option java_package = "org.microg.gms.checkin"; option java_outer_classname = "CheckinProto"; // Sample data, if provided, is fished from a Nexus 7 (2013) / flo running Android 5.0 message CheckinRequest { // unused optional string imei = 1; // Gservices["android_id"] or 0 on first-checkin optional int64 androidId = 2; // Gservices["digest"] or "" optional string digest = 3; required Checkin checkin = 4; message Checkin { // empty Build on pre-checkin required Build build = 1; message Build { // Build.FINGERPRINT // eg. google/razor/flo:5.0.1/LRX22C/1602158:user/release-keys optional string fingerprint = 1; // Build.HARDWARE // eg. flo optional string hardware = 2; // Build.BRAND // eg. google optional string brand = 3; // Build.getRadioVersion() optional string radio = 4; // Build.BOOTLOADER // eg. FLO-04.04 optional string bootloader = 5; // GoogleSettingsContract.Partner["client_id"] // eg. android-google optional string clientId = 6; // Build.TIME / 1000L // eg. 1416533192 optional int64 time = 7; // PackageInfo.versionCode // eg. 6188736 optional int32 packageVersionCode = 8; // Build.DEVICE // eg. flo optional string device = 9; // Build.VERSION.SDK_INT // eg. 21 optional int32 sdkVersion = 10; // Build.MODEL // eg. Nexus 7 optional string model = 11; // Build.MANUFACTURER // eg. asus optional string manufacturer = 12; // Build.PRODUCT // eg. razor optional string product = 13; // fileExists("/system/recovery-from-boot.p") // eg. false optional bool otaInstalled = 14; } // last checkin ms or 0 if first checkin // eg. 0 optional int64 lastCheckinMs = 2; // eg. ("event_log_start",~,1424612602652) on first checkin repeated Event event = 3; message Event { optional string tag = 1; optional string value = 2; optional int64 timeMs = 3; } // unknown, n/a on first checkin repeated Statistic stat = 4; message Statistic { required string tag = 1; optional int32 count = 2; optional float sum = 3; } // unused repeated string requestedGroup = 5; // TelephonyManager.getNetworkOperator != null|empty optional string cellOperator = 6; // TelephonyManager.getSimOperator != null|empty optional string simOperator = 7; // "WIFI::" | ("mobile" | "notmobile" | "unknown") + "-" + ("roaming" | "notroaming" | "unknown") optional string roaming = 8; // UserHandle.myUserId // eg. 0 optional int32 userNumber = 9; } // unused optional string desiredBuild = 5; // Locale.toString optional string locale = 6; // GoogleSettingsContract.Partner["logging_id2"] (choosen randomly on first checkin) // eg. 12561488293572742346 optional int64 loggingId = 7; // unused optional string marketCheckin = 8; // NetworkInfo.getExtraInfo, WifiInfo.getMacAddress (12 hex-digits) // eg. d850e6abcdef repeated string macAddress = 9; // TelephonyManager.getDeviceId (14 hex-digits), not set on tablets optional string meid = 10; // "[]" followed by "", empty string on first checkin repeated string accountCookie = 11; // TimeZone.getId // eg. GMT optional string timeZone = 12; // security token as given on first checkin, not set on first checkin optional fixed64 securityToken = 13; // use 3 optional int32 version = 14; // SHA-1 of each in /system/etc/security/otacerts.zip or "--IOException--" or "--no-output--" // eg. dKXTm1QH9QShGQwBM/4rg6/lCNQ= repeated string otaCert = 15; // Build.SERIAL != "unknown" // eg. 07d90b18 optional string serial = 16; // TelephonyManager.getDeviceId (8 hex-digits), not set on tablets optional string esn = 17; optional DeviceConfig deviceConfiguration = 18; message DeviceConfig { // ConfigurationInfo.reqTouchScreen // eg. 3 optional int32 touchScreen = 1; // ConfigurationInfo.reqKeyboardType // eg. 1 optional int32 keyboardType = 2; // ConfigurationInfo.reqNavigation // eg. 1 optional int32 navigation = 3; // ConfigurationInfo.screenLayout // eg. 3 optional int32 screenLayout = 4; // ConfigurationInfo.reqInputFeatures & ConfigurationInfo.INPUT_FEATURE_HARD_KEYBOARD // eg. 0 optional bool hasHardKeyboard = 5; // ConfigurationInfo.reqInputFeatures & ConfigurationInfo.INPUT_FEATURE_FIVE_WAY_NAV // eg. 0 optional bool hasFiveWayNavigation = 6; // DisplayMetrics.densityDpi // eg. 320 optional int32 densityDpi = 7; // ConfigurationInfo.reqGlEsVersion // eg. 196608 optional int32 glEsVersion = 8; // PackageManager.getSystemSharedLibraryNames // eg. "android.test.runner", "com.android.future.usb.accessory", "com.android.location.provider", // "com.android.media.remotedisplay", "com.android.mediadrm.signer", "com.google.android.maps", // "com.google.android.media.effects", "com.google.widevine.software.drm", "javax.obex" repeated string sharedLibrary = 9; // PackageManager.getSystemAvailableFeatures // eg. android.hardware.[...] repeated string availableFeature = 10; // Build.CPU_ABI and Build.CPU_ABI2 != "unknown" // eg. "armeabi-v7a", "armeabi" repeated string nativePlatform = 11; // DisplayMetrics.widthPixels // eg. 1200 optional int32 widthPixels = 12; // DisplayMetrics.heightPixels // eg. 1824 optional int32 heightPixels = 13; // Context.getAssets.getLocales // eg. [...], "en-US", [...] repeated string locale = 14; // GLES10.glGetString(GLES10.GL_EXTENSIONS) // eg. "GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture", [...] repeated string glExtension = 15; // unused optional int32 deviceClass = 16; // unused optional int32 maxApkDownloadSizeMb = 17; } // "ethernet" or "wifi" repeated string macAddressType = 19; // unknown, use 0 on pre- and first-checkin, and 1 for later checkins // also present on pre-checkin required int32 fragment = 20; // unknown optional string userName = 21; // UserManager.getUserSerialNumber // eg. 0 optional int32 userSerialNumber = 22; } message CheckinResponse { optional bool statsOk = 1; repeated Intent intent = 2; message Intent { optional string action = 1; optional string dataUri = 2; optional string mimeType = 3; optional string javaClass = 4; repeated Extra extra = 5; message Extra { optional string name = 6; optional string value = 7; } } optional int64 timeMs = 3; optional string digest = 4; repeated GservicesSetting setting = 5; message GservicesSetting { optional bytes name = 1; optional bytes value = 2; } optional bool marketOk = 6; optional fixed64 androidId = 7; optional fixed64 securityToken = 8; optional bool settingsDiff = 9; repeated string deleteSetting = 10; // TODO: optional string ? = 11; // TODO: optional string ? = 12; }