2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

186 lines
7.2 KiB

Copyright (C) 1999- Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module declares CPTPCamera class
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
#ifndef CAMERA__H_
#define CAMERA__H_
// Reserve 8KB of memory as a re-usable transaction buffer
// Hack models
typedef enum tagHackModel
// Right now, Sony cameras do not provide model in DeviceInfo. m_HackVersion is used to
// differentiate newer and older firmware of Sony cameras
// Camera is always in one of these phases
typedef enum tagCameraPhase
// Definition for function to call when event occurs
typedef HRESULT (*PTPEventCallback)(LPVOID pCallbackParam, PPTP_EVENT pEvent);
// Definition for function to call while data is transferred
typedef HRESULT (*PTPDataCallback)(LPVOID pCallbackParam, LONG lPercentComplete,
LONG lOffset, LONG lLength, BYTE **ppBuffer, LONG *plBufferSize);
// CPTPCamera - generic PTP camera
class CPTPCamera
virtual ~CPTPCamera();
virtual HRESULT Open(LPWSTR DevicePortName, PTPEventCallback pPTPEventCB,
PTPDataCallback pPTPDataCB, LPVOID pEventParam, BOOL bEnableEvents = TRUE);
virtual HRESULT Close();
HRESULT GetDeviceInfo(CPtpDeviceInfo *pDeviceInfo);
HRESULT OpenSession(DWORD SessionId);
HRESULT CloseSession();
HRESULT GetStorageIDs(CArray32 *pStorageIds);
HRESULT GetStorageInfo(DWORD StorageId, CPtpStorageInfo *pStorageInfo);
HRESULT GetNumObjects(DWORD StorageId, WORD FormatCode,
DWORD ParentObjectHandle, UINT *pNumObjects);
HRESULT GetObjectHandles(DWORD StorageId, WORD FormatCode,
DWORD ParentObjectHandle, CArray32 *pObjectHandles);
HRESULT GetObjectInfo(DWORD ObjectHandle, CPtpObjectInfo *pObjectInfo);
HRESULT GetObjectData(DWORD ObjectHandle, BYTE *pBuffer, UINT *pBufferLen, LPVOID pCallbackParam);
HRESULT GetThumb(DWORD ObjectHandle, BYTE *pBuffer, UINT *pBufferLen);
HRESULT DeleteObject(DWORD ObjectHandle, WORD FormatCode);
HRESULT SendObjectInfo(DWORD StorageId, DWORD ParentObjectHandle, CPtpObjectInfo *pObjectInfo,
DWORD *pResultStorageId, DWORD *pResultParentObjectHandle, DWORD *pResultObjectHandle);
HRESULT SendObjectData(BYTE *pBuffer, UINT BufferLen);
HRESULT InitiateCapture(DWORD StorageId, WORD FormatCode);
HRESULT FormatStore(DWORD StorageId, WORD FilesystemFormat);
HRESULT ResetDevice();
HRESULT SelfTest(WORD SelfTestType);
HRESULT SetObjectProtection(DWORD ObjectHandle, WORD ProtectionStatus);
HRESULT PowerDown();
HRESULT GetDevicePropDesc(WORD PropCode, CPtpPropDesc *pPropDesc);
HRESULT GetDevicePropValue(WORD PropCode, CPtpPropDesc *pPropDesc);
HRESULT SetDevicePropValue(WORD PropCode, CPtpPropDesc *pPropDesc);
HRESULT ResetDevicePropValue(WORD PropCode);
HRESULT TerminateCapture(DWORD TransactionId);
HRESULT MoveObject(DWORD ObjectHandle, DWORD StorageId, DWORD ParentObjectHandle);
HRESULT CopyObject(DWORD ObjectHandle, DWORD StorageId, DWORD ParentObjectHandle, DWORD *pResultObjectHandle);
HRESULT GetPartialObject(DWORD ObjectHandle, UINT Offset, UINT *pLength, BYTE *pBuffer,
UINT *pResultLength, LPVOID pCallbackParam);
HRESULT InitiateOpenCapture(DWORD StorageId, WORD FormatCode);
HRESULT VendorCommand(PTP_COMMAND *pCommand, PTP_RESPONSE *pResponse,
UINT *pReadDataSize, BYTE *pReadData,
UINT WriteDataSize, BYTE *pWriteData,
UINT NumCommandParams, int NextPhase);
// Camera state functions
BOOL IsCameraOpen() { return m_Phase != CAMERA_PHASE_NOTREADY; }
BOOL IsCameraSessionOpen() { return m_SessionId != PTP_SESSIONID_NOSESSION; }
// Model identification for model-specific handling
HRESULT SetupHackInfo(CPtpDeviceInfo *pDeviceInfo);
HACK_MODEL GetHackModel() { return m_HackModel; }
double GetHackVersion() { return m_HackVersion; }
// Member access functions (for the event thread)
PPTP_EVENT GetEventBuffer() { return &m_EventBuffer; }
PTPEventCallback GetPTPEventCallback() { return m_pPTPEventCB; }
LPVOID GetEventCallbackParam() { return m_pEventCallbackParam; }
// This function must be overriden by a transport-specific subclass
virtual HRESULT ReadEvent(PTP_EVENT *pEvent) = 0;
virtual HRESULT RecoverFromError() = 0;
// These functions must be overriden by a transport-specific subclass
virtual HRESULT SendCommand(PTP_COMMAND *pCommand, UINT NumParams) = 0;
virtual HRESULT ReadData(BYTE *pData, UINT *pBufferSize) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SendData(BYTE *pData, UINT BufferSize) = 0;
virtual HRESULT ReadResponse(PTP_RESPONSE *pResponse) = 0;
virtual HRESULT AbortTransfer() = 0;
virtual HRESULT SendResetDevice() = 0;
// Member variables
HANDLE m_hEventThread; // Event thread handle
DWORD m_SessionId; // Current session ID
CAMERA_PHASE m_Phase; // Current camera phase
DWORD m_NextTransactionId; // Next transaction ID
PTPEventCallback m_pPTPEventCB; // Event callback function pointer
PTPDataCallback m_pPTPDataCB; // Data callback function pointer
LPVOID m_pEventCallbackParam; // Pointer to pass to event callback functions
LPVOID m_pDataCallbackParam; // Pointer to pass to data callback functions
BOOL m_bEventsEnabled; // GetDeviceInfo is used to query camera for its name. We don't want to start up entire eventing just for this.
HACK_MODEL m_HackModel; // Indicator for model-specific hacks
double m_HackVersion; // Indicator for model and version specific hacks
HRESULT ExecuteCommand(BYTE *pReadData, UINT *pReadDataSize, BYTE *pWriteData, UINT WriteDataSize,
UINT NumCommandParams, CAMERA_PHASE NextPhase);
DWORD GetNextTransactionId();
BYTE *m_pTransferBuffer; // Re-usable buffer for small transfers
PTP_COMMAND m_CommandBuffer; // Re-usable buffer for commands
PTP_RESPONSE m_ResponseBuffer; // Re-usable buffer for responses
PTP_EVENT m_EventBuffer; // Re-usable buffer for events
#endif // CAMERA__H_