/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: xbbt.h Abstract: BBT support header file --*/ #pragma once #define IRTSYS typedef ULONG DWORD; typedef UCHAR BYTE; #include #include "bbtirt.h" #include "idf.h" // // We allocate 32MB of memory for collecting BBT runtime data // #define IRT_BUFFER_SIZE (32*1024*1024) // // Background sweep timer frequency (in milliseconds) // #define IRT_SWEEP_INTERVAL 42 // // Saved information about client-init parameters // typedef struct IRTCLIENTINFO { const IRTP* pirtp; DWORD* rgCounts; BYTE* rgTobCounts; DWORD* rgSeqNums; IDFHDR* pidfhdr; DWORD currentTime; DWORD tobSweepTime; DWORD copyCountsTime; DWORD intervalCount; } IRTCLIENTINFO; // // Round up to a power of 2 // #define CbRound(cb, cbAlign) (((cb) + ((cbAlign)-1)) & ~((cbAlign)-1)) #define CbRoundToPage(cb) CbRound(cb, PAGE_SIZE)