1442 lines
66 KiB
1442 lines
66 KiB
* *
* msi.h - - Interface for external access to Installer Service *
* *
* Version 1.0 *
* *
* NOTES: All buffers sizes are TCHAR count, null included only on input *
* Return argument pointers may be null if not interested in value *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1999, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. *
* *
#ifndef _MSI_H_
#define _MSI_H_
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Installer generic handle definitions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef unsigned long MSIHANDLE; // abstract generic handle, 0 == no handle
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Close a open handle of any type
// All handles obtained from API calls must be closed when no longer needed
// Normally succeeds, returning TRUE.
// Close all handles open in the process, a diagnostic call
// This should NOT be used as a cleanup mechanism -- use PMSIHANDLE class
// Can be called at termination to assure that all handles have been closed
// Returns 0 if all handles have been close, else number of open handles
UINT WINAPI MsiCloseAllHandles();
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef __cplusplus
// C++ wrapper object to automatically free handle when going out of scope
~PMSIHANDLE(){if (m_h!=0) MsiCloseHandle(m_h);}
void operator =(MSIHANDLE h) {if (m_h) MsiCloseHandle(m_h); m_h=h;}
operator MSIHANDLE() {return m_h;}
MSIHANDLE* operator &() {if (m_h) MsiCloseHandle(m_h); m_h = 0; return &m_h;}
#endif //__cplusplus
// Install message type for callback is a combination of the following:
// A message box style: MB_*, where MB_OK is the default
// A message box icon type: MB_ICON*, where no icon is the default
// A default button: MB_DEFBUTTON?, where MB_DEFBUTTON1 is the default
// One of the following install message types, no default
typedef enum tagINSTALLMESSAGE
INSTALLMESSAGE_FATALEXIT = 0x00000000L, // premature termination, possibly fatal OOM
INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR = 0x01000000L, // formatted error message
INSTALLMESSAGE_WARNING = 0x02000000L, // formatted warning message
INSTALLMESSAGE_USER = 0x03000000L, // user request message
INSTALLMESSAGE_INFO = 0x04000000L, // informative message for log
INSTALLMESSAGE_FILESINUSE = 0x05000000L, // list of files in use that need to be replaced
INSTALLMESSAGE_RESOLVESOURCE = 0x06000000L, // request to determine a valid source location
INSTALLMESSAGE_OUTOFDISKSPACE = 0x07000000L, // insufficient disk space message
INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONSTART = 0x08000000L, // start of action: action name & description
INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONDATA = 0x09000000L, // formatted data associated with individual action item
INSTALLMESSAGE_PROGRESS = 0x0A000000L, // progress gauge info: units so far, total
INSTALLMESSAGE_COMMONDATA = 0x0B000000L, // product info for dialog: language Id, dialog caption
INSTALLMESSAGE_INITIALIZE = 0x0C000000L, // sent prior to UI initialization, no string data
INSTALLMESSAGE_TERMINATE = 0x0D000000L, // sent after UI termination, no string data
INSTALLMESSAGE_SHOWDIALOG = 0x0E000000L, // sent prior to display or authored dialog or wizard
// external error handler supplied to installation API functions
typedef int (WINAPI *INSTALLUI_HANDLERA)(LPVOID pvContext, UINT iMessageType, LPCSTR szMessage);
// external error handler supplied to installation API functions
typedef int (WINAPI *INSTALLUI_HANDLERW)(LPVOID pvContext, UINT iMessageType, LPCWSTR szMessage);
#ifdef UNICODE
#endif // !UNICODE
typedef enum tagINSTALLUILEVEL
INSTALLUILEVEL_NOCHANGE = 0, // UI level is unchanged
INSTALLUILEVEL_DEFAULT = 1, // default UI is used
INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE = 2, // completely silent installation
INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC = 3, // simple progress and error handling
INSTALLUILEVEL_REDUCED = 4, // authored UI, wizard dialogs suppressed
INSTALLUILEVEL_FULL = 5, // authored UI with wizards, progress, errors
INSTALLUILEVEL_ENDDIALOG = 0x80, // display success/failure dialog at end of install
INSTALLUILEVEL_PROGRESSONLY = 0x40, // display only progress dialog
typedef enum tagINSTALLSTATE
INSTALLSTATE_NOTUSED = -7, // component disabled
INSTALLSTATE_BADCONFIG = -6, // configuration data corrupt
INSTALLSTATE_INCOMPLETE = -5, // installation suspended or in progress
INSTALLSTATE_SOURCEABSENT = -4, // run from source, source is unavailable
INSTALLSTATE_MOREDATA = -3, // return buffer overflow
INSTALLSTATE_INVALIDARG = -2, // invalid function argument
INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN = -1, // unrecognized product or feature
INSTALLSTATE_ADVERTISED = 1, // advertised feature
INSTALLSTATE_REMOVED = 1, // component being removed (action state, not settable)
INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT = 2, // uninstalled (or action state absent but clients remain)
INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL = 3, // installed on local drive
INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE = 4, // run from source, CD or net
INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT = 5, // use default, local or source
typedef enum tagUSERINFOSTATE
USERINFOSTATE_MOREDATA = -3, // return buffer overflow
USERINFOSTATE_INVALIDARG = -2, // invalid function argument
USERINFOSTATE_UNKNOWN = -1, // unrecognized product
USERINFOSTATE_ABSENT = 0, // user info and PID not initialized
USERINFOSTATE_PRESENT = 1, // user info and PID initialized
typedef enum tagINSTALLLEVEL
INSTALLLEVEL_DEFAULT = 0, // install authored default
INSTALLLEVEL_MINIMUM = 1, // install only required features
INSTALLLEVEL_MAXIMUM = 0xFFFF, // install all features
} INSTALLLEVEL; // intermediate levels dependent on authoring
typedef enum tagREINSTALLMODE // bit flags
REINSTALLMODE_REPAIR = 0x00000001, // Reserved bit - currently ignored
REINSTALLMODE_FILEMISSING = 0x00000002, // Reinstall only if file is missing
REINSTALLMODE_FILEOLDERVERSION = 0x00000004, // Reinstall if file is missing, or older version
REINSTALLMODE_FILEEQUALVERSION = 0x00000008, // Reinstall if file is missing, or equal or older version
REINSTALLMODE_FILEEXACT = 0x00000010, // Reinstall if file is missing, or not exact version
REINSTALLMODE_FILEVERIFY = 0x00000020, // checksum executables, reinstall if missing or corrupt
REINSTALLMODE_FILEREPLACE = 0x00000040, // Reinstall all files, regardless of version
REINSTALLMODE_MACHINEDATA = 0x00000080, // insure required machine reg entries
REINSTALLMODE_USERDATA = 0x00000100, // insure required user reg entries
REINSTALLMODE_SHORTCUT = 0x00000200, // validate shortcuts items
REINSTALLMODE_PACKAGE = 0x00000400, // use re-cache source install package
typedef enum tagINSTALLOGMODE // bit flags for use with MsiEnableLog and MsiSetExternalUI
INSTALLLOGMODE_PROGRESS = (1 << (INSTALLMESSAGE_PROGRESS >> 24)), // external handler only
INSTALLLOGMODE_TERMINATE = (1 << (INSTALLMESSAGE_TERMINATE >> 24)), // external handler only
typedef enum tagINSTALLLOGATTRIBUTES // flag attributes for MsiEnableLog
typedef enum tagINSTALLFEATUREATTRIBUTE // bit flags
typedef enum tagINSTALLMODE
INSTALLMODE_NOSOURCERESOLUTION = -3, // skip source resolution
INSTALLMODE_NODETECTION = -2, // skip detection
INSTALLMODE_EXISTING = -1, // provide, if available
INSTALLMODE_DEFAULT = 0, // install, if absent
#define MAX_FEATURE_CHARS 38 // maximum chars in feature name (same as string GUID)
// Product info attributes: advertised information
// ------------------------- PRIVATE START ------------------------- //
// ------------------------- PRIVATE END --------------------------- //
// Product info attributes: installed information
// ------------------------- PRIVATE START ------------------------- //
typedef enum tagSCRIPTFLAGS
SCRIPTFLAGS_CACHEINFO = 0x00000001L, // set if the icons need to be created/ removed
SCRIPTFLAGS_SHORTCUTS = 0x00000004L, // set if the shortcuts needs to be created/ deleted
SCRIPTFLAGS_MACHINEASSIGN = 0x00000008L, // set if product to be assigned to machine
SCRIPTFLAGS_REGDATA_CNFGINFO = 0x00000020L, // set if the product cnfg mgmt. registry data needs to be written/ removed
SCRIPTFLAGS_REGDATA_CLASSINFO = 0x00000080L, // set if COM classes related app info needs to be created/ deleted
SCRIPTFLAGS_REGDATA_EXTENSIONINFO = 0x00000100L, // set if extension related app info needs to be created/ deleted
typedef enum tagADVERTISEFLAGS
ADVERTISEFLAGS_MACHINEASSIGN = 0, // set if the product is to be machine assigned
ADVERTISEFLAGS_USERASSIGN = 1, // set if the product is to be user assigned
// ------------------------- PRIVATE END --------------------------- //
typedef enum tagINSTALLTYPE
INSTALLTYPE_DEFAULT = 0, // set to indicate default behavior
INSTALLTYPE_NETWORK_IMAGE = 1, // set to indicate network install
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to set the UI handling and logging. The UI will be used for error,
// progress, and log messages for all subsequent calls to Installer Service
// API functions that require UI.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enable internal UI
HWND *phWnd); // handle of owner window
// Enable external UI handling, returns any previous handler or NULL if none.
// Messages are designated with a combination of bits from INSTALLLOGMODE enum.
INSTALLUI_HANDLERA puiHandler, // for progress and error handling
DWORD dwMessageFilter, // bit flags designating messages to handle
LPVOID pvContext); // application context
INSTALLUI_HANDLERW puiHandler, // for progress and error handling
DWORD dwMessageFilter, // bit flags designating messages to handle
LPVOID pvContext); // application context
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiSetExternalUI MsiSetExternalUIW
#define MsiSetExternalUI MsiSetExternalUIA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Enable logging to a file for all install sessions for the client process,
// with control over which log messages are passed to the specified log file.
// Messages are designated with a combination of bits from INSTALLLOGMODE enum.
DWORD dwLogMode, // bit flags designating operations to report
LPCSTR szLogFile, // log file, or NULL to disable logging
DWORD dwLogMode, // bit flags designating operations to report
LPCWSTR szLogFile, // log file, or NULL to disable logging
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiEnableLog MsiEnableLogW
#define MsiEnableLog MsiEnableLogA
#endif // !UNICODE
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to query and configure a product as a whole.
// A component descriptor string may be used instead of the product code.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the installed state for a product
LPCSTR szProduct);
LPCWSTR szProduct);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiQueryProductState MsiQueryProductStateW
#define MsiQueryProductState MsiQueryProductStateA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Return product info
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductInfoA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code, string GUID, or descriptor
LPCSTR szAttribute, // attribute name, case-sensitive
LPSTR lpValueBuf, // returned value, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchValueBuf); // in/out buffer character count
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductInfoW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code, string GUID, or descriptor
LPCWSTR szAttribute, // attribute name, case-sensitive
LPWSTR lpValueBuf, // returned value, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchValueBuf); // in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetProductInfo MsiGetProductInfoW
#define MsiGetProductInfo MsiGetProductInfoA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Install a new product.
// Either may be NULL, but the DATABASE property must be specfied
UINT WINAPI MsiInstallProductA(
LPCSTR szPackagePath, // location of package to install
LPCSTR szCommandLine); // command line <property settings>
UINT WINAPI MsiInstallProductW(
LPCWSTR szPackagePath, // location of package to install
LPCWSTR szCommandLine); // command line <property settings>
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiInstallProduct MsiInstallProductW
#define MsiInstallProduct MsiInstallProductA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Install/uninstall an advertised or installed product
// No action if installed and INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT specified
UINT WINAPI MsiConfigureProductA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code OR descriptor
int iInstallLevel, // how much of the product to install
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState); // local/source/default/absent/lock/uncache
UINT WINAPI MsiConfigureProductW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code OR descriptor
int iInstallLevel, // how much of the product to install
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState); // local/source/default/absent/lock/uncache
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiConfigureProduct MsiConfigureProductW
#define MsiConfigureProduct MsiConfigureProductA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Install/uninstall an advertised or installed product
// No action if installed and INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT specified
UINT WINAPI MsiConfigureProductExA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code OR descriptor
int iInstallLevel, // how much of the product to install
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState, // local/source/default/absent/lock/uncache
LPCSTR szCommandLine); // command line <property settings>
UINT WINAPI MsiConfigureProductExW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code OR descriptor
int iInstallLevel, // how much of the product to install
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState, // local/source/default/absent/lock/uncache
LPCWSTR szCommandLine); // command line <property settings>
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiConfigureProductEx MsiConfigureProductExW
#define MsiConfigureProductEx MsiConfigureProductExA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Reinstall product, used to validate or correct problems
UINT WINAPI MsiReinstallProductA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code OR descriptor
DWORD szReinstallMode); // one or more REINSTALLMODE modes
UINT WINAPI MsiReinstallProductW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code OR descriptor
DWORD szReinstallMode); // one or more REINSTALLMODE modes
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiReinstallProduct MsiReinstallProductW
#define MsiReinstallProduct MsiReinstallProductA
#endif // !UNICODE
// ------------------------- PRIVATE START ------------------------- //
// Output reg and shortcut info to script file for Assign or Publish
UINT WINAPI MsiAdvertiseProductA(
LPCSTR szPackagePath, // location of package
LPCSTR szScriptfilePath, // if NULL, product is locally advertised
LPCSTR szTransforms, // list of transforms to be applied
LANGID lgidLanguage); // install language
UINT WINAPI MsiAdvertiseProductW(
LPCWSTR szPackagePath, // location of package
LPCWSTR szScriptfilePath, // if NULL, product is locally advertised
LPCWSTR szTransforms, // list of transforms to be applied
LANGID lgidLanguage); // install language
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiAdvertiseProduct MsiAdvertiseProductW
#define MsiAdvertiseProduct MsiAdvertiseProductA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Process advertise script file into supplied locations
// If an icon folder is specified, icon files will be placed there
// If an registry key is specified, registry data will be mapped under it
// If fShortcuts is TRUE, shortcuts will be created. If a special folder is
// returned by SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(?), it will hold the shortcuts.
// if fRemoveItems is TRUE, items that are present will be removed
UINT WINAPI MsiProcessAdvertiseScriptA(
LPCSTR szScriptFile, // path to script from MsiAdvertiseProduct
LPCSTR szIconFolder, // optional path to folder for icon files and transforms
HKEY hRegData, // optional parent registry key
BOOL fShortcuts, // TRUE if shortcuts output to special folder
BOOL fRemoveItems); // TRUE if specified items are to be removed
UINT WINAPI MsiProcessAdvertiseScriptW(
LPCWSTR szScriptFile, // path to script from MsiAdvertiseProduct
LPCWSTR szIconFolder, // optional path to folder for icon files and transforms
HKEY hRegData, // optional parent registry key
BOOL fShortcuts, // TRUE if shortcuts output to special folder
BOOL fRemoveItems); // TRUE if specified items are to be removed
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiProcessAdvertiseScript MsiProcessAdvertiseScriptW
#define MsiProcessAdvertiseScript MsiProcessAdvertiseScriptA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Process advertise script file using the supplied dwFlags control flags
// if fRemoveItems is TRUE, items that are present will be removed
UINT WINAPI MsiAdvertiseScriptA(
LPCSTR szScriptFile, // path to script from MsiAdvertiseProduct
DWORD dwFlags, // the SCRIPTFLAGS bit flags that control the script execution
PHKEY phRegData, // optional parent registry key
BOOL fRemoveItems); // TRUE if specified items are to be removed
UINT WINAPI MsiAdvertiseScriptW(
LPCWSTR szScriptFile, // path to script from MsiAdvertiseProduct
DWORD dwFlags, // the SCRIPTFLAGS bit flags that control the script execution
PHKEY phRegData, // optional parent registry key
BOOL fRemoveItems); // TRUE if specified items are to be removed
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiAdvertiseScript MsiAdvertiseScriptW
#define MsiAdvertiseScript MsiAdvertiseScriptA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Return a product code for a product installed from an installer package
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductCodeFromPackageCodeA(
LPCSTR szPackageCode, // package code
LPSTR lpProductBuf39); // buffer for product code string GUID, 39 chars
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductCodeFromPackageCodeW(
LPCWSTR szPackageCode, // package code
LPWSTR lpProductBuf39); // buffer for product code string GUID, 39 chars
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetProductCodeFromPackageCode MsiGetProductCodeFromPackageCodeW
#define MsiGetProductCodeFromPackageCode MsiGetProductCodeFromPackageCodeA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Return product info from an installer script file:
// product code, language, version, readable name, path to package
// Returns TRUE is success, FALSE if szScriptFile is not a valid script file
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductInfoFromScriptA(
LPCSTR szScriptFile, // path to installer script file
LPSTR lpProductBuf39, // buffer for product code string GUID, 39 chars
LANGID *plgidLanguage, // return language Id
DWORD *pdwVersion, // return version: Maj:Min:Build <8:8:16>
LPSTR lpNameBuf, // buffer to return readable product name
DWORD *pcchNameBuf, // in/out name buffer character count
LPSTR lpPackageBuf, // buffer for path to product package
DWORD *pcchPackageBuf);// in/out path buffer character count
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductInfoFromScriptW(
LPCWSTR szScriptFile, // path to installer script file
LPWSTR lpProductBuf39, // buffer for product code string GUID, 39 chars
LANGID *plgidLanguage, // return language Id
DWORD *pdwVersion, // return version: Maj:Min:Build <8:8:16>
LPWSTR lpNameBuf, // buffer to return readable product name
DWORD *pcchNameBuf, // in/out name buffer character count
LPWSTR lpPackageBuf, // buffer for path to product package
DWORD *pcchPackageBuf);// in/out path buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetProductInfoFromScript MsiGetProductInfoFromScriptW
#define MsiGetProductInfoFromScript MsiGetProductInfoFromScriptA
#endif // !UNICODE
// ------------------------- PRIVATE END --------------------------- //
// Return the product code for a registered component, called once by apps
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductCodeA(
LPCSTR szComponent, // component Id registered for this product
LPSTR lpBuf39); // returned string GUID, sized for 39 characters
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductCodeW(
LPCWSTR szComponent, // component Id registered for this product
LPWSTR lpBuf39); // returned string GUID, sized for 39 characters
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetProductCode MsiGetProductCodeW
#define MsiGetProductCode MsiGetProductCodeA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Return the registered user information for an installed product
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code, string GUID
LPSTR lpUserNameBuf, // return user name
DWORD *pcchUserNameBuf, // in/out buffer character count
LPSTR lpOrgNameBuf, // return company name
DWORD *pcchOrgNameBuf, // in/out buffer character count
LPSTR lpSerialBuf, // return product serial number
DWORD *pcchSerialBuf); // in/out buffer character count
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code, string GUID
LPWSTR lpUserNameBuf, // return user name
DWORD *pcchUserNameBuf, // in/out buffer character count
LPWSTR lpOrgNameBuf, // return company name
DWORD *pcchOrgNameBuf, // in/out buffer character count
LPWSTR lpSerialBuf, // return product serial number
DWORD *pcchSerialBuf); // in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetUserInfo MsiGetUserInfoW
#define MsiGetUserInfo MsiGetUserInfoA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Obtain and store user info and PID from installation wizard (first run)
UINT WINAPI MsiCollectUserInfoA(
LPCSTR szProduct); // product code, string GUID
UINT WINAPI MsiCollectUserInfoW(
LPCWSTR szProduct); // product code, string GUID
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiCollectUserInfo MsiCollectUserInfoW
#define MsiCollectUserInfo MsiCollectUserInfoA
#endif // !UNICODE
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to patch existing products
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Patch all possible installed products.
LPCSTR szPatchPackage, // location of patch package
LPCSTR szInstallPackage, // location of package for install to patch <optional>
INSTALLTYPE eInstallType, // type of install to patch
LPCSTR szCommandLine); // command line <property settings>
LPCWSTR szPatchPackage, // location of patch package
LPCWSTR szInstallPackage, // location of package for install to patch <optional>
INSTALLTYPE eInstallType, // type of install to patch
LPCWSTR szCommandLine); // command line <property settings>
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiApplyPatch MsiApplyPatchW
#define MsiApplyPatch MsiApplyPatchA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Return patch info
LPCSTR szPatch, // patch code
LPCSTR szAttribute, // attribute name, case-sensitive
LPSTR lpValueBuf, // returned value, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchValueBuf); // in/out buffer character count
LPCWSTR szPatch, // patch code
LPCWSTR szAttribute, // attribute name, case-sensitive
LPWSTR lpValueBuf, // returned value, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchValueBuf); // in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetPatchInfo MsiGetPatchInfoW
#define MsiGetPatchInfo MsiGetPatchInfoA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Enumerate all patches for a product
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumPatchesA(
LPCSTR szProduct,
DWORD iPatchIndex,
LPSTR lpPatchBuf,
LPSTR lpTransformsBuf,
DWORD *pcchTransformsBuf);
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumPatchesW(
LPCWSTR szProduct,
DWORD iPatchIndex,
LPWSTR lpPatchBuf,
LPWSTR lpTransformsBuf,
DWORD *pcchTransformsBuf);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiEnumPatches MsiEnumPatchesW
#define MsiEnumPatches MsiEnumPatchesA
#endif // !UNICODE
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to query and configure a feature within a product.
// Separate wrapper functions are provided that accept a descriptor string.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the installed state for a product feature
LPCSTR szProduct,
LPCSTR szFeature);
LPCWSTR szProduct,
LPCWSTR szFeature);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiQueryFeatureState MsiQueryFeatureStateW
#define MsiQueryFeatureState MsiQueryFeatureStateA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Indicate intent to use a product feature, increments usage count
// Prompts for CD if not loaded, does not install feature
LPCSTR szProduct,
LPCSTR szFeature);
LPCWSTR szProduct,
LPCWSTR szFeature);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiUseFeature MsiUseFeatureW
#define MsiUseFeature MsiUseFeatureA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Indicate intent to use a product feature, increments usage count
// Prompts for CD if not loaded, does not install feature
// Allows for bypassing component detection where performance is critical
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCSTR szFeature, // feature ID
DWORD dwReserved); // reserved, must be 0
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCWSTR szFeature, // feature ID
DWORD dwReserved); // reserved, must be 0
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiUseFeatureEx MsiUseFeatureExW
#define MsiUseFeatureEx MsiUseFeatureExA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Return the usage metrics for a product feature
UINT WINAPI MsiGetFeatureUsageA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCSTR szFeature, // feature ID
DWORD *pdwUseCount, // returned use count
WORD *pwDateUsed); // last date used (DOS date format)
UINT WINAPI MsiGetFeatureUsageW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCWSTR szFeature, // feature ID
DWORD *pdwUseCount, // returned use count
WORD *pwDateUsed); // last date used (DOS date format)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetFeatureUsage MsiGetFeatureUsageW
#define MsiGetFeatureUsage MsiGetFeatureUsageA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Force the installed state for a product feature
UINT WINAPI MsiConfigureFeatureA(
LPCSTR szProduct,
LPCSTR szFeature,
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState); // local/source/default/absent/lock/uncache
UINT WINAPI MsiConfigureFeatureW(
LPCWSTR szProduct,
LPCWSTR szFeature,
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState); // local/source/default/absent/lock/uncache
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiConfigureFeature MsiConfigureFeatureW
#define MsiConfigureFeature MsiConfigureFeatureA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Reinstall feature, used to validate or correct problems
UINT WINAPI MsiReinstallFeatureA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCSTR szFeature, // feature ID, NULL for entire product
DWORD dwReinstallMode); // one or more REINSTALLMODE modes
UINT WINAPI MsiReinstallFeatureW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCWSTR szFeature, // feature ID, NULL for entire product
DWORD dwReinstallMode); // one or more REINSTALLMODE modes
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiReinstallFeature MsiReinstallFeatureW
#define MsiReinstallFeature MsiReinstallFeatureA
#endif // !UNICODE
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to return a path to a particular component.
// The state of the feature being used should have been checked previously.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return full component path, performing any necessary installation
// calls MsiQueryFeatureState to detect that all components are installed
// then calls MsiConfigureFeature if any of its components are uninstalled
// then calls MsiLocateComponent to obtain the path the its key file
UINT WINAPI MsiProvideComponentA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code in case install required
LPCSTR szFeature, // feature ID in case install required
LPCSTR szComponent, // component ID
DWORD dwInstallMode,// either of type INSTALLMODE or a combination of the REINSTALLMODE flags
LPSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchPathBuf);// in/out buffer character count
UINT WINAPI MsiProvideComponentW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code in case install required
LPCWSTR szFeature, // feature ID in case install required
LPCWSTR szComponent, // component ID
DWORD dwInstallMode,// either of type INSTALLMODE or a combination of the REINSTALLMODE flags
LPWSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchPathBuf);// in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiProvideComponent MsiProvideComponentW
#define MsiProvideComponent MsiProvideComponentA
#endif // !UNICODE
// For an advertised component that registers descriptor strings,
// return full component path, performing any necessary installation.
// Calls MsiProvideComponent to install and return the path.
UINT WINAPI MsiProvideQualifiedComponentA(
LPCSTR szCategory, // component category ID
LPCSTR szQualifier, // specifies which component to access
DWORD dwInstallMode,// either of type INSTALLMODE or a combination of the REINSTALLMODE flags
LPSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchPathBuf); // in/out buffer character count
UINT WINAPI MsiProvideQualifiedComponentW(
LPCWSTR szCategory, // component category ID
LPCWSTR szQualifier, // specifies which component to access
DWORD dwInstallMode,// either of type INSTALLMODE or a combination of the REINSTALLMODE flags
LPWSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchPathBuf); // in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiProvideQualifiedComponent MsiProvideQualifiedComponentW
#define MsiProvideQualifiedComponent MsiProvideQualifiedComponentA
#endif // !UNICODE
// For an advertised component that registers descriptor strings,
// return full component path, performing any necessary installation.
// If the szProduct is NULL the works same as MsiProvideQualifiedComponent,
// else will look for the descriptor advertised by the particular product ONLY.
// Calls MsiProvideComponent to install and return the path.
UINT WINAPI MsiProvideQualifiedComponentExA(
LPCSTR szCategory, // component category ID
LPCSTR szQualifier, // specifies which component to access
DWORD dwInstallMode,// either of type INSTALLMODE or a combination of the REINSTALLMODE flags
LPCSTR szProduct, // the product code
DWORD dwUnused1, // not used, must be zero
DWORD dwUnused2, // not used, must be zero
LPSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchPathBuf); // in/out buffer character count
UINT WINAPI MsiProvideQualifiedComponentExW(
LPCWSTR szCategory, // component category ID
LPCWSTR szQualifier, // specifies which component to access
DWORD dwInstallMode,// either of type INSTALLMODE or a combination of the REINSTALLMODE flags
LPCWSTR szProduct, // the product code
DWORD dwUnused1, // not used, must be zero
DWORD dwUnused2, // not used, must be zero
LPWSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchPathBuf); // in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiProvideQualifiedComponentEx MsiProvideQualifiedComponentExW
#define MsiProvideQualifiedComponentEx MsiProvideQualifiedComponentExA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Return full path to an installed component
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code for client product
LPCSTR szComponent, // component Id, string GUID
LPSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path
DWORD *pcchBuf); // in/out buffer character count
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code for client product
LPCWSTR szComponent, // component Id, string GUID
LPWSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path
DWORD *pcchBuf); // in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetComponentPath MsiGetComponentPathW
#define MsiGetComponentPath MsiGetComponentPathA
#endif // !UNICODE
// ------------------------- PRIVATE START ------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions accepting a component descriptor, consisting of
// a product code concatenated with a feature ID and component ID.
// For efficiency, feature and component may be omitted if unambiguous
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return full component path given a fully-qualified component descriptor
// separates the tokens from the descriptor and calls MsiProvideComponent
UINT WINAPI MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptorA(
LPCSTR szDescriptor, // product,feature,component info
LPSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchPathBuf, // in/out buffer character count
DWORD *pcchArgsOffset); // returned offset of args in descriptor
UINT WINAPI MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptorW(
LPCWSTR szDescriptor, // product,feature,component info
LPWSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchPathBuf, // in/out buffer character count
DWORD *pcchArgsOffset); // returned offset of args in descriptor
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptor MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptorW
#define MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptor MsiProvideComponentFromDescriptorA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Force the installed state for a product feature from a descriptor
UINT WINAPI MsiConfigureFeatureFromDescriptorA(
LPCSTR szDescriptor, // product and feature, component ignored
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState); // local/source/default/absent
UINT WINAPI MsiConfigureFeatureFromDescriptorW(
LPCWSTR szDescriptor, // product and feature, component ignored
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState); // local/source/default/absent
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiConfigureFeatureFromDescriptor MsiConfigureFeatureFromDescriptorW
#define MsiConfigureFeatureFromDescriptor MsiConfigureFeatureFromDescriptorA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Reinstall product or feature using a descriptor as the specification
UINT WINAPI MsiReinstallFeatureFromDescriptorA(
LPCSTR szDescriptor, // product and feature, component ignored
DWORD szReinstallMode); // one or more REINSTALLMODE modes
UINT WINAPI MsiReinstallFeatureFromDescriptorW(
LPCWSTR szDescriptor, // product and feature, component ignored
DWORD szReinstallMode); // one or more REINSTALLMODE modes
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiReinstallFeatureFromDescriptor MsiReinstallFeatureFromDescriptorW
#define MsiReinstallFeatureFromDescriptor MsiReinstallFeatureFromDescriptorA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Query a feature's state using a descriptor as the specification
INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiQueryFeatureStateFromDescriptorA(
LPCSTR szDescriptor); // product and feature, component ignored
INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiQueryFeatureStateFromDescriptorW(
LPCWSTR szDescriptor); // product and feature, component ignored
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiQueryFeatureStateFromDescriptor MsiQueryFeatureStateFromDescriptorW
#define MsiQueryFeatureStateFromDescriptor MsiQueryFeatureStateFromDescriptorA
#endif // !UNICODE
UINT WINAPI MsiDecomposeDescriptorA(
LPCSTR szDescriptor,
LPSTR szProductCode,
LPSTR szFeatureId,
LPSTR szComponentCode,
DWORD* pcchArgsOffset);
UINT WINAPI MsiDecomposeDescriptorW(
LPCWSTR szDescriptor,
LPWSTR szProductCode,
LPWSTR szFeatureId,
LPWSTR szComponentCode,
DWORD* pcchArgsOffset);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiDecomposeDescriptor MsiDecomposeDescriptorW
#define MsiDecomposeDescriptor MsiDecomposeDescriptorA
#endif // !UNICODE
// ------------------------- PRIVATE END ------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to iterate registered products, features, and components.
// As with reg keys, they accept a 0-based index into the enumeration.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enumerate the registered products, either installed or advertised
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumProductsA(
DWORD iProductIndex, // 0-based index into registered products
LPSTR lpProductBuf); // buffer of char count: 39 (size of string GUID)
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumProductsW(
DWORD iProductIndex, // 0-based index into registered products
LPWSTR lpProductBuf); // buffer of char count: 39 (size of string GUID)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiEnumProducts MsiEnumProductsW
#define MsiEnumProducts MsiEnumProductsA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Enumerate products with given upgrade code
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumRelatedProductsA(
LPCSTR lpUpgradeCode, // upgrade code of products to enumerate
DWORD dwReserved, // reserved, must be 0
DWORD iProductIndex, // 0-based index into registered products
LPSTR lpProductBuf); // buffer of char count: 39 (size of string GUID)
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumRelatedProductsW(
LPCWSTR lpUpgradeCode, // upgrade code of products to enumerate
DWORD dwReserved, // reserved, must be 0
DWORD iProductIndex, // 0-based index into registered products
LPWSTR lpProductBuf); // buffer of char count: 39 (size of string GUID)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiEnumRelatedProducts MsiEnumRelatedProductsW
#define MsiEnumRelatedProducts MsiEnumRelatedProductsA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Enumerate the advertised features for a given product.
// If parent is not required, supplying NULL will improve performance.
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumFeaturesA(
LPCSTR szProduct,
DWORD iFeatureIndex, // 0-based index into published features
LPSTR lpFeatureBuf, // feature name buffer, size=MAX_FEATURE_CHARS+1
LPSTR lpParentBuf); // parent feature buffer, size=MAX_FEATURE_CHARS+1
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumFeaturesW(
LPCWSTR szProduct,
DWORD iFeatureIndex, // 0-based index into published features
LPWSTR lpFeatureBuf, // feature name buffer, size=MAX_FEATURE_CHARS+1
LPWSTR lpParentBuf); // parent feature buffer, size=MAX_FEATURE_CHARS+1
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiEnumFeatures MsiEnumFeaturesW
#define MsiEnumFeatures MsiEnumFeaturesA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Enumerate the installed components for all products
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumComponentsA(
DWORD iComponentIndex, // 0-based index into installed components
LPSTR lpComponentBuf); // buffer of char count: 39 (size of string GUID)
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumComponentsW(
DWORD iComponentIndex, // 0-based index into installed components
LPWSTR lpComponentBuf); // buffer of char count: 39 (size of string GUID)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiEnumComponents MsiEnumComponentsW
#define MsiEnumComponents MsiEnumComponentsA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Enumerate the client products for a component
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumClientsA(
LPCSTR szComponent,
DWORD iProductIndex, // 0-based index into client products
LPSTR lpProductBuf); // buffer of char count: 39 (size of string GUID)
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumClientsW(
LPCWSTR szComponent,
DWORD iProductIndex, // 0-based index into client products
LPWSTR lpProductBuf); // buffer of char count: 39 (size of string GUID)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiEnumClients MsiEnumClientsW
#define MsiEnumClients MsiEnumClientsA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Enumerate the qualifiers for an advertised component.
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumComponentQualifiersA(
LPCSTR szComponent, // generic component ID that is qualified
DWORD iIndex, // 0-based index into qualifiers
LPSTR lpQualifierBuf, // qualifier buffer
DWORD *pcchQualifierBuf, // in/out qualifier buffer character count
LPSTR lpApplicationDataBuf, // description buffer
DWORD *pcchApplicationDataBuf); // in/out description buffer character count
UINT WINAPI MsiEnumComponentQualifiersW(
LPCWSTR szComponent, // generic component ID that is qualified
DWORD iIndex, // 0-based index into qualifiers
LPWSTR lpQualifierBuf, // qualifier buffer
DWORD *pcchQualifierBuf, // in/out qualifier buffer character count
LPWSTR lpApplicationDataBuf, // description buffer
DWORD *pcchApplicationDataBuf); // in/out description buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiEnumComponentQualifiers MsiEnumComponentQualifiersW
#define MsiEnumComponentQualifiers MsiEnumComponentQualifiersA
#endif // !UNICODE
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to obtain product or package information.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Open the installation for a product to obtain detailed information
UINT WINAPI MsiOpenProductA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code OR descriptor
MSIHANDLE *hProduct); // returned product handle, must be closed
UINT WINAPI MsiOpenProductW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code OR descriptor
MSIHANDLE *hProduct); // returned product handle, must be closed
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiOpenProduct MsiOpenProductW
#define MsiOpenProduct MsiOpenProductA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Open a product package in order to access product properties
UINT WINAPI MsiOpenPackageA(
LPCSTR szPackagePath, // path to package, or database handle: #nnnn
MSIHANDLE *hProduct); // returned product handle, must be closed
UINT WINAPI MsiOpenPackageW(
LPCWSTR szPackagePath, // path to package, or database handle: #nnnn
MSIHANDLE *hProduct); // returned product handle, must be closed
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiOpenPackage MsiOpenPackageW
#define MsiOpenPackage MsiOpenPackageA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Provide the value for an installation property.
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductPropertyA(
MSIHANDLE hProduct, // product handle obtained from MsiOpenProduct
LPCSTR szProperty, // property name, case-sensitive
LPSTR lpValueBuf, // returned value, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchValueBuf); // in/out buffer character count
UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductPropertyW(
MSIHANDLE hProduct, // product handle obtained from MsiOpenProduct
LPCWSTR szProperty, // property name, case-sensitive
LPWSTR lpValueBuf, // returned value, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchValueBuf); // in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetProductProperty MsiGetProductPropertyW
#define MsiGetProductProperty MsiGetProductPropertyA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Determine whether a file is a package
// Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if file is a package.
UINT WINAPI MsiVerifyPackageA(
LPCSTR szPackagePath); // location of package
UINT WINAPI MsiVerifyPackageW(
LPCWSTR szPackagePath); // location of package
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiVerifyPackage MsiVerifyPackageW
#define MsiVerifyPackage MsiVerifyPackageA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Provide descriptive information for product feature: title and description.
// Returns the install level for the feature, or -1 if feature is unknown.
// 0 = feature is not available on this machine
// 1 = highest priority, feature installed if parent is installed
// >1 = decreasing priority, feature installation based on InstallLevel property
UINT WINAPI MsiGetFeatureInfoA(
MSIHANDLE hProduct, // product handle obtained from MsiOpenProduct
LPCSTR szFeature, // feature name
DWORD *lpAttributes, // attribute flags for the feature, using INSTALLFEATUREATTRIBUTE
LPSTR lpTitleBuf, // returned localized name, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchTitleBuf, // in/out buffer character count
LPSTR lpHelpBuf, // returned description, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchHelpBuf); // in/out buffer character count
UINT WINAPI MsiGetFeatureInfoW(
MSIHANDLE hProduct, // product handle obtained from MsiOpenProduct
LPCWSTR szFeature, // feature name
DWORD *lpAttributes, // attribute flags for the feature, using INSTALLFEATUREATTRIBUTE
LPWSTR lpTitleBuf, // returned localized name, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchTitleBuf, // in/out buffer character count
LPWSTR lpHelpBuf, // returned description, NULL if not desired
DWORD *pcchHelpBuf); // in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetFeatureInfo MsiGetFeatureInfoW
#define MsiGetFeatureInfo MsiGetFeatureInfoA
#endif // !UNICODE
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions to access or install missing components and files.
// These should be used as a last resort.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Install a component unexpectedly missing, provided only for error recovery
// This would typically occur due to failue to establish feature availability
// The product feature having the smallest incremental cost is installed
UINT WINAPI MsiInstallMissingComponentA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCSTR szComponent, // component Id, string GUID
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState); // local/source/default, absent invalid
UINT WINAPI MsiInstallMissingComponentW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCWSTR szComponent, // component Id, string GUID
INSTALLSTATE eInstallState); // local/source/default, absent invalid
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiInstallMissingComponent MsiInstallMissingComponentW
#define MsiInstallMissingComponent MsiInstallMissingComponentA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Install a file unexpectedly missing, provided only for error recovery
// This would typically occur due to failue to establish feature availability
// The missing component is determined from the product's File table, then
// the product feature having the smallest incremental cost is installed
UINT WINAPI MsiInstallMissingFileA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCSTR szFile); // file name, without path
UINT WINAPI MsiInstallMissingFileW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCWSTR szFile); // file name, without path
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiInstallMissingFile MsiInstallMissingFileW
#define MsiInstallMissingFile MsiInstallMissingFileA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Return full path to an installed component without a product code
// This function attempts to determine the product using MsiGetProductCode
// but is not guaranteed to find the correct product for the caller.
// MsiGetComponentPath should always be called when possible.
LPCSTR szComponent, // component Id, string GUID
LPSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path
DWORD *pcchBuf); // in/out buffer character count
LPCWSTR szComponent, // component Id, string GUID
LPWSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path
DWORD *pcchBuf); // in/out buffer character count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiLocateComponent MsiLocateComponentW
#define MsiLocateComponent MsiLocateComponentA
#endif // !UNICODE
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions used to manage the list of valid sources.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Opens the list of sources for the specified user's install of the product
// and removes all network sources from the list. A NULL or empty value for
// the user name indicates the per-machine install.
UINT WINAPI MsiSourceListClearAllA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCSTR szUserName, // user name or NULL/empty for per-machine
DWORD dwReserved); // reserved - must be 0
UINT WINAPI MsiSourceListClearAllW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCWSTR szUserName, // user name or NULL/empty for per-machine
DWORD dwReserved); // reserved - must be 0
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiSourceListClearAll MsiSourceListClearAllW
#define MsiSourceListClearAll MsiSourceListClearAllA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Opens the list of sources for the specified user's install of the product
// and adds the provided source as a new network source. A NULL or empty
// value for the user name indicates the per-machine install.
UINT WINAPI MsiSourceListAddSourceA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCSTR szUserName, // user name or NULL/empty for per-machine
DWORD dwReserved, // reserved - must be 0
LPCSTR szSource); // new source
UINT WINAPI MsiSourceListAddSourceW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCWSTR szUserName, // user name or NULL/empty for per-machine
DWORD dwReserved, // reserved - must be 0
LPCWSTR szSource); // new source
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiSourceListAddSource MsiSourceListAddSourceW
#define MsiSourceListAddSource MsiSourceListAddSourceA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Forces the installer to reevaluate the list of sources the next time that
// the specified product needs a source.
UINT WINAPI MsiSourceListForceResolutionA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCSTR szUserName, // user name or NULL/empty for per-machine
DWORD dwReserved); // reserved - must be 0
UINT WINAPI MsiSourceListForceResolutionW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code
LPCWSTR szUserName, // user name or NULL/empty for per-machine
DWORD dwReserved); // reserved - must be 0
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiSourceListForceResolution MsiSourceListForceResolutionW
#define MsiSourceListForceResolution MsiSourceListForceResolutionA
#endif // !UNICODE
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Give the version string and language for a specified file
UINT WINAPI MsiGetFileVersionA(
LPCSTR szFilePath, // path to the file
LPSTR lpVersionBuf, // returned version string
DWORD *pcchVersionBuf, // in/out buffer byte count
LPSTR lpLangBuf, // returned language string
DWORD *pcchLangBuf); // in/out buffer byte count
UINT WINAPI MsiGetFileVersionW(
LPCWSTR szFilePath, // path to the file
LPWSTR lpVersionBuf, // returned version string
DWORD *pcchVersionBuf, // in/out buffer byte count
LPWSTR lpLangBuf, // returned language string
DWORD *pcchLangBuf); // in/out buffer byte count
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiGetFileVersion MsiGetFileVersionW
#define MsiGetFileVersion MsiGetFileVersionA
#endif // !UNICODE
// ------------------------- PRIVATE START ----------------------- //
// checks to see if a product is managed
// checks per-machine if called from system context, per-user if from
// user context
UINT WINAPI MsiIsProductElevatedA(
LPCSTR szProduct, // product code
BOOL *pfElevated); // result
// checks to see if a product is managed
// checks per-machine if called from system context, per-user if from
// user context
UINT WINAPI MsiIsProductElevatedW(
LPCWSTR szProduct, // product code
BOOL *pfElevated); // result
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiIsProductElevated MsiIsProductElevatedW
#define MsiIsProductElevated MsiIsProductElevatedA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Load a string resource, preferring a specified language
// Behaves like LoadString if 0 passed as language
// Truncates string as necessary to fit into buffer (like LoadString)
// Returns the codepage of the string, or 0 if string is not found
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle of module containing string resource
UINT uID, // resource identifier
LPSTR lpBuffer, // address of buffer for resource
int nBufferMax, // size of buffer
WORD wLanguage); // preferred resource language
HINSTANCE hInstance, // handle of module containing string resource
UINT uID, // resource identifier
LPWSTR lpBuffer, // address of buffer for resource
int nBufferMax, // size of buffer
WORD wLanguage); // preferred resource language
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiLoadString MsiLoadStringW
#define MsiLoadString MsiLoadStringA
#endif // !UNICODE
// MessageBox implementation that allows language information to be specified
// MB_SYSTEMMODAL and MB_TASKMODAL are not supported, modality handled by parent hWnd
// If no parent window is specified, the current context window will be used,
// which is itself parented to the window set by SetInternalUI.
int WINAPI MsiMessageBoxA(
HWND hWnd, // parent window handle, 0 to use that of current context
LPCSTR lpText, // message text
LPCSTR lpCaption, // caption, must be neutral or in system codepage
UINT uiType, // standard MB types, icons, and def buttons
UINT uiCodepage, // codepage of message text, used to set font charset
LANGID iLangId); // language to use for button text
int WINAPI MsiMessageBoxW(
HWND hWnd, // parent window handle, 0 to use that of current context
LPCWSTR lpText, // message text
LPCWSTR lpCaption, // caption, must be neutral or in system codepage
UINT uiType, // standard MB types, icons, and def buttons
UINT uiCodepage, // codepage of message text, used to set font charset
LANGID iLangId); // language to use for button text
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MsiMessageBox MsiMessageBoxW
#define MsiMessageBox MsiMessageBoxA
#endif // !UNICODE
// ------------------------- PRIVATE END ------------------------- //
#ifdef __cplusplus
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error codes for installer access functions - until merged to winerr.h
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT 1602L // User cancel installation.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE 1603L // Fatal error during installation.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_SUSPEND 1604L // Installation suspended, incomplete.
#define ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605L // This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
#define ERROR_UNKNOWN_FEATURE 1606L // Feature ID not registered.
#define ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT 1607L // Component ID not registered.
#define ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY 1608L // Unknown property.
#define ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_STATE 1609L // Handle is in an invalid state.
#define ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION 1610L // The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel.
#define ERROR_INDEX_ABSENT 1611L // Component qualifier not present.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT 1612L // The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.
#define ERROR_PRODUCT_UNINSTALLED 1614L // Product is uninstalled.
#define ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX 1615L // SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported.
#define ERROR_INVALID_FIELD 1616L // Record field does not exist.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_SERVICE_FAILURE 1601L // The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. Contact your support personnel to verify that the Windows Installer service is properly registered.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_VERSION 1613L // This installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING 1618L // Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED 1619L // This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID 1620L // This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_UI_FAILURE 1621L // There was an error starting the Windows Installer service user interface. Contact your support personnel.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_LOG_FAILURE 1622L // Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and is writable.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_LANGUAGE_UNSUPPORTED 1623L // This language of this installation package is not supported by your system.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_REJECTED 1625L // The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation.
#define ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_CALLED 1626L // Function could not be executed.
#define ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED 1627L // Function failed during execution.
#define ERROR_INVALID_TABLE 1628L // Invalid or unknown table specified.
#define ERROR_DATATYPE_MISMATCH 1629L // Data supplied is of wrong type.
#define ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE 1630L // Data of this type is not supported.
#define ERROR_CREATE_FAILED 1631L // The Windows Installer service failed to start. Contact your support personnel.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_TEMP_UNWRITABLE 1632L // The Temp folder is on a drive that is full or is inaccessible. Free up space on the drive or verify that you have write permission on the Temp folder.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED 1633L // This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_NOTUSED 1634L // Component not used on this machine
#define ERROR_INSTALL_TRANSFORM_FAILURE 1624L // Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.
#define ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED 1635L // This patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.
#define ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_INVALID 1636L // This patch package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch package.
#define ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_UNSUPPORTED 1637L // This patch package cannot be processed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.
#define ERROR_PRODUCT_VERSION 1638L // Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel.
#define ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE 1639L // Invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help.
#define ERROR_INSTALL_REMOTE_DISALLOWED 1640L // Configuration of this product is not permitted from remote sessions. Contact your administrator.
#define ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641L // The requested operation completed successfully. The system will be restarted so the changes can take effect.
#define ERROR_PATCH_TARGET_NOT_FOUND 1642L // The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.
#endif // _MSI_H_