2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

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// dlgapp.h
// This file contains the specification of the DlgApp class.
// (C) Copyright 1997 by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include "autorun.h"
#define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
class CDlgApp
HINSTANCE m_hInstance; // application instance
HWND m_hwnd; // window handle
CDataSource m_DataSrc; // info from ini and registry about display items
HFONT m_hfontTitle; // Font used to draw the title
HFONT m_hfontMenu; // Font used to draw the menu items
HFONT m_hfontBody; // Font used to draw the body
HBRUSH m_hbrMenuItem; // Brush used to draw background of menu items
HBRUSH m_hbrMenuBorder; // Brush used to draw the dark area behind the menu items
HBRUSH m_hbrRightPanel; // Brush used to draw the background of the right panel
COLORREF m_crMenuText; // Color of text on non-selected menu items (ususally the same as m_crNormalText)
COLORREF m_crNormalText; // Color of text in right panel body and selected menu items
COLORREF m_crTitleText; // Color of the title text
COLORREF m_crSelectedText; // Color of menu items that have been previouly launched.
HCURSOR m_hcurHand;
int m_cxClient;
int m_cyClient;
int m_cxLeftPanel;
int m_cyBottomOfMenuItems;
int m_iItems;
HDC m_hdcTop; // Memory DC used for storing and painting the top image
TCHAR m_szDefTitle[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR m_szDefBody[1024];
TCHAR m_szCheckText[MAX_PATH];
bool m_bHighContrast; // true if high contrast options should be used
bool m_bLowColor; // true if we are in 256 or less color mode.
HPALETTE m_hpal; // palette to use if in palette mode
int m_iColors; // -1, 16, or 256 depending on the color mode we are in.
struct tagBkgndInfo {
int cx;
int cy;
} m_aBkgnd[4];
void Register(HINSTANCE hInstance);
bool InitializeData();
void Create(int nCmdShow);
void MessageLoop();
static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Window Messages
LRESULT OnCreate(HWND hwnd);
LRESULT OnDestroy();
LRESULT OnActivate(WPARAM wParam);
LRESULT OnPaint(HDC hdc);
LRESULT OnEraseBkgnd(HDC hdc);
LRESULT OnLButtonDown(int x, int y, DWORD fwKeys);
LRESULT OnMouseMove(int x, int y, DWORD fwKeys);
LRESULT OnSetCursor(HWND hwnd, int nHittest, int wMouseMsg);
LRESULT OnCommand(int wID);
LRESULT OnQueryNewPalette();
LRESULT OnPaletteChanged(HWND hwnd);
LRESULT _OnChangeScreen();
// helper functions
BOOL SetColorTable();
BOOL CreateWelcomeFonts(HDC hdc);
BOOL CreateBrandingBanner();
BOOL LoadBkgndImages();
BOOL AdjustToFitFonts();
void _CreateMenu();
void _DestroyMenu();