2023-10-21 08:57:57 -04:00
Dockerfile Added support for PR builds on master (#3363) 2023-10-04 20:14:56 -04:00
README.md Update Docker build instructions after #3363 (#3407) 2023-10-21 08:57:57 -04:00

Apktool in Docker

We provide an easy way to leverage apktool, along with common Android tools such as zipalign and apksigner, all from within Docker.

Building the Docker image

To use the image, pull the pre-built image or build one from the repo root with the included Dockerfile:

docker pull ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest
# OR
docker build -t apktool:local -f docker/Dockerfile .

Using the Docker image

The best way to use the image is to create aliases to run the internal commands. Replace ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest with apktool:local if you have built the image locally.

alias apktool="docker run --rm -ti --name=apktool -v \"${PWD}:${PWD}\" -w \"${PWD}\" ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest apktool"
alias zipalign="docker run --rm -ti --name=zipalign -v \"${PWD}:${PWD}\" -w \"${PWD}\" ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest zipalign"
alias apksigner="docker run --rm -ti --name=apksigner -v \"${PWD}:${PWD}\" -w \"${PWD}\" ghcr.io/ibotpeaches/apktool:latest apksigner"

Running the commands

You can then utilize these commands as you would if they were natively installed:

apktool d My.apk -o MyFolder
apktool b MyFolder -o MyNew.apk
zipalign -p -f 4 MyNew.apk MyNewAligned.apk
apksigner sign --ks My.keystore MyNewAligned.apk