2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

519 lines
14 KiB

# Microsoft Windows
# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
# File: C H K A F . P L
# Contents: Perl script to check the networking portion of
# an answerfile.
# Notes:
# Author: kumarp 21-August-98
# Known issues:
# - None at present
# Future enhancements:
# - check if the value assigned to all known keys are valid. this can
# be done by having a hash having {<key> => <regex-to-check>} pairs
# for each key to check.
# e.g. { 'DHCP' => 'yes|no' }
# - check syntax of entries in the [NetBindings] section.
# - check for empty values that will cause winnt32 to croak
# e.g. key=
#use strict;
# Open the answerfile and read in all sections and their contents
# into a hash so that further processing is easier
my %inf;
my $CurrentSection="";
my $CurrentFile=$ARGV[0];
open(AFILE, "<$CurrentFile") || die "Cannot open $ARGV[0]: $!";
while (<AFILE>)
next if (/^\s*;/);
if (/^\s*\[([^\]]+)\]/)
store_key($CurrentSection, "", "");
elsif (/\"?([a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)\"?\s*=\s*([^\n]*)/)
my ($key, $value);
my @value_items;
if ($CurrentSection eq "")
die "Keys outside a section?";
$key = $1;
@value_items = strip_quotes(split(/,/, $2));
$value = join(",", @value_items);
store_key($CurrentSection, $key, $value);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Must have [Networking] section
if (! exists($inf{'Networking'}))
show_error('', '', "[Networking] section is missing!");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Atleast one of the following sections needs to be present
# [NetAdapters], [NetProtocols], [NetClients], [NetServices]
if (!(exists($inf{'NetAdapters'}) ||
exists($inf{'NetProtocols'}) ||
exists($inf{'NetClients'}) ||
exists($inf{'NetServices'})) &&
show_error("", "", "None of the following sections are present, are you sure this is an answerfile ?\n--> [NetAdapters], [NetProtocols], [NetClients], [NetServices]");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# the following keywords are obsolete in an adapter params section
my @obsolete_keywords_adapter =
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Must use InfId key in each adapter-params section
# - '*' can be used if only one adapter is specified
my $adapter;
foreach $adapter (keys %{$inf{'NetAdapters'}})
my $params_section;
next if ($adapter eq "");
$params_section = $inf{'NetAdapters'}{$adapter};
if (!defined($inf{$params_section}{'infid'}))
show_error($params_section, "", "Adapter parameters section must have InfId");
if (($inf{$params_section}{'infid'} eq '*') &&
(keys %{$inf{'NetAdapters'}} > 2))
show_error($params_section, 'InfId', "When you have more than one net cards, you cannot use '*' as value of InfId");
check_for_obsolete_keys($params_section, \@obsolete_keywords_adapter);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# - adapter pointed to by SpecificTo key must exist in [NetAdapters] section
# - all sections pointed to by AdapterSections must exist
# - each section that has a SpecificTo key must be referenced by
# AdapterSections key
my $section;
foreach $section (keys %inf)
if (exists($inf{$section}{'specificto'}))
my $adapter;
$adapter = $inf{$section}{'specificto'};
if (!exists($inf{'NetAdapters'}{lc($adapter)}))
show_error($section, 'SpecificTo',
"$adapter is not defined in section [NetAdapters]");
my $ref_found = 0;
foreach $tsection (keys %inf)
if (exists($inf{$tsection}{'adaptersections'}))
my @adapter_sections =
split(/,/, $inf{$tsection}{'adaptersections'});
if (is_in_list($section, \@adapter_sections))
$ref_found = 1;
if (!$ref_found)
show_error($section, '', "this section seems to hold adapter specific parameters of '$adapter', but no protocol parameters section references it using 'AdapterSections' key");
if (exists($inf{$section}{'adaptersections'}))
my $section_list;
my $adapter_section;
my @adapter_sections;
$section_list = $inf{$section}{'adaptersections'};
@adapter_sections = split(/,/, $section_list);
foreach $adapter_section (@adapter_sections)
if (!exists($inf{$adapter_section}))
show_error($section, 'AdapterSections', "section $adapter_section does not exist");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# - when specifying [NetBindings] section, atleast the following
# sections must be specified:
# --> [NetAdapters], [NetProtocols]
if (exists($inf{'NetBindings'}) &&
!(exists($inf{'NetAdapters'}) && exists($inf{'NetProtocols'})))
show_error('NetBindings', '', "When using this section, you should also specify atleast the following sections: [NetAdapters], [NetProtocols]");
my @obsolete_keywords_non_adapter =
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# - make sure all components specified in [Net*] sections are
# known components. if not, either it is a new component or it is a typo.
my $known_components =
'NetProtocols' => ['', 'MS_TCPIP', 'MS_NWIPX', 'MS_PPTP', 'MS_L2TP',
'MS_DLC', 'MS_AppleTalk', 'MS_NetBEUI', 'MS_NetMon',
'MS_ATMLANE', 'MS_AtmUni', 'MS_AtmArps', 'MS_GPC'],
'NetClients' => ['', 'MS_MSClient', 'MS_NWClient'],
'NetServices' => ['', 'MS_Server', 'MS_RasCli', 'MS_RasSrv', 'MS_RasRtr']
foreach $section (keys %$known_components)
my @components = keys %{$inf{$section}};
if (@components)
my @known_component_list = @{$$known_components{$section}};
foreach $component (@components)
if (!is_in_list($component, \@known_component_list))
show_error($section, $component, "'$component' is not known to be valid component in section [$section]");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# - make sure that global & adapter-specific parameters are not
# specified in the wrong section
# - warn about any parameters that are not known to be valid for a component
my $params =
'global' => ['DNS', 'DNSSuffixSearchOrder',
'UseDomainNameDevolution', 'EnableSecurity',
'ScopeID', 'EnableLMHosts',
# find out if the following are still valid
'adapter' => ['DNSServerSearchOrder',
'WINS', 'WinsServerList',
'NetBiosOption', 'DhcpClassId', 'DNSDomain',
'DHCP', 'IPAddress', 'SubnetMask',
'global' => ['VirtualNetworkNumber', 'DedicatedRouter',
# find out if the following are still valid
'adapter' => ['PktType', 'NetworkNumber',
# find out if the following are still valid
'MaxPktSize', 'BindSap', 'EnableFuncaddr',
'SourceRouteDef', 'SourceRouteMcast', 'SourceRouting'],
'MS_PPTP' =>
'global' => ['NumberLineDevices'],
'adapter' => [],
'MS_AppleTalk' =>
'global' => ['DefaultPort', 'DesiredZone', 'EnableRouter'],
'adapter' => ['SeedingNetwork', 'ZoneList', 'DefaultZone',
'NetworkRangeLowerEnd', 'NetworkRangeUpperEnd'],
'MS_MSClient' =>
'global' => ['BrowseDomains', 'NameServiceNetworkAddress',
'NameServiceProtocol', 'RPCSupportForBanyan',
'Browser.Parameters', 'NetLogon.Parameters',
'LanaPath', 'LanaCode',
# find out if the following are still valid
'adapter' => [],
'MS_NWClient' =>
'global' => ['PreferredServer', 'DefaultTree',
'DefaultContext', 'LogonScript',
'adapter' => [],
'MS_Server' =>
'global' => ['Optimization', 'BroadcastsToLanman2Clients',
'LanmanServer.Parameters', 'LanmanServer.Shares',
'adapter' => [],
'MS_RAS' =>
'global' => ['ForceEncryptedPassword', 'ForceEncryptedData',
'Multilink', 'DialinProtocols',
'NetBEUIClientAccess', 'TcpIpClientAccess',
'UseDHCP', 'IpPoolStart', 'IpPoolMask',
'ClientCanRequestIPAddress', 'IPXClientAccess',
'AutomaticNetworkNumbers', 'NetworkNumberFrom',
'adapter' => [],
my @afile_keywords =
('', 'AdapterSections', 'SpecificTo');
my $component;
foreach $component (keys %$params)
my ($global_params, $adapter_params);
my @adapter_params_in_global_section;
my @global_params_in_adapter_sections;
my ($params_section, $adapter_section);
my @adapter_sections;
my @adapter_and_global_params;
$global_params = $$params{$component}{'global'};
$adapter_params = $$params{$component}{'adapter'};
@adapter_and_global_params = (@$adapter_params, @$global_params);
if ($params_section = get_params_section($component))
if (@adapter_params_in_global_section =
grep { exists($inf{$params_section}{lc($_)}); } @$adapter_params)
show_error($params_section, '', "this section can only have global parameters of $component. The following adapter specific parameters are incorrectly listed in this section: " . join(", ", @adapter_params_in_global_section));
if (@adapter_sections = get_adapter_sections($component))
foreach $adapter_section (@adapter_sections)
check_for_unknown_keys($component, $adapter_section,
if (@global_params_in_adapter_sections =
grep { exists($inf{$adapter_section}{lc($_)}) } @$global_params)
show_error($adapter_section, '', "this section can only have adapter specific parameters of $component. The following global parameters are incorrectly listed in this section: " . join(", ", @global_params_in_adapter_sections));
check_for_obsolete_keys($params_section, \@obsolete_keywords_non_adapter);
check_for_unknown_keys($component, $params_section,
sub get_params_section
my @net_sections = ('NetProtocols', 'NetServices', 'NetClients');
my $component = lc($_[0]);
my ($params_section, $section, $tsection);
foreach $section (@net_sections)
if (exists($inf{$section}{$component}))
$tsection = $inf{$section}{$component};
if (exists($inf{$tsection}))
$params_section = $tsection;
return $params_section;
sub get_adapter_sections
my $component = lc($_[0]);
my $params_section;
my @adapter_sections;
if ($params_section = get_params_section($component))
@adapter_sections =
split(/,/, $inf{$params_section}{'adaptersections'});
return @adapter_sections;
sub check_for_unknown_keys
my $component = $_[0];
my $params_section = $_[1];
my @valid_keys = @{$_[2]};
my @ignore_keys = @{$_[3]};
my @all_valid_keys = (@afile_keywords, @valid_keys);
my @keys_in_section;
my @unknown_keys;
@keys_in_section = keys(%{$inf{$params_section}});
if (@unknown_keys =
grep { !is_in_list($_, \@all_valid_keys) &&
!is_in_list($_, \@ignore_keys) } @keys_in_section)
show_error($params_section, '', "has the following keys that are not valid for '$component': " . join(", ", @unknown_keys));
sub check_for_obsolete_keys
my $obsolete_keyword;
my $params_section = $_[0];
my @obsolete_keywords = @{$_[1]};
foreach $obsolete_keyword (@obsolete_keywords)
if (exists($inf{$params_section}{$obsolete_keyword}))
show_error($params_section, $obsolete_keyword, "this keyword is now obsolete");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# helper stuff
my %inf_line_num;
sub store_key
# my $section = lc($_[0]);
my $section = $_[0];
my $key = lc($_[1]);
my $value = $_[2];
# print "$.: [$section].$key = $value\n";
$inf{$section}{$key} = $value;
$inf_line_num{$section}{$key} = $.;
sub show_error
my $section = $_[0];
my $key = lc($_[1]);
my $msg = $_[2];
my $line_num;
if (defined($line_num = $inf_line_num{$section}{$key}))
print "$CurrentFile($line_num) : [$section]",
$key ne "" ? ".$key : " : " : ", "$msg\n";
print "$CurrentFile : $msg\n";
sub is_in_list
my $item = lc($_[0]);
my @item_list = @{$_[1]};
my $t_item;
foreach $t_item (@item_list)
if (lc($t_item) eq $item)
return 1;
return 0;
sub strip_quotes
my ($item, $b, $e);
foreach $item (@_)
$b = index($item, "\"");
$e = rindex($item, "\"");
if (($b >= 0) && ($b != $e))
$item = substr($item, $b+1, $e-$b-1);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# misc debug helper stuff
sub pl
print "Items: ", join(", ", @_), "\n";