2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

1882 lines
58 KiB

// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999
// File: toolbar.cpp
// Contents: ToolBars implementation
// History: 09-30-99 AnandhaG Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ChildFrm.h"
#include "mainfrm.h"
#include "controls.h"
#include "toolbar.h"
#include "bitmap.h"
#include "amcview.h"
#include "util.h"
int CAMCViewToolbars::s_idCommand = MMC_TOOLBUTTON_ID_FIRST;
// Ask the toolbars (on nodemgr side) that reference this object to
// remove their references.
TBarToBitmapIndex::iterator itToolbars = m_mapTBarToBitmapIndex.begin();
for (;itToolbars != m_mapTBarToBitmapIndex.end(); ++itToolbars)
CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk = itToolbars->first;
SC sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
sc = pNotifyCallbk->ScAMCViewToolbarsBeingDestroyed();
if (sc)
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScInit
// Synopsis: Initialize the object by createing imagelist.
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScInit ()
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScInit"));
if (m_ImageList.m_hImageList)
return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED);
// Create an imagelist.
20 /*Initial imagelist size*/, 10 /* grow */);
if (!b)
return (sc = E_FAIL);
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScCreateToolBar
// Synopsis: Create a Toolbar (Just return CMMCToolbarIntf).
// Arguments:
// [ppToolbarIntf] - corresponds to IToolbar imp.
// call this interface to manipulate toolbar UI.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScCreateToolBar (CMMCToolbarIntf** ppToolbarIntf)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScCreateToolBar"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(ppToolbarIntf);
if (sc)
return sc;
*ppToolbarIntf = this;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScDisableToolbars
// Synopsis: Disable all the toolbar buttons (reqd during LV multiselect).
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScDisableToolbars ()
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScDisableToolbars"));
if (! m_fViewActive)
return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED);
// Now iterate thro all toolbuttons & disable them.
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
for (;itBtn != m_vToolbarButtons.end(); ++itBtn)
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton = itBtn;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Set the UI button state.
sc = ScSetButtonStateInToolbar(pToolButton, TBSTATE_ENABLED, FALSE);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Save the new state.
BYTE byOldState = pToolButton->GetState();
pToolButton->SetState(byOldState & ~TBSTATE_ENABLED);
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScAddBitmap
// Synopsis: Add the given bitmap into the view toolbars imagelist.
// Also store the start index & number of images in an object
// mapped by the CToolbarNotify (which identifies snapin toolbar
// or std bar).
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - The toolbar identifier (Button click callback interface).
// [nImages] - Number of bitmaps.
// [hbmp] - Handle to the bitmap.
// [crMask] - Color used to generate a mask to overlay
// the images on the toolbar button.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScAddBitmap (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk, INT nImages,
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScAddBitmap"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk, hbmp);
if (sc)
return sc;
* make a copy of the input bitmap because ImageList_AddMasked will
* modify the input bitmap
CBitmap bmpCopy;
bmpCopy.Attach (CopyBitmap (hbmp));
if (bmpCopy.GetSafeHandle() == NULL)
return (sc.FromLastError());
sc = ScCheckPointers(m_ImageList.m_hImageList, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
MMCToolbarImages imagesNew;
int cImagesOld = m_ImageList.GetImageCount();
// First add the bitmap into the imagelist.
imagesNew.iStart = m_ImageList.Add (bmpCopy, crMask);
imagesNew.cCount = m_ImageList.GetImageCount() - cImagesOld;
if (imagesNew.iStart == -1)
return (sc = E_FAIL);
* Assume a snapin adds 3 bitmaps initialy & then 4 for a toolbar.
* Then while adding buttons it will specify bitmap index as 5.
* So this toolbar will have two MMCToolbarImages objects in the multimap.
* The first MMCToolbarImages has cCount = 3, iStartWRTSnapin = 0, thus
* images from 0 (iStartWRTSnapin) to 3 (iStartWRTSnapin + cCount) with respect
* to snapin.
* The second MMCToolbarImages has cCount = 4, iStartWRTSnapin = 3, thus
* images from 3(iStartWRTSnapin) to 7(iStartWRTSnapin + cCount) wrt snapin.
* The iStartWRTSnapin member is nothing but the largest of iStartWRTSnapin + cCount
* in all of this toolbars MMCToolbarImages.
std::pair<TBarToBitmapIndex::iterator, TBarToBitmapIndex::iterator>
range = m_mapTBarToBitmapIndex.equal_range(pNotifyCallbk);
imagesNew.iStartWRTSnapin = 0;
while (range.first != range.second)
// Go thro each item and get the correct start index.
MMCToolbarImages imagesOld = (range.first)->second;
int nLastImageIndex = imagesOld.iStartWRTSnapin + imagesOld.cCount;
if ( imagesNew.iStartWRTSnapin < nLastImageIndex )
imagesNew.iStartWRTSnapin = nLastImageIndex;
// Now store the start index, number of bitmaps identified
// by CToolbarNotify in a multi-map.
TBarToBitmapIndex::value_type(pNotifyCallbk, imagesNew) );
// To be compatible with SysInfo snapin dont return error.
if ((cImagesOld + nImages) > m_ImageList.GetImageCount())
TraceSnapinError(_T("IToolbar::AddBitmap, Number of bitmaps is less than number mentioned"), sc);
return (sc);
// Member: ScValidateButton
// Synopsis: Validate the MMCBUTTON data.
// Arguments:
// [nButtons] - Number of elements in MMCBUTTON array.
// [lpButtons] - MMCBUTTON array.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScValidateButton(int nButtons, LPMMCBUTTON lpButtons)
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScValidateButton"));
if ( (lpButtons == NULL) || (nButtons < 1) )
return (sc = E_INVALIDARG);
for (int i=0; i < nButtons; i++)
if (lpButtons[i].nBitmap > GetImageCount())
return sc;
// There should be button text if it is not a separator.
if (((lpButtons[i].fsType & TBSTYLE_SEP) == 0) &&
((lpButtons[i].lpButtonText == NULL) ||
(lpButtons[i].lpTooltipText == NULL)))
return sc;
// There should be no bitmap set if it is a separator.
if ( ((lpButtons[i].fsType & TBSTYLE_SEP) != 0) &&
(lpButtons[i].nBitmap > 0) )
return sc;
// Reset any TBSTATE_WRAP state.
lpButtons[i].fsState &= (~TBSTATE_WRAP);
return sc;
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScInsertButtonToToolbar
// Synopsis: Inserts the toolbar button into the main toolbar UI.
// Arguments: [pToolButton] - The CMMCToolbarButton object.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScInsertButtonToToolbar (CMMCToolbarButton* pToolButton)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScInsertButtonToToolbar"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Button can be added only if view is active, button is not already added
// to the toolbar & toolbar is attached.
if (! m_fViewActive)
return (sc);
if (pToolButton->IsButtonIsAddedToUI())
return sc;
if (! IsToolbarAttached(pToolButton->GetToolbarNotify()))
return sc;
// Now get the main toolbar & add the button.
CMMCToolBar* pToolBarUI = GetMainToolbar();
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolBarUI, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
TBBUTTON tbButton;
ZeroMemory(&tbButton, sizeof(tbButton));
tbButton.idCommand = pToolButton->GetUniqueCommandID();
tbButton.fsStyle = pToolButton->GetStyle();
tbButton.iBitmap = pToolButton->GetBitmap();
tbButton.fsState = pToolButton->GetState();
// The toolbar is hidden by customize view dialog.
// If so insert the button as hidden. (Do not record
// the hidden status into the CMMCToolbarButton).
if (IsToolbarHidden(pToolButton->GetToolbarNotify()))
tbButton.fsState |= TBSTATE_HIDDEN;
// Insert the button.
BOOL bRet = pToolBarUI->InsertButton(-1, &tbButton);
sc = (bRet ? S_OK : E_FAIL);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Bug 225711: If the button is supposed to be hidden, hide it now.
if (tbButton.fsState & TBSTATE_HIDDEN)
sc = pToolBarUI->ScHideButton(tbButton.idCommand, true);
if (sc)
return sc;
return sc;
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScInsertButtonToDataStr
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - The callbk interface for IToolbar imp.
// [nIndex] - Index of the button.
// [lpButton] - MMCBUTTON ptr.
// [pToolButton] - Return value, the button added (or found
// in case of dup buttons).
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScInsertButtonToDataStr (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk,
int nIndex,
CMMCToolbarButton** ppToolButton)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScInsertButtonToDataStr"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk, ppToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
sc = ScValidateButton(1, lpButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Make sure snapin does not add duplicate buttons
// For compatibility (services snapin) this is not a bug.
*ppToolButton = GetToolbarButton(pNotifyCallbk, lpButton->idCommand);
if (*ppToolButton)
// if snapin added the button we already have,
// we still need to ensure its state (BUG: 439229)
if ((*ppToolButton)->GetState() != lpButton->fsState)
// update the object
// do we need to update the UI as well?
if (m_fViewActive && (*ppToolButton)->IsButtonIsAddedToUI())
INT iCommandID = (*ppToolButton)->GetUniqueCommandID();
if (!m_pMainToolbar->SetState(iCommandID, lpButton->fsState))
return (sc = E_FAIL);
return sc;
// If this button belongs to different toolbar from last button
// then insert a separator in between.
if (! m_vToolbarButtons.empty())
CMMCToolbarButton& lastBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.back();
if (lastBtn.GetToolbarNotify() != pNotifyCallbk)
CMMCToolbarButton separatorBtn(-1, GetUniqueCommandID(), -1, -1, 0, TBSTYLE_SEP, pNotifyCallbk);
* Assume a snapin adds 3 bitmaps initialy & then 4 for a toolbar.
* Then while adding buttons it will specify bitmap index as 5.
* So this toolbar will have two MMCToolbarImages objects in the multimap.
* The first MMCToolbarImages has cCount = 3, iStartWRTSnapin = 0, thus
* images from 0 (iStartWRTSnapin) to 3 (iStartWRTSnapin + cCount) with respect
* to snapin.
* The second MMCToolbarImages has cCount = 4, iStartWRTSnapin = 3, thus
* images from 3(iStartWRTSnapin) to 7(iStartWRTSnapin + cCount) wrt snapin.
* The iStartWRTSnapin member is nothing but the largest of iStartWRTSnapin + cCount
* in all of this toolbars MMCToolbarImages.
* Below we run thro different MMCToolbarImages for this toolbar and see in which
* one the given index falls under and calculate the real index by adding that
* object's iStart.
// Now we need to compute the bitmap index. Find this toolbar in the multimap.
int iBitmap = -1;
std::pair<TBarToBitmapIndex::iterator, TBarToBitmapIndex::iterator>
range = m_mapTBarToBitmapIndex.equal_range(pNotifyCallbk);
while (range.first != range.second)
MMCToolbarImages images = (range.first)->second;
// We need to find the bitmap whose start index is greater than or
// equal to given index and upper index is less than given index.
int nLastImageIndex = images.iStartWRTSnapin + images.cCount -1;
if ( (lpButton->nBitmap >= images.iStartWRTSnapin ) &&
( lpButton->nBitmap <= nLastImageIndex ) )
iBitmap = images.iStart + lpButton->nBitmap;
// No bitmaps for separators.
if ( (-1 == iBitmap) && (!(TBSTYLE_SEP & lpButton->fsType)) )
return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED);
// Create CMMCToolbarButton for each button, init it with unique command-id, toolbar id.
// There is only one imagelist per view that contains bitmaps from different toolbars.
// We use a multimap to identify a particular toolbar's bitmap start indices.
CMMCToolbarButton newButton(lpButton->idCommand,
(lpButton->fsType & TBSTYLE_SEP) ? 0 : iBitmap,
// First save the button data in CMMCToolButton.
if (lpButton->lpTooltipText)
if (lpButton->lpButtonText)
// Add this button to the end of our array.
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.insert(m_vToolbarButtons.end(), newButton);
if (m_vToolbarButtons.end() == itBtn)
return (sc = E_FAIL);
*ppToolButton = itBtn;
sc = ScCheckPointers(*ppToolButton, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
if (sc)
return sc;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScInsertButton
// Synopsis: Insert a button in our array & if the our view is active
// add the button to the UI.
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - The callbk interface for IToolbar imp.
// [nIndex] - Index of the button.
// [lpButton] - MMCBUTTON ptr.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScInsertButton (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk, int nIndex, LPMMCBUTTON lpButton)
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScInsertButton"));
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolbarButton = NULL;
sc = ScInsertButtonToDataStr(pNotifyCallbk, nIndex, lpButton, &pToolbarButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
sc = ScInsertButtonToToolbar(pToolbarButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScAddButtons
// Synopsis: Save the buttons in our array and add them to UI if view is active.
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - Button click callback interface.
// [nButtons] - Number of buttons in lpButtons array.
// [lpButtons] - MMCBUTTONs (array) bo be added.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScAddButtons (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk, int nButtons, LPMMCBUTTON lpButtons)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScAddButtons"));
for (int i = 0; i < nButtons; i++)
sc = ScInsertButton(pNotifyCallbk, -1, &(lpButtons[i]));
if (sc)
return sc;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScDeleteButtonFromToolbar
// Synopsis: Deletes a button from the toolbar UI if it exists.
// Arguments: [pToolButton] - The CMMCToolbarButton object.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScDeleteButtonFromToolbar (CMMCToolbarButton* pToolButton)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScDeleteButtonFromToolbar"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
if (! m_fViewActive)
return (sc);
if (! pToolButton->IsButtonIsAddedToUI())
return sc;
CMMCToolBar* pToolBarUI = GetMainToolbar();
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolBarUI, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
int nIndexOfBtn = pToolBarUI->CommandToIndex(pToolButton->GetUniqueCommandID());
// Update the separators before deleting the button.
pToolBarUI->UpdateSeparators(pToolButton->GetUniqueCommandID(), true);
// Delete the button.
BOOL bRet = pToolBarUI->DeleteButton(nIndexOfBtn);
sc = (bRet ? S_OK : E_FAIL);
if (sc)
return sc;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScDeleteButton
// Synopsis: Delete button at given index (index is wrt snapin).
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk]
// [nIndex[
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScDeleteButton (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk, int nIndex)
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScDeleteButton"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Now iterate thro all toolbuttons & find the one with
// given toolbar-id & index and if it is added to the
// toolbar UI then delete it.
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
for (;itBtn != m_vToolbarButtons.end(); ++itBtn)
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton = itBtn;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
if ( (pToolButton->GetToolbarNotify() == pNotifyCallbk) &&
(pToolButton->GetIndexFromSnapin() == nIndex) )
sc = ScDeleteButtonFromToolbar(pToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
return sc;
// To be compatible with services snapin on Windows2000 return S_OK.
sc = S_OK;
TraceSnapinError(_T("IToolbar::DeleteButton, Snapin called IToolbar::DeleteButton, but the toolbar button is not found. Most likely the button index is wrong (snapin should have called InsertButton with that index)"), sc);
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScAttach
// Synopsis: Make the toolbars visible (Add the toolbar buttons
// to the toolbar UI). First get the CMMCToolbarData
// and set attached flag. Then add the buttons to toolbar.
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - The toolbar identifier (corresponds
// to the IToolbar imp).
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScAttach (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScAttach"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk);
if (sc)
return sc;
SetToolbarAttached(pNotifyCallbk, true);
// Go thro all ToolButtons of this toolbar and add those
// buttons that are not yet added to the toolbar UI.
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
for (;itBtn != m_vToolbarButtons.end(); ++itBtn)
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton = itBtn;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
if (pToolButton->GetToolbarNotify() == pNotifyCallbk)
// Add this button to toolbar UI.
sc = ScInsertButtonToToolbar(pToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScDetach
// Synopsis: Remove the toolbar buttons from the toolbar UI for
// given toolbar.
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - The given (IToolbar) toolbar.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScDetach (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScDetach"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk);
if (sc)
return sc;
SetToolbarAttached(pNotifyCallbk, false);
// Go thro all ToolButtons of this toolbar and delete those
// buttons that are added to the toolbar UI.
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
for (;itBtn != m_vToolbarButtons.end(); ++itBtn)
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton = itBtn;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
if (pToolButton->GetToolbarNotify() == pNotifyCallbk)
// Delete this button from the toolbar UI.
sc = ScDeleteButtonFromToolbar(pToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScGetButtonStateInToolbar
// Synopsis: Get the state of given button from toolbar UI.
// Arguments: [pToolButton] - The CMMCToolbarButton object.
// [byState] - The TBSTATE needed.
// [pbState] - The button state.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScGetButtonStateInToolbar(CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton,
BYTE byState,
BOOL* pbState)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScGetButtonStateInToolbar"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
ASSERT(NULL != m_pMainToolbar);
int idCommand = pToolButton->GetUniqueCommandID();
// Make sure button with this command-id exists.
if (m_pMainToolbar->GetState(idCommand) == -1)
return (sc = E_INVALIDARG);
switch (byState)
*pbState = m_pMainToolbar->IsButtonEnabled(idCommand);
*pbState = m_pMainToolbar->IsButtonChecked(idCommand);
*pbState = m_pMainToolbar->IsButtonHidden(idCommand);
*pbState = m_pMainToolbar->IsButtonIndeterminate(idCommand);
*pbState = m_pMainToolbar->IsButtonPressed(idCommand);
ASSERT(FALSE); // Invalid option
return sc;
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScGetButtonState
// Synopsis: Get the state of the given button.
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - The toolbar (IToolbar).
// [idCommand] - Snapin given command-id of button.
// [byState] - The state needed.
// [pbState] - bool ret val.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScGetButtonState (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk,
int idCommandFromSnapin, BYTE byState,
BOOL* pbState)
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScGetButtonState"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk, pbState);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Get the toolbutton of given toolbar id & command-id.
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton = GetToolbarButton(pNotifyCallbk, idCommandFromSnapin);
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
// The toolbutton is not available if view is not active or toolbar is hidden by
// customize view dialog, then return the state from our data-structure.
if (m_fViewActive && pToolButton->IsButtonIsAddedToUI() && (!IsToolbarHidden(pNotifyCallbk)) )
sc = ScGetButtonStateInToolbar(pToolButton, byState, pbState);
// We cant access the toolbar UI. Return the state we saved.
*pbState = (pToolButton->GetState() & byState);
if (sc)
return sc;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScSetButtonStateInToolbar
// Synopsis: Set the state of a button in main toolbar UI.
// Arguments: [pToolButton] - The CMMCToolbarButton object.
// [byState] - The button state to be set.
// [bState] - Set or Reset the state.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScSetButtonStateInToolbar (CMMCToolbarButton* pToolButton,
BYTE byState,
BOOL bState)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScSetButtonStateInToolbar"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
if(! m_fViewActive)
return sc;
if (! pToolButton->IsButtonIsAddedToUI())
return sc;
ASSERT(NULL != m_pMainToolbar);
int idCommand = pToolButton->GetUniqueCommandID();
switch (byState)
bRet = m_pMainToolbar->EnableButton(idCommand, bState);
bRet = m_pMainToolbar->CheckButton(idCommand, bState);
int nButtonIndex = m_pMainToolbar->CommandToIndex(idCommand);
// ignore unknown buttons
if (nButtonIndex == -1)
// ignore ineffectual changes (negate both sides to insure pure bool)
if (!m_pMainToolbar->IsButtonHidden(idCommand) == !bState)
bRet = TRUE;
sc = m_pMainToolbar->ScHideButton(idCommand, bState);
return sc;
bRet = m_pMainToolbar->Indeterminate(idCommand, bState);
bRet = m_pMainToolbar->PressButton(idCommand, bState);
ASSERT(FALSE); // Invalid option
return sc;
sc = (bRet ? S_OK : E_FAIL);
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScSetButtonState
// Synopsis: Set the state of a button.
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - The toolbar (IToolbar).
// [byState] - The button state to be set.
// [bState] - Set or Reset the state.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScSetButtonState (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk,
int idCommandFromSnapin,
BYTE byState, BOOL bSetState)
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScSetButtonState"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Reset any TBSTATE_WRAP state.
byState &= (~TBSTATE_WRAP);
// Get the toolbutton of given toolbar id & command-id.
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton = GetToolbarButton(pNotifyCallbk, idCommandFromSnapin);
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return (sc = S_OK); // Not an error.
BYTE byNewState = (bSetState) ? (pToolButton->GetState() | byState) :
(pToolButton->GetState() & (~byState) );
// The toolbar can be hidden by customize view dialog.
// If the snapin tries to unhide a button in hidden toolbar just return.
if ( (byState & TBSTATE_HIDDEN) && (!bSetState) && IsToolbarHidden(pNotifyCallbk) )
return (sc = S_OK);
sc = ScSetButtonStateInToolbar(pToolButton, byState, bSetState);
if (sc)
return sc;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScOnActivateView
// Synopsis: The view of this object is active, add its toolbuttons.
// Arguments: [pAMCView] - The AMCView ptr.
// [bFirstActiveView] - Is this first active view.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScOnActivateView (CAMCView *pAMCView, // We dont care about this arg.
bool bFirstActiveView)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScOnActivateView"));
// If this is the first active view then insert the toolbar band.
CMMCToolBar* pMainToolbar = GetMainToolbar();
sc = ScCheckPointers(pMainToolbar, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
sc = ScFireEvent(CAMCViewToolbarsObserver::ScOnActivateAMCViewToolbars, this);
if (sc)
m_fViewActive = true;
// Go thro all ToolButtons of this toolbar and add them to the UI.
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
for (;itBtn != m_vToolbarButtons.end(); ++itBtn)
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton = itBtn;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Add this button to toolbar UI.
sc = ScInsertButtonToToolbar(pToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
bool bToolbarBandVisible = pMainToolbar->IsBandVisible();
bool bThereAreVisibleButtons = IsThereAVisibleButton();
// If there are visible buttons show the band.
if (bThereAreVisibleButtons)
pMainToolbar->Show(true, true);
else if (bToolbarBandVisible) // Otherwise hide it if it is currently visible.
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScOnDeactivateView
// Synopsis: The view of this object is de-activated. Disable the
// imagelists & this object should not manipulate the
// toolbar UI till OnActivateView is fired.
// Arguments: [pAMCView] - The view to be de-activated.
// [bLastActiveView] - Is this the last view.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScOnDeactivateView (CAMCView *pAMCView, bool bLastActiveView)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScOnDeactivateView"));
CMMCToolBar* pMainToolbar = GetMainToolbar();
sc = ScCheckPointers(pMainToolbar, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
for (;itBtn != m_vToolbarButtons.end(); ++itBtn)
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton = itBtn;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
sc = ScDeleteButtonFromToolbar(pToolButton);
if (sc)
return sc;
sc = ScFireEvent(CAMCViewToolbarsObserver::ScOnDeactivateAMCViewToolbars);
if (sc)
// If this is last view then delete the band if it is visible.
if (bLastActiveView && pMainToolbar->IsBandVisible())
m_bLastActiveView = bLastActiveView;
m_fViewActive = false;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScButtonClickedNotify
// Synopsis: A button of this object is clicked. Get the context
// and inform the CToolbarNotify object.
// Arguments: [nID] - command id of the button clicked.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScButtonClickedNotify (UINT nID)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScButtonClickedNotify"));
CMMCToolbarButton* pButton = GetToolbarButton(nID);
sc = ScCheckPointers(pButton, m_pAMCViewOwner, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Get the context, (the currently selected HNODE,
// lParam (if result item)) etc...
HNODE hNode;
bool bScope;
LPARAM lParam;
sc = m_pAMCViewOwner->ScGetFocusedItem (hNode, lParam, bScope);
if (sc)
return sc;
CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk = pButton->GetToolbarNotify();
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Deactivate if theming (fusion or V6 common-control) context before calling snapins.
ULONG_PTR ulpCookie;
if (! MmcDownlevelActivateActCtx(NULL, &ulpCookie))
return E_FAIL;
sc = pNotifyCallbk->ScNotifyToolBarClick(hNode, bScope, lParam, pButton->GetCommandIDFromSnapin());
sc = E_FAIL;
MmcDownlevelDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie);
if (sc)
return sc;
// fire event informing about execution
sc = ScFireEvent(CAMCViewToolbarsObserver::ScOnToolbarButtonClicked);
if (sc)
return sc;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScGetToolTip
// Synopsis: Tooltip is requested for a button of this object.
// Arguments: [nCommandID] - Command id of the button.
// [strTipText] - CString to hold the tooltip.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScGetToolTip (int nCommandID, CString& strTipText)
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScGetToolTip"));
// Get the toolbutton.
CMMCToolbarButton* pButton = GetToolbarButton(nCommandID);
sc = ScCheckPointers(pButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
strTipText = pButton->GetTooltip();
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScDelete
// Synopsis: A toolbar needs to be deleted. First remove the buttons
// from UI & remove buttons from our data structure,
// remove the toolbar reference from our data structures.
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - The toolbar (IToolbar).
// Returns: SC
// Note: This method should remove its reference of CToolbarNotify
// object when it returns (even if it encounters intermediate errors).
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScDelete (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk)
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScDelete"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk);
if (sc)
return sc;
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn;
// Detach the toolbar first.
sc = ScDetach(pNotifyCallbk);
if (sc)
goto Cleanup;
// Delete the buttons from m_vToolbarButtons.
itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
while (itBtn != m_vToolbarButtons.end())
CMMCToolbarButton* pToolButton = itBtn;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
goto Cleanup;
if (pToolButton->GetToolbarNotify() == pNotifyCallbk)
sc = ScDeleteButtonFromToolbar(pToolButton);
if (sc)
goto Cleanup;
itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.erase(itBtn);
// The toolbar client has asked us to remove our reference
// to it. So even if there is any error encountered we
// should remove the reference.
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::ScShow
// Synopsis: Show/Hide buttons of a toolbar.
// Arguments: [pNotifyCallbk] - Identifies the toolbar
// [bShow] - Show/Hide.
// Returns: SC
SC CAMCViewToolbars::ScShow (CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk, BOOL bShow)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCViewToolbars::ScShow"));
if (m_bLastActiveView)
return sc;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pNotifyCallbk);
if (sc)
return sc;
sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pMainToolbar, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Go thro all ToolButtons of this toolbar and hide or show them.
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
for (;itBtn != m_vToolbarButtons.end(); ++itBtn)
CMMCToolbarButton *pToolButton = itBtn;
sc = ScCheckPointers(pToolButton, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return sc;
if ( (pToolButton->GetToolbarNotify() == pNotifyCallbk) &&
(pToolButton->IsButtonIsAddedToUI()) )
// Do not show the buttons which should be hidden (TBSTATE_HIDDEN).
BOOL bHide = (bShow == FALSE) || (pToolButton->GetState() & TBSTATE_HIDDEN);
sc = m_pMainToolbar->ScHideButton(pToolButton->GetUniqueCommandID(), bHide);
if (sc)
return sc;
// The toolbar is hidden/shown by customize view dialog.
SetToolbarStatusHidden(pNotifyCallbk, (FALSE == bShow) );
if (bShow)
m_pMainToolbar->Show(TRUE, true /* insert band in new line*/ );
else if ( (false == IsThereAVisibleButton()) && // If there is no visible
(m_pMainToolbar->IsBandVisible()) ) // buttons hide the band.
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::IsThereAVisibleButton
// Synopsis: Returns true if there is any visible button. If not
// the band should be hidden (or removed).
// Returns: bool
bool CAMCViewToolbars::IsThereAVisibleButton()
if (! m_pMainToolbar)
return false;
int cButtons = m_pMainToolbar->GetButtonCount();
for (int i = 0; i < cButtons; ++i)
TBBUTTON tbButton;
if (m_pMainToolbar->GetButton(i, &tbButton))
// If the button is not hidden return true to
// IsThereAVisibleButton question.
if ( !(tbButton.fsState & TBSTATE_HIDDEN) )
return true;
return false;
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::GetToolbarButton
// Synopsis: Given the command ID return the button object.
// Arguments: [nCommandID] -
// Returns: CMMCToolbarButton obj.
CMMCToolbarButton* CAMCViewToolbars::GetToolbarButton(int nUniqueCommandID)
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtns = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
for (; itBtns != m_vToolbarButtons.end(); ++itBtns)
if ((itBtns)->GetUniqueCommandID() == nUniqueCommandID)
return (itBtns);
return NULL;
// Member: CAMCViewToolbars::GetToolbarButton
// Synopsis: Search for the button with given toolbar id & command id.
// Arguments: [idToolbar] -
// [idCommand] - Command id given by snapin (therfore may not be unique).
// Returns: the toolbutton object.
CMMCToolbarButton* CAMCViewToolbars::GetToolbarButton(CToolbarNotify* pNotifyCallbk, int idCommandIDFromSnapin)
ToolbarButtons::iterator itBtn = m_vToolbarButtons.begin();
for (;itBtn != m_vToolbarButtons.end(); ++itBtn)
CMMCToolbarButton* pToolButton = (itBtn);
if ( (pToolButton->GetToolbarNotify() == pNotifyCallbk) &&
(pToolButton->GetCommandIDFromSnapin() == idCommandIDFromSnapin) )
return (pToolButton);
return NULL;
const int CMMCToolBar::s_nUpdateToolbarSizeMsg =
RegisterWindowMessage (_T("CMMCToolBar::WM_UpdateToolbarSize"));
// Command Ids for buttons must start from 1, since 0 is special case by MFC (BUG:451883)
// For tooltips the child ids of the control is used. This range is 0x0 to 0xFFFF.
ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(s_nUpdateToolbarSizeMsg, OnUpdateToolbarSize)
// Member: ScInit
// Synopsis: Initialize this toolbar by creating the UI object.
// Arguments: [pRebar] - The parent rebar where this toolbar should be added.
// Returns: SC
SC CMMCToolBar::ScInit(CRebarDockWindow* pRebar)
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC (sc, _T("CMMCToolBar::ScInit"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pRebar);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Enable tool-tips for the tool-buttons.
BOOL bRet = Create (NULL, WS_VISIBLE | TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS, g_rectEmpty, pRebar, ID_TOOLBAR);
sc = (bRet ? S_OK : E_FAIL);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Set ComCtrl version as 5 to use multiple imagelists.
LRESULT lOldVer = SendMessage(CCM_SETVERSION, (WPARAM) 5, 0);
if (lOldVer == -1)
return (sc = E_FAIL);
return sc;
// Member: OnButtonClicked
// Synopsis: A button of this toolbar is clicked, tell the
// toolbars manager to notify the client
// (std toolbar or snapin) about this.
// Arguments: [nID] - The ID of the button clicked.
// Returns: None.
void CMMCToolBar::OnButtonClicked(UINT nID)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CMMCToolBar::OnButtonClicked"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pActiveAMCViewToolbars, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
// Inform the active view toolbar object about button click.
sc = m_pActiveAMCViewToolbars->ScButtonClickedNotify(nID);
if (sc)
// Member: OnToolTipText
// Synopsis: Tool-tips are requested for a button. (message handler).
// Arguments:
// [nCID] - Not used.
// [pNMHDR] - Tool-tips for what?
// [pResult] - tool-tip text.
// Returns: BOOL.
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CMMCToolBar::OnToolTipText"));
CString strTipText = _T("\n");
// need to handle both ANSI and UNICODE versions of the message
UINT nID = pNMHDR->idFrom;
if (pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA && (pTTTA->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) ||
// idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool,
// this cannot be true since we did not set this.
if (nID != 0) // will be zero on a separator // this is the command id, not the button index
// Ask the active view's CViewToolBarData for tooltip
// corresponding to toolbar with command-id nID.
sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pActiveAMCViewToolbars, E_UNEXPECTED);
if (sc)
return FALSE;
sc = m_pActiveAMCViewToolbars->ScGetToolTip(nID, strTipText);
if (sc)
// No match.
#ifdef DBG
strTipText = _T("Unable to get tooltip\nUnable to get tooltip");
strTipText = _T("\n");
* Common control provides either TOOLTIPTEXTA or TOOLTIPTEXTW. So MMC needs to
* provide wide char string or ansi string as tooltip. So below we have two kind
* of string buffers.
* Also common control does not free the given string, but it copies the tooltip
* as soon as this method returns. So we make the strings as static so that we
* can reuse them.
* Also see ID: Q180646.
static std::string strToolTipTextBuf;
static std::wstring wstrToolTipTextBuf;
if (pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA)
wstrToolTipTextBuf = L"\0";
ASSERT(pTTTA->hinst == NULL);
strToolTipTextBuf = T2CA((LPCTSTR)strTipText);
pTTTA->lpszText = const_cast<LPSTR>(;
strToolTipTextBuf = "\0";
ASSERT(pTTTW->hinst == NULL);
wstrToolTipTextBuf = T2CW((LPCTSTR)strTipText);
pTTTW->lpszText = const_cast<LPWSTR>(;
*pResult = 0;
return TRUE; // message was handled
// Member: CMMCToolBar::ScOnActivateAMCViewToolbars
// Synopsis: A cAMCViewToolbars object become the active one (since
// that objects parent view become active). Cache the
// object to inform it of toolbutton events.
// Arguments: [pToolbarsOfView] -
// Returns: SC
SC CMMCToolBar::ScOnActivateAMCViewToolbars (CAMCViewToolbars *pAMCViewToolbars)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CMMCToolBar::ScOnActivateAMCViewToolbars"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pAMCViewToolbars);
if (sc)
return sc;
m_pActiveAMCViewToolbars = pAMCViewToolbars;
return (sc);
// Member: CAMCView::ScOnDeactivateAMCViewToolbars
// Synopsis: The CAMCViewToolbars object became inactive (as its parent
// became inactive). Reset the cached active toolbar object.
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
SC CMMCToolBar::ScOnDeactivateAMCViewToolbars ()
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CAMCView::ScOnDeactivateAMCViewToolbars"));
m_pActiveAMCViewToolbars = NULL;
return (sc);
// Member: CMMCToolBar::ScHideButton
// Synopsis: Hide or Un-hide a button & update the toolbar
// separators & size.
// Arguments: [idCommand] - Command ID of the button to [un]hide.
// [fHiding] - Hide or Unhide.
// Returns: SC
// Note: Do not call this method to hide separators.
SC CMMCToolBar::ScHideButton (int idCommand, BOOL fHiding)
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetAppModuleState());
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CMMCToolBar::ScHideButton"));
int nIndex = CommandToIndex(idCommand);
TBBUTTON tbButton;
BOOL bRet = GetButton(nIndex, &tbButton);
sc = bRet ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
if (sc)
return sc;
// Dont call this method to hide separators.
if (tbButton.fsStyle & TBSTYLE_SEP)
return (sc = S_FALSE);
bRet = HideButton(idCommand, fHiding);
sc = bRet ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
if (sc)
return sc;
UpdateSeparators (idCommand, fHiding);
UpdateToolbarSize(true /* Update Asynch'ly*/);
return (sc);
// Member: UpdateToolbarSize
// Synopsis: Update the toobar, needed to lazy update (not update
// after adding each button, cache all the buttons) of
// toolbar size.
// Arguments: [bAsync] - Asynchronous or Synch update.
// Returns: void
void CMMCToolBar::UpdateToolbarSize(bool bAsync)
MSG msg;
HWND hWnd = m_hWnd;
if (!bAsync)
else if (!PeekMessage (&msg, m_hWnd, s_nUpdateToolbarSizeMsg, s_nUpdateToolbarSizeMsg, PM_NOREMOVE))
::PostMessage (m_hWnd, s_nUpdateToolbarSizeMsg, 0, 0);
// Member: OnUpdateToolbarSize
// Synopsis: Our registered message handler.
// Arguments: None used.
// Returns: LRESULT
return 0;
* CMMCToolBar::UpdateSeparators
* The legend for the comments below is:
* L = left edge
* R = right edge
* * = target button
* B = visible non-separator
* b = hidden non-separator
* S = visible separator
* s = hidden separator
* h = 0 or more hidden buttons, separator or non-separator
void CMMCToolBar::UpdateSeparators (int idCommand, BOOL fHiding)
int nButtonIndex = CommandToIndex (idCommand);
if (nButtonIndex == -1)
int nLeftVisible;
int nRightVisible;
int cButtons = GetButtonCount ();
* If the button is being hidden, turn off any separators
* that are now redundant. There are three situations where
* we'll need to turn off a separator (see legend above):
* 1. Lh*hS
* 2. Sh*hS
* 3. Sh*hR
* These situations are mutually exclusive.
if (fHiding)
TBBUTTON btnRight;
* look to the left of the button being hidden for the
* left edge or a visible button
for (nLeftVisible = nButtonIndex-1; nLeftVisible >= 0; nLeftVisible--)
GetButton (nLeftVisible, &btnLeft);
if (!(btnLeft.fsState & TBSTATE_HIDDEN))
ASSERT (nLeftVisible < nButtonIndex);
ASSERT (nLeftVisible >= -1);
* look to the right of the button being hidden for the
* right edge or a visible separator
for (nRightVisible = nButtonIndex+1; nRightVisible < cButtons; nRightVisible++)
GetButton (nRightVisible, &btnRight);
if (!(btnRight.fsState & TBSTATE_HIDDEN))
ASSERT (nRightVisible > nButtonIndex);
ASSERT (nRightVisible <= cButtons);
* case 1: Lh*hS
if ((nLeftVisible == -1) &&
(nRightVisible != cButtons) &&
(btnRight.fsStyle & TBSTYLE_SEP))
HideButton (btnRight.idCommand, true);
* case 2: Sh*hS
else if ((nLeftVisible != -1) &&
(nRightVisible != cButtons) &&
(btnLeft.fsStyle & TBSTYLE_SEP) &&
(btnRight.fsStyle & TBSTYLE_SEP))
HideButton (btnRight.idCommand, true);
* case 3: Sh*hR
else if ((nLeftVisible != -1) &&
(nRightVisible == cButtons) &&
(btnLeft.fsStyle & TBSTYLE_SEP))
HideButton (btnLeft.idCommand, true);
* Otherwise, the button is being shown; turn on any separators
* that are no longer redundant. There are two situations where
* we'll need to turn on a separator (see legend above):
* 1. Bhsh*
* 2. *hshB
* Both 1 and 2 can occur simultaneously.
else do // not a loop
* look to the left of the button being shown for the
* left edge or a visible button
int idLeftSeparatorCommand = -1;
for (nLeftVisible = nButtonIndex-1; nLeftVisible >= 0; nLeftVisible--)
GetButton (nLeftVisible, &btn);
if (btn.fsStyle & TBSTYLE_SEP)
idLeftSeparatorCommand = btn.idCommand;
if (!(btn.fsState & TBSTATE_HIDDEN))
ASSERT (nLeftVisible < nButtonIndex);
ASSERT (nLeftVisible >= -1);
* look to the right of the button being shown for the
* right edge or a hidden separator
int idRightSeparatorCommand = -1;
for (nRightVisible = nButtonIndex+1; nRightVisible < cButtons; nRightVisible++)
GetButton (nRightVisible, &btn);
if (btn.fsStyle & TBSTYLE_SEP)
idRightSeparatorCommand = btn.idCommand;
if (!(btn.fsState & TBSTATE_HIDDEN))
ASSERT (nRightVisible > nButtonIndex);
ASSERT (nRightVisible <= cButtons);
* case 1: Bhsh*
if ((nLeftVisible != -1) && (idLeftSeparatorCommand != -1))
HideButton (idLeftSeparatorCommand, false);
* case 2: *hshB
if ((nRightVisible != cButtons) && (idRightSeparatorCommand != -1))
HideButton (idRightSeparatorCommand, false);
} while (0);