2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

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// exception standard header for Microsoft
#pragma once
#ifndef _EXCEPTION_
#define _EXCEPTION_
#include <xstddef>
#pragma pack(push,8)
#pragma warning(push,3)
#define _USE_EX using::exception;
#include <eh.h>
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#error ERROR: Only Win32 targets supported!
#ifndef _CRTIMP
#ifdef _DLL
#define _CRTIMP __declspec(dllimport)
#else /* ndef _DLL */
#define _CRTIMP
#endif /* _DLL */
#endif /* _CRTIMP */
typedef const char *__exString;
class _CRTIMP exception
{ // base of all library exceptions
exception(const char *const&);
exception(const exception&);
exception& operator=(const exception&);
virtual ~exception();
virtual const char *what() const;
const char *_m_what;
int _m_doFree;
typedef void (*_Prhand)(const exception&);
extern _CRTIMP2 _Prhand _Raise_handler;
_CRTIMP2 bool __cdecl uncaught_exception();
using ::unexpected_handler; using ::set_unexpected; using ::unexpected;
using ::terminate_handler; using ::set_terminate; using ::terminate;
#else /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
// CLASS exception
class exception;
typedef void (*_Prhand)(const exception&);
extern _CRTIMP2 _Prhand _Raise_handler; // pointer to raise handler
_CRTIMP2 void __cdecl _Throw(const exception&); // throw the exception
class exception
{ // base of all library exceptions
static _Prhand _Set_raise_handler(_Prhand _Pnew)
{ // register a handler for _Raise calls
const _Prhand _Pold = _Raise_handler;
_Raise_handler = _Pnew;
return (_Pold);
explicit exception(const char *_Message = _MESG("unknown"))
: _Ptr(_Message)
{ // construct from message string
exception(const exception& _Right) _THROW0()
: _Ptr(_Right._Ptr)
{ // construct by copying _Right
exception& operator=(const exception& _Right) _THROW0()
{ // assign _Right
_Ptr = _Right._Ptr;
return (*this);
virtual ~exception()
{ // destroy the object
virtual const char *what() const _THROW0()
{ // return pointer to message string
return (_Ptr);
void _Raise() const
{ // raise the exception
if (_Raise_handler != 0)
(*_Raise_handler)(*this); // call raise handler if present
_Doraise(); // call the protected virtual
_RAISE(*this); // raise this exception
virtual void _Doraise() const
{ // perform class-specific exception handling
const char *_Ptr; // the message pointer
typedef void (__cdecl *terminate_handler)();
typedef void (__cdecl *unexpected_handler)();
inline terminate_handler __cdecl set_terminate(terminate_handler)
{ // register a terminate handler
return 0;
inline unexpected_handler __cdecl set_unexpected(unexpected_handler)
{ // register an unexpected handler
return 0;
inline void __cdecl terminate()
{ // handle exception termination
inline void __cdecl unexpected()
{ // handle unexpected exception
_CRTIMP2 bool __cdecl uncaught_exception(); // handle uncaught exception
#endif /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
// CLASS bad_exception
class bad_exception : public exception
{ // base of all bad exceptions
bad_exception(const char *_Message = _MESG("bad exception"))
: exception(_Message)
{ // construct from message string
virtual ~bad_exception() _THROW0()
{ // destroy the object
virtual void _Doraise() const
{ // raise this exception
#endif /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* _EXCEPTION_ */
* Copyright (c) 1992-2001 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V3.10:0009 */