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205 lines
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*** Copyright (C) 1996-97 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
*** The information and source code contained herein is the exclusive
*** property of Intel Corporation and may not be disclosed, examined
*** or reproduced in whole or in part without explicit written authorization
*** from the company.
// TITLE("Context Conversion")
// Module Name:
// convctx.s
// Abstract:
// This module implements the code necessary to convert or assign
// the user to kernel transition context to or from iA mode context.
// Author:
// Edward G. Chron (echron) 01-Apr-1996
// Environment:
// Kernel mode only.
// Revision History:
#include "ksia64.h"
.file "convctx.s"
// RtlEmFpToIaFpContext (
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function takes the values stored for the EM FP registers which
// map the iA mode FP registers and copies them (in iA mode 10 byte
// format) to the targeted 80 byte iA mode FP register context area.
// Arguments:
// ContextEM (a0) - Pointer to the EM mode Context which contain the FP registers.
// iAFpArea(a1) - Pointer to area to store 8 * 10 byte iA mode FP regs.
// Return Value:
// None.
// N.B. The format iA mode FP registers is 80 bits and will not change.
add t5 = -8, r0 // Need to convert 8 EM mode FP Regs
ldfe ft0 = [a0], 16 // Get EM FP reg mapping iA FP reg
add t4 = -4, r0 // Need to store 2 bytes 4 times
getf.sig t2 = ft0 // floating-point reg significand
getf.exp t3 = ft0 // floating-point sign & exponent
st2 [a1] = t2, 2 // save 2 bytes of significand
extr.u t2 = t2, 16, 48 // shift to the next two bytes
adds t4 = 0x1, t4 // bump loop count
cmp.lt p6, p0 = t4, r0 // done?
(p6) br.cond.dpnt.few stIaFpReg // no, store the next two bytes
adds t5 = 0x1, t5 // bump loop count
add t4 = 0, t3 // copy of exponent and sign
extr.u t4 = t4, 2, 62 // get the sign in bit 15
cmp.lt p6, p7 = t5, r0 // done?
dep t3 = t3, t4, 0, 15 // just first 16 bits of exponent
st2 [a1] = t3, 2 // save sign and iA exponent
(p6) br.cond.dpnt.few cvtEmFp // no, process the next register
(p7) br.ret.sptk brp
// RtlIaFpToEmFpContext (
// IN UCHAR *iAFpArea,
// IN OUT FLOAT128 *FpWorkArea
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function takes the values stored for the EM FP registers which
// map the iA mode FP registers and copies them (in iA mode 10 byte
// format) to the targeted 80 byte iA mode FP register context area.
// Arguments:
// ContextEM (a0) - Pointer to the EM mode Context registers that map iA mode FP regs.
// iAFpArea(a1) - Pointer to area to store 8 * 10 byte iA mode FP regs.
// alignedFp(a2) - FLOAT128 work area (aligned on 16 byte boundry).
// Return Value:
// None.
// N.B. The format iA mode FP registers is 80 bits and will not change.
add t0 = 8, a0 // iA Fp Save Area Pointer
add t5 = -8, r0 // Need to convert 8 iA mode FP Regs
add t8 = -4, r0 // Need to load 2 bytes 4 times
ld2 t3 = [t0], -2 // load exponent and sign
add t4 = 0, t3 // copy of exponent and sign
add t2 = 0, r0
extr.u t4 = t4, 15, 49 // get the sign in bit 17
dep t3 = t4, t3, 17, 1 // just first 16 bits of exponent
ld2 t6 = [t0], -2 // load 2 bytes of significand
adds t8 = 0x1, t8 // bump loop count
or t2 = t2, t6 // retain until complete
cmp.lt p6, p0 = t8, r0 // done?
(p6) dep.z t2 = t2, 16, 48 // no, shift to the next two bytes
(p6) br.cond.dpnt.few ldIaFpReg // no, get next two bytes
add t8 = -4, r0 // Need to store 2 bytes 4 times
mov t7 = a2 // get address of aligned save area
st2 [t7] = t2, 2 // save 2 bytes of significand
extr.u t2 = t2, 16, 48 // shift to the next two bytes
adds t8 = 0x1, t8 // bump loop count
cmp.lt p6, p0 = t8, r0 // done?
add t6 = 0, t3 // copy of exponent and sign
(p6) br.cond.dpnt.few alignIaFp // maybe
nop.m 0
extr.u t6 = t6, 2, 62 // get the sign in bit 15
dep t3 = t3, t6, 0, 15 // just first 15 bits of exponent
st2 [t7] = t3, 2 // save sign and iA exponent
ldfe ft0 = [a2]
adds t5 = 0x1, t5 // bump loop count
stfe [a1] = ft0, CxFltT3 - CxFltT2 // Store value into EM FP Context
cmp.lt p6, p7 = t5, r0 // done?
(p6) add t2 = 0, r0 // no, reset significand for next
(p6) add t0 = 20, t0 // no, starting at the high end
(p6) br.cond.dpnt.few cvtIaFp // no, get next context record
(p7) br.ret.sptk brp