2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

210 lines
5.7 KiB

@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@REM miscrel.cmd - SuemiaoR
@REM Move the build components such as symbolcd, ddk to the
@REM conglomeration servers.
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@set RETURNVALUE=%errorlevel%
@goto :endperl
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use Logmsg;
use ParseArgs;
use File::Basename;
use BuildName;
use GetIniSetting;
use comlib;
$ENV{script_name} = basename( $0 );
sub Usage {
Propogate miscellaneous build components such as symbols and DDKS to release server.
$ENV{script_name}: -l:<language> -n:<BuildNo>[-a:<Architecture>]
[-t:<Debug Type>][-d:<Release Server>][-s:<Source Server>][-misc] [-p]
-l Language.
Default is "usa".
-n Build Number.
-a Build Architecture. x86 or ia64.
Default is $ENV{_buildArch}.
-t Debug Type.fre or chk.
Default is $ENV{_buildArch}.
-d Release Target conglomeration Server.
Default is defined in the xpsp1.ini.
-s Release Source Server.
Default is %computername%.
-misc Propagate Neutral package file only, such as mui.
-p Powerless.
Display key variables only.
-? Display Usage.
$ENV{script_name} -n:1026 -s:ntrel
my ( $buildNo, $miscOnly, $powerLess );
my ( $buildArch, $buildType, @aggServers, $srcServer);
my ( $releaseResDir, @group, $releaseDrive );
my ( @hashTable );
if( !&GetParams() ) { exit{1}; }
timemsg( "Start [$ENV{script_name}]" );
if( !&InitVars() ) { exit(1); }
if( !&CopyMiscBuild ){ exit(1); }
timemsg( "Complete [$ENV{script_name}]" );
sub GetParams
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'l:' => \$ENV{lang}, 'n:' => \$buildNo,
'd:' => \@aggServers, 's:' => \$srcServer,
'a:' =>\$buildArch, 't:' =>\$buildType,
'misc' => \$miscOnly, 'p' =>\$powerLess );
$ENV{lang}="usa" if( !$ENV{lang} );
$srcServer = $ENV{computername} if( !$srcServer );
if( !$buildNo )
errmsg( "Please enter Build Number." );
return 0;
if( !$buildArch ) { $buildArch = $ENV{_BuildArch}; }
elsif( lc $buildArch ne "x86" && lc $buildArch ne "ia64" )
errmsg( "Invalid Build Architecture." );
return 0;
if( !$buildType ) { $buildType = $ENV{_BuildType}; }
elsif( lc $buildType ne "fre" && lc $buildType ne "chk" )
errmsg( "Invalid Build Debug Type." );
return 0;
&comlib::ResetLogErrFile( "miscrel.$buildNo.$buildArch$buildType.@aggServers" );
return 1;
sub InitVars
my( @iniRequest );
my $dash = '-' x 60;
logmsg ( $dash );
$releaseResDir = "\\release\\$buildNo\\$ENV{lang}\\$buildArch$buildType\\bin";
if( !( -e "\\\\$srcServer\\$releaseResDir" ) )
errmsg( "[\\\\$srcServer\\$releaseResDir] not exists, exit." );
return 0;
# Define Conglomeration Servers
if( !@aggServers )
my $iniAggServers = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( "ConglomerationServers::$ENV{lang}" );
@aggServers = split( /\s+/, $iniAggServers );
#####Array as group in miscrel.txt
if( $miscOnly ) { @group = ( "build" );} else { @group = ( "lang", "build" ); }
logmsg( "Lauguage .................[$ENV{lang}]" );
logmsg( "Build Number .............[$buildNo]" );
logmsg( "Local release path .......[$releaseResDir]" );
logmsg( "Release Target Servers ...[@aggServers]");
logmsg( "Release Source Server ....[$srcServer]" );
logmsg( "Copying group ............[@group]" );
logmsg( "Temp Log file ............[$ENV{LOGFILE}]" );
logmsg( "Temp Error file ..........[$ENV{ERRFILE}]" );
logmsg ( $dash );
return 1;
sub CopyMiscBuild
my ( $fromServer, $toServer, $destRootDir, $cmdLine, $copyFlag );
my $dash = '-' x 60;
for my $theAggServer ( @aggServers )
$destRootDir = "\\\\$theAggServer\\release\\$buildNo\\$ENV{lang}";
for my $theGroup ( @group )
#####Parse miscrel.txt table for copying
@hashTable = &comlib::ParseTable( $theGroup, $ENV{lang}, $buildArch, $buildType );
for my $line( @hashTable )
my $from = "\\\\$srcServer$releaseResDir\\$line->{SourceDir}";
my $to = "$destRootDir\\$line->{DestDir}";
my $tmpfile = &comlib::CreateExcludeFile( $line->{ExcludeDir} );
if( uc($line->{DestDir}) eq "IFS" || uc($line->{DestDir}) eq "HAL" || uc($line->{DestDir}) eq "PDK")
$copyFlag = "/yei";
$copyFlag = "/ydei";
$cmdLine = "xcopy $copyFlag /EXCLUDE:$tmpfile $from $to";
&comlib::ExecuteSystemX( $cmdLine, $powerLess );
logmsg ( $dash );
#####Check error logs
if( -e $ENV{errfile} && !(-z $ENV{errfile}) )
logmsg("Please check error at $ENV{errfile}");
return 0;
return 1;
@echo off
if not defined seterror (
set seterror=
for %%a in ( seterror.exe ) do set seterror=%%~$PATH:a
@%seterror% %RETURNVALUE%