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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
title "Multiply and Divide"
; Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
; Module Name:
; muldiv.asm (taken from base\client\i386\critsect.asm)
; Abstract:
; Optimized multiply and divide routines
; Author:
; Bryan M. Willman (bryanwi) 2-Oct-91
; Environment:
; Any mode.
include ks386.inc
include callconv.inc
page , 132
subttl "Multiply and Divide"
; MulDiv(
; IN LONG nNumber,
; IN LONG nNumerator,
; IN LONG nDenominator
; )
; Routine Description:
; This function multiples two 32-bit numbers forming a 64-bit product.
; The 64-bit product is rounded and then divided by a 32-bit divisor
; yielding a 32-bit result.
; Arguments:
; nNumber - Supllies the multiplier.
; nNumerator - Supplies the multiplicand.
; nDenominator - Supplies the divisor.
; Return Value:
; If the divisor is zero or an overflow occurs, then a value of -1 is
; returned as the function value. Otherwise, the rounded quotient is
; returned as the funtion value.
nNumber equ [esp + 4]
nNumerator equ [esp + 8]
nDenominator equ DWORD PTR [esp + 12]
cPublicProc _MulDiv, 3
cPublicFpo 3,0
mov eax, nNumber ; get multiplier absolute value
or eax, eax ;
js short MD32_First ; if s, multiplier is negative
; The multiplier is positive.
mov edx, nNumerator ; get multiplicand absolute value
or edx, edx ;
js MD32_Second ; if s, multiplicand is negative
; The multiplicand is positive.
mul edx ; compute 64-bit product
mov ecx, nDenominator ; get denominator absolute value
or ecx, ecx ;
js MD32_Third ; if s, divisor is negative
; The divisor is positive.
sar ecx, 1 ; compute rounding value
add eax, ecx ; round the 64-bit produce by the
adc edx, 0 ; divisor / 2
cmp edx, nDenominator ; check for overflow
jae short MD32_error ; if ae, overflow or divide by 0
div nDenominator ; compute quotient
; The result is postive.
or eax, eax ; check for overflow
js short MD32_error ; if s, overlfow has occured
stdRET _MulDiv
xor eax, eax ; set return value to - 1
dec eax ;
stdRET _MulDiv
; The multiplier is negative.
MD32_First: ;
neg eax ; negate multiplier
mov edx, nNumerator ; get multiplicand absolute value
or edx, edx ;
js short MD32_First10 ; if s, multiplicand is negative
; The multiplicand is positive.
mul edx ; compute 64-bit product
mov ecx, nDenominator ; get denominator absolute value
or ecx, ecx ;
js short MD32_First20 ; if s, divisor is negative
; The divisor is positive.
sar ecx, 1 ; compute rounding value
add eax, ecx ; round the 64-bit produce by the
adc edx, 0 ; divisor / 2
cmp edx, nDenominator ; check for overflow
jae short MD32_error10 ; if ae, overflow or divide by 0
div nDenominator ; compute quotient
; The result is negative.
neg eax ; negate result
jg short MD32_error10 ; if g, overlfow has occured
stdRET _MulDiv
; The multiplier is negative and the multiplicand is negative.
MD32_First10: ;
neg edx ; negate multiplicand
mul edx ; compute 64-bit product
mov ecx, nDenominator ; get denominator absolute value
or ecx, ecx ;
js short MD32_First30 ; if s, divisor is negative
; The divisor is positive.
sar ecx, 1 ; compute rounding value
add eax, ecx ; round the 64-bit produce by the
adc edx, 0 ; divisor / 2
cmp edx, nDenominator ; check for overflow
jae short MD32_error10 ; if ae, overflow or divide by 0
div nDenominator ; compute quotient
; The result is positive.
or eax, eax ; check for overflow
js short MD32_error10 ; if s, overlfow has occured
stdRET _MulDiv
MD32_error10: ;
xor eax, eax ; set return value to - 1
dec eax ;
stdRET _MulDiv
; The multiplier is negative, the multiplicand is positive, and the
; divisor is negative.
MD32_First20: ;
neg ecx ; negate divisor
push ecx ; save absolute value of divisor
sar ecx, 1 ; compute rounding value
add eax, ecx ; round the 64-bit produce by the
adc edx, 0 ; divisor / 2
pop ecx ; restore divisor
cmp edx, ecx ; check for overflow
jae short MD32_error10 ; if ae, overflow or divide by 0
div ecx ; compute quotient
; The result is postive.
or eax, eax ; check for overflow
js short MD32_error10 ; if s, overlfow has occured
stdRET _MulDiv
; The multiplier is negative, the multiplier is negative, and the divisor
; is negative.
MD32_First30: ;
neg ecx ; negate divisor
push ecx ; save absolute value of divisor
sar ecx, 1 ; compute rounding value
add eax, ecx ; round the 64-bit produce by the
adc edx, 0 ; divisor / 2
pop ecx ; restore divisor
cmp edx, ecx ; check for overflow
jae short MD32_error10 ; if ae, overflow or divide by 0
div ecx ; compute quotient
; The result is negative.
neg eax ; negate result
jg short MD32_error10 ; if g, overlfow has occured
stdRET _MulDiv
; The multiplier is positive and the multiplicand is negative.
MD32_Second: ;
neg edx ; negate multiplicand
mul edx ; compute 64-bit product
mov ecx, nDenominator ; get denominator absolute value
or ecx, ecx ;
js short MD32_Second10 ; if s, divisor is negative
; The divisor is positive.
sar ecx, 1 ; compute rounding value
add eax, ecx ; round the 64-bit produce by the
adc edx, 0 ; divisor / 2
cmp edx, nDenominator ; check for overflow
jae short MD32_error20 ; if ae, overflow or divide by 0
div nDenominator ; compute quotient
; The result is negative.
neg eax ; check for overflow
jg short MD32_error20 ; if g, overlfow has occured
stdRET _MulDiv
MD32_error20: ;
xor eax, eax ; set return value to - 1
dec eax ;
stdRET _MulDiv
; The multiplier is positive, the multiplicand is negative, and the divisor
; is negative.
MD32_Second10: ;
neg ecx ; negate divisor
push ecx ; save absolute value of divisor
sar ecx, 1 ; compute rounding value
add eax, ecx ; round the 64-bit produce by the
adc edx, 0 ; divisor / 2
pop ecx ; restore divisor
cmp edx, ecx ; check for overflow
jae short MD32_error20 ; if ae, overflow or divide by 0
div ecx ; compute quotient
; The result is positive.
or eax, eax ; check for overflow
js short MD32_error10 ; if s, overlfow has occured
stdRET _MulDiv
; The multiplier is positive, the multiplicand is positive, the divisor
; is negative.
MD32_Third: ;
neg ecx ; negate divisor
push ecx ; save absolute value of divisor
sar ecx, 1 ; compute rounding value
add eax, ecx ; round the 64-bit produce by the
adc edx, 0 ; divisor / 2
pop ecx ; restore divisor
cmp edx, ecx ; check for overflow
jae short MD32_error20 ; if ae, overflow or divide by 0
div ecx ; compute quotient
; The result is negative.
neg eax ; negate result
jg short MD32_error20 ; if g, overflow has occured
stdRET _MulDiv
stdENDP _MulDiv
_TEXT ends