Igor Eisberg bc9f465f3e
Fix the massive list of uncompressed 9.png that prevents recompile on Windows
Windows has its limits, even Windows 10, at least on older versions before the max path length restriction was removed.
Because apktool failed to recognize the .9.png extension as a variety of the .png extension, those .9.png files were piling up in apktool.yml and then passed to aapt, which would fail to run on Windows because of an immense command length.
This fix makes a special exception for the .png exception and will allow the .9.png one to pass as another .png extension.

Before: http://dpaste.com/2BC3RRB
After: http://dpaste.com/177CVZQ
2019-07-14 07:04:49 -04:00

797 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019 Ryszard Wiśniewski <brut.alll@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2019 Connor Tumbleson <connor.tumbleson@gmail.com>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package brut.androlib;
import brut.androlib.meta.MetaInfo;
import brut.androlib.meta.UsesFramework;
import brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources;
import brut.androlib.res.data.ResConfigFlags;
import brut.androlib.res.data.ResPackage;
import brut.androlib.res.data.ResTable;
import brut.androlib.res.data.ResUnknownFiles;
import brut.directory.ExtFile;
import brut.androlib.res.xml.ResXmlPatcher;
import brut.androlib.src.SmaliBuilder;
import brut.androlib.src.SmaliDecoder;
import brut.common.BrutException;
import brut.directory.*;
import brut.util.BrutIO;
import brut.util.OS;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* @author Ryszard Wiśniewski <brut.alll@gmail.com>
public class Androlib {
private final AndrolibResources mAndRes = new AndrolibResources();
protected final ResUnknownFiles mResUnknownFiles = new ResUnknownFiles();
public ApkOptions apkOptions;
private int mMinSdkVersion = 0;
public Androlib(ApkOptions apkOptions) {
this.apkOptions = apkOptions;
mAndRes.apkOptions = apkOptions;
public Androlib() {
this.apkOptions = new ApkOptions();
mAndRes.apkOptions = this.apkOptions;
public ResTable getResTable(ExtFile apkFile)
throws AndrolibException {
return mAndRes.getResTable(apkFile, true);
public ResTable getResTable(ExtFile apkFile, boolean loadMainPkg)
throws AndrolibException {
return mAndRes.getResTable(apkFile, loadMainPkg);
public void decodeSourcesRaw(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir, String filename)
throws AndrolibException {
try {
LOGGER.info("Copying raw " + filename + " file...");
apkFile.getDirectory().copyToDir(outDir, filename);
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void decodeSourcesSmali(File apkFile, File outDir, String filename, boolean bakdeb, int api)
throws AndrolibException {
try {
File smaliDir;
if (filename.equalsIgnoreCase("classes.dex")) {
smaliDir = new File(outDir, SMALI_DIRNAME);
} else {
smaliDir = new File(outDir, SMALI_DIRNAME + "_" + filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf(".")));
LOGGER.info("Baksmaling " + filename + "...");
SmaliDecoder.decode(apkFile, smaliDir, filename, bakdeb, api);
} catch (BrutException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void decodeManifestRaw(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir)
throws AndrolibException {
try {
LOGGER.info("Copying raw manifest...");
apkFile.getDirectory().copyToDir(outDir, APK_MANIFEST_FILENAMES);
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void decodeManifestFull(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir, ResTable resTable)
throws AndrolibException {
mAndRes.decodeManifest(resTable, apkFile, outDir);
public void decodeResourcesRaw(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir)
throws AndrolibException {
try {
LOGGER.info("Copying raw resources...");
apkFile.getDirectory().copyToDir(outDir, APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES);
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void decodeResourcesFull(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir, ResTable resTable)
throws AndrolibException {
mAndRes.decode(resTable, apkFile, outDir);
public void decodeManifestWithResources(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir, ResTable resTable)
throws AndrolibException {
mAndRes.decodeManifestWithResources(resTable, apkFile, outDir);
public void decodeRawFiles(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir, short decodeAssetMode)
throws AndrolibException {
LOGGER.info("Copying assets and libs...");
try {
Directory in = apkFile.getDirectory();
if (decodeAssetMode == ApkDecoder.DECODE_ASSETS_FULL) {
if (in.containsDir("assets")) {
in.copyToDir(outDir, "assets");
if (in.containsDir("lib")) {
in.copyToDir(outDir, "lib");
if (in.containsDir("libs")) {
in.copyToDir(outDir, "libs");
if (in.containsDir("kotlin")) {
in.copyToDir(outDir, "kotlin");
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void recordUncompressedFiles(ExtFile apkFile, Collection<String> uncompressedFilesOrExts) throws AndrolibException {
try {
Directory unk = apkFile.getDirectory();
Set<String> files = unk.getFiles(true);
String ext;
for (String file : files) {
if (isAPKFileNames(file) &&
unk.getCompressionLevel(file) == 0 &&
unk.getSize(file) != 0) {
ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file);
if (ext.isEmpty() || (!ext.equals("png") && StringUtils.countMatches(file, ".") > 1)) {
ext = file;
if (!uncompressedFilesOrExts.contains(ext)) {
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
private boolean isAPKFileNames(String file) {
for (String apkFile : APK_STANDARD_ALL_FILENAMES) {
if (apkFile.equals(file) || file.startsWith(apkFile + "/")) {
return true;
return false;
public void decodeUnknownFiles(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir, ResTable resTable)
throws AndrolibException {
LOGGER.info("Copying unknown files...");
File unknownOut = new File(outDir, UNK_DIRNAME);
try {
Directory unk = apkFile.getDirectory();
// loop all items in container recursively, ignoring any that are pre-defined by aapt
Set<String> files = unk.getFiles(true);
for (String file : files) {
if (!isAPKFileNames(file) && !file.endsWith(".dex")) {
// copy file out of archive into special "unknown" folder
unk.copyToDir(unknownOut, file);
// lets record the name of the file, and its compression type
// so that we may re-include it the same way
mResUnknownFiles.addUnknownFileInfo(file, String.valueOf(unk.getCompressionLevel(file)));
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void writeOriginalFiles(ExtFile apkFile, File outDir)
throws AndrolibException {
LOGGER.info("Copying original files...");
File originalDir = new File(outDir, "original");
if (!originalDir.exists()) {
try {
Directory in = apkFile.getDirectory();
if (in.containsFile("AndroidManifest.xml")) {
in.copyToDir(originalDir, "AndroidManifest.xml");
if (in.containsDir("META-INF")) {
in.copyToDir(originalDir, "META-INF");
if (in.containsDir("META-INF/services")) {
// If the original APK contains the folder META-INF/services folder
// that is used for service locators (like coroutines on android),
// copy it to the destination folder so it does not get dropped.
LOGGER.info("Copying META-INF/services directory");
in.copyToDir(outDir, "META-INF/services");
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void writeMetaFile(File mOutDir, MetaInfo meta)
throws AndrolibException {
try {
meta.save(new File(mOutDir, "apktool.yml"));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public MetaInfo readMetaFile(ExtFile appDir)
throws AndrolibException {
InputStream in = appDir.getDirectory().getFileInput("apktool.yml")
) {
return MetaInfo.load(in);
} catch (DirectoryException | IOException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void build(File appDir, File outFile) throws BrutException {
build(new ExtFile(appDir), outFile);
public void build(ExtFile appDir, File outFile)
throws BrutException {
LOGGER.info("Using Apktool " + Androlib.getVersion());
MetaInfo meta = readMetaFile(appDir);
apkOptions.isFramework = meta.isFrameworkApk;
apkOptions.resourcesAreCompressed = meta.compressionType;
apkOptions.doNotCompress = meta.doNotCompress;
if (meta.sdkInfo != null && meta.sdkInfo.get("minSdkVersion") != null) {
String minSdkVersion = meta.sdkInfo.get("minSdkVersion");
mMinSdkVersion = mAndRes.getMinSdkVersionFromAndroidCodename(meta, minSdkVersion);
if (outFile == null) {
String outFileName = meta.apkFileName;
outFile = new File(appDir, "dist" + File.separator + (outFileName == null ? "out.apk" : outFileName));
new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME).mkdirs();
File manifest = new File(appDir, "AndroidManifest.xml");
File manifestOriginal = new File(appDir, "AndroidManifest.xml.orig");
buildManifestFile(appDir, manifest, manifestOriginal);
buildResources(appDir, meta.usesFramework);
buildApk(appDir, outFile);
// we must go after the Apk is built, and copy the files in via Zip
// this is because Aapt won't add files it doesn't know (ex unknown files)
buildUnknownFiles(appDir, outFile, meta);
// we copied the AndroidManifest.xml to AndroidManifest.xml.orig so we can edit it
// lets restore the unedited one, to not change the original
if (manifest.isFile() && manifest.exists() && manifestOriginal.isFile()) {
try {
if (new File(appDir, "AndroidManifest.xml").delete()) {
FileUtils.moveFile(manifestOriginal, manifest);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex.getMessage());
LOGGER.info("Built apk...");
private void buildManifestFile(File appDir, File manifest, File manifestOriginal)
throws AndrolibException {
// If we decoded in "raw", we cannot patch AndroidManifest
if (new File(appDir, "resources.arsc").exists()) {
if (manifest.isFile() && manifest.exists()) {
try {
if (manifestOriginal.exists()) {
FileUtils.copyFile(manifest, manifestOriginal);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex.getMessage());
public void buildSources(File appDir)
throws AndrolibException {
if (!buildSourcesRaw(appDir, "classes.dex") && !buildSourcesSmali(appDir, "smali", "classes.dex")) {
LOGGER.warning("Could not find sources");
public void buildNonDefaultSources(ExtFile appDir)
throws AndrolibException {
try {
// loop through any smali_ directories for multi-dex apks
Map<String, Directory> dirs = appDir.getDirectory().getDirs();
for (Map.Entry<String, Directory> directory : dirs.entrySet()) {
String name = directory.getKey();
if (name.startsWith("smali_")) {
String filename = name.substring(name.indexOf("_") + 1) + ".dex";
if (!buildSourcesRaw(appDir, filename) && !buildSourcesSmali(appDir, name, filename)) {
LOGGER.warning("Could not find sources");
// loop through any classes#.dex files for multi-dex apks
File[] dexFiles = appDir.listFiles();
if (dexFiles != null) {
for (File dex : dexFiles) {
// skip classes.dex because we have handled it in buildSources()
if (dex.getName().endsWith(".dex") && ! dex.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("classes.dex")) {
buildSourcesRaw(appDir, dex.getName());
} catch(DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public boolean buildSourcesRaw(File appDir, String filename)
throws AndrolibException {
File working = new File(appDir, filename);
if (!working.exists()) {
return false;
File stored = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME + "/" + filename);
if (apkOptions.forceBuildAll || isModified(working, stored)) {
LOGGER.info("Copying " + appDir.toString() + " " + filename + " file...");
try {
BrutIO.copyAndClose(new FileInputStream(working), new FileOutputStream(stored));
return true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
return true;
public boolean buildSourcesSmali(File appDir, String folder, String filename)
throws AndrolibException {
ExtFile smaliDir = new ExtFile(appDir, folder);
if (!smaliDir.exists()) {
return false;
File dex = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME + "/" + filename);
if (! apkOptions.forceBuildAll) {
LOGGER.info("Checking whether sources has changed...");
if (apkOptions.forceBuildAll || isModified(smaliDir, dex)) {
LOGGER.info("Smaling " + folder + " folder into " + filename + "...");
SmaliBuilder.build(smaliDir, dex, apkOptions.forceApi > 0 ? apkOptions.forceApi : mMinSdkVersion);
return true;
public void buildResources(ExtFile appDir, UsesFramework usesFramework)
throws BrutException {
if (!buildResourcesRaw(appDir) && !buildResourcesFull(appDir, usesFramework)
&& !buildManifest(appDir, usesFramework)) {
LOGGER.warning("Could not find resources");
public boolean buildResourcesRaw(ExtFile appDir)
throws AndrolibException {
try {
if (!new File(appDir, "resources.arsc").exists()) {
return false;
File apkDir = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME);
if (! apkOptions.forceBuildAll) {
LOGGER.info("Checking whether resources has changed...");
if (apkOptions.forceBuildAll || isModified(newFiles(APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES, appDir),
LOGGER.info("Copying raw resources...");
appDir.getDirectory().copyToDir(apkDir, APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES);
return true;
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public boolean buildResourcesFull(File appDir, UsesFramework usesFramework)
throws AndrolibException {
try {
if (!new File(appDir, "res").exists()) {
return false;
if (! apkOptions.forceBuildAll) {
LOGGER.info("Checking whether resources has changed...");
File apkDir = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME);
File resourceFile = new File(apkDir.getParent(), "resources.zip");
if (apkOptions.forceBuildAll || isModified(newFiles(APP_RESOURCES_FILENAMES, appDir),
newFiles(APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES, apkDir)) || (apkOptions.isAapt2() && !isFile(resourceFile))) {
LOGGER.info("Building resources...");
if (apkOptions.debugMode) {
ResXmlPatcher.removeApplicationDebugTag(new File(appDir, "AndroidManifest.xml"));
File apkFile = File.createTempFile("APKTOOL", null);
File ninePatch = new File(appDir, "9patch");
if (!ninePatch.exists()) {
ninePatch = null;
mAndRes.aaptPackage(apkFile, new File(appDir,
"AndroidManifest.xml"), new File(appDir, "res"),
ninePatch, null, parseUsesFramework(usesFramework));
Directory tmpDir = new ExtFile(apkFile).getDirectory();
// Sometimes an application is built with a resources.arsc file with no resources,
// Apktool assumes it will have a rebuilt arsc file, when it doesn't. So if we
// encounter a copy error, move to a warning and continue on. (#1730)
try {
tmpDir.containsDir("res") ? APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
// delete tmpDir
return true;
} catch (IOException | BrutException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public boolean buildManifestRaw(ExtFile appDir)
throws AndrolibException {
try {
File apkDir = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME);
LOGGER.info("Copying raw AndroidManifest.xml...");
appDir.getDirectory().copyToDir(apkDir, APK_MANIFEST_FILENAMES);
return true;
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public boolean buildManifest(ExtFile appDir, UsesFramework usesFramework)
throws BrutException {
try {
if (!new File(appDir, "AndroidManifest.xml").exists()) {
return false;
if (! apkOptions.forceBuildAll) {
LOGGER.info("Checking whether resources has changed...");
File apkDir = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME);
if (apkOptions.forceBuildAll || isModified(newFiles(APK_MANIFEST_FILENAMES, appDir),
newFiles(APK_MANIFEST_FILENAMES, apkDir))) {
LOGGER.info("Building AndroidManifest.xml...");
File apkFile = File.createTempFile("APKTOOL", null);
File ninePatch = new File(appDir, "9patch");
if (!ninePatch.exists()) {
ninePatch = null;
mAndRes.aaptPackage(apkFile, new File(appDir,
"AndroidManifest.xml"), null, ninePatch, null,
Directory tmpDir = new ExtFile(apkFile).getDirectory();
tmpDir.copyToDir(apkDir, APK_MANIFEST_FILENAMES);
return true;
} catch (IOException | DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
} catch (AndrolibException ex) {
LOGGER.warning("Parse AndroidManifest.xml failed, treat it as raw file.");
return buildManifestRaw(appDir);
public void buildLibs(File appDir) throws AndrolibException {
buildLibrary(appDir, "lib");
buildLibrary(appDir, "libs");
buildLibrary(appDir, "kotlin");
buildLibrary(appDir, "META-INF/services");
public void buildLibrary(File appDir, String folder) throws AndrolibException {
File working = new File(appDir, folder);
if (! working.exists()) {
File stored = new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME + "/" + folder);
if (apkOptions.forceBuildAll || isModified(working, stored)) {
LOGGER.info("Copying libs... (/" + folder + ")");
try {
OS.cpdir(working, stored);
} catch (BrutException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void buildCopyOriginalFiles(File appDir)
throws AndrolibException {
if (apkOptions.copyOriginalFiles) {
File originalDir = new File(appDir, "original");
if (originalDir.exists()) {
try {
LOGGER.info("Copy original files...");
Directory in = (new ExtFile(originalDir)).getDirectory();
if (in.containsFile("AndroidManifest.xml")) {
LOGGER.info("Copy AndroidManifest.xml...");
in.copyToDir(new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME), "AndroidManifest.xml");
if (in.containsDir("META-INF")) {
LOGGER.info("Copy META-INF...");
in.copyToDir(new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME), "META-INF");
} catch (DirectoryException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
public void buildUnknownFiles(File appDir, File outFile, MetaInfo meta)
throws AndrolibException {
if (meta.unknownFiles != null) {
LOGGER.info("Copying unknown files/dir...");
Map<String, String> files = meta.unknownFiles;
File tempFile = new File(outFile.getParent(), outFile.getName() + ".apktool_temp");
boolean renamed = outFile.renameTo(tempFile);
if (!renamed) {
throw new AndrolibException("Unable to rename temporary file");
try (
ZipFile inputFile = new ZipFile(tempFile);
ZipOutputStream actualOutput = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFile))
) {
copyExistingFiles(inputFile, actualOutput);
copyUnknownFiles(appDir, actualOutput, files);
} catch (IOException | BrutException ex) {
throw new AndrolibException(ex);
// Remove our temporary file.
private void copyExistingFiles(ZipFile inputFile, ZipOutputStream outputFile) throws IOException {
// First, copy the contents from the existing outFile:
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = inputFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(entries.nextElement());
// We can't reuse the compressed size because it depends on compression sizes.
// No need to create directory entries in the final apk
if (! entry.isDirectory()) {
BrutIO.copy(inputFile, outputFile, entry);
private void copyUnknownFiles(File appDir, ZipOutputStream outputFile, Map<String, String> files)
throws BrutException, IOException {
File unknownFileDir = new File(appDir, UNK_DIRNAME);
// loop through unknown files
for (Map.Entry<String,String> unknownFileInfo : files.entrySet()) {
File inputFile = new File(unknownFileDir, BrutIO.sanitizeUnknownFile(unknownFileDir, unknownFileInfo.getKey()));
if (inputFile.isDirectory()) {
ZipEntry newEntry = new ZipEntry(unknownFileInfo.getKey());
int method = Integer.parseInt(unknownFileInfo.getValue());
LOGGER.fine(String.format("Copying unknown file %s with method %d", unknownFileInfo.getKey(), method));
if (method == ZipEntry.STORED) {
BufferedInputStream unknownFile = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile));
CRC32 crc = BrutIO.calculateCrc(unknownFile);
} else {
BrutIO.copy(inputFile, outputFile);
public void buildApk(File appDir, File outApk) throws AndrolibException {
LOGGER.info("Building apk file...");
if (outApk.exists()) {
} else {
File outDir = outApk.getParentFile();
if (outDir != null && !outDir.exists()) {
File assetDir = new File(appDir, "assets");
if (!assetDir.exists()) {
assetDir = null;
mAndRes.zipPackage(outApk, new File(appDir, APK_DIRNAME), assetDir);
public void publicizeResources(File arscFile) throws AndrolibException {
public void installFramework(File frameFile)
throws AndrolibException {
public void emptyFrameworkDirectory() throws AndrolibException {
public boolean isFrameworkApk(ResTable resTable) {
for (ResPackage pkg : resTable.listMainPackages()) {
if (pkg.getId() < 64) {
return true;
return false;
public static String getVersion() {
return ApktoolProperties.get("application.version");
private File[] parseUsesFramework(UsesFramework usesFramework)
throws AndrolibException {
if (usesFramework == null) {
return null;
List<Integer> ids = usesFramework.ids;
if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) {
return null;
String tag = usesFramework.tag;
File[] files = new File[ids.size()];
int i = 0;
for (int id : ids) {
files[i++] = mAndRes.getFrameworkApk(id, tag);
return files;
private boolean isModified(File working, File stored) {
return ! stored.exists() || BrutIO.recursiveModifiedTime(working) > BrutIO .recursiveModifiedTime(stored);
private boolean isFile(File working) {
return working.exists();
private boolean isModified(File[] working, File[] stored) {
for (int i = 0; i < stored.length; i++) {
if (!stored[i].exists()) {
return true;
return BrutIO.recursiveModifiedTime(working) > BrutIO.recursiveModifiedTime(stored);
private File[] newFiles(String[] names, File dir) {
File[] files = new File[names.length];
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
files[i] = new File(dir, names[i]);
return files;
public void close() throws IOException {
private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Androlib.class.getName());
private final static String SMALI_DIRNAME = "smali";
private final static String APK_DIRNAME = "build/apk";
private final static String UNK_DIRNAME = "unknown";
private final static String[] APK_RESOURCES_FILENAMES = new String[] {
"resources.arsc", "AndroidManifest.xml", "res" };
private final static String[] APK_RESOURCES_WITHOUT_RES_FILENAMES = new String[] {
"resources.arsc", "AndroidManifest.xml" };
private final static String[] APP_RESOURCES_FILENAMES = new String[] {
"AndroidManifest.xml", "res" };
private final static String[] APK_MANIFEST_FILENAMES = new String[] {
"AndroidManifest.xml" };
private final static String[] APK_STANDARD_ALL_FILENAMES = new String[] {
"classes.dex", "AndroidManifest.xml", "resources.arsc", "res", "r", "R",
"lib", "libs", "assets", "META-INF", "kotlin" };