/*++ Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: minix.h Abstract: Contains declarations for minix --*/ typedef struct _MINIX_MODE_INFO { LONG Width; LONG Height; LONG BitDepth; ULONG PushBase; ULONG PushLimit; ULONG NotificationBase; ULONG NotificationLimit; ULONG HostMemoryBase; ULONG HostMemoryLimit; PVOID DevFlatDma; // Filled by SetVideoMode PVOID VidMemAddress; // Filled by SetVideoMode PVOID NvBase; // Filled by SetVideoMode } MINIX_MODE_INFO, *PMINIX_MODE_INFO; // // Major function codes used for the to access functions in the dispatch table // of the minix driver object. Since this is not a real driver, the dispatch // function is used to pass alternate functions // #define IRP_MJ_MINIX_CREATE 0x00 // PMINIX_CREATE #define IRP_MJ_MINIX_SETVIDEOMODE 0x01 // PMINIX_SETVIDEOMODE #define IRP_MJ_MINIX_ALLOCCONTEXTDMA 0x02 // PMINIX_ALLOCCONTEXTDMA typedef LONG (*PMINIX_CREATE) ( VOID ); typedef LONG (*PMINIX_SETVIDEOMODE) ( IN OUT PMINIX_MODE_INFO ModeInfo ); typedef LONG (*PMINIX_ALLOCCONTEXTDMA)( IN ULONG Dma, IN ULONG Class, IN ULONG Flags, IN PVOID Base, IN ULONG Limit ); LONG MxInitSystem( IN PVOID Argument1 );