/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: validc.h Abstract: Strings of valid/invalid characters for canonicalization Author: Richard Firth (rfirth) 15-May-1991 Revision History: 03-Jan-1992 rfirth Added ILLEGAL_FAT_CHARS and ILLEGAL_HPFS_CHARS (from fsrtl\name.c) 27-Sep-1991 JohnRo Changed TEXT macro usage to allow UNICODE. --*/ // // Disallowed control characters (not including \0) // #define CTRL_CHARS_0 TEXT( "\001\002\003\004\005\006\007") #define CTRL_CHARS_1 TEXT("\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017") #define CTRL_CHARS_2 TEXT("\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027") #define CTRL_CHARS_3 TEXT("\030\031\032\033\034\035\036\037") #define CTRL_CHARS_STR CTRL_CHARS_0 CTRL_CHARS_1 CTRL_CHARS_2 CTRL_CHARS_3 // // Character subsets // #define NON_COMPONENT_CHARS TEXT("\\/:") #define ILLEGAL_CHARS_STR TEXT("\"<>|") #define DOT_AND_SPACE_STR TEXT(". ") #define PATH_SEPARATORS TEXT("\\/") // // Combinations of the above // #define ILLEGAL_CHARS CTRL_CHARS_STR ILLEGAL_CHARS_STR #define ILLEGAL_NAME_CHARS_STR TEXT("\"/\\[]:|<>+=;,?") CTRL_CHARS_STR // // Characters which may not appear in a canonicalized FAT filename are: // // 0x00 - 0x1f " * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] | // #define ILLEGAL_FAT_CHARS CTRL_CHARS_STR TEXT("\"*+,/:;<=>?[\\]|") // // Characters which may not appear in a canonicalized HPFS filename are: // // 0x00 - 0x1f " * / : < > ? \ | // #define ILLEGAL_HPFS_CHARS CTRL_CHARS_STR TEXT("\"*/:<>?\\|")