package app.revanced.cli.command import app.revanced.cli.aligning.Aligning import app.revanced.cli.logging.impl.DefaultCliLogger import app.revanced.cli.patcher.Patcher import app.revanced.cli.patcher.logging.impl.PatcherLogger import app.revanced.cli.signing.Signing import app.revanced.cli.signing.SigningOptions import app.revanced.patcher.PatcherOptions import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.PatchExtensions.compatiblePackages import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.PatchExtensions.description import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.PatchExtensions.patchName import app.revanced.patcher.util.patch.PatchBundle import app.revanced.utils.OptionsLoader import app.revanced.utils.adb.Adb import picocli.CommandLine.* import import java.nio.file.Files private class CLIVersionProvider : IVersionProvider { override fun getVersion() = arrayOf(`package`.implementationVersion ?: "unknown" ) } @Command( name = "ReVanced-CLI", mixinStandardHelpOptions = true, versionProvider = CLIVersionProvider::class ) internal object MainCommand : Runnable { val logger = DefaultCliLogger() @ArgGroup(exclusive = false, multiplicity = "1") lateinit var args: Args class Args { @Option(names = ["-a", "--apk"], description = ["Input file to be patched"], required = true) lateinit var inputFile: File @Option(names = ["--uninstall"], description = ["Uninstall the mount variant"]) var uninstall: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["-d", "--deploy-on"], description = ["If specified, deploy to adb device with given name"]) var deploy: String? = null @ArgGroup(exclusive = false) var patchArgs: PatchArgs? = null } class PatchArgs { @Option(names = ["-b", "--bundles"], description = ["One or more bundles of patches"], required = true) var patchBundles = arrayOf() @Option(names = ["--options"], description = ["Configuration file for all patch options"]) var options: File = File("options.toml") @ArgGroup(exclusive = false) var listingArgs: ListingArgs? = null @ArgGroup(exclusive = false) var patchingArgs: PatchingArgs? = null } class ListingArgs { @Option(names = ["-l", "--list"], description = ["List patches only"], required = true) var listOnly: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["--with-versions"], description = ["List patches with compatible versions"]) var withVersions: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["--with-packages"], description = ["List patches with compatible packages"]) var withPackages: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["--with-descriptions"], description = ["List patches with their descriptions"]) var withDescriptions: Boolean = true } class PatchingArgs { @Option(names = ["-o", "--out"], description = ["Output file path"], required = true) lateinit var outputPath: String @Option(names = ["-e", "--exclude"], description = ["Explicitly exclude patches"]) var excludedPatches = arrayOf() @Option( names = ["--exclusive"], description = ["Only installs the patches you include, not including any patch by default"] ) var defaultExclude = false @Option(names = ["-i", "--include"], description = ["Include patches"]) var includedPatches = arrayOf() @Option(names = ["--experimental"], description = ["Disable patch version compatibility patch"]) var experimental: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["-m", "--merge"], description = ["One or more dex file containers to merge"]) var mergeFiles = listOf() @Option(names = ["--mount"], description = ["If specified, instead of installing, mount"]) var mount: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["--cn"], description = ["Overwrite the default CN for the signed file"]) var cn = "ReVanced" @Option(names = ["--keystore"], description = ["File path to your keystore"]) var keystorePath: String? = null @Option(names = ["-p", "--password"], description = ["Overwrite the default password for the signed file"]) var password = "ReVanced" @Option(names = ["-t", "--temp-dir"], description = ["Temporary resource cache directory"]) var cacheDirectory = "revanced-cache" @Option( names = ["-c", "--clean"], description = ["Clean the temporary resource cache directory. This will be done anyways when running the patcher"] ) var clean: Boolean = false @Option(names = ["--custom-aapt2-binary"], description = ["Path to custom aapt2 binary"]) var aaptPath: String = "" } override fun run() { if (args.patchArgs?.listingArgs?.listOnly == true) return printListOfPatches() if (args.uninstall) return uninstall() val pArgs = this.args.patchArgs?.patchingArgs ?: return val outputFile = File(pArgs.outputPath) // the file to write to val allPatches = args.patchArgs!!.patchBundles.flatMap { bundle -> PatchBundle.Jar(bundle).loadPatches() } OptionsLoader.init(args.patchArgs!!.options, allPatches) val patcher = app.revanced.patcher.Patcher( PatcherOptions( args.inputFile.also { if (!it.exists()) return logger.error("Input file ${args.inputFile} does not exist.") }, pArgs.cacheDirectory, pArgs.aaptPath, pArgs.cacheDirectory, PatcherLogger ) ) // prepare adb val adb: Adb? = args.deploy?.let { Adb(outputFile, patcher.context.packageMetadata.packageName, args.deploy!!, !pArgs.mount) } // start the patcher val result = Patcher.start(patcher, allPatches) val cacheDirectory = File(pArgs.cacheDirectory) // align the file val alignedFile = cacheDirectory.resolve("${outputFile.nameWithoutExtension}_aligned.apk") Aligning.align(result, args.inputFile, alignedFile) // sign the file val finalFile = if (!pArgs.mount) { val signedOutput = cacheDirectory.resolve("${outputFile.nameWithoutExtension}_signed.apk") Signing.sign( alignedFile, signedOutput, SigningOptions(, pArgs.password, pArgs.keystorePath ?: outputFile.absoluteFile.parentFile .resolve("${outputFile.nameWithoutExtension}.keystore") .canonicalPath ) ) signedOutput } else alignedFile // finally copy to the specified output file"Copying ${} to ${}") finalFile.copyTo(outputFile, overwrite = true) // clean up the cache directory if needed if (pArgs.clean) cleanUp(pArgs.cacheDirectory) // deploy if specified adb?.deploy() if (pArgs.clean && args.deploy != null) Files.delete(outputFile.toPath())"Finished") } private fun cleanUp(cacheDirectory: String) { val result = if (File(cacheDirectory).deleteRecursively()) "Cleaned up cache directory" else "Failed to clean up cache directory" } private fun uninstall() { val adb: Adb? = args.deploy?.let { Adb( File("placeholder_file"), app.revanced.patcher.Patcher(PatcherOptions(args.inputFile, "")).context.packageMetadata.packageName, args.deploy!!, false ) } adb?.uninstall() } private fun printListOfPatches() { val logged = mutableListOf() for (patchBundlePath in args.patchArgs?.patchBundles!!) for (patch in PatchBundle.Jar(patchBundlePath) .loadPatches()) { if (patch.patchName in logged) continue for (compatiblePackage in patch.compatiblePackages!!) { val packageEntryStr = buildString { // Add package if flag is set if (args.patchArgs?.listingArgs?.withPackages == true) { val packageName =".").padStart(10) append(packageName) append("\t") } // Add patch name val patchName = patch.patchName.padStart(25) append(patchName) // Add description if flag is set. if (args.patchArgs?.listingArgs?.withDescriptions == true) { append("\t") append(patch.description) } // Add compatible versions, if flag is set if (args.patchArgs?.listingArgs?.withVersions == true) { val compatibleVersions = compatiblePackage.versions.joinToString(separator = ", ") append("\t") append(compatibleVersions) } } logged.add(patch.patchName) } } } }