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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Plug In Server Classes, Types & function prototypes Defintions.
Guru Datta Venkatarama 1/29/1997
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// ------------------------------------ * STRUCTURES * -------
// maximum pages allowed on a server
#define MAX_PAGES 26
// errors returned by the handler on failure of a call to Launch
#define DIGCERR_ERRORSTART 0x80097000
#define DIGCERR_NUMPAGESZERO 0x80097001
#define DIGCERR_NODLGPROC 0x80097002
#define DIGCERR_NOPREPOSTPROC 0x80097003
#define DIGCERR_NOTITLE 0x80097004
#define DIGCERR_NOCAPTION 0x80097005
#define DIGCERR_NOICON 0x80097006
#define DIGCERR_INVALIDDWSIZE 0x80097009
#define DIGCERR_ERROREND 0x80097100
// This structure is used to report all the characterstics of the plug in server to the
// client socket when requested through the IServerCharacteristics::GetReport method
#pragma pack (8)
typedef struct {
DWORD dwSize;
LPCWSTR lpwszPageTitle;
DLGPROC fpPageProc;
BOOL fProcFlag;
DLGPROC fpPrePostProc;
BOOL fIconFlag;
LPCWSTR lpwszPageIcon;
LPCWSTR lpwszTemplate;
LPARAM lParam;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
} DIGCPAGEINFO, *LPDIGCPAGEINFO; // was tServerPageRep, *tServerPageRepPtr;
typedef struct {
DWORD dwSize;
USHORT nNumPages;
LPCWSTR lpwszSheetCaption;
BOOL fSheetIconFlag;
LPCWSTR lpwszSheetIcon;
} DIGCSHEETINFO, *LPDIGCSHEETINFO; // was tServerSheetRep, *tServerSheetRepPtr;
// This structure is used to report all the characterstics of the plug in server to the
// client socket when requested through the IServerDiagnostics::GetPortInfo method