mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 17:02:54 +01:00
feat: allow listing patches without other parameters (#42)
* feat: allow listing patches without other parameters * make `-b` required
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import app.revanced.patcher.util.patch.implementation.JarPatchBundle
import app.revanced.utils.adb.Adb
import picocli.CommandLine.Command
import picocli.CommandLine.Option
import picocli.CommandLine.ArgGroup
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Files
@ -15,93 +16,115 @@ import java.nio.file.Files
name = "ReVanced-CLI", version = ["1.0.0"], mixinStandardHelpOptions = true,
internal object MainCommand : Runnable {
@Option(names = ["-a", "--apk"], description = ["Input file to be patched"], required = true)
lateinit var inputFile: File
@Option(names = ["-o", "--out"], description = ["Output file path"], required = true)
lateinit var outputPath: String
@ArgGroup(exclusive = false, multiplicity="1")
lateinit var args: Args
names = ["-i", "--include"],
description = ["Which patches to include. If none is specified, all compatible default patches will be included"]
var includedPatches = arrayOf<String>()
class Args
@Option(names = ["-b", "--bundles"], description = ["One or more bundles of patches"], required = true)
var patchBundles = arrayOf<String>()
@ArgGroup(exclusive = false)
lateinit var lArgs: ListingArgs
@Option(names = ["-r", "--resource-patcher"], description = ["Disable patching resources"])
var disableResourcePatching: Boolean = false
@ArgGroup(exclusive = false)
lateinit var pArgs: PatchingArgs
@Option(names = ["--debugging"], description = ["Disable patch version compatibility"])
var debugging: Boolean = false
class ListingArgs {
@Option(names = ["-l", "--list"], description = ["List patches only"], required = true)
public var listOnly: Boolean = false
@Option(names = ["-m", "--merge"], description = ["One or more dex file containers to merge"])
var mergeFiles = listOf<File>()
class PatchingArgs {
@Option(names = ["-a", "--apk"], description = ["Input file to be patched"], required = true)
lateinit var inputFile: File
@Option(names = ["-b", "--bundles"], description = ["One or more bundles of patches"])
var patchBundles = arrayOf<String>()
@Option(names = ["-o", "--out"], description = ["Output file path"], required = true)
lateinit var outputPath: String
@Option(names = ["-l", "--list"], description = ["List patches only"])
var listOnly: Boolean = false
names = ["-i", "--include"],
description = ["Which patches to include. If none is specified, all compatible default patches will be included"]
var includedPatches = arrayOf<String>()
@Option(names = ["--install"], description = ["If specified, instead of mounting, install"])
var install: Boolean = false
@Option(names = ["-r", "--resource-patcher"], description = ["Disable patching resources"])
var disableResourcePatching: Boolean = false
@Option(names = ["--cn"], description = ["Overwrite the default CN for the signed file"])
var cn = "ReVanced"
@Option(names = ["--debugging"], description = ["Disable patch version compatibility"])
var debugging: Boolean = false
@Option(names = ["-p", "--password"], description = ["Overwrite the default password for the signed file"])
var password = "ReVanced"
@Option(names = ["-m", "--merge"], description = ["One or more dex file containers to merge"])
var mergeFiles = listOf<File>()
@Option(names = ["-d", "--deploy-on"], description = ["If specified, deploy to adb device with given name"])
var deploy: String? = null
@Option(names = ["--install"], description = ["If specified, instead of mounting, install"])
var install: Boolean = false
@Option(names = ["-t", "--temp-dir"], description = ["Temporal resource cache directory"])
var cacheDirectory = "revanced-cache"
@Option(names = ["--cn"], description = ["Overwrite the default CN for the signed file"])
var cn = "ReVanced"
names = ["-c", "--clean"],
description = ["Clean the temporal resource cache directory. This will be done anyways when running the patcher"]
var clean: Boolean = false
@Option(names = ["-p", "--password"], description = ["Overwrite the default password for the signed file"])
var password = "ReVanced"
override fun run() {
if (listOnly) {
for (patchBundlePath in patchBundles) for (patch in JarPatchBundle(patchBundlePath).loadPatches()) {
println("[available] ${patch.patchName}")
@Option(names = ["-d", "--deploy-on"], description = ["If specified, deploy to adb device with given name"])
var deploy: String? = null
@Option(names = ["-t", "--temp-dir"], description = ["Temporal resource cache directory"])
var cacheDirectory = "revanced-cache"
names = ["-c", "--clean"],
description = ["Clean the temporal resource cache directory. This will be done anyways when running the patcher"]
var clean: Boolean = false
override fun run() {
if (args.lArgs.listOnly) {
for (patchBundlePath in args.patchBundles) for (patch in JarPatchBundle(patchBundlePath).loadPatches()) {
println("[available] ${patch.patchName}")
} catch (e: UninitializedPropertyAccessException) {}
val args = args.pArgs;
val patcher = app.revanced.patcher.Patcher(PatcherOptions(args.inputFile, args.cacheDirectory, !args.disableResourcePatching))
val outputFile = File(args.outputPath)
val adb: Adb? = args.deploy?.let {
Adb(outputFile, patcher.data.packageMetadata.packageName, args.deploy!!, args.install)
val patcher = app.revanced.patcher.Patcher(PatcherOptions(inputFile, cacheDirectory, !disableResourcePatching))
val outputFile = File(outputPath)
val adb: Adb? = deploy?.let {
Adb(outputFile, patcher.data.packageMetadata.packageName, deploy!!, install)
val patchedFile = if (install) File(cacheDirectory).resolve("${outputFile.nameWithoutExtension}_raw.apk") else outputFile
val patchedFile = if (args.install) File(args.cacheDirectory).resolve("${outputFile.nameWithoutExtension}_raw.apk") else outputFile
Patcher.start(patcher, patchedFile)
println("[aligning & signing]")
if (install) {
if (args.install) {
if (clean) File(cacheDirectory).deleteRecursively()
if (args.clean) File(args.cacheDirectory).deleteRecursively()
adb?.let {
if (clean && deploy != null) Files.delete(outputFile.toPath())
if (args.clean && args.deploy != null) Files.delete(outputFile.toPath())
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
package app.revanced.cli.patcher
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand.cacheDirectory
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand.disableResourcePatching
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand.includedPatches
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand.args
import app.revanced.utils.filesystem.ZipFileSystemUtils
import app.revanced.utils.patcher.addPatchesFiltered
import app.revanced.utils.patcher.applyPatchesVerbose
@ -13,16 +10,18 @@ import java.nio.file.Files
internal object Patcher {
internal fun start(patcher: app.revanced.patcher.Patcher, output: File) {
val args = args.pArgs;
// merge files like necessary integrations
// add patches, but filter incompatible or excluded patches
patcher.addPatchesFiltered(includeFilter = includedPatches.isNotEmpty())
patcher.addPatchesFiltered(includeFilter = args.includedPatches.isNotEmpty())
// apply patches
// write output file
if (output.exists()) Files.delete(output.toPath())
ZipFileSystemUtils(output).use { fileSystem ->
// replace all dex files
@ -32,8 +31,8 @@ internal object Patcher {
// write resources
if (!disableResourcePatching) {
if (!args.disableResourcePatching) {
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
package app.revanced.cli.signing
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand.cacheDirectory
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand.args
import app.revanced.utils.signing.Signer
import app.revanced.utils.signing.align.ZipAligner
import java.io.File
object Signing {
fun start(inputFile: File, outputFile: File, cn: String, password: String) {
val cacheDirectory = File(cacheDirectory)
val cacheDirectory = File(args.pArgs.cacheDirectory)
val alignedOutput = cacheDirectory.resolve("${outputFile.nameWithoutExtension}_aligned.apk")
val signedOutput = cacheDirectory.resolve("${outputFile.nameWithoutExtension}_signed.apk")
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
package app.revanced.utils.patcher
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand.debugging
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand.patchBundles
import app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommand.args
import app.revanced.patcher.Patcher
import app.revanced.patcher.data.base.Data
import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.PatchExtensions.compatiblePackages
@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ fun Patcher.addPatchesFiltered(
val packageName = this.data.packageMetadata.packageName
val packageVersion = this.data.packageMetadata.packageVersion
patchBundles.forEach { bundle ->
MainCommand.args.patchBundles.forEach { bundle ->
val includedPatches = mutableListOf<Class<out Patch<Data>>>()
JarPatchBundle(bundle).loadPatches().forEach patch@{ patch ->
val compatiblePackages = patch.compatiblePackages
@ -25,8 +24,10 @@ fun Patcher.addPatchesFiltered(
val prefix = "[skipped] $patchName"
val args = MainCommand.args.pArgs
if (includeFilter) {
if (!MainCommand.includedPatches.contains(patchName)) {
if (!args.includedPatches.contains(patchName)) {
println("$prefix: Explicitly excluded.")
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ fun Patcher.addPatchesFiltered(
if (!(debugging || compatiblePackages.any { it.versions.isEmpty() || it.versions.any { version -> version == packageVersion }})) {
if (!(args.debugging || compatiblePackages.any { it.versions.isEmpty() || it.versions.any { version -> version == packageVersion }})) {
println("$prefix: The package version is $packageVersion and is incompatible.")
@ -67,5 +68,5 @@ fun Patcher.applyPatchesVerbose() {
fun Patcher.mergeFiles() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user