2020-09-30 17:17:25 +02:00

1133 lines
25 KiB

#include "precomp.h"
#include "linklist.h"
#define LLHlliInit LLInit
#define LLHlleCreate LLCreate
#define LLAddHlleToLl LLAdd
#define LLFDeleteHlleFromLl LLDelete
#define LLHlleFindNext LLNext
#define LLHlleFindLpv LLFind
#define LLLpvFromHlle LLLock
#define BMUnlock LLUnlock
PCS PcsAllocInit(void)
PCS pcs = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(PCS), 'illh');
return pcs;
#define FreePcs(pcs) ExFreePoolWithTag(pcs, 'illh');
#define AcquireLockPcs(pcs) EnterCriticalSection((PCS)pcs)
#define ReleaseLockPcs(pcs) LeaveCriticalSection((PCS)pcs);
/*** LLHlliInit
* Purpose:
* Create a new list with specified options
* Input:
* cbUserData : Number of bytes for user data per node. Must be > 0.
* llf : List type flags (llfNull, llfAscending, or llfDescending)
* (indicates wether or not list is sorted)
* lpfnKill : callback to application for node deletion notification
* (may be NULL)
* lpfnCmp : Node comparison callback. May be NULL for non-sorted
* lists. Otherwise, required.
* Output:
* Either returns valid HLLI for newly created list or NULL for failure.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
DWORD cbUserData,
LLF llf,
HLLI hlli;
LPLLI lplli;
assert( cbUserData );
assert( llf == llfNull || lpfnCmp );
if ( hlli = HlliAlloc() ) {
lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
_fmemset( lplli, 0, sizeof( LLI ) );
lplli->pcs = PcsAllocInit();
lplli->cbUserData = cbUserData;
lplli->lpfnKill = lpfnKill;
lplli->lpfnCmp = lpfnCmp;
lplli->llf = llf;
UnlockHlli( hlli );
return hlli;
/*** LLHlleCreate
* Purpose:
* Allocate and initialize new node for list
* Input:
* hlli : List to create node for.
* Output:
* Returns newly created node (zero filled) if successful, otherwise
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli ) {
LPLLE lplle;
LPLLI lplli;
HLLE hlle;
WORD cbNode;
assert( hlli );
// Ensure that the list is OK
#if DEBUG > 1
LLFCheckHlli( hlli );
// Compute size of node with user data area
lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
cbNode = sizeof( LLE ) + lplli->cbUserData;
UnlockHlli( hlli );
// Debug version, we're going to stuff a "sentinel" on to the end of the
// user's data for consistency checks.
cbNode += sizeof( WORD );
#endif // DEBUGVER
// Allocate the node
if ( hlle = HlleAllocCb( cbNode ) ) {
lplle = LockHlle( hlle );
_fmemset( (LPV)lplle, 0, cbNode );
// Stuff in the consistency check stuff
*(WORD FAR *)((BYTE FAR *)lplle + cbNode - sizeof( WORD )) = WCONSIST;
lplle->wTest = WCONSIST;
#endif // DEBUGVER
UnlockHlle( hlle );
return hlle;
/*** LLFAddHlleToLl
* Purpose:
* Add a new node to the end of a list.
* Input:
* hlli : List to add node to.
* hlle : Node to append to list.
* Output:
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli,
HLLE hlle ) {
LPLLE lplle;
LPLLI lplli;
assert( hlli );
assert( hlle );
lplle = LockHlle( hlle );
lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
assert( lplli->llf == llfNull );
// Initalize node: Since this is to be the last item in the list,
// pNext should be null. Also, the pPrev should point to the
// currently last item in the list (includes NULL)
lplle->hlleNext = hlleNull;
#ifdef DBLLINK
lplle->hllePrev = lplli->hlleTail;
#endif // DBLLINK
// Chalk up one more for the list
// If the pHead is NULL then initialize the pHead and pTail
// (you know, like this is the only item in the list)
if ( lplli->hlleHead == hlleNull ) {
lplli->hlleHead = lplli->hlleTail = hlle;
// Otherwise, update the tail pointer and the pNext for the old tail
else {
HLLE hlleT = lplli->hlleTail;
LockHlle( hlleT )->hlleNext = hlle;
UnlockHlle( hlleT );
lplli->hlleTail = hlle;
UnlockHlle( hlle );
// Ensure that the list is OK
#if DEBUG > 1
LLFCheckHlli( hlli );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
* Purpose:
* Input:
* Output:
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli,
HLLE hlleNew,
DWORD lParam ) {
USHORT fNeedPos = fTrue;
LPLLI lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
HLLE hlle = hlleNull;
HLLE hllePrev = hlleNull;
WORD wPos = 0;
LPV lpv;
assert( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs( lplli->pcs );
lpfnCmp = lplli->lpfnCmp;
assert( lplli->llf == llfNull || lpfnCmp );
lpv = LLLpvFromHlle( hlleNew );
switch( lplli->llf ) {
case llfNull:
hlle = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle );
while( wPos++ < LOWORD( lParam ) ) {
hllePrev = hlle;
hlle = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle );
case llfAscending:
while( fNeedPos && ( hlle = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle ) ) ) {
fNeedPos = lpfnCmp( LLLpvFromHlle( hlle ), lpv, lParam ) == fCmpLT;
UnlockHlle( hlle );
if ( fNeedPos ) {
hllePrev = hlle;
case llfDescending:
while( fNeedPos && ( hlle = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle ) ) ) {
fNeedPos = lpfnCmp( LLLpvFromHlle( hlle ), lpv, lParam ) == fCmpGT;
UnlockHlle( hlle );
if ( fNeedPos ) {
hllePrev = hlle;
LLInsertHlle( hlli, hllePrev, hlleNew, hlle );
UnlockHlle( hlleNew );
ReleaseLockPcs( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
/*** LLFDeleteHlleIndexed
* Purpose:
* Delete the ith node from a list.
* Input:
* hlli : List containing node to delete
* lPos : zero based index of node to delete.
* Output:
* Return fTrue for successful deletion, else fFalse.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli,
DWORD lPos ) {
USHORT fRet = fFalse;
LPLLI lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
HLLE hlleKill = lplli->hlleHead;
HLLE hllePrev = hlleNull;
DWORD lPosCur = 0L;
assert( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs( lplli->pcs );
// Make sure that we're not deleting past the end of the list!
if ( lPos < lplli->chlleMac ) {
// Chug through the list until we find the sucker to kill!
while ( lPos != lPosCur ) {
hllePrev = hlleKill;
hlleKill = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlleKill );
LLDeleteHlle( hlli, hllePrev, hlleKill );
fRet = fTrue;
#if DEBUG > 1
LLFCheckHlli( hlli );
ReleaseLockPcs( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
return fRet;
/*** LLFDeleteLpvFromLl
* Purpose:
* Delete a node from a list containing lpv data.
* Input:
* hlli : List containing node to delete
* hlle : Node to begin search for delete node at.
* lpv : far pointer to comparison data. Passed onto compare callback.
* lParam : Application supplied data. Just passed onto compare callback.
* Output:
* Returns fTrue if node has been deleted, else fFalse
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
* There must be a compare routine assiciated with this list!!!
* For a doubly linked list, this is simple. For singly linked
* list, we have to go through the list to get the previous node
* to ensure that the pointers are correct.
HLLI hlli,
HLLE hlle,
LPV lpv,
DWORD lParam ) {
#ifdef DBLLINK
LPLLI lplli = LockHlli ( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
hlle = LLHlleFindLpv( hlli, hlle, lpv, lParam );
if ( hlle ) {
LLDeleteHlle( hlli, LLHlleFindPrev( hlli, hlle ), hlle );
#if DEBUG > 1
LLFCheckHlli( hlli );
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli ( hlli );
return hlle != hlleNull;
#else // DBLLINK
LPLLI lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
HLLE hlleNext;
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
lpfnCmp = lplli->lpfnCmp;
assert( lpfnCmp );
// We're goint to delete the first occurance AFTER the one specified!
hlleNext = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle );
// Look up the data in the list
while( hlleNext &&
lpfnCmp( LLLpvFromHlle( hlleNext ), lpv, lParam ) != fCmpEQ ) {
UnlockHlle( hlleNext );
hlle = hlleNext;
hlleNext = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlleNext );
// if hlleNext is non-null then we've found something to delete!!!
if ( hlleNext ) {
LLDeleteHlle( hlli, hlle, hlleNext );
#if DEBUG > 1
LLFCheckHlli( hlli );
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
return hlleNext != hlleNull;
#endif // DBLLINK
/*** LLHlleFindNext
* Purpose:
* Get the next node in a list.
* Input:
* hlli : List to search in.
* hlle : Place to begin. If NULL, then return hlleHead.
* Output:
* Returns a handle to the next item in the list. hlleNull is returned
* if the end of the list has been reached.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli,
HLLE hlle ) {
HLLE hlleRet;
// if hlle is non-null, return the next handle
if ( hlle ) {
hlleRet = LockHlle( hlle )->hlleNext;
UnlockHlle( hlle );
// otherwise, we want the beginning of the list, so return the "head"
else {
LPLLI lplli;
lplli = LockHlli ( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
hlleRet = lplli->hlleHead;
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
return hlleRet;
/*** LLHlleFindPrev
* Purpose:
* Get the previous node in a list. DOUBLY LINKED LIBRARY ONLY!!!
* Input:
* hlli : List to search in.
* hlle : Place to beging search at. If hlleNull, the return the
* last node in the list.
* Output:
* Return a handle to the previous node in the list, hlleNull if the
* beginning of the list has been hit.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
#ifdef DBLLINK
HLLI hlli,
HLLE hlle ) {
HLLE hlleRet;
// if hlle is non-null, return the next handle
if ( hlle ) {
hlleRet = LockHlle( hlle )->hllePrev;
UnlockHlle( hlle );
// otherwise, we want the beginning of the list, so return the "head"
else {
LPLLI lplli;
lplli = LockHlli ( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
hlleRet = lplli->hlleTail;
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
return hlleRet;
#endif // DBLLINK
/*** LLChlleDestroyList
* Purpose:
* Free all memory associated with a specified list. Completely
* destroys the list. Must call HlliInit() to add new items to list.
* Input:
* hlli : List to destroy
* Output:
* Returns number of nodes destroyed in list.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli ) {
DWORD cRet = 0;
LPLLI lplli;
assert( hlli );
lplli = LockHlli ( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
while ( LLChlleInLl( hlli ) != 0 ) {
LLFDeleteHlleIndexed( hlli, 0 );
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
FreePcs ( lplli->pcs );
FreeHlli( hlli );
return cRet;
/*** LLHlleFindLpv
* Purpose:
* Locate a node in a list containing specific data.
* Input:
* hlli : List to search in.
* hlle : Starting place to begin search. If NULL, start at
* beginning of list.
* lpv : Data passed on to compare callback for match.
* lParam : Application supplied data. Just passed on to callback.
* Output:
* Returns handle to node meeting compare criteria or NULL if not found.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
* Requires that list has a callback function.
HLLI hlli,
HLLE hlle,
LPV lpvFind,
DWORD lParam ) {
HLLE hlleRet = hlleNull;
LPLLI lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
LPLLE lplle;
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
assert( hlli );
assert( lplli->lpfnCmp );
hlle = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle );
while ( hlle != hlleNull && hlleRet == hlleNull ) {
lplle = LockHlle( hlle );
if ( lplli->lpfnCmp( (LPV)lplle->rgw, lpvFind, lParam ) == fCmpEQ ) {
hlleRet = hlle;
UnlockHlle( hlle );
hlle = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle );
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
return hlleRet;
/*** LLFCheckHlli
* Purpose:
* Consistency check for a list.
* Input:
& hlli : List to check.
* Output:
* Returns non-null if list is OK, otherwise failure is indicated.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
* This is a debug only function. We will zip through the entire list
* and check the head and tail words of EACH node for our magic WCONSIST
* value. If either one is not correct, someone trashed a node. We also
* check to see that the last node in the list is actually hlleTail for the
* list.
HLLI hlli ) {
LPLLI lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
LPLLE lplle;
HLLE hlle = hlleNull;
WORD cbOffSet = sizeof( LLE ) + lplli->cbUserData;
HLLE hlleLast = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlleNull );
fRet = lplli->cbUserData; // && lplli->lpfnCmp && lplli->lpfnKill;
if ( lplli->chlleMac ) {
fRet = fRet && lplli->hlleHead && lplli->hlleTail;
else {
fRet = fRet && !lplli->hlleHead && !lplli->hlleTail;
while( fRet && ( hlle = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle ) ) ) {
lplle = LockHlle( hlle );
fRet = ( lplle->wTest == WCONSIST &&
*((WORD FAR *)( (BYTE FAR *)lplle + cbOffSet )) == WCONSIST );
hlleLast = hlle;
UnlockHlle( hlle );
if ( fRet ) {
fRet = hlleLast == lplli->hlleTail;
UnlockHlli( hlli );
assert( fRet );
return fRet;
#endif // DEBUGVER
/*** LLInsertHlle
* Purpose:
* INTERNAL utility function to insert a node into a specified place
* in the list. This will update the pointers and head/tail information
* for the list.
* Input:
* hlli : List to insert node into.
* hllePrev : Node which will appear right before the inserted one.
* hlle : Our newly created node.
* hlleNext : The node which will be immediately after the new one.
* Output:
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli,
HLLE hllePrev,
HLLE hlle,
HLLE hlleNext ) {
LPLLE lplle;
LPLLI lplli;
// Note that we don't need to acquire critical sections here since the
// higher level routines do that.
lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
lplle = LockHlle( hlle );
// If there is a previous node, update its hnext
if ( hllePrev ) {
LockHlle( hllePrev )->hlleNext = hlle;
UnlockHlle( hllePrev );
// Otherwise, update the head
else {
lplli->hlleHead = hlle;
// Set the hNext for the new node
lplle->hlleNext = hlleNext;
// We're adding to the end of the list, update the hlleTail
if ( hlleNext == hlleNull ) {
lplli->hlleTail = hlle;
// If there is a next, update its hPrev
#ifdef DBLLINK
else {
LockHlle( hlleNext )->hllePrev = hlle;
UnlockHlle( hlleNext );
// Set the hPrev for the new node
lplle->hllePrev = hllePrev;
#endif // DBLLINK
// Increment the number of items on the list
UnlockHlle( hlle );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
/*** LLFDeleteHlleFromLl
* Purpose:
* Delete a specified hlle. Update head/tail and node pointers.
* Input:
* hlli : List containing node to delete.
* hlle : The node to destroy.
* Output:
* None.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
* For doubly linked list, we could just use the hllePrev handle,
* but there's no guarantee that the node is in the list specified. So
* We do a look up just to make sure.
HLLI hlli,
HLLE hlle ) {
HLLE hllePrev = hlleNull;
HLLE hlleCur = hlleNull;
LPLLI lplli;
assert( hlli );
// REVIEW:PERFORMANCE don't need to lock hlli down on non NT versions
lplli = LockHlli ( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
assert( hlle );
while( ( hlleCur = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlleCur ) ) && hlleCur != hlle ) {
hllePrev = hlleCur;
if ( fRet = ( hlle == hlleCur ) ) {
LLDeleteHlle( hlli, hllePrev, hlle );
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli ( hlli );
return fRet;
/*** LLDeleteHlle
* Purpose:
* INTERNAL utility routine to delete a node. Update head/tail and
* node pointers.
* Input:
* hlli : List containing node to delete.
* hllePrev : Node immediately preceding node to be deleted in the list.
* hlle : The node to destroy.
* Output:
* None.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli,
HLLE hllePrev,
HLLE hlle ) {
LPLLI lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
HLLE hlleNext = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle );
// If there is a previous node, update its hnext
if ( hllePrev ) {
LockHlle( hllePrev )->hlleNext = hlleNext;
UnlockHlle( hllePrev );
// Otherwise, update the head
else {
lplli->hlleHead = hlleNext;
// We're adding to the end of the list, update the hlleTail
if ( hlleNext == hlleNull ) {
lplli->hlleTail = hllePrev;
// If there is a next, update its hPrev
#ifdef DBLLINK
else {
LockHlle( hlleNext )->hllePrev = hllePrev;
UnlockHlle( hlleNext );
#endif // DBLLINK
// Let the app free up its own mess for the data from this node
if ( lplli->lpfnKill ) {
lplli->lpfnKill( (LPV)LockHlle( hlle )->rgw );
UnlockHlle( hlle );
FreeHlle( hlle );
// Decrement the number of items on the list
UnlockHlli( hlli );
/*** LLChlleInLl
* Purpose:
* Return the number of nodes in a list
* Input:
* hlli : List to get count for
* Output:
* Number of nodes in the list.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli ) {
LPLLI lplli;
assert( hlli );
lplli = LockHlli ( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
lRet = lplli->chlleMac;
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
return lRet;
/*** LLLpvFromHlle
* Purpose:
* Get a FAR pointer to the user data of a node. This locks the node
* down. It is the application's responsibility to unlock it!
* Input:
* hlle : Node to get data for.
* Output:
* A FAR pointer to the data.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLE hlle ) {
if (hlle == hlleNull) {
return NULL;
else {
return (LPV)( LockHlle( hlle )->rgw );
/*** LLHlleGetLast
* Purpose:
* Get the last node in the specified list.
* Input:
* hlli : List to look up last item in.
* Output:
* handle to the last item, or NULL if empty list.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
HLLI hlli ) {
HLLE hlleRet;
LPLLI lplli;
assert( hlli );
lplli = LockHlli ( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
hlleRet = lplli->hlleTail;
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
return hlleRet;
/*** LLHlleAddToHeadOfLI
* Purpose:
* Add a new node to the head of a list.
* Input:
* hlli : List to add node to.
* hlle : Node to append to list.
* Output:
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
void PASCAL LLHlleAddToHeadOfLI( HLLI hlli, HLLE hlle ) {
LPLLE lplle;
LPLLI lplli;
assert( hlli );
assert( hlle );
lplli = LockHlli( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
lplle = LockHlle( hlle );
assert( lplli->llf == llfNull );
lplle->hlleNext = lplli->hlleHead;
// If the pHead is NULL then initialize the pTail
// (you know, like this is the only item in the list)
if ( lplli->hlleHead == hlleNull ) {
lplli->hlleTail = hlle;
lplli->hlleHead = hlle;
#ifdef DBLLINK
lplle->hllePrev = hlleNull;
#endif // DBLLINK
// Chalk up one more for the list
// Ensure that the list is OK
UnlockHlle( hlle );
#if DEBUG > 1
LLFCheckHlli( hlli );
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
/*** LLFRemoveHlleFromLl
* Purpose:
* Remove a specified hlle. Update head/tail and node pointers.
* Input:
* hlli : List containing node to remove.
* hlle : The node to remove.
* Output:
* None.
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
* For doubly linked list, we could just use the hllePrev handle,
* but there's no guarantee that the node is in the list specified. So
* We do a look up just to make sure.
BOOL PASCAL LLFRemoveHlleFromLl( HLLI hlli, HLLE hlle ) {
HLLE hllePrev = hlleNull;
HLLE hlleCur = hlleNull;
LPLLI lplli;
assert( hlli );
assert( hlle );
lplli = LockHlli ( hlli );
AcquireLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
while( ( hlleCur = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlleCur ) ) && hlleCur != hlle ) {
hllePrev = hlleCur;
if ( fRet = ( hlle == hlleCur ) ) {
HLLE hlleNext = LLHlleFindNext( hlli, hlle );
// If there is a previous node, update its hnext
if ( hllePrev ) {
LockHlle( hllePrev )->hlleNext = hlleNext;
UnlockHlle( hllePrev );
// Otherwise, update the head
else {
lplli->hlleHead = hlleNext;
// We're adding to the end of the list, update the hlleTail
if ( hlleNext == hlleNull ) {
lplli->hlleTail = hllePrev;
// If there is a next, update its hPrev
#ifdef DBLLINK
else {
LockHlle( hlleNext )->hllePrev = hllePrev;
UnlockHlle( hlleNext );
#endif // DBLLINK
// Decrement the number of items on the list
#if DEBUG > 1
LLFCheckHlli( hlli );
ReleaseLockPcs ( lplli->pcs );
UnlockHlli( hlli );
return fRet;
PVOID MHRealloc(LPVOID pv, size_t cbNew)
PVOID pvNew = MHAlloc(cbNew);
if(pvNew) {
ULONG cbOld = ExQueryPoolBlockSize(pv, &f);
if(cbOld < cbNew) {
memcpy(pvNew, pv, cbOld);
RtlZeroMemory((LPBYTE)pvNew + cbOld, cbNew - cbOld);
} else
memcpy(pvNew, pv, cbNew);
return pvNew;