIM pobjdimSubline, BRKPOS* pbkpos)
LSERR lserr;
LSSTATE lsstateOld;
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
/* we must to set state to breaking and later retore the old one */
lsstateOld = plssubl->plsc->lsstate;
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = LsStateBreaking;
lserr = ForceBreakSublineCore(plssubl, fFirstSubline, cpTruncate, urColumnMax,
pcpBreak, pobjdimSubline, pbkpos);
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = lsstateOld;
return lserr;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S S E T B R E A K S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsSetBreakSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
brkkind, - (IN) Prev/Next/Force/Imposed
breakrecMaxCurrent - (IN) size of array
pbreakrecCurrent - (OUT) array of break records
pbreakrecMacCurrent - (OUT) number of used elements of the array
LSERR WINAPI LsSetBreakSubline(PLSSUBL plssubl, BRKKIND brkkind, DWORD breakrecMaxCurrent,
BREAKREC* pbreakrecCurrent,
DWORD* pbreakrecMacCurrent)
LSERR lserr;
LSSTATE lsstateOld;
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
/* we must to set state to breaking and later retore the old one */
lsstateOld = plssubl->plsc->lsstate;
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = LsStateBreaking;
lserr = SetBreakSublineCore(plssubl, brkkind, breakrecMaxCurrent,
pbreakrecCurrent, pbreakrecMacCurrent);
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = lsstateOld;
return lserr;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S D E S T R O Y S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsDestroySubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
LSERR WINAPI LsDestroySubline(PLSSUBL plssubl)
PLSC plsc;
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
plsc = plssubl->plsc;
return DestroySublineCore(plssubl,&plsc->lscbk, plsc->pols,
&plsc->lsiobjcontext, plsc->fDontReleaseRuns);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S M A T C H P R E S S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsMatchPresSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
LSERR WINAPI LsMatchPresSubline(PLSSUBL plssubl)
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
return MatchPresSubline(plssubl);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S E X P A N D S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsExpandSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
lskjust - (IN) justification type
dup - (IN) amount to expand
LSERR WINAPI LsExpandSubline(PLSSUBL plssubl, LSKJUST lskjust, long dup)
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
return AdjustSubline(plssubl, lskjust, dup, DO_EXPANSION);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S C O M P R E S S S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsCompressSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
lskjust - (IN) justification type
dup - (IN) amount to compress
LSERR WINAPI LsCompressSubline(PLSSUBL plssubl, LSKJUST lskjust, long dup)
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
return AdjustSubline(plssubl, lskjust, dup, DO_COMPRESSION);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S G E T S P E C I A L E F F E C T S S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsGetSpecialEffectsSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
pfSpecialEffects - (OUT)special effects
LSERR WINAPI LsGetSpecialEffectsSubline(PLSSUBL plssubl, UINT* pfSpecialEffects)
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
return GetSpecialEffectsSublineCore(plssubl, &(plssubl->plsc->lsiobjcontext),
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L S S Q U E E Z E S U B L I N E*/
%%Function: LsSqueezeSubline
%%Contact: igorzv
plssubl - (IN) subline context
durTarget - (IN) target width of subline
pfSuccessful - (OUT)do we achieve the goal
pdurExtra - (OUT)if nof successful, extra dur we have from the goal
LSERR WINAPI LsSqueezeSubline(
PLSSUBL plssubl, /* IN: subline context */
long durTarget, /* IN: durTarget */
BOOL* pfSuccessful, /* OUT: fSuccessful? */
long* pdurExtra) /* OUT: if nof successful,
extra dur */
LSERR lserr;
LSSTATE lsstateOld;
if (!FIsLSSUBL(plssubl)) return lserrInvalidParameter;
/* we must to set state to breaking and later retore the old one */
lsstateOld = plssubl->plsc->lsstate;
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = LsStateBreaking;
lserr = SqueezeSublineCore(plssubl, durTarget, pfSuccessful, pdurExtra);
plssubl->plsc->lsstate = lsstateOld;
return lserr;