fixes #37 reverts public.xml change

This commit is contained in:
Connor Tumbleson 2012-09-22 22:40:33 -05:00
parent 18fc242bba
commit ca623f6617
2 changed files with 27 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class ClassFileNameHandler {
try {
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(f);
f.delete(); //doesn't throw IOException

View File

@ -356,32 +356,32 @@ final public class AndrolibResources {
private void generatePublicXml(ResPackage pkg, Directory out,
XmlSerializer serial) throws AndrolibException {
// try {
// OutputStream outStream = out.getFileOutput("values/public.xml");
// serial.setOutput(outStream, null);
// serial.startDocument(null, null);
// serial.startTag(null, "resources");
// for (ResResSpec spec : pkg.listResSpecs()) {
// serial.startTag(null, "public");
// serial.attribute(null, "type", spec.getType().getName());
// serial.attribute(null, "name", spec.getName());
// serial.attribute(null, "id", String.format(
// "0x%08x", spec.getId().id));
// serial.endTag(null, "public");
// }
// serial.endTag(null, "resources");
// serial.endDocument();
// serial.flush();
// outStream.close();
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// throw new AndrolibException(
// "Could not generate public.xml file", ex);
// } catch (DirectoryException ex) {
// throw new AndrolibException(
// "Could not generate public.xml file", ex);
// }
try {
OutputStream outStream = out.getFileOutput("values/public.xml");
serial.setOutput(outStream, null);
serial.startDocument(null, null);
serial.startTag(null, "resources");
for (ResResSpec spec : pkg.listResSpecs()) {
serial.startTag(null, "public");
serial.attribute(null, "type", spec.getType().getName());
serial.attribute(null, "name", spec.getName());
serial.attribute(null, "id", String.format(
"0x%08x", spec.getId().id));
serial.endTag(null, "public");
serial.endTag(null, "resources");
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(
"Could not generate public.xml file", ex);
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(
"Could not generate public.xml file", ex);
private ResPackage[] getResPackagesFromApk(ExtFile apkFile,