mirror of
synced 2025-01-21 00:17:32 +01:00
chore: Lint code
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,119 +8,126 @@ import picocli.CommandLine.Help.Visibility.ALWAYS
import java.io.File
import java.util.logging.Logger
name = "list-patches",
description = ["List patches from supplied patch bundles."]
description = ["List patches from supplied patch bundles."],
internal object ListPatchesCommand : Runnable {
private val logger = Logger.getLogger(ListPatchesCommand::class.java.name)
description = ["Paths to patch bundles."],
arity = "1..*"
arity = "1..*",
private lateinit var patchBundles: Array<File>
names = ["-d", "--with-descriptions"],
description = ["List their descriptions."],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var withDescriptions: Boolean = true
names = ["-p", "--with-packages"],
description = ["List the packages the patches are compatible with."],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var withPackages: Boolean = false
names = ["-v", "--with-versions"],
description = ["List the versions of the apps the patches are compatible with."],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var withVersions: Boolean = false
names = ["-o", "--with-options"],
description = ["List the options of the patches."],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var withOptions: Boolean = false
names = ["-u", "--with-universal-patches"],
description = ["List patches which are compatible with any app."],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var withUniversalPatches: Boolean = true
names = ["-i", "--index"],
description = ["List the index of each patch in relation to the supplied patch bundles."],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var withIndex: Boolean = true
names = ["-f", "--filter-package-name"],
description = ["Filter patches by package name."]
description = ["Filter patches by package name."],
private var packageName: String? = null
override fun run() {
fun Patch.CompatiblePackage.buildString() = buildString {
if (withVersions && versions != null) {
appendLine("Package name: $name")
appendLine("Compatible versions:")
append(versions!!.joinToString("\n") { version -> version }.prependIndent("\t"))
} else append("Package name: $name")
fun PatchOption<*>.buildString() = buildString {
appendLine("Title: $title")
description?.let { appendLine("Description: $it") }
default?.let {
appendLine("Key: $key")
append("Default: $it")
} ?: append("Key: $key")
values?.let { values ->
appendLine("\nValid values:")
append(values.map { "${it.value} (${it.key})" }.joinToString("\n").prependIndent("\t"))
fun IndexedValue<Patch<*>>.buildString() = let { (index, patch) ->
fun Patch.CompatiblePackage.buildString() =
buildString {
if (withIndex) appendLine("Index: $index")
append("Name: ${patch.name}")
if (withDescriptions) append("\nDescription: ${patch.description}")
if (withOptions && patch.options.isNotEmpty()) {
patch.options.values.joinToString("\n\n") { option ->
if (withPackages && patch.compatiblePackages != null) {
appendLine("\nCompatible packages:")
append(patch.compatiblePackages!!.joinToString("\n") {
if (withVersions && versions != null) {
appendLine("Package name: $name")
appendLine("Compatible versions:")
append(versions!!.joinToString("\n") { version -> version }.prependIndent("\t"))
} else {
append("Package name: $name")
fun Patch<*>.filterCompatiblePackages(name: String) = compatiblePackages?.any { it.name == name }
?: withUniversalPatches
fun PatchOption<*>.buildString() =
buildString {
appendLine("Title: $title")
description?.let { appendLine("Description: $it") }
default?.let {
appendLine("Key: $key")
append("Default: $it")
} ?: append("Key: $key")
values?.let { values ->
appendLine("\nValid values:")
append(values.map { "${it.value} (${it.key})" }.joinToString("\n").prependIndent("\t"))
fun IndexedValue<Patch<*>>.buildString() =
let { (index, patch) ->
buildString {
if (withIndex) appendLine("Index: $index")
append("Name: ${patch.name}")
if (withDescriptions) append("\nDescription: ${patch.description}")
if (withOptions && patch.options.isNotEmpty()) {
patch.options.values.joinToString("\n\n") { option ->
if (withPackages && patch.compatiblePackages != null) {
appendLine("\nCompatible packages:")
patch.compatiblePackages!!.joinToString("\n") {
fun Patch<*>.filterCompatiblePackages(name: String) =
compatiblePackages?.any { it.name == name }
?: withUniversalPatches
val patches = PatchBundleLoader.Jar(*patchBundles).withIndex().toList()
@ -129,4 +136,4 @@ internal object ListPatchesCommand : Runnable {
if (filtered.isNotEmpty()) logger.info(filtered.joinToString("\n\n") { it.buildString() })
@ -7,23 +7,24 @@ import picocli.CommandLine.Command
import picocli.CommandLine.IVersionProvider
import java.util.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
private object CLIVersionProvider : IVersionProvider {
override fun getVersion() = arrayOf(
)?.use { stream ->
Properties().apply {
}.let {
"ReVanced CLI v${it.getProperty("version")}"
} ?: "ReVanced CLI")
override fun getVersion() =
)?.use { stream ->
Properties().apply {
}.let {
"ReVanced CLI v${it.getProperty("version")}"
} ?: "ReVanced CLI",
@ -36,6 +37,6 @@ private object CLIVersionProvider : IVersionProvider {
private object MainCommand
private object MainCommand
@ -17,43 +17,46 @@ internal object OptionsCommand : Runnable {
description = ["Paths to patch bundles."],
arity = "1..*"
arity = "1..*",
private lateinit var patchBundles: Array<File>
names = ["-p", "--path"],
description = ["Path to patch options JSON file."],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var filePath: File = File("options.json")
names = ["-o", "--overwrite"],
description = ["Overwrite existing options file."],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var overwrite: Boolean = false
names = ["-u", "--update"],
description = ["Update existing options by adding missing and removing non-existent options."],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var update: Boolean = false
override fun run() = try {
PatchBundleLoader.Jar(*patchBundles).let { patches ->
val exists = filePath.exists()
if (!exists || overwrite) {
if (exists && update) patches.setOptions(filePath)
override fun run() =
try {
PatchBundleLoader.Jar(*patchBundles).let { patches ->
val exists = filePath.exists()
if (!exists || overwrite) {
if (exists && update) patches.setOptions(filePath)
Options.serialize(patches, prettyPrint = true).let(filePath::writeText)
} else throw OptionsFileAlreadyExistsException()
Options.serialize(patches, prettyPrint = true).let(filePath::writeText)
} else {
throw OptionsFileAlreadyExistsException()
} catch (ex: OptionsFileAlreadyExistsException) {
logger.severe("Options file already exists, use --overwrite to override it")
} catch (ex: OptionsFileAlreadyExistsException) {
logger.severe("Options file already exists, use --overwrite to override it")
class OptionsFileAlreadyExistsException : Exception()
@ -219,20 +219,24 @@ internal object PatchCommand : Runnable {
override fun run() {
// region Setup
val outputFilePath = outputFilePath ?: File("").absoluteFile.resolve(
val outputFilePath =
outputFilePath ?: File("").absoluteFile.resolve(
val resourceCachePath = resourceCachePath ?: outputFilePath.parentFile.resolve(
val resourceCachePath =
resourceCachePath ?: outputFilePath.parentFile.resolve(
val optionsFile = optionsFile ?: outputFilePath.parentFile.resolve(
val optionsFile =
optionsFile ?: outputFilePath.parentFile.resolve(
val keystoreFilePath = keystoreFilePath ?: outputFilePath.parentFile
val keystoreFilePath =
keystoreFilePath ?: outputFilePath.parentFile
// endregion
@ -265,42 +269,45 @@ internal object PatchCommand : Runnable {
).use { patcher ->
val filteredPatches = patcher.filterPatchSelection(patches).also { patches ->
logger.info("Setting patch options")
val filteredPatches =
patcher.filterPatchSelection(patches).also { patches ->
logger.info("Setting patch options")
if (optionsFile.exists()) {
} else {
Options.serialize(patches, prettyPrint = true).let(optionsFile::writeText)
if (optionsFile.exists()) {
} else {
Options.serialize(patches, prettyPrint = true).let(optionsFile::writeText)
// region Patch
val patcherResult = patcher.apply {
val patcherResult =
patcher.apply {
// Execute patches.
runBlocking {
apply(false).collect { patchResult ->
patchResult.exception?.let {
StringWriter().use { writer ->
logger.severe("${patchResult.patch.name} failed:\n$writer")
} ?: logger.info("${patchResult.patch.name} succeeded")
// Execute patches.
runBlocking {
apply(false).collect { patchResult ->
patchResult.exception?.let {
StringWriter().use { writer ->
logger.severe("${patchResult.patch.name} failed:\n$writer")
} ?: logger.info("${patchResult.patch.name} succeeded")
// endregion
// region Save
val alignedFile = resourceCachePath.resolve(apk.name).apply {
ApkUtils.copyAligned(apk, this, patcherResult)
val alignedFile =
resourceCachePath.resolve(apk.name).apply {
ApkUtils.copyAligned(apk, this, patcherResult)
if (!mount) {
@ -341,61 +348,64 @@ internal object PatchCommand : Runnable {
* @param patches The patches to filter.
* @return The filtered patches.
private fun Patcher.filterPatchSelection(patches: PatchSet): PatchSet = buildSet {
val packageName = context.packageMetadata.packageName
val packageVersion = context.packageMetadata.packageVersion
private fun Patcher.filterPatchSelection(patches: PatchSet): PatchSet =
buildSet {
val packageName = context.packageMetadata.packageName
val packageVersion = context.packageMetadata.packageVersion
patches.withIndex().forEach patch@{ (i, patch) ->
val patchName = patch.name!!
patches.withIndex().forEach patch@{ (i, patch) ->
val patchName = patch.name!!
val explicitlyExcluded = excludedPatches.contains(patchName) || excludedPatchesByIndex.contains(i)
if (explicitlyExcluded) return@patch logger.info("Excluding $patchName")
val explicitlyExcluded = excludedPatches.contains(patchName) || excludedPatchesByIndex.contains(i)
if (explicitlyExcluded) return@patch logger.info("Excluding $patchName")
// Make sure the patch is compatible with the supplied APK files package name and version.
patch.compatiblePackages?.let { packages ->
packages.singleOrNull { it.name == packageName }?.let { `package` ->
val matchesVersion = force || `package`.versions?.let {
it.any { version -> version == packageVersion }
} ?: true
// Make sure the patch is compatible with the supplied APK files package name and version.
patch.compatiblePackages?.let { packages ->
packages.singleOrNull { it.name == packageName }?.let { `package` ->
val matchesVersion =
force || `package`.versions?.let {
it.any { version -> version == packageVersion }
} ?: true
if (!matchesVersion) {
return@patch logger.warning(
"$patchName is incompatible with version $packageVersion. " +
"This patch is only compatible with version " +
packages.joinToString(";") { pkg ->
pkg.versions!!.joinToString(", ")
} ?: return@patch logger.fine(
"$patchName is incompatible with $packageName. " +
"This patch is only compatible with " +
packages.joinToString(", ") { `package` -> `package`.name },
if (!matchesVersion) {
return@patch logger.warning(
"$patchName is incompatible with version $packageVersion. " +
"This patch is only compatible with version " +
packages.joinToString(";") { pkg ->
pkg.versions!!.joinToString(", ")
} ?: return@patch logger.fine(
"$patchName is incompatible with $packageName. " +
"This patch is only compatible with " +
packages.joinToString(", ") { `package` -> `package`.name },
} ?: logger.fine("$patchName has no constraint on packages.")
} ?: logger.fine("$patchName has no constraint on packages.")
// If the patch is implicitly used, it will be only included if [exclusive] is false.
val implicitlyIncluded = !exclusive && patch.use
// If the patch is explicitly used, it will be included even if [exclusive] is false.
val explicitlyIncluded = includedPatches.contains(patchName) || includedPatchesByIndex.contains(i)
// If the patch is implicitly used, it will be only included if [exclusive] is false.
val implicitlyIncluded = !exclusive && patch.use
// If the patch is explicitly used, it will be included even if [exclusive] is false.
val explicitlyIncluded = includedPatches.contains(patchName) || includedPatchesByIndex.contains(i)
val included = implicitlyIncluded || explicitlyIncluded
if (!included) return@patch logger.info("$patchName excluded") // Case 1.
val included = implicitlyIncluded || explicitlyIncluded
if (!included) return@patch logger.info("$patchName excluded") // Case 1.
logger.fine("Adding $patchName")
logger.fine("Adding $patchName")
private fun purge(resourceCachePath: File) {
val result = if (resourceCachePath.deleteRecursively()) {
"Purged resource cache directory"
} else {
"Failed to purge resource cache directory"
val result =
if (resourceCachePath.deleteRecursively()) {
"Purged resource cache directory"
} else {
"Failed to purge resource cache directory"
@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ internal object InstallCommand : Runnable {
private var packageName: String? = null
override fun run() {
fun install(deviceSerial: String? = null) = try {
AdbManager.getAdbManager(deviceSerial, packageName != null).install(AdbManager.Apk(apk, packageName))
} catch (e: AdbManager.DeviceNotFoundException) {
fun install(deviceSerial: String? = null) =
try {
AdbManager.getAdbManager(deviceSerial, packageName != null).install(AdbManager.Apk(apk, packageName))
} catch (e: AdbManager.DeviceNotFoundException) {
deviceSerials?.forEach(::install) ?: install()
@ -5,41 +5,41 @@ import picocli.CommandLine.*
import picocli.CommandLine.Help.Visibility.ALWAYS
import java.util.logging.Logger
name = "uninstall",
description = ["Uninstall a patched app from the devices with the supplied ADB device serials"]
description = ["Uninstall a patched app from the devices with the supplied ADB device serials"],
internal object UninstallCommand : Runnable {
private val logger = Logger.getLogger(UninstallCommand::class.java.name)
description = ["ADB device serials. If not supplied, the first connected device will be used."],
arity = "0..*"
arity = "0..*",
private var deviceSerials: Array<String>? = null
names = ["-p", "--package-name"],
description = ["Package name of the app to uninstall"],
required = true
required = true,
private lateinit var packageName: String
names = ["-u", "--unmount"],
description = ["Uninstall by unmounting the patched APK file"],
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS
showDefaultValue = ALWAYS,
private var unmount: Boolean = false
override fun run() {
fun uninstall(deviceSerial: String? = null) = try {
AdbManager.getAdbManager(deviceSerial, unmount).uninstall(packageName)
} catch (e: AdbManager.DeviceNotFoundException) {
fun uninstall(deviceSerial: String? = null) =
try {
AdbManager.getAdbManager(deviceSerial, unmount).uninstall(packageName)
} catch (e: AdbManager.DeviceNotFoundException) {
deviceSerials?.forEach { uninstall(it) } ?: uninstall()
@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ import picocli.CommandLine
description = ["Commands for utility purposes"],
subcommands = [InstallCommand::class, UninstallCommand::class],
internal object UtilityCommand
internal object UtilityCommand
Reference in New Issue
Block a user