2020-09-30 17:17:25 +02:00

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*** xboxvideo.h
*** Header file for our xboxvideo class. This class
*** will initial D3D graphics, and allow the user to
*** draw text or graphics to the screen.
*** by James N. Helm
*** November 1st, 2000
#ifndef _XBOXVIDEO_H_
#define _XBOXVIDEO_H_
#include "constants.h"
// Macros
#define CHECK(code) do { int _ret__; _ret__ = code; if(_ret__ != D3D_OK) XDBGWRN( APP_TITLE_NAME_A, #code "File %s Line %d, Failed: %d", __LINE__, __FILE__, _ret__); } while (0);
#define NUM_VB_VERTS 100
// XBox configuration
class CXBoxVideo
// Constructors and Destructors
CXBoxVideo( void );
~CXBoxVideo( void );
// Public Properties
// Public Methods
void Initialize( int width, // Initialize D3D for this screen -- height and width default
int height );
void DeInitialize( void ); // Free our objects
void ClearScreen( DWORD color ); // Clear the current screen
void DrawBox( float x1, // Draw a box on the screen
float y1,
float x2,
float y2,
DWORD color );
void DrawBitBlt( float fx, // Draw the inputed bit array to the screen
float fy,
ULONG ulWidth,
ULONG ulHeight,
const DWORD* pData );
void DrawClearRect( float x1, // Draw a clear rectangle to the screen
float y1,
float x2,
float y2,
DWORD color );
HRESULT DrawLine( float x1, // Draw a line on the screen
float y1,
float x2,
float y2,
float fLineWidth,
DWORD color );
void DrawOutline( float x1, // Draw an outline at the current location with a specific border size
float y1,
float x2,
float y2,
float fLineWidth,
DWORD color );
int DrawText( float x1, // Prints formatted text, using the default font size and color
float y1,
DWORD fgcolor,
DWORD bgcolor,
const TCHAR* format,
... );
int GetStringPixelWidth( IN LPCWSTR string, // Get the pixel width of a string
IN int length = -1 );
int GetStringPixelWidth( IN char* string, // Get the pixel width of a char*
IN int length /*=-1*/ );
void GetFontSize( unsigned int* pheight, // Get the size of the currently selected font
unsigned int* pdecent );
void LightenImage( int nWidth, // Lighten the image specified by "pBits"
int nHeight,
DWORD* pBits,
DWORD dwAddto );
void DarkenImage( int nWidth, // Darken the image specified by "pBits"
int nHeight,
DWORD* pBits,
DWORD dwSubtract );
HRESULT TruncateStringToFit( char* pString, // Truncate a string to fit within a certain screen size
unsigned int nStrSize,
float x1,
float x2 );
HRESULT TruncateStringToFit( WCHAR* pString, // Truncate a string to fit within a certain screen size
unsigned int nStrSize,
float x1,
float x2 );
IDirect3DDevice8* GetD3DDevicePtr() { return m_Device; }; // Return the D3DDevice pointer to the caller
void ShowScreen(); // Display the current backbuffer on the screen
HRESULT GetTransform( D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE State, // Get the D3D Transform
D3DMATRIX* pMatrix ); // Set the D3D Transform
HRESULT SetVertexShader( DWORD Handle ); // Set the D3D Vertex Shader
HRESULT GetVertexShader( DWORD* pHandle ); // Get the D3D Vertex Shader
// Vertext structure
float fRHW;
D3DCOLOR cDiffuse;
// Private Properties
IDirect3DDevice8* m_Device;
IDirect3DSurface8* m_BackBuffer;
IDirect3DVertexBuffer8* m_VertexBuffer;
int m_ScreenWidth;
int m_ScreenHeight;
// Font Properties
XFONT* m_Font;
float m_FontWidth;
float m_FontHeight;
DWORD m_FontColor;
DWORD m_FontBgColor;
// Private Methods
#endif // _XBOXVIDEO_H_