2020-09-30 16:53:49 +02:00

153 lines
3.3 KiB

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM PlaceLdo.cmd
REM Arguments: none
REM Returns: 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise
REM Purpose: this tool copies .ldo files resulting from prejitting
REM Freestyle managed code binaries from the LDO share point
REM into the build.
set /a ErrorCount=0
if "%1"=="" goto :Usage
REM first, parse command line
REM :SwitchLoop
REM for %%a in (./ .- .) do if ".%1." == "%%a?." goto :Usage
REM if "%1" == "" goto :EndSwitchLoop
REM for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ('echo %1') do (
REM set Switch=%%a
REM set Arg=%%b
REM for %%c in (./ .-) do (
REM if /i ".!Switch!." == "%%cl." (set Lang=!Arg!&&goto :ShiftArg)
REM REM if we're here, we didn't encounter any switches and thus we have
REM REM an unrecognized argument
REM goto :Usage
REM :ShiftArg
REM shift
REM goto :SwitchLoop
REM :EndSwitchLoop
REM begin
echo "Placing .ldo files for prejitted Freestyle managed code binaries ..."
REM setup and initial verification
REM 1) make sure the build is at %_nttree%
REM 2) make sure the LDO return share exists, and there are files there
REM 1) make sure the build is at %_nttree%
if not exist %_nttree% (
echo "No build found under %_nttree%, exiting"
set /a ErrorCount=!ErrorCount! + 1
goto :ErrEnd
REM 2) make sure the LDO return share exists, and there are files there
if "%LDO_PICKUP_SITE%" == "" (
echo "No LDO pickup site defined in LDO_PICKUP_SITE environement variable."
set /a ErrorCount=!ErrorCount! + 1
goto :ErrEnd
if not exist %LDO_PICKUP_SITE% (
echo "%LDO_PICKUP_SITE% specified in env var LDO_PICKUP_SITE does not exist, exiting."
set /a ErrorCount=!ErrorCount! + 1
goto :ErrEnd
echo "Will take LDO files from %LDO_PICKUP_SITE% ..."
REM Delete any old copies of the private placefile
if exist %LDO_PICKUP_SITE%\priv_place.txt del %LDO_PICKUP_SITE%\priv_place.txt
REM now binplace LDO files into the build
echo "Binplacing LDO files ..."
REM Build place file
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a-d %LDO_PICKUP_SITE%') do (
echo %%a
echo %%a retail>>%LDO_PICKUP_SITE%\priv_place.txt
set BinplaceCmd=binplace -R %_NTPOSTBLD% -p %LDO_PICKUP_SITE%\priv_place.txt
set /a LdoFileCount=0
for /f %%a in ('dir /a-d /b %LDO_PICKUP_SITE%\*.ldo') do (
%BinplaceCmd% %LDO_PICKUP_SITE%\%%a
if !ErrorLevel! NEQ 0 (
echo "Failed to binplace %LDO_PICKUP_SITE%\%%a"
set /a ErrorCount=!ErrorCount! + 1
) else (
set /a LdoFileCount=!LdoFileCount! + 1
REM if there were errors at this point, say so, but continue
if !ErrorCount! NEQ 0 (
echo "Errors encountered, but script completed ..."
REM success
echo "%LdoFileCount% files were binplaced."
REM finished
echo "Finished."
goto :End
echo Usage: %0 LDO_file_location
echo This tool will copy ldo files for Freestyle managed code binaries
echo into the build.
REM set ErrorCount=1
goto :End
if "!ErrorCount!" == "0" (
set /a ErrorCount=!ErrorCount! + 1
goto :End
if "!ErrorCount!" NEQ "0" (
echo "encountered !ErrorCount! error(s)"
) else (
echo "success."
endlocal & goto :EOF