mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 06:05:47 +01:00
EN: Improve database performance
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
override fun onConfigure(db: SQLiteDatabase) {
override fun onCreate(db: SQLiteDatabase) {
onUpgrade(db, 0, DB_VERSION)
@ -66,6 +71,8 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun dailyCleanup() = writableDatabase.run {
try {
val rollingStartTime = currentRollingStartNumber * ROLLING_WINDOW_LENGTH * 1000 - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(KEEP_DAYS.toLong())
val advertisements = delete(TABLE_ADVERTISEMENTS, "timestamp < ?", longArrayOf(rollingStartTime))
val appLogEntries = delete(TABLE_APP_LOG, "timestamp < ?", longArrayOf(rollingStartTime))
@ -73,6 +80,10 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
val checkedTemporaryExposureKeys = delete(TABLE_TEK_CHECK, "(rollingStartNumber + rollingPeriod) < ?", longArrayOf(rollingStartTime / ROLLING_WINDOW_LENGTH_MS))
val appPerms = delete(TABLE_APP_PERMS, "timestamp < ?", longArrayOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - CONFIRM_PERMISSION_VALIDITY))
Log.d(TAG, "Deleted on daily cleanup: $advertisements adv, $appLogEntries applogs, $temporaryExposureKeys teks, $checkedTemporaryExposureKeys cteks, $appPerms perms")
} finally {
fun grantPermission(packageName: String, signatureDigest: String, permission: String, timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()) = writableDatabase.run {
@ -129,16 +140,15 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun storeOwnKey(key: TemporaryExposureKey): TemporaryExposureKey = writableDatabase.run {
private fun storeOwnKey(key: TemporaryExposureKey, database: SQLiteDatabase = writableDatabase) = database.run {
insert(TABLE_TEK, "NULL", ContentValues().apply {
put("keyData", key.keyData)
put("rollingStartNumber", key.rollingStartIntervalNumber)
put("rollingPeriod", key.rollingPeriod)
fun getTekCheckId(key: TemporaryExposureKey, mayInsert: Boolean = false): Long? = (if (mayInsert) writableDatabase else readableDatabase).run {
private fun getTekCheckId(key: TemporaryExposureKey, mayInsert: Boolean = false, database: SQLiteDatabase = if (mayInsert) writableDatabase else readableDatabase): Long? = database.run {
if (mayInsert) {
insertWithOnConflict(TABLE_TEK_CHECK, "NULL", ContentValues().apply {
put("keyData", key.keyData)
@ -154,8 +164,8 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun storeDiagnosisKey(packageName: String, token: String, key: TemporaryExposureKey) = writableDatabase.run {
val tcid = getTekCheckId(key, true)
fun storeDiagnosisKey(packageName: String, token: String, key: TemporaryExposureKey, database: SQLiteDatabase = writableDatabase) = database.run {
val tcid = getTekCheckId(key, true, database)
insert(TABLE_DIAGNOSIS, "NULL", ContentValues().apply {
put("package", packageName)
put("token", token)
@ -164,8 +174,18 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun updateDiagnosisKey(packageName: String, token: String, key: TemporaryExposureKey) = writableDatabase.run {
val tcid = getTekCheckId(key) ?: return 0
fun batchStoreDiagnosisKey(packageName: String, token: String, keys: List<TemporaryExposureKey>, database: SQLiteDatabase = writableDatabase) = database.run {
try {
keys.forEach { storeDiagnosisKey(packageName, token, it, database) }
} finally {
fun updateDiagnosisKey(packageName: String, token: String, key: TemporaryExposureKey, database: SQLiteDatabase = writableDatabase) = database.run {
val tcid = getTekCheckId(key, false, database) ?: return 0
compileStatement("UPDATE $TABLE_DIAGNOSIS SET transmissionRiskLevel = ? WHERE package = ? AND token = ? AND tcid = ?;").use {
it.bindLong(1, key.transmissionRiskLevel.toLong())
it.bindString(2, packageName)
@ -175,7 +195,17 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun listDiagnosisKeysPendingSearch(packageName: String, token: String) = readableDatabase.run {
fun batchUpdateDiagnosisKey(packageName: String, token: String, keys: List<TemporaryExposureKey>, database: SQLiteDatabase = writableDatabase) = database.run {
try {
keys.forEach { updateDiagnosisKey(packageName, token, it, database) }
} finally {
private fun listDiagnosisKeysPendingSearch(packageName: String, token: String, database: SQLiteDatabase = readableDatabase) = database.run {
SELECT $TABLE_TEK_CHECK.keyData, $TABLE_TEK_CHECK.rollingStartNumber, $TABLE_TEK_CHECK.rollingPeriod
@ -197,7 +227,7 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun applyDiagnosisKeySearchResult(key: TemporaryExposureKey, matched: Boolean) = writableDatabase.run {
private fun applyDiagnosisKeySearchResult(key: TemporaryExposureKey, matched: Boolean, database: SQLiteDatabase = writableDatabase) = database.run {
compileStatement("UPDATE $TABLE_TEK_CHECK SET matched = ? WHERE keyData = ? AND rollingStartNumber = ? AND rollingPeriod = ?;").use {
it.bindLong(1, if (matched) 1 else 0)
it.bindBlob(2, key.keyData)
@ -207,7 +237,7 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun listMatchedDiagnosisKeys(packageName: String, token: String) = readableDatabase.run {
private fun listMatchedDiagnosisKeys(packageName: String, token: String, database: SQLiteDatabase = readableDatabase) = database.run {
SELECT $TABLE_TEK_CHECK.keyData, $TABLE_TEK_CHECK.rollingStartNumber, $TABLE_TEK_CHECK.rollingPeriod, $TABLE_DIAGNOSIS.transmissionRiskLevel
@ -230,21 +260,21 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun finishMatching(packageName: String, token: String) {
fun finishMatching(packageName: String, token: String, database: SQLiteDatabase = writableDatabase) {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val workQueue = LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>()
val poolSize = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
val executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(poolSize, poolSize, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, workQueue)
val futures = arrayListOf<Future<*>>()
val keys = listDiagnosisKeysPendingSearch(packageName, token)
val keys = listDiagnosisKeysPendingSearch(packageName, token, database)
val oldestRpi = oldestRpi
for (key in keys) {
if (oldestRpi == null || (key.rollingStartIntervalNumber + key.rollingPeriod) * ROLLING_WINDOW_LENGTH_MS + ALLOWED_KEY_OFFSET_MS < oldestRpi) {
// Early ignore because key is older than since we started scanning.
applyDiagnosisKeySearchResult(key, false)
applyDiagnosisKeySearchResult(key, false, database)
} else {
futures.add(executor.submit {
applyDiagnosisKeySearchResult(key, findMeasuredExposures(key).isNotEmpty())
applyDiagnosisKeySearchResult(key, findMeasuredExposures(key).isNotEmpty(), database)
@ -256,21 +286,17 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
Log.d(TAG, "Processed ${keys.size} new keys in ${time}s -> ${(keys.size.toDouble() / time * 1000).roundToInt().toDouble() / 1000.0} keys/s")
fun findAllMeasuredExposures(packageName: String, token: String): List<MeasuredExposure> {
val list = arrayListOf<MeasuredExposure>()
for (key in listMatchedDiagnosisKeys(packageName, token)) {
return list
fun findAllMeasuredExposures(packageName: String, token: String, database: SQLiteDatabase = readableDatabase): List<MeasuredExposure> {
return listMatchedDiagnosisKeys(packageName, token, database).flatMap { findMeasuredExposures(it, database) }
fun findMeasuredExposures(key: TemporaryExposureKey): List<MeasuredExposure> {
private fun findMeasuredExposures(key: TemporaryExposureKey, database: SQLiteDatabase = readableDatabase): List<MeasuredExposure> {
val allRpis = key.generateAllRpiIds()
val rpis = (0 until key.rollingPeriod).map { i ->
val pos = i * 16
allRpis.sliceArray(pos until (pos + 16))
val measures = findExposures(rpis, key.rollingStartIntervalNumber.toLong() * ROLLING_WINDOW_LENGTH_MS - ALLOWED_KEY_OFFSET_MS, (key.rollingStartIntervalNumber.toLong() + key.rollingPeriod) * ROLLING_WINDOW_LENGTH_MS + ALLOWED_KEY_OFFSET_MS)
val measures = findExposures(rpis, key.rollingStartIntervalNumber.toLong() * ROLLING_WINDOW_LENGTH_MS - ALLOWED_KEY_OFFSET_MS, (key.rollingStartIntervalNumber.toLong() + key.rollingPeriod) * ROLLING_WINDOW_LENGTH_MS + ALLOWED_KEY_OFFSET_MS, database)
return measures.filter {
val index = rpis.indexOfFirst { rpi -> rpi.contentEquals(it.rpi) }
val targetTimestamp = (key.rollingStartIntervalNumber + index).toLong() * ROLLING_WINDOW_LENGTH_MS
@ -287,7 +313,7 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun findExposures(rpis: List<ByteArray>, minTime: Long, maxTime: Long): List<PlainExposure> = readableDatabase.run {
private fun findExposures(rpis: List<ByteArray>, minTime: Long, maxTime: Long, database: SQLiteDatabase = readableDatabase): List<PlainExposure> = database.run {
if (rpis.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
val qs = rpis.map { "?" }.joinToString(",")
queryWithFactory({ _, cursorDriver, editTable, query ->
@ -321,7 +347,7 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
fun findOwnKeyAt(rollingStartNumber: Int): TemporaryExposureKey? = readableDatabase.run {
private fun findOwnKeyAt(rollingStartNumber: Int, database: SQLiteDatabase = readableDatabase): TemporaryExposureKey? = database.run {
query(TABLE_TEK, arrayOf("keyData", "rollingStartNumber", "rollingPeriod"), "rollingStartNumber = ?", arrayOf(rollingStartNumber.toString()), null, null, null).use { cursor ->
if (cursor.moveToNext()) {
@ -474,8 +500,20 @@ class ExposureDatabase private constructor(private val context: Context) : SQLit
private val currentTemporaryExposureKey: TemporaryExposureKey
get() = findOwnKeyAt(currentRollingStartNumber.toInt())
?: storeOwnKey(generateCurrentTemporaryExposureKey())
get() = writableDatabase.let { database ->
try {
var key = findOwnKeyAt(currentRollingStartNumber.toInt(), database)
if (key == null) {
key = generateCurrentTemporaryExposureKey()
storeOwnKey(key, database)
} finally {
val currentRpiId: UUID
get() {
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import org.microg.gms.nearby.exposurenotification.proto.TemporaryExposureKeyExpo
import org.microg.gms.nearby.exposurenotification.proto.TemporaryExposureKeyProto
import java.util.*
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
class ExposureNotificationServiceImpl(private val context: Context, private val packageName: String) : INearbyExposureNotificationService.Stub() {
private fun pendingConfirm(permission: String): PendingIntent {
@ -130,12 +131,8 @@ class ExposureNotificationServiceImpl(private val context: Context, private val
private fun storeDiagnosisKeyExport(token: String, export: TemporaryExposureKeyExport): Int = ExposureDatabase.with(context) { database ->
Log.d(TAG, "Importing keys from file ${export.start_timestamp?.let { Date(it * 1000) }} to ${export.end_timestamp?.let { Date(it * 1000) }}")
for (key in export.keys) {
database.storeDiagnosisKey(packageName, token, key.toKey())
for (key in export.revised_keys) {
database.updateDiagnosisKey(packageName, token, key.toKey())
database.batchStoreDiagnosisKey(packageName, token, export.keys.map { it.toKey() })
database.batchUpdateDiagnosisKey(packageName, token, export.revised_keys.map { it.toKey() })
export.keys.size + export.revised_keys.size
@ -146,10 +143,10 @@ class ExposureNotificationServiceImpl(private val context: Context, private val
database.storeConfiguration(packageName, params.token, params.configuration)
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
// keys
for (key in params.keys.orEmpty()) {
database.storeDiagnosisKey(packageName, params.token, key)
params.keys?.let { database.batchStoreDiagnosisKey(packageName, params.token, it) }
// Key files
var keys = params.keys?.size ?: 0
@ -182,7 +179,8 @@ class ExposureNotificationServiceImpl(private val context: Context, private val
Log.w(TAG, "Failed parsing file", e)
Log.d(TAG, "$packageName/${params.token} provided $keys keys")
val time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start).toDouble() / 1000.0
Log.d(TAG, "$packageName/${params.token} provided $keys keys in ${time}s -> ${(keys.toDouble() / time * 1000).roundToInt().toDouble() / 1000.0} keys/s")
database.noteAppAction(packageName, "provideDiagnosisKeys", JSONObject().apply {
put("request_token", params.token)
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