2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

473 lines
12 KiB

// bitset standard header
#pragma once
#ifndef _BITSET_
#define _BITSET_
#include <string>
#pragma pack(push,8)
#pragma warning(push,3)
#pragma warning(disable: 4127)
template<size_t _Bits> class bitset
{ // store fixed-length sequence of Boolean elements
typedef unsigned long _Ty; // base type for a storage word
typedef bool element_type; // retained
// CLASS reference
class reference
{ // proxy for an element
friend class bitset<_Bits>;
reference& operator=(bool _Val)
{ // assign Boolean to element
_Pbitset->set(_Mypos, _Val);
return (*this);
reference& operator=(const reference& _Bitref)
{ // assign reference to element
_Pbitset->set(_Mypos, bool(_Bitref));
return (*this);
reference& flip()
{ // complement stored element
return (*this);
bool operator~() const
{ // return complemented element
return (!_Pbitset->test(_Mypos));
operator bool() const
{ // return element
return (_Pbitset->test(_Mypos));
reference(bitset<_Bits>& _Bitset, size_t _Pos)
: _Pbitset(&_Bitset), _Mypos(_Pos)
{ // construct from bitset reference and position
bitset<_Bits> *_Pbitset; // pointer to the bitset
size_t _Mypos; // position of element in bitset
bool at(size_t _Pos) const // retained
{ // subscript nonmutable sequence with checking
if (_Bits <= _Pos)
return (test(_Pos));
reference at(size_t _Pos) // retained
{ // subscript mutable sequence with checking
if (_Bits <= _Pos)
return (reference(*this, _Pos));
bool operator[](size_t _Pos) const
{ // subscript nonmutable sequence
return (test(_Pos));
reference operator[](size_t _Pos)
{ // subscript mutable sequence
return (reference(*this, _Pos));
{ // construct with all false values
bitset(unsigned long _Val)
{ // construct from bits in unsigned long
for (size_t _Pos = 0; _Val != 0 && _Pos < _Bits; _Val >>= 1, ++_Pos)
if (_Val & 1)
typename basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc>::size_type
template<class _Elem,
class _Tr,
class _Alloc>
explicit bitset(const basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc>& _Str,
{ // construct from [_Pos, ...) elements in string
_Construct(_Str, _Pos, basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc>::npos);
template<class _Elem,
class _Tr,
class _Alloc>
explicit bitset(const basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc>& _Str,
{ // construct from [_Pos, _Pos + _Count) elements in string
_Construct(_Str, _Pos, _Count);
template<class _Elem,
class _Tr,
class _Alloc>
void _Construct(const basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc>& _Str,
{ // initialize from [_Pos, _Pos + _Count) elements in string
typename basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc>::size_type _Num;
if (_Str.size() < _Pos)
_Xran(); // _Pos off end
if (_Str.size() - _Pos < _Count)
_Count = _Str.size() - _Pos; // trim _Count to size
if (_Bits < _Count)
_Count = _Bits; // trim _Count to length of bitset
for (_Pos += _Count, _Num = 0; _Num < _Count; ++_Num)
if (_Str[--_Pos] == '1')
else if (_Str[_Pos] != '0')
bitset<_Bits>& operator&=(const bitset<_Bits>& _Right)
{ // AND in _Right
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
_Array[_Wpos] &= _Right._Getword(_Wpos);
return (*this);
bitset<_Bits>& operator|=(const bitset<_Bits>& _Right)
{ // OR in _Right
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
_Array[_Wpos] |= _Right._Getword(_Wpos);
return (*this);
bitset<_Bits>& operator^=(const bitset<_Bits>& _Right)
{ // XOR in _Right
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
_Array[_Wpos] ^= _Right._Getword(_Wpos);
return (*this);
bitset<_Bits>& operator<<=(size_t _Pos)
{ // shift left by _Pos
const int _Wordshift = _Pos / _Bitsperword;
if (_Wordshift != 0)
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos) // shift by words
_Array[_Wpos] = _Wordshift <= _Wpos
? _Array[_Wpos - _Wordshift] : (_Ty)0;
if ((_Pos %= _Bitsperword) != 0)
{ // 0 < _Pos < _Bitsperword, shift by bits
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 < _Wpos; --_Wpos)
_Array[_Wpos] = (_Ty)((_Array[_Wpos] << _Pos)
| (_Array[_Wpos - 1] >> (_Bitsperword - _Pos)));
_Array[0] <<= _Pos;
return (*this);
bitset<_Bits>& operator>>=(size_t _Pos)
{ // shift right by _Pos
const int _Wordshift = _Pos / _Bitsperword;
if (_Wordshift != 0)
for (int _Wpos = 0; _Wpos <= _Words; ++_Wpos) // shift by words
_Array[_Wpos] = _Wordshift <= _Words - _Wpos
? _Array[_Wpos + _Wordshift] : (_Ty)0;
if ((_Pos %= _Bitsperword) != 0)
{ // 0 < _Pos < _Bitsperword, shift by bits
for (int _Wpos = 0; _Wpos < _Words; ++_Wpos)
_Array[_Wpos] = (_Ty)((_Array[_Wpos] >> _Pos)
| (_Array[_Wpos + 1] << (_Bitsperword - _Pos)));
_Array[_Words] >>= _Pos;
return (*this);
bitset<_Bits>& set()
{ // set all bits true
return (*this);
bitset<_Bits>& set(size_t _Pos, bool _Val = true)
{ // set bit at _Pos to _Val
if (_Bits <= _Pos)
_Xran(); // _Pos off end
if (_Val)
_Array[_Pos / _Bitsperword] |= (_Ty)1 << _Pos % _Bitsperword;
_Array[_Pos / _Bitsperword] &= ~((_Ty)1 << _Pos % _Bitsperword);
return (*this);
bitset<_Bits>& reset()
{ // set all bits false
return (*this);
bitset<_Bits>& reset(size_t _Pos)
{ // set bit at _Pos to false
return (set(_Pos, false));
bitset<_Bits> operator~() const
{ // flip all bits
return (bitset<_Bits>(*this).flip());
bitset<_Bits>& flip()
{ // flip all bits
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
_Array[_Wpos] = (_Ty)~_Array[_Wpos];
return (*this);
bitset<_Bits>& flip(size_t _Pos)
{ // flip bit at _Pos
if (_Bits <= _Pos)
_Xran(); // _Pos off end
_Array[_Pos / _Bitsperword] ^= (_Ty)1 << _Pos % _Bitsperword;
return (*this);
unsigned long to_ulong() const
{ // convert bitset to unsigned long
{ // cause zero divide if unsigned long not multiple of _Ty
_Assertion = 1
/ (int)(sizeof (unsigned long) % sizeof (_Ty) == 0)};
int _Wpos = _Words;
for (; sizeof (unsigned long) / sizeof (_Ty) <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
if (_Array[_Wpos] != 0)
_Xoflo(); // fail if any high-order words are nonzero
unsigned long _Val = _Array[_Wpos];
for (; 0 <= --_Wpos; )
_Val = _Val << _Bitsperword | _Array[_Wpos];
return (_Val);
template<class _Elem,
class _Tr,
class _Alloc>
basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc> to_string() const
{ // convert bitset to string
basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc> _Str;
typename basic_string<_Elem, _Tr, _Alloc>::size_type _Pos;
for (_Pos = _Bits; 0 < _Pos; )
_Str += (char)('0' + (int)test(--_Pos));
return (_Str);
size_t count() const
{ // count number of set bits
static char _Bitsperhex[] = "\0\1\1\2\1\2\2\3\1\2\2\3\2\3\3\4";
size_t _Val = 0;
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
for (_Ty _Wordval = _Array[_Wpos]; _Wordval != 0; _Wordval >>= 4)
_Val += _Bitsperhex[_Wordval & 0xF];
return (_Val);
size_t size() const
{ // return size of bitset
return (_Bits);
bool operator==(const bitset<_Bits>& _Right) const
{ // test for bitset equality
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
if (_Array[_Wpos] != _Right._Getword(_Wpos))
return (false);
return (true);
bool operator!=(const bitset<_Bits>& _Right) const
{ // test for bitset inequality
return (!(*this == _Right));
bool test(size_t _Pos) const
{ // test if bit at _Pos is set
if (_Bits <= _Pos)
_Xran(); // _Pos off end
return ((_Array[_Pos / _Bitsperword]
& ((_Ty)1 << _Pos % _Bitsperword)) != 0);
bool any() const
{ // test if any bits are set
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
if (_Array[_Wpos] != 0)
return (true);
return (false);
bool none() const
{ // test if no bits are set
return (!any());
bitset<_Bits> operator<<(size_t _Pos) const
{ // return bitset shifted left by _Pos
return (bitset<_Bits>(*this) <<= _Pos);
bitset<_Bits> operator>>(size_t _Pos) const
{ // return bitset shifted right by _Pos
return (bitset<_Bits>(*this) >>= _Pos);
bitset<_Bits> operator&(const bitset<_Bits>& _Right) const
{ // return bitset AND _Right
return (bitset<_Bits>(*this) &= _Right);
bitset<_Bits> operator|(const bitset<_Bits>& _Right) const
{ // return bitset OR _Right
return (bitset<_Bits>(*this) |= _Right);
bitset<_Bits> operator^(const bitset<_Bits>& _Right) const
{ // return bitset XOR _Right
return (bitset<_Bits>(*this) ^= _Right);
_Ty _Getword(size_t _Wpos) const
{ // get word at _Wpos
return (_Array[_Wpos]);
{ // parameters for packing bits into words
_Bitsperword = CHAR_BIT * sizeof (_Ty), // bits in each word
_Words = _Bits == 0
? 0 : (_Bits - 1) / _Bitsperword}; // NB: number of words - 1
void _Tidy(_Ty _Wordval = 0)
{ // set all words to _Wordval
for (int _Wpos = _Words; 0 <= _Wpos; --_Wpos)
_Array[_Wpos] = _Wordval;
if (_Wordval != 0)
void _Trim()
{ // clear any trailing bits in last word
if (_Bits % _Bitsperword != 0)
_Array[_Words] &= ((_Ty)1 << _Bits % _Bitsperword) - 1;
void _Xinv() const
{ // report invalid string element in bitset conversion
_THROW(invalid_argument, "invalid bitset<N> char");
void _Xoflo() const
{ // report converted value too big to represent
_THROW(overflow_error, "bitset<N> overflow");
void _Xran() const
{ // report bit index out of range
_THROW(out_of_range, "invalid bitset<N> position");
_Ty _Array[_Words + 1]; // the set of bits
// TEMPLATE operator<<
template<class _Elem,
class _Tr,
size_t _Bits> inline
basic_ostream<_Elem, _Tr>& operator<<(
basic_ostream<_Elem, _Tr>& _Ostr, const bitset<_Bits>& _Right)
{ // insert bitset as a string
return (_Ostr
<< _Right.template to_string<_Elem, _Tr, allocator<_Elem> >());
// TEMPLATE operator>>
template<class _Elem,
class _Tr,
size_t _Bits> inline
basic_istream<_Elem, _Tr>& operator>>(
basic_istream<_Elem, _Tr>& _Istr, bitset<_Bits>& _Right)
{ // extract bitset as a string
ios_base::iostate _State = ios_base::goodbit;
bool _Changed = false;
string _Str;
const typename basic_istream<_Elem, _Tr>::sentry _Ok(_Istr);
if (_Ok)
{ // valid stream, extract elements
typename _Tr::int_type _Meta = _Istr.rdbuf()->sgetc();
for (size_t _Count = _Right.size(); 0 < _Count;
_Meta = _Istr.rdbuf()->snextc(), --_Count)
{ // test _Meta
char _Byte;
if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _Meta))
{ // end of file, quit
_State |= ios_base::eofbit;
else if ((_Byte = _NARROW(_Elem, _Tr::to_char_type(_Meta)))
!= '0' && _Byte != '1')
break; // invalid element
else if (_Str.max_size() <= _Str.size())
{ // no room in string, give up (unlikely)
_State |= ios_base::failbit;
_Str.append(1, _Byte), _Changed = true;
if (!_Changed)
_State |= ios_base::failbit;
_Right = bitset<_Bits>(_Str); // convert string and store
return (_Istr);
#pragma warning(default: 4127)
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* _BITSET */
* Copyright (c) 1992-2001 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V3.10:0009 */